18 research outputs found

    Proses Perengkahan Asam Oleat Basis Minyak Sawit Menjadi Fraksi Gasoline

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    Many kinds of new energy resources which are renewable and dependable come from various kinds of vegetable oil, thus it can substitute petroleum oil which people usually use.Oil palm oil is quite advantageous to be used as an alternative energy resources in Indonesia, since Indonesia is the world's second largest producer of oil palm oil. Fuel made from oil palm oil has been researched and is more friendly to environment, because it has less polution potential when used, since it's free from sulphur andnitrogen. Oil palm oil has long hydrocarbon chain which makes it possible to be used as vegetable fuel.The aim of this research is : to learn the influence of temperature and flow velocity of N2 gas on catalytic splitting of oil palm oil-based oleat acid into kerosene fraction.Spliting process of oil palm oil-based oleat acid is done in steady woodpile micro reactor at varioustemperatures and flow velocities of feed at 1 atm pressure. The result of the splitting process is analyzed with FID chromatography gas with Q poraplot column type, for liquid phase product. Research is done by heating oleat acid in feed tank until 360°C temperature and reactor at 370-500°C temperature, and N2 gas is flowed into tank as carrier gas with 90-180 ml/minute flow velocity. Oleat acid steam and N2 gas flow into steady woodpilereactor which is coated with heater element and is filled with 0.6 gram catalyst. Spitting reaction is done for 75minutes. Bound time limit for kerosene fraction as shown by chromatogram is 12.6-17.5 minutes, anaylisis result for commercial kerosene for 450°C temperature and flow velocity of N2 gas 155.28 ml/minutes from fractionarea percentage chromatogram, kerosene fraction is 27.2645%

    Strategic management for logistics and supply chain operation in healthcare

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    In the healthcare industry, supply chain and logistics management are an important element in supporting the sustainability of the healthcare business. Business continuity in the healthcare industry requires improved quality of the healthcare sector. The quality of healthcare services may be affected by the performance of supply chain and logistics. Supply chain and logistics processes provide a substantial contribution in the overall financing of healthcare. The high costs incurred to finance the activities of the supply chain and logistics in the healthcare industry providing a major challenge for healthcare management. Management is demanded to achieve quality healthcare supply chain processes at a high level that minimize operating costs and improve service quality. So that, strategy and innovation in management are needed to achieve a high quality performance of supply chain and logistics in the healthcare industry in order to run effectively and efficiently. This paper discusses the research that focuses on the strategic management in the field of supply chain and logistics management in the healthcare industry. Based on obtained and selected articles will discuss various strategies and innovation within the healthcare system to improve supply chain performance

    Mengukur Transparansi Pengelolaan Keuangan Daerah di Indonesia: Berbasis Website

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    This study aims to measure the transparency of local financial management in Indonesia by focusing on three main stages (aspects) of local financial management, namely the aspects of planning, implementation, and reporting and accountability of the budget. In addition, this study also aimed to cover up the limitations of previous studies that measure the transparency of local financial management. This research was conducted in 34 provincial governments in Indonesia. The data used is the local financial management of the fiscal year 2016. Observations and data collection commenced on November 1 to 31, 2016 for the first period and the second period began in 1-10 January 2017. The second period carried out to check the availability of the data on the provincial government's official website. Based on observations, it was found that the average level of local transparency management is still very small (low), which is equal to 16.84%. The highest-ranking provincial government is a Provincial Government of Central Java with an index of 50% and the lowest is the Provincial Government of Southeast Sulawesi, Provincial Government of West Sulawesi, Provincial Government of North Maluku, and Provincial Government of West Papua with the index transparency of local financial management respectively of 3.45%

    Nalisis Pengaruh Modal Sendiri dan Modal Pinjaman Kredit USAha Rakyat (Kur) terhadap Pendapatan Pengusaha UMKM Kabupaten Toba Samosir : Studi Kasus PT Bank Sumut Cabang Balige

