8 research outputs found
Kesenjangan Upah Buruh Tani Perempuan Dengan Laki-laki (Problematika Kesetaraan Gender)
Penelitian ini tentang kesenjangan pemberian upah buruh tani laki-laki dan perempuan sehingga menjadi sebuah problematika kesetaraan gender di Desa Jerowaru Kabupaten Lombok Timur. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh ketertarikan peneliti terhadap problematika kesetaraan gender yang tidak pernah bisa setara sampai saat ini. Masalah yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini yaitu bagaimana sistem pengupahan buruh tani antara buruh tani perempuan dan laki-laki, serta bagaimana problematika kesetaraan gender dalam pemberian upah antara buruh tani perempuan dan laki-laki. Sedangkan tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mendeskripsikan sistem pemberian upah buruh tani antara buruh tani perempuan dengan laki-laki serta untuk mengetahui problematika Kesetaraan Gender dalam pemberian upah antara buruh tani perempuan dengan laki-laki. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian kualitatif pendekatan deskriptif. Sumber data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah sumber data primer dan skunder. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Validasi yang digunakan untuk menguji kebenaran data menggunakan trianggulasi sumber penelitian. Analisis data menggunakan model interaktif Miles and Huberman. Hasil penelitian adalah sistem pemberian upah antara buruh tani perempan dengan laki-laki yaitu sistem harian dan borongan,serta problematika kesetaraan gender yaitu budaya patriarki, keliru dalam memahami agama, dan peran serta beban kerja
Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) Model Keberagamaan Inklusif untuk Mencegah Radikalisme Beragama Dikalangan Siswa SMA
The phenomenon of religious radicalism has become a global threat of the 21st century that phenomenon was a result of Islam as anaccused religion and was often associated with a terrorist religion. Educational institutions often "suspected" in creating of terrorists’ generations because the content material of Islamic Religious Education Study was dogmatic, indoctrinated, and related to proselytizing spirit that confirms truth claims. Anyway, substance of instructional materials used in senior high school does not contain inclusive religious content so it can create an exclusive and intolerant religious behavior among senior high school students. The aim of this study; 1).Providing foothold among students of theological and sociological thinking and behavior in order to have an inclusive and tolerant religiosity 2).Deploying and seeding ideas and behavior of an inclusive and tolerant religiosity as a form of resistance ideology (de-radicalization). 3). Filling the void literature Islamic Religious Education Study particular model of inclusive diversity relevant to mainstream Islam in Indonesia. To counteract the religious radicalism among students, the teaching material of Islamic Religious Education Study must contain religious inclusive content incorporating the teachings of Islam as a religion Rahmatan Lil Alamin, a religion of tolerance which is supported by the argument of the Quran and hadith. By using this model of teaching materials is expected of senior high school students have an inclusive religious behavior that is relevant to the character and Indonesian Islam mainstream in order to prevent radicalism behavior among senior high school students
Analysis of Critical Thinking of IPS Education Students
Critical thinking is the skill to objectively analyze, evaluate, and solve problems using logical and rational thinking. Critical thinking skills are useful in many aspects of life, including making effective decisions and evaluating arguments. Students’ critical thinking skills refer to students’ skills to actively analyze, evaluate, and solve problems rationally. The purpose of this research is to know the analysis of critical thinking skills in IPS education programs. This literature review study used the systematic literature review (SLR) method. The analysis showed that there is variation in the level of critical thinking ability among social studies students. Some students may demonstrate higher abilities in analyzing, evaluating, and relating social studies-related information, while others may still need to improve their critical thinking skills. The need for improvement in the critical thinking skills of social studies education students; and the need for an increase in learning approaches that focus on the development of critical thinking. Teachers can integrate teaching strategies that stimulate analytical thinking.
