253 research outputs found

    A trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) perfusion model approach to elucidate the role of blood removal for lipid oxidation and colour changes in ice-stored fish muscle

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    Whole body saline-perfused rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) was ice-stored for 4\ua0weeks and compared with unwashed/washed minces from unbled and bled trout in terms of rancid odour, peroxide value (PV), thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and redness loss. Muscle from saline-perfused fish, which had 72% less total haem, was deficient in rancid odour during the whole storage, while bled (54% less haem) and unbled samples developed rancid odour already after ~4 and 2\ua0days; higher intensity without bleeding. PV/TBARS also developed in the order unbled\ua0>\ua0bled\ua0>\ua0perfused samples; however, PV/TBARS were not as completely prevented as rancid odour after perfusion. Saline washing (3\ua0 7\ua03 volumes) of unbled mince removed 84% haem and yielded the second most stable sample while saline washing (1\ua0 7\ua01 volumes) destabilised unbled mince, despite 64% haem removal. Concurrent antioxidant removal during washing of minces obviously counteracted the effect of blood removal and washing fish mince with small volumes of solution should be used with great care

    Performance evaluation and relevance of the CellaVisionℱ DM96 system in routine analysis and in patients with malignant hematological diseases

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    The CellaVisionℱ DM96 is an automated image analysis system dedicated to locating and preclassifying the various types of white blood cells in peripheral blood smears. The system also partially characterizes of the red blood cell morphology and is able to perform platelet counts. We routinely analyzed the blood samples from 440 patients with quantitative and/or qualitative abnormalities detected by the XE-2100 Sysmexℱ. Only 2.6% of cells are not identified by DM96ℱ. After classification of the unidentified cells very good correlation coefficients are observed between DM96ℱ and manual microscopy for most hematological parameters and accuracy is judged excellent up to 98%. For most common parameters, false positive and false negative ratios are also very good. Whatever the pathology and the number of blasts on smear, all patients were positive for blast detection on DM96ℱ. The system is a useful tool for assisting in the diagnosis and classification of most acute or chronic leukemia. Automatic cell location and preclassification, along with unique cell views on the computer screen, could reduce the time spent performing differentials and make real-time collaboration between colleagues a natural part of the classification process. The workstation also provides an ergonomically correct and relaxed working environment. We suggest its use in routine analysis; the system could be very helpful for the accurate morphological diagnosis of samples from patients with malignant hematological disease

    Mastocytosis: a Rare Case of Anaphylaxis in Paediatric Age and Literature Review

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    The term “mastocytosis” denotes a heterogeneous group of disorders characterised by abnormal growth and accumulation of mast cells (MC) in one or more organ systems. Symptoms result from MC chemical mediator’s release, pathologic infiltration of neoplastic MC in tissues or both. Multiple molecular, genetic and chromosomal defects seem to contribute to an autonomous growth, but somatic c-kit D816V mutation is more frequently encountered, especially in systemic disease. We present a literature review of mastocytosis and a rare case report of an 18 month-old-girl with a bullous dermatosis, respiratory distress and anaphylaxis, as clinical manifestations of mastocytosis. The developments of accepted classification systems and novel useful markers allowed a re-evaluation and updating of the classification of mastocytosis. In paediatric age cutaneous forms of disease prevail and may regress spontaneously. SM is more frequently diagnosed in adults and is a persistent(clonal) disease of bone marrow. The clinical course in these patients is variable.Today diagnostic criteria for each disease variant are reasonably well defined. There are, however, peculiarities, namely in paediatric age, that makes the diagnostic approach difficult. Systemic disease may pose differential diagnostic problems resulting from multiple organ systems involvement. Coversly, the “unexplained” appearance of those symptoms with no skin lesions should raise the suspicion of MC disease. This case is reported in order to stress the clinical severity and difficult diagnostic approach that paediatric mastocytosis may assume

    Therapeutic potential of active components of saffron in post-surgical adhesion band formation

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    Background Abdominal adhesions are common and often develop after abdominal surgery. There are currently no useful targeted pharmacotherapies for adhesive disease. Saffron and its active constituents, Crocin and Crocetin, are wildly used in traditional medicine for alleviating the severity of inflammatory or malignant disease. Purpose The aim of this study was to investigate the therapeutic potential of the pharmacological active component of saffron in attenuating the formation of post-operative adhesion bands using different administration methods in a murine model. Material method saffron extract (100 mg/kg), Crocin (100 mg/kg), and Crocetin (100 mg/kg) were administered intraperitoneally and by gavage in various groups of male Wistar rat post-surgery. Also three groups were first treated intra-peritoneally by saffron extract, Crocin, and Crocetin (100 mg/kg) for 10 days and then had surgery. At the end of the experiments, animals sacrificed for biological assessment. Result A hydro-alcoholic extract of saffron and crocin but not crocetin potently reduced the adhesion band frequency in treatment and pre-treatment groups in the mice given intra-peritoneal (i.p) injections. Following the saffron or crocin administration, histological evaluation and quantitative analysis represented less inflammatory cell infiltration and less collagen composition, compared to control group. Moreover, the oxidative stress was significantly reduced in treatment groups. Conclusion These findings suggest that a hydro-alcoholic extract of saffron or its active compound, crocin, is a potentially novel therapeutic strategy for the prevention of adhesions formation and might be used as beneficial anti-inflammatory or anti-fibrosis agents in clinical trials. Taxonomy Abdominal surgeries/post-surgical adhesions

