28 research outputs found
Sifat Fisik Tablet Dihydroartemisinin-piperaquin (Dhp) Sediaan Generik Dan Sediaan Dengan Nama Dagang Yang Beredar Di Kotamadya Jayapura
SIFAT FISIK TABLET DIHYDROARTEMISININ-PIPERAQUIN (DHP) SEDIAAN GENERIK DAN SEDIAAN DENGAN NAMA DAGANG YANG BEREDAR DI KOTAMADYA JAYAPURA Syamsia1), Rani Dewi Pratiwi2), Susana1)1)Prodi Farmasi Poltekkes Kemenkes Jayapura2)Prodi Farmasi Universitas Cenderawasih*Email : [email protected] ABSTRACT The goverment is currently promoting the use of generic drugs. People still consider that drugs withbrand name are more qualified than generic. To socializing and increasing the use of generic drugs required information about the quality of drugs. Therefore a physical test can be used as one of the quality parameters with the dyhidroartemisinin-piperaquin drugs sample. Sampling was done form one generic product and one product by brand name. Physical characteristic tests include test of weight unuformity, friability and hardnees test compare to standard in Indonesia Pharmacopoeia. The result showed that the physical test of generic dosage form and brand names dosage form of dyhidroartemisinin-piperaquin tablet were eligible by the Indonesia Pharmacopoeia and other literature. Keywords : Physical Test, Dyhidroartemisinin-Piperaquin Table, Generic dosage form, Brand Names dosage form ABSTRAKPemerintah saat ini sedang menggalakkan pemakaian obat generik. Masyarakat masih menganggap bahwa obat dengan nama dagang lebih bermutu dari pada obat generik. Untuk memasyarakatkan dan meningkatkan penggunaan obat generik diperlukan informasi tentang mutu obat tersebut, oleh karena itu dilakukan uji sifat fisik yang dapat digunakan sabagai salah satu parameter mutu dengan sampel obat Dihydroartemisinin-Piperaquin. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dari 1 produk generik dan 1 produk dengan nama dagang. Uji sifat fisik meliputi keragaman bobot, kerapuhan dan kekerasan yang dibandingkan dengan persyaratan dalam literatur. Hasil uji sifat fisik menunjukkan sediaan generik dan sediaan dengan nama dagang tablet Dihydroartemisinin-Piperaquin memenuhi persyaratan sifat fisik tablet sesuai yang tercantum dalam Farmakope Indonesia dan pustaka yang lain
Natural sciences and social sciences learning in school garden, Indonesian School of the Haque, Netherlands
School gardens can be used as a source of student learning for various subjects in an integrated manner to improve student’ academic, personal, awareness, and social abilities. By implementing gardening activities students are trained to design, build and develop agricultural hustles at school through cultivating and harvesting the plants that may be consumed and added economic value. The service activity aims to utilize the school garden as a medium for learning natural science and social Science at the Indonesian school of the Hague. Methods of implementing activities consist of preparing materials tools, preparing seeds, clearing land, planting, caring for plants, observing the students’ behavior toward school gardens, and evaluating students’ understanding of school subject matter based on learning resources in the school garden. Based on students’ responses in answering questions related to science material and social science impacts, it shows that both science and social science learning activities in school gardens may assist in an in-depth understanding of the concept of agriculture skills and behaviors of the students
The Potential of Endophite Fungus as Control of Bacterial Leaf Blight Disease in Rice
Endophytic fungi have the potential as biocontrol agents against bacterial leaf blight caused by a Xanthomonas oryzae pv Oryzae to support environmentally friendly agriculture. This study aims to select endophytic fungal isolates that have the potential as biocontrol agents against bacterial leaf blight. This research was divided into 3 stages: 1) isolation and rejuvenation of endophytic fungi isolate; 2) antagonistic test of endophytic fungi isolates against Xoo bacteria in vitro; 3) in vivo test of endophytic fungi isolates which are antagonistic in rice plants. As many as 16 isolates of endophytic fungi were isolated and rejuvenated, 6 isolates of endophytic fungi were antagonistic in vitro tests, the application of endophytic fungi isolates on rice plants was able to increase the resistance of rice plant highly susceptible, susceptible, moderately susceptible to moderately resistant, moderately susceptible and susceptible.Cendawan endofit memiliki potensi sebagai agen biokontrol terhadap penyakit hawar daun bakteri yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Xanthomonas oryzae pv. Oryzae untuk mendukung pertanian ramah lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyeleksi isolate cendawan endofit yang memiliki potensi sebagai agen biokontrol terhadap penyakit hawar daun bakteri. Penelitian ini dibagi dalam 3 tahapan yaitu: 1) isolasi dan peremajaan isolate cendawan endofit; 2) uji antagonis isolate cendawan endofit terhadap bakteri Xoo secara in vitro; 3) uji in vivo isolate cendawan endfotif yang bersifat antagonis pada tanaman padi. Sebanyak 16 isolat cendawan endofit telah diisolasi dan diremajakan, 6 isolat cendawan endofit bersifat antagonis pada uji in vitro, aplikasi isolat cendawan endofit pada tanaman padi mampu meningkatkan ketahanan tanaman padi dari sangat rentan, rentan, agak rentan menjadi agak tahan, agak rentan dan rentan