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    The objective of this research is to identify the correlation between Own Capital (X1) and Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR) (X2) of the Income Entrepreneurs UMKM (Y) Toba Samosir at PT Bank SUMUT Cabang Balige. The object of research is UMKM entrepreneurs Toba Samosir who is a debtor KUR at PT Bank SUMUT Cabang Balige period October 2014.Analyzer used in this research is to use multiple linear regression method. As for testing the measurement scale used by researchers using conformance test (Test Of Goodness Of Fit) is coefficient of determination (R-square) test T-statistics and statistical F-test using SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solutions) 22.Based on the results of the study show that the Own Capital and Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR) positive correlation of the income entrepreneurs UMKM Toba Samosir

    Peran Media Center Dalam Mengelola Dan Membentuk Citra Kandidat Dia Pada Pemilihan Walikota Makassar 2013

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    DIA Media Center is the central of planning and managing imaging messages a candidate on Election Mayor and Vice Mayor of Makassar in 2013. The aim of this research was to find out the role of media center in managing and shaping the image of DIA candidates and communication strategy used by media cent er in the election of mayor and vice mayor of Makassar in 2013. The research used descriptive method with qualitative approach conducted in Makassar City, South Sulawesi Provincee consisting of 8 informants who were all the team members of DIA media center. The data were obtained through observation and interview. They were analyzed using qualitative analysis. The results of the research indicate that media center controls production and dissemination process of imaging messages through printed media such as newspapers, outdoor advertisements, car stickers, and small format media, electronic media such as television and radio, and social media such as facebook, twitter, youtube, and websites. Media center is also used to deaden and neutralize negative campaign and black campaign from political opponents. Communication planning is done through communication strategy through the stages of setting the goals, analyzing the audience, developing the message, choosing communication media, disseminating message through individual communication, group communication, and mass communication, and doing gradual evaluatio

    Learning Model Halfway House in Shaping Social Behavior

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    This study aims to determine how the Harley Davidson Club Indonesia Rabbani Halfway House’s learning model is to know how social behavior is and how the Harley Davidson Club Indonesia Rabbani Halfway House learning model shapes children’s social behavior. This research uses a qualitative approach with a type of case study. Collecting data using observation, interview and documentation techniques. The subjects of this research include supervisors, teachers, volunteers, and students involved in the learning process. The learning model here is how the Rumah Singgah learning system shapes children’s social behavior. Social behavior itself can be said to how a person responds to others. Or perform a conscious behavior. Shaping this behavior is the main task of parents because there are children who have limitations such as incomplete families and economic factors, so the Halfway House was established. Based on the results of data analysis, there are several essential things in the learning model of the Harley Davidson Club Indonesia Insan Rabbani Halfway House in shaping children’s social behavior, namely: 1) instilling Islamic values, 2) involving students, 3) self-development through extracurricular activities, 4) providing guidance and directions for parents, 5) foster parents and a supportive environment is needed for the development of children to have good social behavior

    Konsekuensi Penerapan Kurikulum Adab Bagi Penghafal Al-Qur'an

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    Diantara bentuk kelaziman bagi seorang yang menguatkan tekadnya untuk menjadi penghafal Al-Qur'an adalah Mengamalkan apa yang telah dihafalnya, karena pada hakikatnya di dalam menghafal al-Qur'an,tidak akan pernah ada putus-putusnya. Dengan menyelesaikan hafalan Al-Qur'an seluruhnya,bukan berarti seorang penghafal Al-Qur'an  lepas dari tanggung jawab,namun ia dituntut untuk melakukan hal-hal yang seharusnya diamalkan para penghafal Al-Qur'an.Karena pada hari kiamat kelak,Al-Qur'an yang telah dihafalnya dapat menjadi pisau bermata dua,kalau bukan menjadi pembela baginya,maka Al-Qur'an akan menjadi penuntut baginya.Setelah menghafal Kalamullah,maka ia menanggung beban diwajibkan baginya untuk memahami makna Al-Qur'an,untuk mendakwahkan-nya,dan menghiasi dirinya dengan poin-poin adab yang ada pada Al-Qur'an.Terlebih lagi Adab adalah penghias bagi seorang muslim,maka seorang mukmin yang mempelajari ilmu agama terlebih lagi Al-Qur'an,lebih berhak untuk menghiasi dirinya dengan akhlak.Namun ironisnya banyak penghafal al-Qur'an yang tidak mengindahkan dirinya dengan akhlak yang mulia.Masih Kita dapati sebagian penghafal al-Qur'an di negeri kita ini yang belum mengamalkan isi al-Qur'an,masih ada yang tidak menghormati gurunya,bersikap angkuh,tidak berperilaku baik kepada sesama teman,atau yang lebih muda darinya,tidak mengontrol dirinya dalam bertutur kata,dan masih banyak lagi adab adab yang belum terdapat pada sebagian penghafal Al-Qur'an di negeri tercinta ini.Untuk itu,penulis membaca dan meneliti kitab Akhlak hamalatil Qur'an karya imam Al-Ajurri dan berusaha memaparkan penerapan kurikulum adab bagi penghafal Al-Qur'an