Keywords: skills analysis, critical thinking, social studies educatio
Evaluasi Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar Berbasis CIPP
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis evaluasi kurikulum merdeka belajar berbasis CIPP. Jenis penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah literature review.. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan mengambil jurnal dari google schoolar. Teknik Analisa data dengan Systematic literature review. Hasil penelitian Evaluasi CIPP melibatkan analisis konteks implementasi kurikulum, input atau sumber daya yang digunakan, proses implementasi kurikulum, dan produk yang dihasilkan.Evaluasi kurikulum Merdeka Belajar berbasis CIPP memberikan pemahaman komprehensif tentang konteks implementasi, sumber daya yang digunakan, proses implementasi, dan produk yang dihasilkan oleh kurikulum ini. Evaluasi ini penting untuk mendapatkan informasi yang berharga tentang keberhasilan dan tantangan dalam implementasi kurikulum Merdeka Belajar, serta untuk membuat perbaikan yang diperlukan guna meningkatkan kualitas Pendidikan
Kata Kunci : Evaluasi, Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar, CIP
The Central Role of Tuan Guru in the 19th Century Social Revolution Movement in Lombok
This research discusses the central role of Tuan Guru in the social revolution movement of Sasak people against colonialism in Lombok island in the 19th century. This research was combined research (blended research) in qualitative research and used social movement theory as a collective action that offers change or resistance to bring about new life. The Sasak social revolution movement was motivated by the prolonged commonality of the fate suffered by the annexation of local and global colonialism-imperialism. The central role of Tuan Guru in the social revolution movement of Sasak people in the 19th century in Lombok began with the unification of social stratification between the ruling aristocratic group and the ruling non-aristocratic group, bound by a specific fraternity, the fraternal brotherhood (shufi brotherhood). The religious fraternity which transformed into tarekat communities in Lombok, especially Tarekat Naqsyabandiyah Congregation and Qadiriyah wa Naqsyabandiyah reconstructed themselves into a religio-political system in moving social revolution against colonialism which gave birth to rebellions and tyranny which contradicted Islamic doctrine in general and the teaching of tarekat in a religious way special
Abstract PKH (program harapan keluarga) is the social protection for poor society. In this case, selaparang subdistrict is one of subdistrict that be a place for helping by PKH that participants was obligated for filling regulations and filling obligations for poor household who in PKH. PKH is one of rank program that expected by society because it was helping living of poor household in improving the living in education and healty. This research aimed to know the process of action of PKH that in selaparang subdistrict that began from the program that  offered to society until the effect for awarne of parent about healty and education for child. This research use qualitative method with descriptive aproachment. Location of the research is in nine politic distric that in selaparang subdistrict in mataram city. The technique of collecting for data is observation, interview and documentation. Data analysis that use by this research is reduction data. Data presentation, making the congclution, verification, data validation done with using tringulation technique. The result of this research is PKH in selaparang subdistrict was good from data collection until the last process although there was weakness. There were programs that was offered :  1) Obligation for school until nine year 2) Healty service for a mother who pregnant, childbrith, baby and toddler, 3) Money that is taken at the second stage of PKH. This program will make awarness for parent to always improve child attendance and quality of child healty with always checking every month for baby helaty to service center for healty.Key word : PKH, Parent Awareness, The Important Of Education, Healthty, Poor Famil
The aim of this reseach to describe What is The GOW, the aim of establishment and its progress in women powerment at east Lombok regency. Beside that the aim of reseach to analyze the effectiveness of program that be held by GOW in women empowerment in east Lombok regency.The reseach is case study with descriptive qualitative approaching. Study case research is reseach that involve, First, The reseach target is man, event, background, document, Second, The target is examined as totality based on background or its context self to understand relation between the variable. And then descriptive qualitative approaching is a reseach method to describe social reality deeply and phenomenon that occur in society that will be subject of reseach so that characterictic, nature can be described and also model of the phenomenon. Informan in the reseach is, GOW Chairman in east lombok and its rank, Organization that joint in GOW, The woment who involved in this programe especially in east Lombok regency. Data collection technique used is observation, interview and documentation. The data is analyzed with qualitative analysis technique by Milles and Hubermand, that is interactive analysis with data reduction stage, presentation of data, and taking of conclusion.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan apa itu GOW, tujuan pembentukan dan bagaimana kiprahnya dalam pemberdayaan perempuan-perempuan di kabupaten Lombok Timur selain itu juga untuk menganalisa seberapa efektif program yang dilaksanakan GOW dalam memberdayakan perempuan di Kabupaten Lombok Timur. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian studi kasus dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Penelitian studi kasus merupakan penelitian yang melputi: (1) sasaran penelitiannya dapat berupa manusia, peristiwa, latar dan dokumen, (2), sasaran-sasaran tersebut ditelaah secara mendalam sebagai studi totalitas sesuai dengan latar atau konteksnya masing-masing dengan maksud untuk memahami berbagai kaitan yang ada diantara variabel-variabelnya. Sedangkan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif yakni metode penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mnggambarkan secara utuh dan mendalam tentang realitas sosial dan berbagai fenomena yang terjadi di mayarakat yang menjadi subjek penelitian sehingga tergambarkan ciri, karakter, sifat dan model dari fenomena tersebut. Informan penelitian dalam penelitian ini antara lain: Ketua GOW Kabupaten Lombok Timur beserta jajarannya, Organisasi-organisasi yang tergabung dalam GOW, perempuan -perempuan Lombok Timur khususnya yeng terlibat dalam program-program GOW Kabupaten Lombok Timur. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik analisis kualitatif dengan meminjam teknik analisis yang diperkenalkan oleh Milles and Hubermand yakni teknik analisis interaktif dengan tahapan reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Keyword : Organization, empowerment, The Women, east Lombok regency GOWKata Kunci: Organisasi, Pemberdayaan, Perempuan, GOW Lotim
This study aims to increase student activity in learning Sociology in class XI-9 SMAN 1 Selong. The problem in this study is the low activity of students in learning Sociology in class XI-9 SMAN 1 Selong. The research method uses Classroom Action Research (CAR) with the Discovery Learning model assisted by Google Meet through Lesson Study which consists of three cycles. Data collection tools use 1) Planning (plan); 2) Implementation and Observation (do); 3) Reflection (see). The results showed increased student learning activity in cycle I to cycle III using Google Meet. In the first cycle of the first meeting the results of observations of student activity were still lacking, in the second cycle the first meeting of student activity increased quite a bit. Whereas in cycle III meeting I the activity of students became much increased. Thus it can be concluded that the Google Meet Assisted Discovery Learning Model To Increase Student Activity Through Lesson Study in class XI-9 SMAN 1 Selong