    SjÀlvstÀndiga Bankgarantier - Vad innebÀr de och nÀr kan betalningskrav under dem vÀgras?

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    Föreliggande uppsats syftar till att, ur framförallt ett svenskt perspektiv, belysa vad s.k. sjÀlvstÀndiga bankgarantier egentligen innebÀr och nÀr betalningskrav under dem kan vÀgras. Med tanke pÄ att denna internationella rÀttsfigur Ànnu Àr tÀmligen oreglerad i Sverige sökes dock i betydande utstrÀckning ledning i engelsk och tysk rÀtt samt olika internationella regelverk, framförallt olika standardavtal frÄn Internationella Handelskammaren. Inledningsvis behandlas grundlÀggande mekanismer och funktioner hos de vanligaste typerna av sjÀlvstÀndiga garantier. HÀrvid visas att utöver den grundlÀggande funktionen att utgöra sÀkerhet, Àr den sjÀlvstÀndiga garantin i praktiken ett effektivt medel för att i större eller mindre utstrÀckning allokera risker mellan beneficienten och uppdragsgivaren. Vidare visas att hur stor denna riskallokering blir beror huvudsakligen pÄ vilken typ av betalningsmekanism som vÀljs. SÄledes kan betalningsmekanismen anses utgöra garantins egentliga kÀrna, dÄ denna i mÄngt och mycket bestÀmmer vilka fördelar garantin medför för beneficienten, och vilka risker den innefattar för uppdragsgivaren. IfrÄga om garantins rÀttsliga karaktÀr pÄvisas att den nÀrmast kan klassificeras som en rÀttslig hybrid mellan borgen och rembursen, och att det sÄledes bör, med vederbörligt beaktande av garantins specifika natur, vara möjligt att söka ledning i sÄvÀl borgens- som rembursreglerna. Vidare behandlas tolkningen av garantiÄtaganden, varvid inledningsvis fokuseras pÄ grÀnsdragningsproblematiken mellan accessoriska och sjÀlvstÀndiga Ätaganden. DÀrefter granskas nÀrmare den konkreta utformningen av den vanligaste och för sjÀlvstÀndiga garantier mest utmÀrkande typen av betalningsmekansim, den s.k. on demand-mekanismen. HÀrefter diskuteras de grundlÀggande formella villkoren för utbetalning av garantisumman samt de olika inblandade parternas regressrÀtt gentemot varandra vid sÄvÀl direkta som indirekta garantier. HÀrvid visas att ett för svensk rÀtts del sÀrskilt problematiskt förhÄllande Àr utgÄngspunkten - vid indirekta garantier - att den instruerande bankens motgaranti skall anses vara i princip oberoende av den utfÀrdande bankens primÀrgaranti. Anledningen till att denna i sig komplexa frÄga blir Àn mer problematisk för svensk rÀtt, Àr att den för sjÀlvstÀndiga garantier fundamentala principen om ''pay first, argue later'' inte kan genomföras gentemot den utfÀrdande banken, pÄ grund av begrÀnsningarna i svensk skadestÄndsrÀtt ifrÄga om utomobligatoriskt ansvar för rena förmögenhetsskador. Konsekvensen hÀrav kan bli att om uppdragsgivaren inte omedelbart, utan först senare, kan styrka att den utfÀrdande banken brustit i sina Äligganden, kan den utfÀrdande banken helt undgÄ ansvar för sin försumlighet. Vidare utreds i vilken mÄn betalning under garantier kan vÀgras dÄ de dÀrunder framstÀllda betalningskraven visserligen uppfyller de formella kraven enligt garantierna, men Àr materiellt ogrundade sÄtillvida att de saknar berÀttigande enligt det underliggande basavtalet mellan uppdragsgivaren och beneficienten. Det visas hÀrvid att det finns relativt klart rÀttsligt stöd för att inskrÀnkningar i abstraktionsprincipen principiellt kan ske Àven i svensk rÀtt, men att det dÀremot Ànnu inte rÄder klarhet kring exakt under vilka nÀrmare omstÀndigheter sÄ kan ske. Det klarlÀggs att den lÀmpligaste matriellrÀttsliga utgÄngspunkten för att vÀgra ogrundade betalningskrav bör vara 36 § avtalslagen under hÀnvisning till att kraven kan anses utgöra rÀttsmissbruk. Vidare visas att rÀttsmissbruk i detta sammanhang torde anses föreligga dÄ det Àr uppenbart att betalningskravet saknar tÀnkbar grund enligt basavtalet. Det pÄvisas Àven att denna rÀttighet för banken att vÀgra betalning, under vissa omstÀndigheter, torde övergÄ till en skyldighet för banken att vÀgra betalning, sÄtillvida att banken annars riskerar att förlora sin regressrÀtt gentemot uppdragsgivaren. Avslutningsvis visas att, Ätminstone enligt svensk rÀtt, torde banken anses ha en skyldighet att upplysa sin uppdragsgivare om att betalningskrav har rests under garantin, innan banken verkstÀller utbetalning av garantisumman. Vidare pÄvisas att denna upplysningsskyldighet Àr av stort praktiskt vÀrde, dÄ banken överhuvudtaget inte kan anses ha nÄgon egen plikt att utreda huruvida betalningskravet de facto Àr materiellt berÀttigat under basavtalet, utan endast har en skyldighet att verifiera de formella kraven enligt garantin. SÄledes Äligger det istÀllet helt och hÄllet uppdragsgivaren att upplysa banken om ett eventuellt missbruk av garantin, och prestera sÄ mycket bevisning som krÀvs för att banken rÀtteligen skall kunna vÀgra ett ogrundat betalningskrav

