131 research outputs found

    Applying Press Law and Online Media Framing in the Case of Brigadier J .'s Murder

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    This study analyzes the news framing of detik.com, tribunnews.com, and coil.com on the killing of Brigadier Pol Nofriansyah Joshua Hutabarat ( Brigadier J) from the perspective of legal politics in the application of Law Number 40 of 1999 concerning the press by using the theory of Robert N. Entman. It shows how the norms of the law are invited to be implemented in highlighting issues to attract readers' attention. This study uses a framing analysis method with a paradigm or construction approach, which views that there is no objective reality. The data collection technique in this study was carried out based on analysis and studies based on the news of the three media with the random sampling method. In addition, literature studies are also carried out through books, journals, articles, and the internet. The conclusion obtained from the results of this study is that detik.com, tribunnews.com, and coil.com both apply the straight news reporting model that is on actual issues to implement it as a social media control. This pattern of reporting helped push information about Brigadier J's murder into a wild ball outside of mainstream information

    The SMS Gateway-Based Information System Design of Students Value at SMK Negeri 2 Palopo

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    These days, all aspects of life have been growing rapidly. Due to the fact that these improvements have turned the development of society from a traditional into a modern society, which is automatically require the society to keep moving towards globalization. Currently this SMS gateway-based informations sharing could greatly controls the informations remotely, especially for parents who are curious about the results achieved by their children. This SMS Gateway-based information system design of students value is expected to maximize the delivery of informations. Parents could easily monitor the activity of their children without having to come to the school. The methods that the researcher used to obtain informations consist of technique of data collection and technique of data analysis. This research was implemented to the vocational high school (SMK) 2 Palopo which is one of the school that intensely apply technology in the provision of information to the public outside. The result of this research is a SMS gateway-based application that can be used by parents/gurdians, students, or people involved in monitoring students’ academics information. This application could conveniently help students, teacher, or parents to earn informations needed since the informations will be shared by the server of SMS gateway by sending SMS to the phone who need informations. All this flexibilities surely make the provision of informations easier


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    The aim of present study was to determine effect of partial substitution of commercial broiler finisher ration with a fermented banana peel + coconut meal + feed supplement to the weight and the percentage of several internal organs of broiler chickens. The study was conducted in Field Laboratory, Department of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Agriculture, Syiah Kuala University, April 1 until Mei 5, 2016. As many as 100 chicks, strain lohmann, produced by PT. Japfa, Medan were used in this study. The study was performed into randomized block design with subsamples (RBD with subsamples), consisted of 5 treatments, 4 blocks, and 2 subsamples. Each group was an experimental unit, each consisting of five chickens. The treatment was the provision of fermented banana peel + coconut meal + feed supplement with the level of 0% (P1), 2,5%+1,5%+1% (P2), 5%+3%+1% (P3). 7,5%+4,5%+1% (P4), and 10%+6%+1% (P5), respectively. The parameters observed were the weight and percentage of internal organs of broilers (crop, gizzard, small intestine, liver, pancreas, hearth, blood, spleen, and abdominal fat) as well as external noncarcass organs (feather, head + neck, and shank). Data were analyzed by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), if significantly different results were detected, then continued by Duncan's Multiple Range Test (Steel and Torrie, 1993). The results of study showed that administration of up to 10% fermented banana peel + 6% coconut meal + 1% feed supplement as partial substitution of commercial finisher broiler ration was not significant effect (P>0.05) on the weight and percentage of broiler internal organs. Despite statistically no significant differences were detected, the percentage of noncarcass organs tend to decline as broilers fed the commercial rations partially substituted by a fermented banana peel + coconut meal + feed supplement


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan merancang User Interface (UI) aplikasi buku alumni FTKOM UNCP (Univeresitas Cokroaminoto Palopo) berbasis website. Metode pada penelitian dalam merancang UI aplikasi buku alumni berbasis website menggunakan pendekatan model User Centered Design (UCD) menggunakan aplikasi figma. Hasil penelitian merupakan rancangan tampilan UI yang sudah dapat diimplementasikan ke dalam aplikasi buku alumni dengan hasil evaluasi desain menggunakan metode SUS (System Usability Scale) didapat skor rata-rata seluruh  responden sebesar 89,9375, ini termasuk dalam grade score A yang artinya aplikasi buku alumni dapat digunakan dengan mudah tanpa perbaikan

    The Concept of Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law

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    Human rights are basic rights inherent to all human beings and are universal. Therefore, human rights must be protected, respected, defended, and should not be taken away from anyone. Human rights and democracy are conceptions of humanity and social relations born from the history of human civilization throughout the world. Human rights and democracy could also be interpreted as the result of human battle to maintain the dignity of humanity. Countries that have a strong commitment to the recognition and protection of human rights included human rights stipulation in the constitution. Keywords: human right, democracy, rule of la