The Use of VOA to Improve the Listening Skills of the First Semester Students of English Education Program of STKIP Kie Raha Ternate
This research aimed to investigate whether or not the students’ listening skills can be developed through VOA. Based on the result of the teaching and learning process especially in the listening subject, The researcher found that many students still had difficulty recognizing the sound of words, the meaning, and the content in English when hearing the spoken version. These indicate that the student's ability in listening comprehension is still low. The population in this study was all students of the English Department Program. They are 53 students who registered for the 2022/2023 academic years. The sample was taken from first-semester students, they are 13 Students. To collect the data, the researcher used a test. Based on the findings and discussion, the researcher concludes that: The data show that the students' listening effectiveness before and after the treatments is a significant difference. It was found in the students' post-test was higher than the pre-test, which proved that the use of VOA in teaching listening skills contributed to the students' being more effective in listening to English. And using VOA can improve the students' listening ability even though the results of them are different. It can be seen through their increasing score from pre-test to post-test
The Potential of Endophite Fungus as Control of Bacterial Leaf Blight Disease in Rice
Endophytic fungi have the potential as biocontrol agents against bacterial leaf blight caused by a Xanthomonas oryzae pv Oryzae to support environmentally friendly agriculture. This study aims to select endophytic fungal isolates that have the potential as biocontrol agents against bacterial leaf blight. This research was divided into 3 stages: 1) isolation and rejuvenation of endophytic fungi isolate; 2) antagonistic test of endophytic fungi isolates against Xoo bacteria in vitro; 3) in vivo test of endophytic fungi isolates which are antagonistic in rice plants. As many as 16 isolates of endophytic fungi were isolated and rejuvenated, 6 isolates of endophytic fungi were antagonistic in vitro tests, the application of endophytic fungi isolates on rice plants was able to increase the resistance of rice plant highly susceptible, susceptible, moderately susceptible to moderately resistant, moderately susceptible and susceptible.Cendawan endofit memiliki potensi sebagai agen biokontrol terhadap penyakit hawar daun bakteri yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Xanthomonas oryzae pv. Oryzae untuk mendukung pertanian ramah lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyeleksi isolate cendawan endofit yang memiliki potensi sebagai agen biokontrol terhadap penyakit hawar daun bakteri. Penelitian ini dibagi dalam 3 tahapan yaitu: 1) isolasi dan peremajaan isolate cendawan endofit; 2) uji antagonis isolate cendawan endofit terhadap bakteri Xoo secara in vitro; 3) uji in vivo isolate cendawan endfotif yang bersifat antagonis pada tanaman padi. Sebanyak 16 isolat cendawan endofit telah diisolasi dan diremajakan, 6 isolat cendawan endofit bersifat antagonis pada uji in vitro, aplikasi isolat cendawan endofit pada tanaman padi mampu meningkatkan ketahanan tanaman padi dari sangat rentan, rentan, agak rentan menjadi agak tahan, agak rentan dan rentan
Using Homophone Game to Improve Students' Pronunciation at Junior High School 5 of Tidore Archipelago
This study was conducted to examine the effect of homophone game towards the students’ pronunciation improvement. Designed as a classroom action research, this study took place in the state junior high school 5 of Tidore archipelago. The researcher involved 20 students as the participants of the research. Through two cycles, the analysis of the data indicated that homophone game could improve the students’ pronunciation
Contents Analysis Of Kominfo\u27s Program On Regional Newspapers - Analisis Isi Berita Program Kominfo pada Surat Kabar Daerah
