27,715 research outputs found

    Foraging Behavior of Tetramorium Caespitum in an Urban Environment: the Effect of Food Quality on Foraging

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    Animals\u27 foraging strategies are directly related to their fitness. Proposed models of optimal foraging assume that animals strategize in terms of maximizing benefits over the cost of acquiring resources. Ants are social insects that are comparable in biomass to humans inhabiting the plant. As such, it is crucial to understand the foraging strategies of such an influential member of the ecosystem. With the ever-increasing rate of urbanization and human encroachment, it is even more important to consider the foraging patterns of species inhabiting urban areas. In this study we investigate optimal foraging strategies in the pavement ant, Tetramorium caespitum. Specifically, our study examined if pavement ant colonies would alter their foraging behavior so as to maximize benefits and minimize costs. To do this, we exposed the ants to food of two varying nutritional qualities to test how they allocated foragers across these two resources.Food quantity, distance to the food source and terrain were the same in both types of resources. Across a two day period, we saw that T. caespitum colonies increased ant recruitment when food quality increased and decreased ant recruitment when food quality decreased. Our control treatments where food quality did not change also did not see a change in ant recruitment. This study shows that species that live in urban areas, such as T. caespitum, can adapt to forage optimally. Studies like this can be used to make predictions about survival of species that are newly associated with urban environments

    Preferensi Nasabah Memilih Bank Syariah Dilihat dari Aspek Karakteristik Nasabah

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    Tulisan ini mencoba memaparkan hasil studi lapangan dengan menyebarkan kuisioner kepada para nasabah bank Muamalat terkait preferensi nasabah memilih bank Syariah melalui pendekatan karakteristik responden.Adapun responden yang diteliti pada penelitian ini terdiri dari nasabah beberapa kantor kas cabang bank syariah yang ada di kota bandung, yaitu terdiri dari kantor kas cabang Geger Kalong Girang, kantor kas cabang Cihampelas, kantor kas cabang Dago, kantor kas cabang Citarum, serta pusatnya yaitu di kantor cabang Buah Batu.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah survey explanatori, yaitu metode dengan pendekatan mengungkap fakta-fakta baru dilapangan. Secara umum dalam penelitian ini mengungkap terkait karakteristik responden yang paling positif penilainya terhadap bank syariah

    Logarithmic interaction under periodic boundary conditions: Closed form formulas for energy and forces

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    A method is given to obtain closed form formulas for the energy and forces for an aggregate of charges interacting via a logarithmic interaction under periodic boundary conditions. The work done here is a generalization of Glasser's results [M. L. Glasser, J. Math. Phys. 15, 188 (1974)] and is obtained with a different and simpler method than that by Stremler [M. A. Stremler, J. Math. Phys. 45, 3584 (2004)]. The simplicity of the formulas derived here makes them extremely convenient in a computer simulation

    PRRT2 gene variant in a child with dysmorphic features, congenital microcephaly, and severe epileptic seizures: genotype-phenotype correlation?

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    BACKGROUND: Mutations in Proline-rich Transmembrane Protein 2 (PRRT2) have been primarily associated with individuals presenting with infantile epilepsy, including benign familial infantile epilepsy, benign infantile epilepsy, and benign myoclonus of early infancy, and/or with dyskinetic paroxysms such as paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesia, paroxysmal non-kinesigenic dyskinesia, and exercise-induced dyskinesia. However, the clinical manifestations of this disorder vary widely. PRRT2 encodes a protein expressed in the central nervous system that is mainly localized in the pre-synaptic neurons and is involved in the modulation of synaptic neurotransmitter release. The anomalous function of this gene has been proposed to cause dysregulation of neuronal excitability and cerebral disorders. CASE PRESENTATION: We hereby report on a young child followed-up for three years who presents with a spectrum of clinical manifestations such as congenital microcephaly, dysmorphic features, severe intellectual disability, and drug-resistant epileptic encephalopathy in association with a synonymous variant in PRRT2 gene (c.501C > T; p.Thr167Ile) of unknown clinical significance variant (VUS) revealed by diagnostic exome sequencing. CONCLUSION: Several hypotheses have been advanced on the specific role that PRRT2 gene mutations play to cause the clinical features of affected patients. To our knowledge, the severe phenotype seen in this case has never been reported in association with any clinically actionable variant, as the missense substitution detected in PRRT2 gene. Intriguingly, the same mutation was reported in the healthy father: the action of modifying factors in the affected child may be hypothesized. The report of similar observations could extend the spectrum of clinical manifestations linked to this mutation

