10 research outputs found

    Initiation-Response-Feedback Pattern Used by Lecturer-Students in EFL Classroom Interaction

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    Applying a descriptive qualitative method with case study design, this research aimed at finding and describing how initiation-response-feedback take place in classroom interaction. The data collection was done through observation conducted in two classes of the third-year students of English Education Department in one of the state universities in Makassar. The observation was conducted three times in each class. Analyzed using discourse analysis, the results show that in term of initiation, four subclasses were used by the lecturer namely requestives,descriptives, elicitation, and informatives. In term of students’ responding act, students used three subclasses features namely positive responding act, negative responding act, and temporization. As for follow-up, the lecturer used three subclasses features namely endorsement, concession, and acknowledgment. This research also found that acknowledgment was used to repair and accept with repair student’s response. Classroom interaction took place by using subclasses of head act. The lecturer uttered initiation based on the function of each subclasses. That was similar to how students’ responding act took place which was based on lecturer initiation. Furthermore, the lecturer responded students’ in many ways based on the responding act. Hence, it should be pointed out that a turn can be made up not only of a single move, but also of two moves: it can be either a combination of a responding and an initiating move, or a follow-up and an initiating move. However, initiation moves, response moves and follow-up moves cannot be separated each other since it was three-part exchange in classroom interaction. Keywords: Initiation-Response-Feedback, Lecturer’s Initiation and Feedback, Students’ Response, EFL Classroom Interaction 

    Learners' Perceptions on the Use of Oral Corrective Feedback in One-to-One EFL Classroom

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    Abstract Learners’ perception plays an important role in evaluating the teaching and learning process and has an impact to the teacher’s performance during the teaching and learning process. Applying descriptive qualitative method with case study design, this study highlighted the learners’ perceptions and their preference of oral corrective feedback utilized by the teachers during the teaching and learning process. By using purposive sampling, this research involved one teacher and two learners as research participants at an English course called Amsterdam Institute located in Makassar. The data, collected through semi-structured interview and observation, resulted that the learners found themselves facilitated in responding the teacher’s utterances since the teacher’s oral corrective feedback were helpful to lead the learners’ accuracy or just to help them acknowledge their errors in terms of grammar, lexis, the use of L1, and particularly in phonology pronunciation). Furthermore, inconsistencies between the students’ preference and the teacher’s feedback use in terms of the time to provide oral corrective feedback are identified. Students preferred being given time to work out their error, while teacher mostly gave feedback directly. Thus, it can be concluded that giving more time for students to provide self-repair can be a way for students to make sense of error they committed. The results further highlight a significant impact for teachers’ beliefs on their corrective feedback practices, especially for those teaching using a tailor-made system. Finally, the implication of this study is discussed

    Pelatihan Pembuatan Media Pembelajaran Inovatif Berbasis Digital Comic untuk Pembelajaran Bahasa

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    Pada Era Digital guru dituntut untuk dapat membuat media pembelajaran yang menarik dan inovatif dengan menggunakan aplikasi tertentu. Guru diharuskan untuk dapat membuat ataupun mengembangkan media pembelajaran dalam bentuk digital. Namun masih banyak Guru-guru yang kesulitan dalam membuat dan mengembangkan media pembelajaran inovatif berbasis Digital Comic. Tim pengabdian masyarakat Universitas Siliwangi berupaya memberikan solusi mengadakan Pelatihan Pembuatan Media Pembelajaran Inovatif Berbasis Digital Comic untuk Pembelajaran Bahasa. Program kegiatan ini ditujukan kepada Guru-guru bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Indonesia di Kabupaten Ciamis, dengan melakukan metode tatap muka secara langsung (luring) dan tidak langsung (daring), guna membantu para guru dalam penggunaan dan pembuatan Media Pembelajaran Bahasa berbasis Digital Comic. Tahapan kegiatan pengabdian yang dilaksanakan yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi. Hasil dari pelatihan yang telah dilakukan guru-guru memandang bahwa pelatihan tersebut sangat membantu membuka pemikiran mereka untuk mengkreasi media pembelajaran bahasa yang inovatif berbasis digital comic. Mereka pun berpendapat bahwa kegiatan pelatihan berlangsung sangat efektif dan efisien karena menggunakan pola luring dan daring sehingga mereka memiliki waktu yang lebih fleksibel untuk menyelesaikan tagihan akhir pelatihan berupa Media Pembelajaran yang berbasis digital comic


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    Correcting the repeated errors produced by the learners is one of the most frustrating things to do by teachers. However, it is natural for the students to commit errors while learning since it can be a sign of improving language competence and as a facilitating factor in second language learning (Atmaca, 2016). This study aims to find out the types and frequency of learners’ oral error occurrence during the teaching and learning process in one-to-one EFL classroom interaction. This research applied descriptive qualitative research with case study design. Two adult learners, who had the same English proficiency level, were chosen as research participants through purposive sampling in Amsterdam Institute, an informal school applying tailor-made system in the teaching and learning process. The data were collected through observation during teaching and learning process, and analyzed based on data analysis procedures consisting of data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing and verification. The results revealed that all types of errors proposed in this research appeared during the observation and data analysis. Grammatical error dominated the error type, and lexical error was the least error type produced by the learners. Unsolicited use of L1 is excluded from the discussion of the result finding since it is not a part of the error type studied (Lyster, 1998). Furthermore, another finding indicates that the error committed by the learners continuously appeared in the next meeting the researcher observed. Therefore, it is suggested that the teacher should provide more triggers as an attraction for the learners’ intention so that they can figure out more about their errors, and engage the learners to provide themselves self-correction or self-repair by prompting them. Keywords: Oral Corrective Feedbacks, Oral Errors, One-to-One EFL Classroom Interaction, Error Analysi


