12 research outputs found
Hubungan Prestasi Akademik Dan Faktor Eksternal Dengan Kelulusan Uji Kompetensi Mahasiswa Keperawatan Stikes Jenderal Achmad Yani Yogyakarta
Objective: to know the relationship of academic achievement and external factors with the graduation of competency test of nursing students Stikes General Achmad Yani YogyakartaMethods: this research is an associative descriptive research. This research was conducted at Stikes General Achmad Yani Yogyakarta. The data used use cross sectional approach, in the absence of any intervention and data retrieval is done one time.Result: result of correlation test between academic achievement level of bachelor degree of nursing with competence test obtained p-value 0,002. The result can be interpreted as having relationship because p-value is less than alpha (0,05). The value of close relationship in the range of categories is very strong that is 0.836. The result of correlation test between the achievement index of professional ners with competency test obtained p-value 0.106. The result can be interpreted as no relationship because p-value is more than alpha (0,05). The result of comparation test between academic factor and competence test is obtained p-value 0,001. The result can be interpreted as having relationship because p-value is less than alpha (0,05). The value (r) or the closeness of the relationship of these two variables is very strong at 1.00. Result of comparation test between environmental factor with competence test got result p-value 0,807. The result can be interpreted as no relationship because p-value is more than alpha (0,05).Conclusion: There is a relationship between IPK S1 Nursing with graduation of nurses competence test. There is no correlation between IPK Ners with the graduation of nurse competency test. There is a correlation between academic factor with passing of nurse competence test. There is no correlation between environmental factors with the passing of nurse competence test
Internal Factor Corelation With Competence Test Grade Of Nursing Students Achmad Yani Yogyakarta
The Constitution on National Education System No. 20 of 2003 Chapter II Article 3 states not only result and produce of smart human beings, but also has a solid and independent personality, as well as community and national responsibilities. A nurse's competence is something that a nurse carries out in providing professional services to the client, includes of knowledge, skills, and considerations required in practice situations. The purpose of research to determine the relationship of internal factors with the graduation of competency test of nursing students Stikes General Achmad Yani Yogyakarta. This research is a descriptive research, the scope of research Nursing Profession. This research was conducted at Stikes General Achmad Yani Yogyakarta. The data was taken with cross sectional approach and was correlational research. 30 respondents were taken with simple random sampling technique. The result of Gamma statistic test shows the value of p-value 0,617 which there is no relation between spiritual level with the graduation of competency test. Gamma statistical test results show the value of p value of 0.846 which means there is no relationship between the type of personality with the graduation of competency test. The result of Gamma statistic test shows the value of p value 0.143 which there is no correlation between level of anxiety with graduation of competency test. Conclusion teh research there is no relation between internal factor of spiritual level, personality type and anxiety toward passing competency test at Stikes General Achmad Yani Yogyakarta
Pelayanan Prima Keperawatan di Pelayanan Primer: Perspektif Perawat dan Pasien
This study aims to determine the perception of excellent service at Pandak II Public Health Center Bantul Yogyakarta. The method used is qualitative research by conducting in-depth interviews with providers and users of nursing services at the Puskesmas. The validity of the data is done by the triangulation method. The results showed that the themes obtained were: 1) giving a sense of pleasure; 2) friendly and attentive; 3) satisfying as expected; 4) promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative services; 5) nursing education facilities; 6) limitations of two-way communication; 7) individual leadership and management style; 8) professional; 9) success of government programs; 10) regulation of the application of nursing care in primary care; 11) HR management; 12) time management; 13) friendliness, attention, speed, thoroughness. In conclusion, there are 13 themes perceived by participants related to excellent service in primary care.
Keywords: Patient, Primary Health Service, Excellent Service, Nurse, Public Health Cente
Pengalaman Belajar Mahasiswa Dalam Model Pembelajaran Scl Di Program Studi Keperawatan Stikes Jenderal Achmad Yani Yogyakarta
Objective: Explores in depth the learning experience of students in SCL “student center learning” model in Nursing Program Stikes General Achmad Yani Yogyakarta. Methods: This research use qualitative method with descriptive approach, executed on June until August 2016 in Nursing Program Stikes General Achmad Yani Yogyakarta. Informants in this study were selected by purposive sampling technique of convenience sampling. The informants involved in this research are 6 informants, where the researcher has obtained the data saturation in gathering information and has reached redudancy. Interviews were conducted once for each participant, lasting approximately 60-90 minutes for each participant. Data analysis method used in this research is method of analysis from Colaizzi. Result: There are 12 themes perceived by Nursing Program Stikes General Achmad Yani Students about SCL learning model that is role of student, the role of lecturer, learning process, student expression with SCL learning model, the number of group members, student activeness in learning, improvement of student soft skills, means of learning, lecturer relationships with students, relationships between students, supporting factors, and inhibiting factors Conclusion: There are three perceptions of students about SCL learning, namely the role of lecturer as facilitator and mediator, scheduled learning process, and student perception on SCL learning model. The advantages of learning perceived by the students is seen from the number of group members, the activity of the students in learning and the improvement of the soft skills of the students. Lesson in the SCL learning model perceived by the students, the learning facilities, the relationship of lecturers with students, and the relationship among students. There are two factors that play a role in student learning in SCL learning model in Nursing Program Stikes General Achmad Yani Yogyakarta is the driving factor (self, family and friends
Systematic Review: Faktor-Faktor Yang Memengaruhi Pelayanan Keperawatan di Penyedia Pelayanan Primer
Background: Primary level health facilities such as Puskesmas, doctor's practices, and primary clinics function as gatekeepers, namely controlling the use and referral of participants. Primary service providers are comprehensive, namely promotive, preventive, curative, and rehabilitative.Objective: Identifying research results to find out what factors can increase patient satisfaction with nursing services at primary health care providers.Methods: This research method uses a Systematic Literature Review with the limitation of articles published in the last two years from 2020-2021. Keywords in the search for nursing service, patient satisfaction, and primary care were analyzed using the PRISMA approach. Article search database using PubMed, ProQuest, and ScienceDirect.Results: The results obtained were 280 articles, 13 articles double found, the suitability for the title was 54 articles, the inclusion criteria screening and completeness of the abstracts found to be nine articles. Analysis of nine articles on factors that influence primary nursing services internally, namely the level of education, courtesy and respect, maintaining privacy, care and counseling, quality of care, management and leadership of the head nurse, and discipline of nursing staff. Health care facilities, health insurance, lack of equipment or infrastructure, long waiting times, lack of health workers, limited operating hours of health care, hygiene, decline in primary care providers, increasing aging population with limited health insurance, decreased access to health care, careers individuals who quit, the practice environment, e-Health counseling technology, the relationship between nurses and doctors, and comfortable facilities are external factors.Conclussion: It was found that the factors that influence primary nursing services are divided into two aspects, namely internal and external.