The mass media has a very important role. Mass media in this study is limited to only printed media ie Newspapers. The strategic plan of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics is a guideline for the direction of development in the field of Communication and Informatics, which becomes part of the government that supports the focus of government development programs. This study aims to determine the tendency of news coverage Kominfo program presented by four regional newspapers. The method in this research is quantitative. Technique of data retrieval of newspaper that is every working day, unit of analysis is preaching related to program of Kominfo, Technique of data analysis using quantitative descriptive content analysis. The theory used is the one-level setting agenda in which the media tends to first confront the reality it gets. While data processing using SPSS application. The result of the research shows the tendency of reporting of Kominfo program which presented the four most dominant regional newspapers namely the daily newspaper of North Maluku Post
The Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning Method Type Talking Stick in Improving Vocabulary Memorization of the VIII class Students of MTs Al-Kautsar Kao
The aim of this research is to know the effectiveness of students in memorizing English vocabulary through cooperative learning model using talking stick. Vocabulary is important to be master since someone can’t talk without knowing vocabulary. At some junior schools the students have a low mastery of vocabulary. This research uses the Classroom Action Research; this research was conducted at Mts Al-Khautsar Kao. The subjects of this research were students of class VIII, totaling 27 students consisting of 14 girls and 13 boys. The research has some techniques and some instruments to gain both qualitative and quantitative data. The techniques are observation, interview, testing, and documenting study. To analyze the data, the researcher started by doing reflection of the cycles of the study. This means that the data were analyzed continually since the implementation of the action began. As this research was a classroom action research, therefore, to avoid subjectivity, the researcher involved the research members to find their perceptions, opinions and suggestions in analyzing the data.The result of the reflection in cycle I was not improved so this research continues in cycle II. Based on the students’ result in cycle II, it was found out that the students‟ vocabulary score was improved. It indicated that the use of talking stick technique could encourage and motivate them to retain and enrich their vocabulary
The Effect of Applying Mind Mapping Method in Writing Descriptive Text
Writing is one of the four aspects of language skills that a person must possess. By writing, someone can generate interesting ideas and then pour them into writing. The mind mapping method is applied to see how the method influences writing student description texts. This study aims to identify the effect of the mind mapping method on writing descriptive texts for students of SMK Muhammadiyah Tidore Kepulauan. The subjects are students of class XI for the 2020/2021 school year. This study uses a quantitative design. The instrument used by researchers is a test. The analysis technique used to measure student work is by using descriptive text rubrics. The implementation of learning to write descriptive text using the mind mapping method in class XI students is carried out effectively, smoothly, and thoroughly, which can be seen from the seriousness of the students in participating in learning. Previously students were bored, but when learning was done using the mind mapping method, students were enthusiastic and very creative in making mind maps and concentrated very much on writing a descriptive text. The mind mapping method has a positive influence on writing the descriptive text for class XI students of SMK Muhammadiyah Tidore Kepulauan. This can be seen in the learning outcomes that the scores of the results of writing the descriptive text of students using the mind mapping method have increased between the pre-test and post-test scores, the pre-test average score is 51,3 while the post-test average score is 90,6
An Analysis on the Undergraduate Students’ Citing Habit in Thesis Writing
This study aims to investigate the students’ habit in writing citation in their thesis. As a scientific paper, a thesis should be formatted according to the style allowed or accepted by the institution. By involving 83 thesis written by undergraduate students on an English program of a college in North Maluku, this descriptive qualitative study revealed that most students used APA style as required by the college. Moreover, the students made many mistakes in writing citation ranged from non-italicized book title to non-recorded quotation. Data from interview revealed that the students made these mistakes due to some factors that we assumed the causes of the students’ citing habit. Overall, plagiarism has been noted as the main factor responsible for those mistakes