    Endocervical glandular neoplasia associated with lobular endocervical glandular hyperplasia is HPV-independent and correlates with carbonic anhydrase-IX expression: a Gynaecological Oncology Group Study.

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    BackgroundLobular endocervical glandular hyperplasia (LEGH) is a rare lesion of the uterine cervix. It has been proposed that LEGH may represent a precursor lesion to a group of mucinous adenocarcinoma with gastric phenotype (GA) that is independent of high-risk human papillomavirus (H-HPV) infection. Carbonic anhydrase-IX (CA-IX) is highly expressed in conventional glandular lesions (CGLs). However, expression of CA-IX in LEGH or GA has not been studied.MethodsIn all, 12 CGLs, 7 LEGHs, 6 LEGHs with coexisting adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS, 3) and GA (3) were identified from Japanese women with a cytological diagnosis of atypical glandular cells of undetermined significance. Immunostaining was used to detect CA-IX and p16(INK)4(a) (hereafter termed p16) protein expression in the tissues and CA-IX protein expression in the Papanicolaou smears (PSs). Polymerase chain reaction was used to detect H-HPV DNA in liquid-based cytology.ResultsOut of 12 (83%) CGLs, 10 were positive with H-HPV and high levels of CA-IX expression were seen in all (100%) cases. P16 protein expression was observed in 11 out of 12 (92%) cases. None of the LEGHs, LEGHs with AIS or GA were positive for H-HPV and only 8 out of 13 (62%) showed focal weak (1+) p16 expression. In contrast, all cases (100%) exhibited strong CA-IX protein expression.ConclusionOur study suggests that there are different molecular mechanisms of carcinogenesis resulting in CGLs vs LEGHs associated with AIS or GA. There is also a possible link between LEGHs and GAs. Furthermore, CA-IX expression may serve as a useful biomarker for the detection of GAs in the absence of H-HPV infection

    Telaah Pemikiran Ekonomi Menurut Ibnu Qayyim (1292-1350 M / 691-751 H)

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    Dewasa ini, Barat seringkali menjadi poros atau kiblat pemikiran ekonomi dunia. Hampir bisa dipastikan bahwa ilmu-ilmu ekonomi yang diajarkan bangku-bangku sekolah dan perguruan tinggi adalah pemikiran ekonomi yang bermazhab pada kapitalis Barat. Padahal jauh sebelum pemikiran ekonomi dari Barat, Islam telah memiliki suatu konsep ekonomi yang di sampaikan oleh para pemikir-pemikir muslim yang merangkap pula sebagai ulama. Tulisan ini mencoba menguraikan pemikiran ekonomi menurut sudut pandang salah satu ulama yang hidup pada abad puncak kejayaan peradaban Islam, Ulama tersebut yaitu Ibnu Qayyim. Penulis mencoba menjelaskan apa dan bagaimana pemikiran ekonomi menurut Ibnu Qayyim al-Jawziyyah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penyempurnaan tulisan ini adalah, studi leteratur yang di ambil dari berbagai sumber baik itu beberapa buku karya Ibnu Qayyim sendiri, maupun buku dan jurnal-jurnal terkait yang di dalamnya memuat cara pandang Ibnu Qayyim berkaitan dengan ekonomi

    Transvaginal endoscopy and small ovarian endometriomas: unravelling the missing link?

