789 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan: 1) mengetahui proses penerapan metode kombinasi ekspositori dan diskusi dalam proses belajar mengajar; 2) mengetahui apakah ada peningkatan aktivitas belajar siswa dengan penerapan metode kombinasi ekspositori dan diskusi dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar; dan 3) mengetahui apakah ada peningkatan hasil belajar siswa dengan menerapkan metode kombinasi ekspositori dan diskusi pada teori sistem rem. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian tindakan kelas, yang pada prosesnya menerapkan metode kombinasi ekspositori dan diskusi. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas dilakukan pada tahapan perencanaan, tindakan, observasi dan refleksi. Subyek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI B 3 di SMK Perindustrian dengan jumlah 28 siswa. Sistematika pelaksanaan penelitian ini menerapkan tiga siklus. Siklus I didasarkan studi pendahuluan, penelitian dilakukan di kelas dengan menggunakan ekspositori dan diskusi dengan memberi pertanyaan tentang sistem rem dalam diskusi kelompok siswa. Pelaksanaan siklus II berdasarkan refleksi siklus I, pelaksanaan penelitian di kelas dilakukan dengan membuat kelompok diskusi yang lebih banyak. Pelaksanaan siklus III menampilkan media dalam pembelajaran teori sistem rem sebagai pendukung presentasi siswa dan mengaktifkan siswa dengan diskusi antar kelompok. Observasi dilaksanakan untuk merekam data aktivitas belajar siswa. Hasil belajar diukur menggunakan pretest dan postest pada tiap-tiap siklus. Aspek yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini meliputi aktivitas siswa dan hasil belajar siswa selama proses belajar-mengajar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peningkatan aktivitas belajar positif. Pada siklus III aktivitas positif siswa muncul sebanyak 51,92% yang mengalami peningkatan 10,16% dibandingkan pada siklus I 41,76%. Berdasarkan nilai pretest dan postest, kenaikan prosentase siswa yang mendapatkan nilai 7,0 mengalami peningkatan 29% dari 55% pada siklus I menjadi 84% pada siklus III. Berdasarkan data di atas, dapat disimpulkan dengan metode ekspositori dan diskusi telah memperlihatkan intensitas kenaikan partisipasi siswa dalam pembelajaran serta naiknya hasil belajar siswa

    Strengthening Community-Based Capacity through Ecosettlement Concept in Kelurahan

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    A Semarang City Plan 2021 was prepared to ensure that the planning for Semarang will strike a balance between physical, economic, social and environmental development. There is crucial significance in meeting needs of the people that are vital for the development of Semarang city because it reflects upon an inclusive society for the Semarang city. Therefore, understanding the environmental, economic and social aspects of Kelurahan or district is considered a practical perspective to build the collaborative partnership among the stakeholders. This paper aims to identify strengths environmentally friendly based on the role of institutions and community character. Green techniques implemented in these communities will be analyzed while using eco-settlement as illustrative examples. After that, interviews that conducted in the visited communities will be analyzed while making use of communities of practice approach. There are some environmental issues in many kelurahan in Semarang. In the factual issues, garbage is one of the fundamental problems of the area, followed by the landscape. In the case of perception of environmental problems, people have different thinking on the problem. The policy tools can divide into two components: community-based eco-settlement and strengthen the capacity for institutional development. Community-based eco-settlement incorporates promotion of environmental conservation and strengthening the sense of community among the residents. On the other hand, increasing the capacity for institutional includes enhancing the capacity of the local community and collaboration between the local communities

    Penerapan Pendekatan Pembelajaran STM Materi Sumberdaya Alam Dan Lingkungan Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas IV SD Negeri I Labuan Lobo Tolitoli

