56 research outputs found

    Environmental Remediation Full-scale Implementation: Back to Simple Microbial Massive Culture Approaches

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    Using bioaugmentation and biostimulation approach for contaminated soil bioremediation were investigated andimplemented on field scale. We combine those approaches by culturing massively the petrophilic indigenousmicroorganisms from chronically contaminated soil enriched by mixed manure. Through these methods, bioremediationperformance revealed promising results in removing the petroleum hydrocarbons comparatively using metabolite byproduct such as biosurfactant, specific enzymes and other extra-cellular product which are considered as a difficult taskand will impact on cost increase

    Marine Bioremediation in Indonesia : Die Before Blossom

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    This critical review highlighted the need to booster an application of the environment biotechnology in order to reduce petroleum hydrocarbons contamination in marine environment.  Marine bioremediation can be promisingly applied when the spills occurred. However, absence of policy support from Indonesian government to endorse the private actor’s liabilities when complying the rehabilitation action was no significance while academic research was still far from establishment of fundamental knowledge in marine bioremediation. Thus, if so, it very likely that bioremediation disciplines and application might “die before blossom” in a country that often confronted by the maritime risk contamination of petroleum hydrocarbons on their marine and coastal area

    Analisis Kandungan Logam Berat Pb dan Cd pada Siput Gonggong (Strombus sp) di Perairan Kecamatan Bukit Bestari

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    This research is to determine the Pb and Cd heavy metal content in Strombus sp and waters of Bukit Bestari District, Tanjungpinang City, Riau Islands Province. The method of this research is purposive sampling method. The instrument used to determine the Pb and Cd heavy metal content is AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry). The results of the study showed that the Pb content in seawater at stations I, II, III was 0.611 mg / L, 0.563 m / L, 0.595 mg / L . The results obtained in sediments at stations I, II, III are 10,488 mg / kg, 8,376 mg / kg, 10,052 mg / kg. The results found on Strombus sp at stations I, II, III were 1,975 mg / kg, 1,275 mg / kg, 1,031 mg / kg. For research results on Cd in Strombus sp at stations I, II, III are 0.036 mg / kg, 0.035 mg / kg, station 0.031 mg / kg. The value obtained is the average results obtained from each sub station

    Optimization and Performance Test of Oil Spill Dispersant at Bioremediation of Contaminated Soil with Heavy Oil by Bioslurry Technique

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    Petroleum industry activities produce waste such as petroleum hydrocarbons which damage to the soil environment due to changes in soil physical, chemical and biological properties. Oil Spill Dispersant (OSD) is a product that can break down waste of oil into small parts so that it can be dispersed naturally. Laboratory experiments aimed to find out optimize and performance test of OSD in the process of bioremediation with using bio-slurry technique on contaminated soil with heavy oil was carried out at Laboratory of Surfactant and Bio-energy Research Center (SBRC), Research and Community Service Institute of Bogor Agricultural University on January - August 2018 using contaminated soil with heavy oil. The experiment used Response Surface Method (RSM) with two factors, namely the incubation time factor (X1) and the Dispersant to oil ratio (DOR) (X2). The observed variables were soil Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH), pH, total microbes, and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) at soil solution. The results showed that the treatment of incubation time and its combination with DOR significantly reduced soil TPH, increased soil acidity, and increased soil total B. megaterium, but did not significantly affect on COD in soil solutions. Optimization of OSD with RSM showed that the higher DOR of OSD and the longer the incubation time, the higher also the rate of biodegradation of TPH. The optimum conditions were reached at DOR of 1.16:1 and incubation time of 7 days which were able to degrade soil TPH of 54.30%. The optimum conditions of soil pH (8.825) was reached at DOR of 1:1 and incubation time of 5 days, as well as the optimum conditions of B. megaterium (8.35 log CFU g-1) was reached at DOR of 0.86:1 and incubation time of 7 days. Oil spill dispersant (OSD) increased COD in soil solution in both uncontaminated and contaminated soils with heavy oil


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    Using bioaugmentation and biostimulation approach for contaminated soil bioremediation were investigated andimplemented on field scale. We combine those approaches by culturing massively the petrophilic indigenousmicroorganisms from chronically contaminated soil enriched by mixed manure. Through these methods, bioremediationperformance revealed promising results in removing the petroleum hydrocarbons comparatively using metabolite byproduct such as biosurfactant, specific enzymes and other extra-cellular product which are considered as a difficult taskand will impact on cost increase.Keywords: bioremediation, environmental biotechnology, oil and gas industr

    The Influence of Meteorology-Oceanography Factors on Spatial Distribution of Oil and Grease Pollutant in Donan Estuary, Cilacap

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    Donan Estuary is one of the watershed impacted by anthropogenic activities  which more particularly from  industry and shipping releasing environmental pollutants i.e. oil and grease. Analysis of oil and grease distribution due to meteorology-oceanography factors used spatial analysis method from primary data was taken on June 2017. This research aims to understand the spatial distribution of the concentration of oil and grease in Donan Estuary and to asses the influence of meteorology-oceanography condition on oil and grease distribution. Our research showed oil and grease concentrations varied among the studied area. The higher concentration of oil and grease were found at station 3 while lower concentration was observed at station 12, closed to Penyu Bay. Accordingly, such differences might be due to the different sources of pollutants and different meteorology-oceanography parameter characteristics that affect oil and grease distribution. For instance, oil and grease concentration was inversely proportional to current velocity. Based on tidal current, oil and grease were move forward to the South, West and South East at low tide and move to North and West at high tide. We noted that the direction of wind gave the low influence to oil and grease movement. The high concentration of oil and grease in each station were followed by Total Suspended Solid (TSS) enhancement. On the other hand, temperature has an effect on evaporation process of oil and grease volatile fraction