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    Abstrak: Selama masa pandemi covid 19 anak usia sekolah lebih banyak melakukan aktivitasnya di rumah sehingga waktu yang dihabiskan anak di depan layar perangkat digital (screen time) menjadi meningkat. Screen-time yang tinggi, tingkat aktivitas fisik yang rendah, membuat pola makan menjadi kurang sesuai sehingga dalam jangka panjang dapat mempengaruhi status gizi. Edukasi gizi ini bekerjasama dengan SDIT At-Taufiq Al-Islamy dan SDN Cilolohan Tasikmalaya. Adapun jumlah siswa yang mengikuti kegiatan ini sebanyak 83 orang. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan siswa sekolah dasar mengenai gizi seimbang dan aktivitas fisik yang diaplikasikan melalui demo masak makanan sehat dan permainan tradisional. Metode yang digunakan adalah penyuluhan dan praktik. Media penyuluhan edukasi yang digunakan adalah power point, booklet dan video. Sedangkan media praktik aktivitas fisik yang digunakan adalah permainan egrang batok dan tarik tambang. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perubahan yang baik pada pengetahuan siswa mengenai gizi seimbang dan aktivitas fisik.Abstract: During the covid 19 pandemic, school-age children do more activities at home so that the time spent by children in front of the screen of digital devices (screen time) becomes increased. High screen-time, low levels of physical activity, make the diet less appropriate so that in the long run it can affect nutritional status. This nutrition education is in collaboration with SDIT At-Taufiq Al-Islamy and SDN Cilolohan Tasikmalaya. The number of students who participated in this activity was 83 people. This activity aims to increase elementary school students' knowledge of balanced nutrition and physical activity applied through healthy food cooking demos and traditional games. The methods used are counseling and practice. Educational extension media used are power points, booklets and videos. While the medium of physical activity practice used is a game egrang batok and tarik tambang. The results showed that there were good changes in students' knowledge of balanced nutrition and physical activity


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    In teacher identity studies, limited attention has been generally paid to how the pre-service teachers constructed their identity by conveying various emotions in their practices. Most scholars identified the pre-service teacher's emotions during the teaching practices program. However, identifying these emotions during online teaching practices remains under-researched. Given this fact, this study probed how an English pre-service teacher’s emotions constructed his professional identity during online teaching practices. This study employed a narrative inquiry of an English pre-service teacher during online teaching practices in one of the senior high schools in Tasikmalaya, West Java, Indonesia. The data were collected from an English pre-service teacher’s reflective journals and analysed with narrative analysis (Labov, 1972). The findings revealed that the English pre-service teacher met various emotions manifested in his professional identity construction. There were five emotions experienced during online teaching practices, namely worrying, challenging, empathetic, enjoyable, and determined explored in seven critical activities of the professional practice process. During learning to teach, he could manage his negative emotions (i.e., worrying, challenging, empathetic) into positive emotions (i.e., enjoyable, determined). Therefore, his emotions experienced during online teaching practices implied that his professional identity commenced constructing in the seven activities of his professional construction process


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    Correcting the repeated errors produced by the learners is one of the most frustrating things to do by teachers. However, it is natural for the students to commit errors while learning since it can be a sign of improving language competence and as a facilitating factor in second language learning (Atmaca, 2016). This study aims to find out the types and frequency of learners’ oral error occurrence during the teaching and learning process in one-to-one EFL classroom interaction. This research applied descriptive qualitative research with case study design. Two adult learners, who had the same English proficiency level, were chosen as research participants through purposive sampling in Amsterdam Institute, an informal school applying tailor-made system in the teaching and learning process. The data were collected through observation during teaching and learning process, and analyzed based on data analysis procedures consisting of data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing and verification. The results revealed that all types of errors proposed in this research appeared during the observation and data analysis. Grammatical error dominated the error type, and lexical error was the least error type produced by the learners. Unsolicited use of L1 is excluded from the discussion of the result finding since it is not a part of the error type studied (Lyster, 1998). Furthermore, another finding indicates that the error committed by the learners continuously appeared in the next meeting the researcher observed. Therefore, it is suggested that the teacher should provide more triggers as an attraction for the learners’ intention so that they can figure out more about their errors, and engage the learners to provide themselves self-correction or self-repair by prompting them. Keywords: Oral Corrective Feedbacks, Oral Errors, One-to-One EFL Classroom Interaction, Error Analysis

    Edukasi Gizi Serta Revitalisasi Permainan Tradisional untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas Fisik pada Anak Usia Sekolah di Masa Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru

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    Selama masa pandemi covid 19 anak usia sekolah lebih banyak melakukan aktivitasnya di rumah sehingga waktu yang dihabiskan anak di depan layar perangkat digital (screen time) menjadi meningkat. Screen-time yang tinggi, tingkat aktivitas fisik yang rendah, membuat pola makan menjadi kurang sesuai sehingga dalam jangka panjang dapat mempengaruhi status gizi. Edukasi gizi ini bekerjasama dengan SDIT At-Taufiq Al-Islamy dan SDN Cilolohan Tasikmalaya. Adapun jumlah siswa yang mengikuti kegiatan ini sebanyak 83 orang. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan siswa sekolah dasar mengenai gizi seimbang dan aktivitas fisik yang diaplikasikan melalui demo masak makanan sehat dan permainan tradisional. Metode yang digunakan adalah penyuluhan dan praktik. Media penyuluhan edukasi yang digunakan adalah power point, booklet dan video. Sedangkan media praktik aktivitas fisik yang digunakan adalah permainan egrang batok dan tarik tambang. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa terdapat Perubahan yang baik pada pengetahuan siswa mengenai gizi seimbang dan aktivitas fisik