    Effects of growth hormone and steroids on human osteoblast-like cells

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    Bone tissue is a metabolic active organ and is continuously remodulated. The regulation of bone resorption, bone formation and interactions between different hormones and cytokines in human osteoblasts is not completely understood. Growth hormone (GH) is important in determining final body height and for normal bone physiology. High levels of cortisol result in osteoporosis, while estrogen has a protective effect on bone mass. Interleukin-6 (IL-6) and interleukin-1 (IL-1) are two cytokines which are believed to be of importance for the local regulation of bone remodeling. This thesis investigates the effects of GH, estrogen and cortisol and their interactions with each other and with interleukins in vitro in primary isolated human osteoblast-like (hOB) cells. The specific aims were to investigate if hOB cells express functional GH receptors, if GH regulates the expression of IL-6, if estrogen and/or cortisol regulate the expression of GH receptors and GH-responsivness and, finally, if cortisol regulates the expression of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I), IL-6, or IL-1b in hOB cells.It was demonstrated that hOB cells express the GH receptor transcript. Binding studies showed that the transcript is translated and that the cells have approximately 2000 GH-binding sites/cell. GH-stimulation resulted in increased thymidine incorporation, demonstrating that the GH receptors are functional. High levels of IL-6 were expressed by hOB cells, and the expression was increased with GH. It is speculated whether GH-induced bone resorption is indirectly mediated via increased IL-6 production and/or if GH via autocrine produced IL-6 exerts an anabolic effect on hOB cells. Under specific culture conditions, neither GH nor estrogen alone had any effect on osteoblast proliferation, but they induced cell proliferation if given together. Estrogen increased GH receptor expression in osteoblasts. Thus, it is speculated that estrogen enhances GH-activity via an estrogen-induced increase in GH receptor expression. Furthermore, cortisol increased GH receptor mRNA levels and GH-binding. Thus, the mechanism for cortisol-induced GH-insensitivity in osteoblasts is not via decreased GH receptor expression. It could be speculated that the inhibitory effect of high levels of cortisol on GH-responsivness could be a post-receptor effect. HOB cells express IGF-I and IGF-II mRNA transcripts. Cortisol decreases IGF-I mRNA levels in hOB cells. This finding may explain the mechanism of the negativ effect of cortisol on bone formation. Other effects of cortisol on hOB cells were decreased IL-6 and IL-1 expression. IL-6 and IL-1 are believed to participate in bone resorption. Therefore, it is difficult to explain if, or how cortisol-induced bone resorption could be mediated through reduced, IL-6 and IL-1 expression. However, there are indications that these interleukins exert autocrine anabolic effects on hOB cells and this anabolic effect might be reduced by high levels of cortisol.This thesis contributes to the increased knowledge of the interplay between GH, estrogen, cortisol, IGF-I/II and cytokines in bone physiology. Increased knowledge about basal mechanisms in bone physiology is important for the development of new treatment strategies for patients with osteoporosis and other metabolic bone diseases