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    Melalui observasi awal kelas IV SD Negeri I Labuanlobo Tolitoli ditemukan bahwa. Siswa kurang menguasai konsep sains khususnya pada pokok bahasan sumberdaya alam dan lingkungan. Siswa belum aktif dalam proses pembelajaran. Hasil belajar tentang Sumber Daya dan lingkungan belum 80% siswa mencapai KKM. Jenis penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui. Apakah meningakat hasil belajar IPA pada materi sumber daya alam dan lingkungan dengan menggunakan pendekatan sains teknologi masyarakat pada Siswa kelas IV SD Negeri I Labuanlobo Tolitoli. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar observasi untuk mengukur tingkat aktivitas siswa dalam pembelajaran tentang sumber daya alam dan lingkungan. Dan tes pilihan ganda bersifat individu pada setiap siklus untuk mengukur hasil belajar siswa. Hasil belajar tentang sumber daya alam dan lingkungan pada siswa kelas IV SDN I Labuanlobo Tolitoli mengalami peningkatan pada setiap siklusnya yaitu pada siklus 1 siswa yang tuntas belajar sebanyak 9 siswa atau 45 %, sedangkan siswa yang belum tuntas belajarnya sebanyak 11 orang atau 55 %. Pada siklus 2 siswa yang tuntas belajar sebanyak 11 siswa atau 90 %, sedangkan siswa yang belum tuntas belajarnya sebanyak 2 orang atau 10%. Aktivitas siswa dalam pembelajaran dengan menggunakan pendekatan STM dapat meningkat yaitu pada siklus 1 rata-rata siswa yang aktif dalam pembelajaran sebanyak 13 siswa atau 65% dengan kualitas baik, sedangkan pada siklus 2 rata-rata siswa yang aktif dalam pembelajaran sebanyak 17 siswa atau 84% dengan kualitas sangat baik. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan pendekatan pembelajaran STM dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa

    Pengaruh Aset, Pemberian Kredit dan Permodalan terhadap Laba Perbankan di Indonesia (Studi Empiris Bank Umum Konvensional yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia)

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    The purpose of research is to investigate and analyze the influence of Asset , Capital Lending and significant effect on the profit on Banking in Indonesia In Simultaneous or partially. Further research method diganakan role in research with quantitative research method approach that inferential statistics are supported by empirical data obtained from financial statements published by Bank Indonesia through the website www.bi.go.id. and analyzed by multiple regression analysis approach is a portrait of the relationship between the independent variable ( in this case Assets , Loans and Capital ) of the dependent variable ( in the case in is profit ) , with a model of multiple regression equation Y = a + BX1 + CX2 + DX3 , where the variable Y = income , assets X1 = X2 = X3 = credit and Capital , a = intercept or constant and bcd = regression coefficient of each independent variable . By testing the hypothesis that the results obtained are simultaneous F-test result that the calculated F value 1766.834 with a significance of 0.000 . were higher than the value of F table ( one side or α = 0.05 ) is 3.14 ( or 1766.834 > 3.14 ) , so the hypothesis in this study stated that the Assets , Capital Lending and Banking significant effect on earnings simultaneously in Indonesia is proven . And testing hypotheses obtained partial results : no significant effect on the Assets of Banking Income . Non-productive assets significantly influence the Banking Profit is proven , or H0 is rejected . RWA significant effect on Banking Profit is proven , or H0 is rejected . But its influence is negative , where the increasing amount of RWA actually reduce bank profitability and vice versa . Loans disbursed significant effect on Banking Profit is not proven , or H0 is accepted . Credit Loss significant effect on Banking Profit is proven , and significant effect on earnings Equity Bank is proven

    Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa melalui Penggunaan Media dan Metode Pemberian Tugas di Kelas Ivb Sdn 007 Bagan Besar Dumai

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    This study aimed to describe the learning outcomes through the use of maps. The subjects were students of class V SD 007 Bagan Besar, Dumai with held consisting of two cycles. Improved learning outcomes in terms of four categories, namely absorption, the effectiveness of learning, mastery learning completeness students both individually and classical completeness and thoroughness of learning outcomes. The instrument used for data collection is an oral test and a written test in the form of worksheets that is done after the process of learning. The results showed absorption learning outcomes on average 80% considered very good, very effective learning effectiveness categorized by an average of 8.5. While the completeness of student learning outcomes expressed complete 100%