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    Riau bay, Tanjungpinang City has been subject for domestic wastes contamination due to the high number of population living in the coastal area. This study aims to determine water quality condition including the pollutant load and the level of assimilation capacity in Riau bay waters. Using a survey method by purposive sampling strategy, the research was conducted by analyzing several physic-chemicals parameters. The results showed the measured physical parameters was still below the threshold level stipulating Minister Decree No. No 51 of 2004. Pollutant loads represented by BOD5, TSS  and ammonia were 12,71 mg/L, 239,95  mg/L and 5,33 mg/L respectiely. Our finding showed the assimilation capacity level for BOD5, TSS  and ammonia were 159,26 ton/year, 530,98 ton/year and 0,86 ton/year, respectively

    Biosorpsi Kadmium pada Berbagai Konsentrasi Awal dan Tingkat Pertumbuhan Kayu Apu (Pistia stratiotes)

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    Kadmium (Cd) merupakan salah satu unsur pencemar perairan yang bersifat toksik dan dapatmengancam keseimbangan ekologi dan kelangsungan hidup biota perairan. Oleh karena itu,diperlukan teknologi yang mampu mengurangi konsentrasi logam kadmium pada wilayah perairantertentu. Salah satu pendekatan yang dapat dilakukan diantaranya adalah melalui teknik biosorpsimenggunakan tanaman air seperti Kayu Apu (Pistia stratiotes). Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahuikemampuan P.stratiotes pada berbagai tingkat pertumbuhan dalam menyerap logam Cd denganberbagai konsentrasi awal yang berbeda. Eksperimen dilakukan dengan rancangan faktorial.Konsentrasi awal yang digunakan yaitu 2,5 mg/L, 5 mg/L, 7,5 mg/L, 10 mg/L, sedangkan faktor tingkatpertumbuhannya yaitu P.stratiotes yang berukuran muda, sedang, dan tua. Analisis Cd dilakukandengan menggunakan Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkanbahwa P. stratiotes mampu mengabsorpsi logam berat kadmium sebesar 1,41 – 4,57 mg/L (58,1 ±14,2) dengan kombinasi perlakuan terbaik pada P.stratiotes muda dengan konsentrasi 2,5 mg/L

    Gemar Menabung Sampah Sebagai Upaya Menjaga Pesisir Pantai Pengudang Kabupaten Bintan

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    Kegiatan yang dilakukan diharapkan mampu meningkatkan kesadaran dan pemahaman masyarakat tentang dampak sampah bagi lingkungan dan ekosistem. Selain kegiatan sosialisasi juga dilakukan kegiatan penanggulangan untuk kerusakan lingkungan dan ekosistem seperti aksi bersih pantai, menabung sampah dan pengelolaan sampah. Kegiatan yang dilakukan dapat mengurangi permasalahan sampah yang dihadapi masyaraka pesisir pantai pengudang dan menambah pengetahuan mengani pengelolaan sampah.   &nbsp

    Peningkatan Kesadaran Masyarakat terhadap Dugong (Dugong dugon) sebagai Hewan Dilindungi melalui Pemantauan Dugong dan Habitatnya

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    Seagrass is the only one flower-plant that can live under seawater, and most of its habitat is in shallow waters. One of the roles of seagrass is as a habitat for dugong marine mammals (Dugong dugon). Pengudang Village is one of the Bintan Island areas and suspected of being the dugong habitat. This is known from the widespread phenomenon of dugong stranding. There are still dugong fighting activities carried out by several Bintan people and marine tribal communities that indicate these animals’ existence. Community service activities were carried out to avoid dugong hunting. These activities were conducted in four stages. These services were expected to increase community awareness and habituation that shape coastal communities' character in protecting the seagrass ecosystem as the habitat for dugongs. Based on the results of community service, it shows that the community has recognized dugong as an animal protected, and the increasing of the knowledge level and awareness of children about dugong. Lamun merupakan satu-satunya tumbuhan berbunga yang mampu hidup terendam di bawah air laut. Lamun hidup pada habitat perairan dangkal. Salah satu peran lamun adalah sebagai habitat mamalia laut yaitu dugong (Dugong dugon). Desa Pengudang merupakan wilayah Pulau Bintan merupakan salah satu daerah yang diduga menjadi habitat bagi dugong, hal ini diketahui dari seringnya terjadi fenomena dugong terdampar selain itu masih adanya aktivitas perburuan dugong yang dilakukan oleh beberapa masyarakat Bintan dan orang suku laut. Untuk menghindari terjadinya perburuan maka dilakukanlah kegiatan pengabdian ini. Dalam kegiatan ini dilakukan ke dalam empat tahapan. Melalui pengabdian ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat dan habituasi yang menciptakan karakter masyarakat pesisir peduli terhadap ekosistem lamun yang merupakan habitat dugong. Berdasarkan hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilakukan terhadap masyarakat pesisir Desa Pengudang, menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat telah mengetahui bahwa dugong merupakan hewan yang dilindungi, dan tingkat pengetahuan dan kesadaran anak-anak juga meningkat
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