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    The incidence of endometriosis in the infertile female is estimated to be between 20 and 50 %. Although the causal relationship between endometriosis and infertility has not been proven, it is generally accepted that the disease impairs reproductive outcome. Indirect imaging techniques and transvaginal laparoscopy now offer the possibility of an early stage diagnosis. Although it remains debated whether the disease is progressive, treatment in an early stage is recommendable as it carries less risk for ovarian damage, hence premature ovarian failure. Under water, inspection with the technique of transvaginal hydrolaparoscopy (THL) accurately shows the invagination of the ovarian cortex as minimal superficial lesions but with the presence of well-differentiated endometrial like tissue at the base, the lateral walls and especially the inner edges of the small endometrioma. An inflammatory environment is responsible for the formation of connecting adhesions with the broad ligament and lateral wall with invasion of endometrial-like tissue and formation of adenomyotic lesions. In around 50 % of the small endometriomas, adhesiolysis is necessary at the site of invagination with opening of the cyst, to free the chocolate content and hereby recognize the underlying endometrioma. The detailed inspection of these early-stage endometriotic lesions at THL reunites the hypothesis of Sampson with the observation of Hughesdon

    A Schwarz lemma for K\"ahler affine metrics and the canonical potential of a proper convex cone

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    This is an account of some aspects of the geometry of K\"ahler affine metrics based on considering them as smooth metric measure spaces and applying the comparison geometry of Bakry-Emery Ricci tensors. Such techniques yield a version for K\"ahler affine metrics of Yau's Schwarz lemma for volume forms. By a theorem of Cheng and Yau there is a canonical K\"ahler affine Einstein metric on a proper convex domain, and the Schwarz lemma gives a direct proof of its uniqueness up to homothety. The potential for this metric is a function canonically associated to the cone, characterized by the property that its level sets are hyperbolic affine spheres foliating the cone. It is shown that for an nn-dimensional cone a rescaling of the canonical potential is an nn-normal barrier function in the sense of interior point methods for conic programming. It is explained also how to construct from the canonical potential Monge-Amp\`ere metrics of both Riemannian and Lorentzian signatures, and a mean curvature zero conical Lagrangian submanifold of the flat para-K\"ahler space.Comment: Minor corrections. References adde

    A new and automated risk prediction of coronary artery disease using clinical endpoints and medical imaging-derived patient-specific insights: protocol for the retrospective GeoCAD cohort study

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    INTRODUCTION: Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the leading cause of death worldwide. More than a quarter of cardiovascular events are unexplained by current absolute cardiovascular disease risk calculators, and individuals without clinical risk factors have been shown to have worse outcomes. The 'anatomy of risk' hypothesis recognises that adverse anatomical features of coronary arteries enhance atherogenic haemodynamics, which in turn mediate the localisation and progression of plaques. We propose a new risk prediction method predicated on CT coronary angiography (CTCA) data and state-of-the-art machine learning methods based on a better understanding of anatomical risk for CAD. This may open new pathways in the early implementation of personalised preventive therapies in susceptible individuals as a potential key in addressing the growing burden of CAD. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: GeoCAD is a retrospective cohort study in 1000 adult patients who have undergone CTCA for investigation of suspected CAD. It is a proof-of-concept study to test the hypothesis that advanced image-derived patient-specific data can accurately predict long-term cardiovascular events. The objectives are to (1) profile CTCA images with respect to variations in anatomical shape and associated haemodynamic risk expressing, at least in part, an individual's CAD risk, (2) develop a machine-learning algorithm for the rapid assessment of anatomical risk directly from unprocessed CTCA images and (3) to build a novel CAD risk model combining traditional risk factors with these novel anatomical biomarkers to provide a higher accuracy CAD risk prediction tool. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: The study protocol has been approved by the St Vincent's Hospital Human Research Ethics Committee, Sydney-2020/ETH02127 and the NSW Population and Health Service Research Ethics Committee-2021/ETH00990. The project outcomes will be published in peer-reviewed and biomedical journals, scientific conferences and as a higher degree research thesis
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