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    Penggunaan Media Playdough/Plastisin Untuk MengembangkanKreativitas Anak Usia 4-5 Tahun di TK Bina Cerdas Desa RungguKecamatan Belo. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkankreatifi tas anak usia 4-5 Tahun yang belum berkembang secara optimaldi Pendidikan Anak Taman Kanak-Kanak (TK) Bina Cerdas Desa RungguKecamatan Belo yang berjumlah 35 anak. Metode yang digunakan dalampenelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas yang terdiri dari tigasiklus melalui langkah-langkah perencanaan, tindakan, observasi danrefl eksi. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi dan dokumentasi.Instrumen yang digunakan adalah lembar observasi (chek list). Teknikanalisis data menggunakan trianggulasi. Hasil penelitian yang diperolehmenunjukkan bahwa upaya guru dalam mengembangkan kretivitasdengan menggunakan media playdough pada Anak Usia Dini; Memberikansemangat, Memberikan pujian-pujian, Memicu anak untuk berinspirasi.Mendukung bakat anak dan mengikut sertakan dalam lomba sesuaibakat anak, agar anak tetap percaya diri, aktif dan berani tampil. Manfaatpalydough sebagai upaya meningkatkan kreatifi tas anak. Hasil Penelitiandapat diuraikan bahwa faktor penghambat dalam mengembangkankreativitas pada anak adalah sebagai berikut; Anak terlalu di paksa untukterus latihan sehingga anak tersebut bosan, Ibu terlalu memaksa anakmendapatkan juara sehingga anak merasa terlalu tertekan. Berdasarkanpenelitian tersebut dapat direkomendasikan bahwa melalui mediaplaydough/plastisin sangat efektif untuk mengembangkan kreatifi tas anak

    Model Indeks Kualitas Perairan Pada Kolam Pelabuhan Tanjung Emas Semarang (Studi Kasus Pada PLTU PT. Indonesia Power)

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    The industrial waste water by PLTU PT. Indonesia Power into shore, making the quality of territorial waters in Tanjung Emas Semarang bay area decreased. The alteration of territorial waters quality can be shown in the number form by quality of territorial water quality index method. The PLTU’s waste water has temperature characteristic 370 C above standard. Based value for sea waters according to resolution of Minister of Environmental No. 51/2004 about standard based value sea waters span controlled temperature 280 C-300 C. Based on Nemerrow Sumitomo waters quality index value, the index quality of Tanjung Emas bay territorial water 3.34 identical counted as light polluted category. According to diversity makrobentos index as determines in territorial waters index biologicly, makrobentos indicator result index value 1.01 identical as medium polluted category. Makrobentos in Tanjung Emas bay area spread evenly in 0.423 scale. Based on prediction index which is development from Nemerrow Sumitomo index with value 13.8 is light polluted. The value of index span prediction is good if <10 in pH condition between 7-8; turbidity ≤5 NTU; salinity between 33‰-34‰; temperature between 280 C-300 C and DO between 5 mg/l-8 mg/l. the light polluted territorial waters in the index span 10-30 and medium polluted between 30-55 and heavy polluted if greater than 55. prediction of model index is valid in Tanjung Emas bay area with pH condition 1-14, the temperature condition is less than or more than the natural span, turbidity ≥ 1 NTU then salinity condition is more or less than condition of natural salinity and DO between 1 mg/l to 8 mg/l. Keywords : the liquid waste water of power plant, water quality, inde


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    Infrastructure Improvement which is located on Jl.Tumbang Talaken - Jl.Tumbang Jutuh with a length of 40,920 meters and a distance of 141 km to the capital city of Palangka Raya. The condition of the remote location and the fluctuating price of diesel fuel will require large costs. While around the project is an oil palm plantation and the waste is piling up. If left untreated, palm shell waste will have a negative impact and cause disease, by utilizing palm shell waste as a dryer heater in Hotmix production as a substitute for diesel fuel with the hotmix production cost efficiency analysis method on AMP so that it can reduce production costs in the project. The results of the analysis of validity and reliability show that production by gasifying palm shell waste is feasible to replace diesel fuel. The results of the BEP analysis, that the use of shells as a substitute for diesel fuel has great potential to reduce production costs, when hotmix production is at a volume of 3,826 tons. So, with a planned hotmix production volume of 22,667 tons, it is feasible to procure or invest in shell combustion equipment. Suggestions from this study that replacing dryers with palm shell waste material as a substitute for diesel fuel can be done if the road infrastructure development project is around oil palm plantations, because in addition to being able to reduce hotmix production costs on AMP it is also an environmentally friendly waste management because it has no impact negative on the environment. If the project is not located in the vicinity of an oil palm plantation, then the use of palm shell waste as a substitute for diesel fuel needs to be further researched because the efficiency value will be differen
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