33 research outputs found

    Arsitektur Berkelanjutan Gedung Perumda Tirta Ampera Boyolali Berdasarkan Hasil Greenship New Building Versi 1.2

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    Permasalahan global warming memunculkan ide bangunan hijau sebagai salah satu solusi guna menurunkan pemanasan global, terutama pada bangunan pelayanan public. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji tingkat ‘hijau’nya bangunan Kantor Perumda Tirta Ampera Boyolali. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif untuk pendataan, yaitu observasi, wawancara bebas dan literature. Analisis menggunakan metode kuantitatif berupa penilaian/pengukuran dengan menggunakan variable greenship versi 1.2. Hasil penilaian/pengukuran menunjukkan, bahwa empat syarat terpenuhi dari enam syarat kelayakan bangunan menurut Green Building Council Indonesia (GBCI), yaitu tepat guna lahan (ASD: 6 poin), efisiensi dan konservasi energi (EEC: 3 poin), sumber dan siklus material (MRC: 7 poin), kesehatan dan kenyaman dalam ruang (IHC: 3 poin), sementara yang tidak terpenuhi adalah konservasi air (WAC: 0 poin) dan manajemen lingkungan bangunan (BEM: 0 poin). Total keseluruhan poin adalah 19 atau 18,81%, sehingga gedung ini belum memenuhi bangunan hijau karena belum memenuhi standar minimal sebesar 35%. Tindak lanjut yang diperlukan untuk ‘hijau’nya bangunan ini adalah upaya rainwater harvesting dan perbaikan manajemen lingkungan terutama penanganan sampah

    Dauroh Center di Boyolali

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    Islamic activity is an activity that describes the existence of Islamic values on its activities. Islamic activities have a source that comes from Al Qur'an As Sunnah which is a guide in activities and design. But in a design and planning design not many have developed designs derived from the Qur'an and Sunnah. One design that carries the concept of Islam is Darut Tauhid in Bandung. The presence of Islamic tourism design will provide a place for the community to add Islamic insight and life experience in accordance with the guidance of the Qur'an and Sunnah. The design process is carried out in several stages, ranging from literature study, observation to analysis of data that has been obtained so as to get the results of design concepts that match the objectives. Carrying the concept of islami and blend with nature in this design is expected Dauroh Center in Boyolali become an object of education, Islamic insight, islami sports, Islamic tourism, recreation and sports of Islam able to integrate with nature so as able to preach a Dauroh Center with environment sustainable and Islamic

    Identifikasi Green Area Pada Kawasan De Tjolomadoe Karanganyar Melalui Penilaian Greenship Neighborhood Versi 1.0

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    De Tjolomadoe adalah bangunan wisata bekas pabrik gula Colomadu, yang terletak di kota Karanganyar. Sebagai area wisata De Tjolomadoe harus memperhatikan kenyamanan pengunjung, sehingga pada kawasan De Tjolomadoe terdapat Ruang Terbuka Hijau yang cukup luas yang diharapkan mampu memberikan udara segar di sekitar kawasan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah kawasan De Tjolomadoe termasuk dalam kategori bangunan berkelanjutan atau dikenal green building. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan observasi langsung ke De Tjolomadoe dan penilaian dari Parameter GBCI (Green Building Council Indonesia) dengan sistem rating yang telah di sediakan oleh GBCI. Hasil yang diperoleh setelah melakukan pengamatan, kawasan De Tjolomadoe memperoleh nilai 44 poin dengan besar persentase yang diperoleh 36% dan termasuk dalam kategori silver, yaitu peringkat terendah dalam nilai sertifikasi GBCI. Hal ini menandakan bahwa kawasan De Tjolomadoe belum memenuhi kriteria green building

    SOLO GREEN TOWER MIXED-USE BUILDING (Penekanan Desain Adaptif Pasca Pandemi COVID-19)

