19 research outputs found

    The effects of organizational justice, perceived organizational support, gender and age on organizational citizenship behaviour

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    Studies in the past have consistently focused on the essential role of organizational citizenship behavior and its relationship with other variables. However, most previous studies paid less attention to organizational citizenship behavior, particularly in public higher education institutions in relation to organizational justice, perceived organizational support, gender and age. Therefore, this study aims at investigating the relationship between organizational justice (procedural, distributive, and interactional justice) with organizational citizenship behavior and the mediating role of perceived organizational support on this relationship. In addition, the moderating role of gender and age on the relationship between perceived organizational support and organizational citizenship behavior are also studied. A total of 520 non-academic employees were selected as respondents of this study using convenience sampling. Data of the study were analyzed using Smart PLS-SEM (structural equation modelling) version 3.0. The structural model results proved that all organizational justice have significant influence on organizational citizenship behavior. The result also shows that perceived organizational support has partial mediating effect on the relationships between procedural justice and organizational citizenship behavior, distributive justice and organizational citizenship behavior and between interactional justice and organizational citizenship behavior. However, the hypotheses that gender and age moderate the relationship between perceived organizational support and organizational citizenship behavior were not supported. Current study contributes to the present literature by recognizing perceived organizational support as mediator of organizational justice (procedural, distributive, interactional justice) and organizational citizenship behavior and adding the moderation role of gender and age in one framework of study. Organizations must incorporate and encourage the practice of organizational support into their human resource practices in order to promote organizational citizenship behavior. In addition, the institutions leaders may help cultivating subordinates' favourable perception of perceived organizational support by passing on clear messages to subordinates that organization cares about and accounted to them

    Analisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pilihan karir mahasiswa farmasi di Universitas Andalas

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    Scope of pharmacy practices as well as the role of pharmacist have been improving recently. Pharmacists have responsibility for doing the pharmacy practices, including pharmacist it self and also the technicians. According to PP 51 of the year 2009 it was known that pharmaceutical practices have vary of choice of carreer-field. This present study was a descriptive study which was conducted by survey method using stratified random sampling. The respondents of this study were 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade students from Faculty of Pharmacy, Andalas University. The result showed that, in term of the profile of respondent, it was known that most of the students chose to work at industry of pharmacy of 48.2%, followed by hospital of  35.3%, University/Research Institute of 4.7%, pharmacy of 3.5%, pharmacy retail of 2.4% and others career-field (such as BPOM, civil servant at ministry of health and enterpreneur) up to 5.9%. Based on descriptive analysis, it was described that field of work was the most important criteria of affecting factors for pharmacy student in choosing their future career. The others important criterias those also afforded as the affecting factors were geographis, payment/income, flexibility of work-schedule, possibility of career-development and benefit, successively. As for result of independent sample t-test in term of gender, both of men and women chose same three main affecting factors in choosing career-field (including field of work, geographis as well as payment/income). The different result showed for 4th, 5th and 6th factors


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    High turnover intention in an organizations is a wonder that regularly happens. Turnover intention refers to an individual assessment of the continuation of a relationship with an organization that has not yet been acknowledged through leaving the organizations. Numerous things can be the reason for somebody find employment elsewhere. In this research work engagement, job insecurity, and psychological work environment found to significantly affect turnover intention of health workers, and job insecurity and psychological work environment found to significantly affect work engagement. This research also found the mediation effect of work engagement on the correlation from psychological work environment and turnover intention and also the mediation effect of work engagement on the correlation from job insecurity and turnover intention


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    The main objective of this research to establish a model to develop entrepreneurs for poor young women at West Sumatera Province. The basis for devoping the model is the potentiality of young poor women and recourse of the regions. As many 200 respondents from two region in West Sumatera were filled in the questionaires Using descriptive statistics, this research revealed some findings. Some characteristics of the poor young women are low educational background as well their life skill, and they dont have any assets as capitla to start the bussines, moreover, their entrepreneurial spirit is also low. However they do have high motivation to start up their owned business as entrepeneur especially in trading and agriculture sector. On the otherhand, the regions is also have some potentiality interm of their infrastructure, tourism object and fertilize land. Considering this two factors, this research offered a model for developing an entrepreneur among the poor young women Key word: entreneur development, poverty reduction and women developmen


