101 research outputs found

    The application of impact counseling in therapy started with individual counseling expressive to cope with the personal problems by college students

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    Various approaches and theory can be applied to help students to cope with personal problems; one approach that can be applied is the impact counseling. Impact Therapy is a teaching process that carried out by the counselor, where a counselor wrote and visualized to clients about what the client wants, the client will do, how clients assess their behavior and how clients to plan what to do next. This is illustrated by Ed Jacobs As WDEP (Want, Doing, Evaluate, and Plan). Before using the impact counseling for students who are not able to communicate the problems that they experienced first counselor implemented expressive therapy. Expressive therapy known as a therapy in counseling and psychotherapy in which the client can communicate and express its feelings and their thoughts through activities related to art, music, dance, drama, poetry, as well as games. Expressive therapy is also called the "Creative Arts Therapy". Especially art, music, drama and poetry.


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh supervisi akademik terhadap proses pembelajaran di SMP Negeri 1 Pinggir pada semester ganjil tahun pelajaran 2018/2019. Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Sekolah (PTS). Subjek penelitian adalah guru mata pelajaran yang di uji nasionalkan berjumlah 7 orang. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis komparatif atau membandingkan data pada setiap siklus. Data di peroleh dari hasil pengamatan supervisor dalam hal ini kepala sekolah dan sekaligus peneliti selama satu semester yang terdiri dari dua siklus. Hasil penelitian pada siklus I, proses pembelajaran tahap perencanaan (80,61). Pelaksanaan pembelajaran (80,57). Penilaian proses pembelajaran (61,90). Sedangkan pada siklus II proses pembelajaran tahap perencanaan (88,27). Pelaksanaan pembelajaran (90,57). Penilaian proses pembelajaran (73,21). Setelah dilakukan supervisi akademik terjadi peningkatan proses pembelajaran secara signifikan. Pada tahap perencanaan terjadi peningkatan sebesar 09,50%, tahap pelaksanaan pembelajaran meningkat 12,41% dan yang mengalami peningkatan persentase terbesar adalah pada tahap penilaian pembelajaran yakni 18,27%, secara keselurukan setelah dilakukan supervisi akademik di SMP Negeri 1 Pinggir terjadi peningkatan proses pembelajaran sebesar 10,96%. 

    Enhancement Design of Emotional Regulation of Students in Prevention of Pornographic Trends Through Information Services

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    When this study was conducted, students were exposed to access to information via the internet, which negatively impacted pornography behavior. One example of media that counselors can do to improve student emotional regulation is designing guidelines for implementing attractive information services. This study aims to increase the regulation of student emotions in the prevention of pornographic tendencies through information services. This research uses research and development (R & D). The research model uses a 4-D development model. The type of data collected in this study is the type of data validity and suitability according to students' needs. The instrument of data collection in this study used a Likert scale questionnaire and group discussion. The study population was students of SMK Negeri 1 Padang. The study sample was a class XI student of SMK Negeri 1 Padang. The study results found that providing information service guidelines to improve student emotion regulation in preventing the tendency of pornography was effective in increasing the regulation of students' emotions in preventing pornographic tendencies

    Designing Guidelines for Improving Emotional Regulations of Students in Prevention of Pornographic Trends Through Information Services

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    Currently, students face problems accessing information through the internet, which hurts predisposing pornographic behavior. Counselors can adopt some techniques to improve student emotion regulations by using interesting media such as guidelines for implementing information services. The purpose of this research therefore is to improve the regulation of student emotions in the prevention of pornographic tendencies through information services. The paper adopts research and development (R & D) technique where a 4-D development model is used. The type of data collected is based on the validity and conformity to the needs of students. The instruments of data collection include Likert scale, emotion regulation instruments, and group discussions. The study population and sample were class XI students of the State 1 Vocational High School Padangn. The results found that the effect of providing information service guidance to be effective in increasing students' emotional regulation in the prevention of pornographic tendencies

    Enhancement Design of Emotional Regulation of Students in Prevention of Pornographic Trends Through Information Services

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    When this study was conducted, students were exposed to access to information via the internet, which negatively impacted pornography behavior. One example of media that counselors can do to improve student emotional regulation is designing guidelines for implementing attractive information services. This study aims to increase the regulation of student emotions in the prevention of pornographic tendencies through information services. This research uses research and development (R & D). The research model uses a 4-D development model. The type of data collected in this study is the type of data validity and suitability according to students' needs. The instrument of data collection in this study used a Likert scale questionnaire and group discussion. The study population was students of SMK Negeri 1 Padang. The study sample was a class XI student of SMK Negeri 1 Padang. The study results found that providing information service guidelines to improve student emotion regulation in preventing the tendency of pornography was effective in increasing the regulation of students' emotions in preventing pornographic tendencies

    Permasalahan yang Dialami Lansia dalam Melakukan Penyesuaian Diri di Panti Sosial dan Implikasinya terhadap Layanan Bimbingan dan Konseling (Studi Deskriptif terhadap Lansia di PSTW Sabai Nan Aluih Sicincin)

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    Changes that occur when entering old age requires a new kind of adjustment, that adjustments to themselves and to the environment. For the elderly who live in social institutions they require the ability to adjust to life in social institutions. In fact there are elderly people who do not have the ability to adapt in the social institutions. This study aims to determine the problems in the elderly make adjustments in social institutions. This research is descriptive. The sample of 31 people. The findings show that 1) 21.75% of elderly have problems in personal adjustment includes adjustments to the physical changes, and adjustments to the psychological condition, 2) 22.81% of elderly have problems in social adjustment includes adjustment of relationships with fellow residents, adjusting relationships with nursing board, adjustment of relationships with family, and adjustments to regulation of social institutions