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    The city of Solo has been transformed into a large city and is always experiencing development. The obvious impacts include rapid development, an increase in population, and the high need for city facilities and utilities. Responding to this, the City of Solo took action to expand its territory to WPU, one of which is the Solo Baru area. Like the city of Solo, the Solo Baru area has experienced social, economic and cultural transformations, especially the condition of Solo Baru as a Promotion Center for Local Activities (PKLp) in the Sukoharjo district. Environmental conditions and dense circulation can no longer be avoided, as a result of the proliferation of both commercial and residential developments in the Solo Baru area. From this trend, it is necessary to have the concept of development that is more effective and sustainable, especially the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic which avoids activities in dense areas. COVID-19 is a pandemic that has an impact in all sectors, as a result, it requires design adaptations both in terms of interior, exterior and even the built environment to adjust the new normal order such as social distancing. Therefore the Solo Green Tower Mixed-Use Building is a study for buildings with a focus on minimizing land use, improving the environment, and knowing changes in building design, especially buildings together with new normal conditions during the pandemic. In the Basic Architecture Planning and Design Program (DP3A) the author has objectives, namely: (1) produce a mixed-use building design with apartment, office and commercial facilities in the Solo Baru area, (2) produce a mixed-use building design by applying the concept Green Architecture as a post-COVID-19 pandemic design adaptation approach. The method used in the design process is by collecting data, processing data, and finally formulating it in a concept. Solo Green Tower Mixed-Use Building (Emphasis on Adaptive Design Post COVID-19 Pandemic) will be a building that is oriented towards effectiveness and sustainability with an emphasis on achieving buildings with post-COVID-19 building standards. Keywords: Mixed-use building, COVID-1


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    Local knowledge could not be separated from the culture of the people who created it. The study of culture as knowledge derives from the ideas that are explored continuously and constantly applied through the attitudes, behaviors, and actions of the people in order to produce artifacts. Local knowledge of Javanese architecture represents a great philosophy. It comes from the Javanese way of life, the Javanese construction of the house and its surroundings, and the Javanese harmony and balance among the self, the nature, and the needs of God. A real mosque as a 'dwelling' requires comfortable conditions. The architecture of mosques is the result of constant dialogue between human being and the environment. The architecture should be in accordance with the needs of human being on the environment, including tranquility space while praying in the mosque. From local knowledge point of view, mosque is the most dignified building; it has its specific design. The proportion of shape, of roof, of columns, of floor, and of foyer exerts particular size in line with local knowledge in order to create quietness and audio comfort. Therefore, the mosque is highly expected to be a place for worship in a good acoustic quality as can be physically proved through the Grand Mosque of Yogyakarta. It has equipped with high-quality level of sound clarity, good clarity of speech, and appropriate level of reverberation which have met its standards procedure. Keywords: acoustic quality; local knowledge; mosqu

    Stadion Sepak Bola Internasional Djarum Kudus

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    The existence of sports infrastructure means that it is very possible that various sports activities will be held in Kudus. The Werguwetan Sports Sports Hall in Kudus is the only sports facility and infrastructure under the Kudus Regional Government. This has created a state of concern in the field of sports in Kudus Regency. Moreover, as time goes by, the Werguwetan Sports Hall is unable to meet the needs of users of Kudus sports facilities. In fact, Kudus has always been the leader in sending talented athletes to the provincial and national levels. There is not only one club in Kudus, so we need a place to carry out sports activities and hold matches between clubs and others. One of the Kudus football clubs, SSB Djarum. The design of a football stadium with an international standard design concept. It is hoped that it can accommodate the activities of all its users, not just SSB Djarum athletes, but other club athletes. Able to respond to environmental conditions and can make Kudus Regency more advanced with the existence of an international scale stadium aimed at the public

    Redesain Syariah Hotel Solo Dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Islam

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    Solo City is one of the leading destinations for MICE activity. Solo City itself has proven its success in holding national and international events. In order to support a more adequate MICE City, supports are needed, one of which is a hotel. Currently, the city of Solo needs more 4 and 5 star hotels than 3 stars and below. Along with the development of the times, the hotel also developed. Apart from conventional hotels, nowadays there are also many hotels with the concept of Islamic Syaria. Redesigning the Syaria Hotel Solo with an Islamic Architecture Approach is an alternative to meeting hotel needs and also an option for visitors who want syaria accommodation. Rules in Islam which are applied as architectural concepts, among other, relate to the prohibition on placing the closet fasing or facing away from qibla, the prohibition to urinate standing up so that no urinoir is provided, the prohibition againts consuming alcohol and haram food. The application of the concept of mahrom in Islam is cariied out in the arrangement of rooms in order to further optimize the practice of Islamic teaching. The hope of implementing this Islamic architecture is provide syaria hotel facilities with MICE standards