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    Para pelaku bisnis diharapkan memberikan pelayanan yang memiliki "nilai" tinggi serta mampu menumbuhkan rasa setia/loyal pelanggan atau dengan kata lain, perusahaan dituntut untuk mampu mempertinggi nilai pelayanan sebagai faktor kunci sukses terbentuknya loyalitas pelanggan. Salah satu upaya adalah menciptakan kesan yang unik dalam sistem operasi dan penyampaian jasa.Hotel melati diharapkan mampu mendesain berbagai fasilitas fisik yang mendukung (physical support), dan kemampuan dari pada karyawan dan manajemen dalam menciptakan hubungan-hubungan (contact personnel) baik internal maupun eksternal. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah:1) Untuk mengetahui sistem operasi dan penyampaian jasa meliputi physical support dan contact personnel, dan loyalitas pelanggan pada hotel melati di Kota Padang 2) Untuk mengetahui pengaruh sistem operasi dan penyampaian jasa yang meliputi physical support dan contact personnel terhadap loyalitas pelanggan pada Hotel melati di Kota Padang Bentuk penelitian adalah deskriptif dan verifikatif dan ukuran sampel sebanyak 118 responden. Teknik penarikan sampel yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling dan alat analisis yaitu Path Analysis Hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa, 1) sistem operasi dan penyampaian jasa yang meliputi physical support dan contact personnel dinilai cukup tinggi, sedangkan loyalitas pelanggan pada hotel melati di kota Padang rendah, dan 2) sistem operasi dan penyampaian jasa yang meliputi physical support dan contact personnel berpengaruh secara simultan terhadap loyalitas pelanggan pada hotel melati di kota Padang. Temuan ini menunjukkan bahwa physical support dan contact personnel mempunyai peran dalam membentuk loyalitas pelanggan pada hotel melati di kota Padang, sedangkan secara parsial hanya contact personnel yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap loyalitas pelangga

    Customers’ Intention to Recommend Takeaway Food during COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Purpose: The aim of this study is to predict perceived risk and consumer willingness in recommending takeaway food from restaurant served in buffet style.                           Methodology/Approach: This study used an online survey of 170 consumers who were selected based on purposive sampling method. The research questionnaire was adapted from previous research. The data were analysed using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM), with Smart PLS. Findings: The research findings show that health risk and psychological risk have a positive effect on intention to recommend takeaway food. Meanwhile, quality risk and trust have no effect on intention to recommend takeaway food. In addition, psychological risk and quality risk have no effect on trust. This study also shows that trust does not function as a mediator of the relationship between health risk, psychological risk, quality risk, trust, and intention to recommend. Research Limitation/Implication: This study only uses a self-report questionnaire by customers. For further research, to enrich the discussion, it is recommended to use interviews or FGD. In addition, this study only uses three risk variables. For the future, it is advisable to add other risk variables. Originality/Value of paper: In other countries such as China, Korea and the United States, related research has been carried out, however for the context of RM Padang which is unique with all the menus served (Buffet) on the visiting customers’ table has not been found in literature

    Analisis Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kepuasan Kerja Apoteker yang Bekerja di Apotek di Kota Padang

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    Humans resources must be evaluated as a key factor in an organization's success. Humans resource organization has a wide range of needs. Job satisfaction is a reflection of the employees attitude towards the overall feeling of the work, it consists of various aspects. Job satisfaction can improve service quality and increase employee satisfaction. This was a descriptive study about pharmacists who work at a pharmacy in Padang city as much as 50 respondent. There are six variables that influence job satisfaction of pharmacists: working conditions, salary, promotion, fair treatment, job security, relationships with co-workers and the relationship with the leader. Results showed that the pharmacists working at pharmacies in Padang was just quite satisfied with the work. There was a variable relationship between co-workers and the job satisfaction of the respondents in the amount of 76.32%. Total achievements of the respondents to the relationship with the fair treatment of 75.76 %, 75.68% working conditions, relations with the leaders of 73.92%, 72.79% salary and promotion. Variables of job security less the total respondents 59.80% achievement . Differences in demographic factors also affect the job satisfaction of the respondents. Job satisfaction of male respondents are influenced by working conditions, while the female respondents are affected by fair treatment and relationships with co-workers. Respondents who have a service life over 5 years shows that work satisfaction is strongly influenced by the variable of fair treatment while his tenure of 1 to 5 years are affected by working conditions. Respondents who have over 30 years of age are affected by work satisfaction and working conditions for the age 24 to 30 years of work satisfaction is strongly influenced by fair treatment