    The Effectiveness of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Approach Using a Group Setting to Overcome Anxiety of Students Facing Examinations

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    Purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of the approach Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy setting group in overcoming the anxiety of students facing exams at SMP Negeri 1 Lubuk Alung. This type of research is quantitative using an experimental approach.The research subjects were students of class VIII.2, amounting to 10 students, with moderate, high and low levels of anxiety. The instrument used was Anxiety Questionnaire using a model Likert scale. Data analysis using descriptive statistics Wilcoxon Single Rank with 20.00 SPSS test. The results of the study show that in general the group activities using the approach REBT effectively change the anxiety of students facing exams. Specifically: (1) Describe the form of anxiety students face in examinations before treatment (pre-test), (2) Describethe form of students' anxiety in facing the test after treatment (post-test), and (3) Testingthe effectiveness of the approach Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy settings to group to overcome students' anxiety in facing examinations in junior high school

    Pelatihan dan Workshop Pendekatan dan Teknik Konseling Expressive Therapy bagi Guru BK SLTP/ MTs.N Kota Padang

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    Kegiatan pelatihan dan workshop ini dijalankan berdasarkan banyaknya fenomena siswa yang tidak mampu menyampaikan perasaan dan pemikirannya dalam proses konseling.  Hal ini berkemungkinan terjadi karena dampak psikologis dari berbagai kejadian, salah satu contohnya adalah ketakutan terhadap ujian nasional. Dampak psikologis ini, seharusnya bisa diminimalkan dan/atau dihilangkan apabila siswa mau menyampaikan permasalahannya kepada guru BK/Konselor. Untuk itu guru BK/konselor harus memiliki wawasan dan keterampilan tentang berbagai pendekatan dan teknik dalam konseling. Salah satunya adalah teknik konseling expressive therapy. Para ahli terapi ekspressif meyakini bahwa individu berbeda dalam mengekspresikan apa yang ada dalam dirinya, ada individu yang lebih terbuka mengungkapkan apa yag terasa dalam dirinya, termasuk mengkomunikasikan kecemasan yang dirasakannya. Sebaliknya ada individu lainnya agak tertutup tidak bisa mengkomunikasikan secara langsung apa yang terasa dan menjadi beban pikirannya, termasuk mengkomunikasikan kecemasan yang dirasakannya. Untuk itu konselor perlu memiliki metode yang bervariasi dalam kegiatan pelayanan konseling, sehingga konselor dapat mengembangkan kemampuan klien untuk mengkomunikasikan secara efektif dan otentik apa yang ada dalam dirinya dan apa yang menjadi beban pikirannya, serta yang menjadi obyek kecemasannya. Pelatihan dan workshop ini diberikan kepada guru BK/Konselor tingkat SLTP/MTsN se Kota Padang dalam pertemuan MGBK Kota Padang

    Perbedaan Motivasi Belajar, Mutu Keterampilan Belajar, dan Self Regulated Learning Siswa Kelas Diklat dan Siswa Kelas Reguler

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    This research was conducted as there was a difference between learning achievement of the students in regular class and in training class. Learning motivation, learning skill quality and self regulated learning are factors assumed to affect the students’ learning achievement. This research was intended to: (1) reveal the difference between learning motivation of the students in regular class and in training class, (2) the difference between learning skill quality of the students in regular class and in training class, and (3) self regulated learning of the students in regular class and in training class.This research applied descriptive comparative method. The population of the research was 312 students in class XI of SMA N 5 Padang. By using purposive sampling technique and simple random sampling technique, 65 students were chosen as the sample. The instrument of the research were learning motivation questionnaire (the reliability was 0.950), self regulated learning questionnaire (the reliability was 0.817), and AUM PTSDL Format SLTA (the reliability was 0.76). The data gathered then were analyzed by using Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA).The research findings indicated that: (1) learning motivation of the students both in training class and in regular class at SMA N 5 Padang was in high category, (2) in which significant difference learning motivation of the students in regular class was higher than that of students in training class, (3) the quality of students' learning skills training classes as very bad and regular classroom students classified as not good at SMA N 5 Padang, (4) there was a significant difference between learning skill quality of the students in regular class and in training class in which learning skill quality of the regular class was higher than that of the students in training class, and (5) students self regulated learning training class and regular class in high at SMA N 5 Padang is category good, (6) there were no significant differences in which self regulated learning training class students together with students regular class, (7) there are significant differences between the motivation to learn, the quality of learning skills, and self regulated learning training class students and students' regular classroom

    Sexual Abuse In Adolescents. Is it still happening?

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    Sexual harassment is increasingly prevalent. This is a concern because most sex offenders are teenagers. Sexual harassment committed by adolescents is related to the psychological development they are undergoing. Adolescence is a transitional period between children and adults characterized by ongoing processes of change in biological, psychological and sociological terms. Adolescent students live their lives in school throughout the day, if calculated spending about 7 hours/day at school This study aims to describe the sexual abuse behavior of adolescents. The research sample consisted of 182 vocational students who were selected by the proportional random sampling technique. The instrument used was a scale of sexual harassment behavior. The research instrument was tested for validity and reliability The data analysis in this study used a quantitative approach with descriptive methods. The results showed that the acts of adolescent sexual harassment, in general, were in the high category of 76 students (42%). The implications of this study are as a basis for counselors to prevent acts of teenage sexual harassment in schools
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