Pengalaman Belajar Mahasiswa Dalam Model Pembelajaran Scl Di Program Studi Keperawatan Stikes Jenderal Achmad Yani Yogyakarta
Objective: Explores in depth the learning experience of students in SCL “student center learning†model in Nursing Program Stikes General Achmad Yani Yogyakarta. Methods: This research use qualitative method with descriptive approach, executed on June until August 2016 in Nursing Program Stikes General Achmad Yani Yogyakarta. Informants in this study were selected by purposive sampling technique of convenience sampling. The informants involved in this research are 6 informants, where the researcher has obtained the data saturation in gathering information and has reached redudancy. Interviews were conducted once for each participant, lasting approximately 60-90 minutes for each participant. Data analysis method used in this research is method of analysis from Colaizzi. Result: There are 12 themes perceived by Nursing Program Stikes General Achmad Yani Students about SCL learning model that is role of student, the role of lecturer, learning process, student expression with SCL learning model, the number of group members, student activeness in learning, improvement of student soft skills, means of learning, lecturer relationships with students, relationships between students, supporting factors, and inhibiting factors Conclusion: There are three perceptions of students about SCL learning, namely the role of lecturer as facilitator and mediator, scheduled learning process, and student perception on SCL learning model. The advantages of learning perceived by the students is seen from the number of group members, the activity of the students in learning and the improvement of the soft skills of the students. Lesson in the SCL learning model perceived by the students, the learning facilities, the relationship of lecturers with students, and the relationship among students. There are two factors that play a role in student learning in SCL learning model in Nursing Program Stikes General Achmad Yani Yogyakarta is the driving factor (self, family and friends
Video Hand Hygiene Kids meningkatkan perilaku Cuci Tangan Santri Cilik TPQ Masjid Awalulmu’minin Gamping Sleman Yogyakarta
Derajat kesehatan anak saat ini belum dapat dikatakan baik, karena masih ada permasalahan kesehatan khususnya pada anak usia sekolah. Hasil identifikasi didapatkan 35% santri yang pernah mendapatkan sosialisasi cuci tangan di sekolahnya. Tiga santri mengatakan sebelum makan jarang melakukan cuci tangan, dan sehabis buang air besar juga tidak menggunakan sabun. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh media edukasi cuci tangan dengan video yang menyenangkan dan mudah terhadap kebiasaan perilaku cuci tangan Santri. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang mengujicobakan intervensi pada subjek tanpa kelompok pembanding dengan desain pre and post without control. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah santri TPQ Awalulmu’minin Sembung. Sampel diambil dengan teknik total sampling dengan jumlah 28 responden. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada bulan Juli-Agustus 2018. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini adalah kuesioner dan ceklist observasi perilaku cuci tangan. Didapatkan nilai rata-rata sebelum perlakuan adalah 7,57 dan setelah perlakuan meningkat menjadi 15,36. Seluruh responden mengalami peningkatan perilaku rata-rata sebesar 14,5 dan tidak ada satupun yang perilakuknya menurun setelah dilakukan intervensi. Uji statistik menggunakan uji Wilcoxon didapatkan nilai p value 0,000 lebih kecil dari 0,05. Hasil tersebut sama dengan penelitian yang dilakukan Rachmawati yaitu ada pengaruh penyuluhan cuci tangan dengan media video terhadap penerapan cuci tangan siswa SD Nogotirto. Hal ini membuktikan media edukasi video cuci tangan efektif meningkatkan perilaku cuci tangan mengunakan sabun dengan benar. Kesimpulannya ada pengaruh pemberian pendidikan kesehatan dengan metode pemutaran video terhadap peningkatan perilaku cuci tangan. Saran bagi pengurus TPQ untuk mempertahankan perilaku cuci tangan Santri dengan memutar video cuci tangan