    Student Apartment Syariah Di Sukoharjo Dengan Penerapan Efisiensi Energi

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    Surakarta City is one of the cities that is the destination of thousands of prospective students in studying. So that population growth occurs every year. In connection with these problems, namely the increasing population and the reduction of land for housing, vertical buildings in the form of apartments are one of the building options with a function as a residence that can meet the housing needs of the community. The design of student apartments is intended because there are several large campuses in Sukoharjo which annually receive many new students. The problem of limited land in the campus environment makes this apartment building as one of the solutions. The design is expected to be able to answer the needs of students who need a place to live to accommodate their daily activities. The design of Sharia apartments is intended because most of the people and migrants in Sukoharjo Regency are Muslim, so the design with this concept is in accordance with the Qur'an and Hadith. While the application of energy efficiency can help minimize the application of energy without limiting or changing the function of the building, comfort, and productivity of its users

    Dasar Progam Perencanaan Dan Perancangan Arsitektur (DP3A) Daihatsu Center di Karanganyar

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    Today's cars are no longer a luxury item, but have become a necessity that must be fulfilled by most people. PT Astra Daihatsu Motor is the holder of Daihatsu brand agents in Indonesia and Daihatsu brand vehicle manufacturers and related components and businesses. The development of the car sales business must be accompanied by adequate repairs or service centers. The more cars that are sold, the more service centers that must be available in each district, such as the establishment of a Daihatsu center in the Karanganyar district. In the construction of car showrooms in the main building there will be a lot of glass which will cause a greenhouse effect. In the current era of globalization, the earth is increasingly hot. The temperature is not stable. From year to year if we observe the events on this earth, then we will feel a difference, namely the temperature on the surface of the earth is getting hotter and the weather becomes erratic. A building that meets the standard of building design has the role of architecture that designs a building. The role of architecture in building design, must pay attention to harmony with nature in utilizing natural resources and the use of technology that must be friendly to nature. In the construction of the Daihatsu Center in Karangayar it has the concept of green building. The goal is to plan and design a building that is environmentally friendly which often covers steps to reduce energy consumption or save energy

    Sport Center di Boyolali ( Dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Kontemporer)

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    Boyolal Regency is the biggest milk producing city in Central Java, until Boyolali is called "Boyolali Kota Susu" where in 2017 the population of Boyolali dairy cows controls 72% of the population in Java. This makes Boyolali rich in superior products for milk ingredients. Boyolali should be a healthy city because milk has a link to health, with the benefits contained in the milk content itself. But not only consume milk alone must be balanced with exercise. Sports has occupied an important position in the daily life of the people in Boyolali, even increasing the community's interest. Increased public interest in the sport itself is not matched by the increase in the quality and quantity of sports facilities in Boyolali and even occurs in the community doing sports on the streets due to lack of sports facilities in Boyolali. Even today there are many clubs or sports groups that are not accommodated in their activities, so they train with modest facilities or train in places that are less representative. So that it can hamper the development of Boyolali Regency, both in terms of quality and quantity of public health. Another problem that needs attention is that the sports facilities in Boyolali are mostly scattered, making it very difficult for the government or sponsors to provide guidance for certain athletes or clubs. Facing this phenomenon, athletes, clubs and sports fans need repetitive containers where they can carry out activities such as training to improve achievement, improve physical fitness as well as recreation. Therefore, in the lack of it arises a thought to provide a facility that is able to accommodate these activities in one integrated location in the form of an international standard Sports Center. The Sports Center is expected to be able to meet the needs of the Boyolali community for integrated sports facilities that are equipped with other supporting facilities, while also being able to improve physical fitness as well as recreation and increase knowledge in the field of sports