    Sintesis Biodiesel Dari Minyak Sawit Menggunakan Katalis Cao Superbasa Dari Pemanfaatan Limbah Cangkang Telur Ayam

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    Biodiesel merupakan sumber bahan bakar alternatif yang dapat dihasilkan dari minyak nabati melalui proses transesterifikasi. Minyak kelapa sawit merupakan salah satu sumber minyak nabati yang mempunyai potensi untuk digunakan sebagai bahan dasar produksi biodiesel. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi katalis CaO superbasa dan variasi mol (minyak dan methanol) terhadap biodiesel yang dihasilkan. Sintesis biodiesel diawali dengan pembuatan katalis CaO superbasa dari cangkang telur ayam melalui proses kalsinasi CaCO3 menjadi CaO pada suhu 950oC kemudian dilanjutkan perendaman dengan larutan ammonium karbonat 0,69 g/mL dalam 50 mL pelarut air. Kemudian dilanjutkan proses pengeringan selama ±24 jam pada suhu 105oC dan kalsinasi pada suhu 900oC. Hasil analisis katalis CaO superbasa dengan kristalinitas 94,64, kadar CaO 92,66%, H_9,3 dan jumlah situs basa 7,245 mmol/g. Tahap akhir adalah reaksi esterifikasi dan transesterifikasi, reaksi esterifikasi pada minyak sawit untuk mengurangi kadar asam lemak bebas (FFA) yang terdapat pada minyak dengan menggunakan metanol dan katalis H2SO4 pada suhu 60°C. FFA menurun dari 10,35% menjadi 0,06%. Sedangkan reaksi transesterifikasi dilakukan dengan variasi perbandingan rasio mol minyak : metanol 1:6, 1:9, 1:12, dan variasi katalis CaO superbasa 1%, 1,5%, 2% dengan suhu reaksi 70°C selama 2,5 jam. Karakteristik biodiesel meliputi uji densitas, viskositas kinematik, kadar air, rendemen, dan GC-MS. Yield tertinggi dihasilkan pada perbandingan 1:12 dengan katalis 1,5% sebesar 90,47% dengan kadar metil ester sebesar 90,7%


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    Green leafhopper (GLH), Nephotettix virescens, is the most efficient vector of rice tungro virus disease. The disease is endemic in some provinces of Indonesia and commonly con-trolled using resistant varieties. Resistance of rice varieties to tungro could be classified into resistance to a virus and a vector. The history of GLH resistant varieties adoption affected the GLH adaptation in an area. The study was conducted in the period of 2009-2011 to evaluate the resistance status of five GLH resistant rice variety groups (T0-T4) using survival and transmission test. The GLH populations were collected from 15 tungro endemic provinces in Indonesia. The GLH was then reared in the greenhouse before used for the test. The degree of resistance to tungro viruses was calculated by adding the value of survival (weight x score of survival rate) and virus transmission rate (weight x score of transmission rate). The weights for survival and transmission rate were set to 40 and 60, respectively. The results showed that the rank of resistant variety groups in decreasing order of resistance were T4, T1, T2 and T3. Five variations in GLH transmission efficiency were identified, i.e. 170, 070, 050, 030 and 010. GLH populations from Bali and West Nusa Tenggara were the most efficient vector for rice tungro virus. We concluded that there were diversities in the degree of resistance among GLH resistant varieties. Variation in virus transmission efficiency (biotype) among GLH populations collected from various tungro endemic areas closely related to the history of adoption of rice varieties