41 research outputs found

    Representation of Sexual Identity Struggle in Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe

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    This paper discusses the journey of finding sexual identity in the novel Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe. The analysis focuses on the effort of finding the sexual identity. The struggles before and after coming out are represented in the novel, as well as the critical position of the author. Stuart Hall's representation theory was used as a qualitative approach to analysis. The data of this study were obtained from words, phrases and sentences related to the phenomenon of gay and trans-gender in the selected novels. People are still uncomfortable with the behavior of the LGBT group, so it causes violence against groups associated with them. When the protagonist admits to being gay, he is abused and discriminated against by others, like in the novel. By relating the problem in the story to the author's biography and the struggle to establish his own sexual identity, the topic of sexual identity seems crucial to address as a part of this social phenomenon. This research was conducted as an initial research on the LGBT group, which is expected to be useful for future research


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    Micro-enterprises in Indonesia have experienced significant development from time to time. Business people are able to produce various types of diverse products. Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) are one of the breakthroughs in increasing economic growth in the community. Along the way, the development of micro-enterprises was also followed by the development of a marketing system that entered the realm of digital media. This aside from being a factor capable of breaking the tide of the market, on the other hand, it is also an obstacle for some micro-enterprises. Lack of knowledge in digital and marketing fields has resulted in some micro-enterprises being unable to compete in conditions of competitive market competition. The purpose of the community service wrapped in the Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) program is to provide assistance and training to one of the snack MSMEs in Karangsari Village, Banyuwangi Regency so that MSMEs can know and understand good processed products and digital market opportunities. This KKN activity can be completed well in its entirety. This can be indicated by the achievements that have been obtained, namely: fostered partners already have new product innovations and have and are able to print packaging logos on products. The fostered partners are also able to promote products by marketing through social media. It is hoped that with this assistance and training, micro business actors as partners will be able to become entrepreneurs and/or do business independently and be independent of their processed products.   Keywords:  MSMes, Mentoring and Training, Product MarketingUsaha mikro di Indonesia mengalami perkembanan yang signifikan dari waktu ke waktu. Para pelaku bisnis mampu menghasilkan berbagai macam jenis produk ang beragam. Usaha mikro, kecil, dan meengah (UMKM) merupakan salah satu terobosan dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi di tengah masyarakat. Dalam perjalannya perkembangan usaha mikro juga diikuti oleh berkembangnya sistem pemasaran yang memasuki ranah media digital. Hal ini selain menjadi faktor yang mampu mendobrak pasang pasar, di sisi lain juga menjadi kendala untuk sebagian pelaku usaha mikro. Kurangnya pengetahuan dalam bidang digital dan pemasaran mengakibatkan beberapa pelaku usaha mikro tidak dapat bersaing dalam kondisi persaingan pasar yang kompetitif. Tujuan dari pengadian masyarakat yang di balut dalam program Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) ini yaitu untuk memberikan pendampingan dan pelatihan pada salah satu UMKM camilan yang ada di Desa Karangsari Kabupaten Banyuwangi sehingga UMKM dapat mengetahui dan memahami produk olahan yang baik dan peluang pasar digital. Kegiatan KKN ini dapat diselesaikan dengan baik secara keseluruhannya. Hal ini dapat diindikasikan dengan pencapaian yang telah didapatkan yaitu: mitra binaan sudah memiliki inovasi produk yang baru serta memiliki dan mampu mencetak logo kemasan pada produk. Mitra binaan juga mampu mempromosikan produk dengan pemasaran melalui media sosial. Diharapkan dengan pendampingan dan pelatihan ini pelaku usaha mikro sebagai mitra binaan mampu berwirausaha dan atau berbisnis secara mandiri dan berdikari terhadap produk hasil olahannya. Kata kunci : Usaha Mikro,Pendampingan dan Pelatihan, Pemasaran Produ

    Patients’ impact on the hidden curriculum of medical students a qualitative study on undergraduate medical students

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    Aim: To explore and understand professional practice development through medical students’ observation of patient’s responses towards the medical students, illness, and hospital staff. Methodology: Semi-structured focused group discussions were conducted between 3rd September 2019 and 3rd May 2020 using non-probability purposive sampling. Three focused groups were conducted with fourth year medical students (n=19) to discuss about their third-year clinical placement experience. The focused group discussions were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. Data were analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis framework to label the concepts, attached code to the data, and the codes were subsequently grouped into similar themes. Themes that emerged from the interpretation of the coded data were identified. Results: Four main themes emerged from the focus groups: (1) Student’s observation on patient’s responses towards students, illness, and staff; (2) Patient’s perspectives towards students; (3) Students were affected by the experience; and (4) Factors influencing patient’s responses to students, illness, and staff. The impact of patient’s behaviour has influenced students’ professional practice in two ways. The first impact is collaboration of students’ observation during clinical placement with what has been learned through the written curriculum. The second impact is through a hidden curriculum. Conclusions: The hidden curriculum has influenced our students’ learning through observation of new aspects and implementation of the learned written curriculum. Students can aspire medical educators, doctors, and medical staff to adopt approaches and attitudes that have a positive impact on students’ professional practice and to acknowledge that they are the role models for the new generation’s learning through the hidden curriculum

    Congenital myopathies: characteristic and subtypes in Hong Kong

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    This journal suppl. entitled: 20th International Congress of The World Muscle SocietyCongenital myopathies are a group of childhood onset neuromuscular disorder with the diagnosis mainly based on genetic and pathological features. This is a unique group with phenotypic, genotypic and pathological heterogeneity, so the confirmation of an underlying diagnosis is often challenging. This is the first congenital myopathy case series in Hong Kong. A total of 15 patients have been diagnosed to have congenital myopathies with 11 patients had the genetic mutations being identified (4 patients had RYR1 mutations, 3 patients had ACTA1 mutations, 2 patients had KLHL40 mutations, 1 patient had MTM1 mutation and 1 patient had DNM2 mutation).postprin

    Edge-reinforced random walk on a ladder

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