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    The Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) has a role in maximizing the quality of the implementation of elections so as to provide certainty for the upholding of sovereignty and the pure results of the votes that will be cast by the community. Regulations for regulating the authority regarding Bawaslu in Indonesia are regulated in Law Number. 2 of 2015, this rule regulates the role and duties of Bawaslu, one of which is as a structure in election supervision related to law enforcement in the holding of elections. Bawaslu has very limited duties in carrying out its role as an election organizer, there is always news that mentions the weak supervision carried out by Bawaslu in holding elections. Community expectations for Bawaslu in carrying out their role are very high, but, on the other hand, the limited authority given to Bawaslu makes their role dysfunctional. The ineffectiveness of the duties carried out by Bawaslu will affect the implementation of the election administration. The purpose of this study is to examine and examine the role of Bawaslu in carrying out their duties in supervising the implementation of elections in society. The method used in this research is normative legal research. Bawaslu has roles and duties that have been regulated in laws and regulations, namely overseeing the stages of the election implementation process with regard to efforts to prevent prosecution of violations that occur in elections.AbstrakBadan Pengawas Pemilu (Bawaslu) memiliki peran dalam hal memaksimalkan kualitas pelaksanaan penyelenggaraan Pemilu sehingga memberikan kepastian untuk tegaknya kedaulatan dan murninya hasil suara masyarakat. Peraturan untuk mengatur kewenangan mengenai Bawaslu di Indonesia diatur pada UU Nomor 2 tahun 2015, aturan ini mengatur peran dan tugas Bawaslu, salah satunya sebagai struktur dalam pengawasan Pemilu yang berkaitan dengan hal penegakan hukum pada penyelenggaraan Pemilu.  Bawaslu memiliki tugas yang sangat terbatas dalam menjalankan peran sebagai pelaksanaan Pemilu. Ada saja berita yang menyebutkan lemahnya pengawasan yang dilakukan bawaslu dalam penyelenggaaan pemilu. Harapan masyarakat terhadap bawaslu dalam menjalankan perannya sangatlah tinggi, tetapi, di sisi lain, keterbatasan kewenangan yang diberikan kepada Bawaslu menjadikan perannya tidak berfungsi. Ketidakefektifan tugas yang dilakukan Bawaslu akan mempengaruhi pelaksanaan penyelenggaraan Pemilu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji dan menelaah peran Bawaslu dalam melaksanakan tugasnya dalam pengawasan pelaksanaan penyelenggaraan Pemilu di masyarakat. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian hukum normatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Bawaslu memiliki peran dan tugas yang telah diatur dalam peraturan perundang-undangan yaitu mengawasi tahapan proses pelaksanaan Pemilu yang berkenaan dengan upaya pencegahaan penindakan pelanggaran yang terjadi dalam Pemilu

    Efektivitas Pelaksanaan Online Single Submission (OSS) Untuk Pelayanan Perizinan di Mal Pelayanan Publik Pekanbaru Berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 24 Tahun 2018

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    The Pekanbaru City Government implemented the Online Single Submission (OSS) application by opening a Public Service Mall (MPP) that can be accessed by the public. This aims to provide ease of service for business actors. The application of this online-based system is very effective in cutting the bureaucratic chain and eradicating corruption. Apart from that, it can also increase investment achievements during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of Online Single Submission (OSS) Implementation for Licensing Services at the Pekanbaru Public Service Mall based on Government Regulation 24 of 2018. This research method is empirical law or non-doctrinal research, namely studying and analyzing primary data juridically obtained from the respondents. The results showed that the respondents were very satisfied with the online-based licensing services at the Pekanbaru City Government MPP. It is recommended that the implementation of OSS be accompanied by regional regulations as ordered by Article 349 of Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning the Regional Government

    Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja Pasca Revisi Kedua Undang-Undang Nomor 12 Tahun 2011

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    This study analyzes the Second Amendment to the Law on the Establishment of Legislation (UU P3) which accommodates the omnibus law method. The omnibus law method was previously unknown to the civil law legal system adopted in Indonesia, therefore when this method was implemented in the Job Creation Law (UU Ciptaker), it invited pros and cons in the society, even differences of opinion among legal experts. The Second Amendment to the UU P3 introduces a new method in forming laws and regulations as it legalizes the omnibus law method in the Indonesian legal system. This paper is the result of doctrinal research that relies on secondary data. This research concludes that: first, the omnibus law method which was initially alien to the system for forming statutory regulations, now through the Second Amendment to the UU P3, it has become one of the known methods in forming statutory regulations and in this context, becoming the legal basis which must be guided by the revision of the UU Ciptaker as mandated by the Constitutional Court decision Number 91/PUU-XIX/2021 as well; Second, the omnibus law method which was accommodated in the Second Amendment to the UU P3 became the juridical basis for improving the UU Ciptaker, both amendments in the formal and material aspects, and UU P3 being the standard in the formation of laws and regulations in Indonesia

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    Efektivitas Pelaksanaan Online Single Submission (OSS) Untuk Pelayanan Perizinan di Mal Pelayanan Publik Pekanbaru Berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 24 Tahun 2018

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    The Pekanbaru City Government implemented the Online Single Submission (OSS) application by opening a Public Service Mall (MPP) that can be accessed by the public. This aims to provide ease of service for business actors. The application of this online-based system is very effective in cutting the bureaucratic chain and eradicating corruption. Apart from that, it can also increase investment achievements during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of Online Single Submission (OSS) Implementation for Licensing Services at the Pekanbaru Public Service Mall based on Government Regulation 24 of 2018. This research method is empirical law or non-doctrinal research, namely studying and analyzing primary data juridically obtained from the respondents. The results showed that the respondents were very satisfied with the online-based licensing services at the Pekanbaru City Government MPP. It is recommended that the implementation of OSS be accompanied by regional regulations as ordered by Article 349 of LawNumber 23 of 2014 concerning the Regional Government
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