1,503 research outputs found

    Single crystal flow reactor for studying reactivities on metal oxide model catalysts at atmospheric pressure to bridge the pressure gap to the adsorption properties determined under UHV conditions

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    A flow reactor for the investigation of heterogeneous catalytic reactions on single crystalline metal oxide model catalysts has been designed. It is located in a high pressure cell attached to an UHV analysis chamber where the model catalysts can be prepared and characterized by surface science techniques. It can also be run in a batch modus. After sample transfer the high pressure cell can be completely separated from the UHV chamber and it can be used for oxidation treatments and reaction studies at gas pressures up to 1 bar. A new heating system provides direct heating of the sample by laser light up to 1200 K. Product analysis is done by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry, which allows detection in the ppb range. The single crystal flow reactor provides new insight into the atomic scale surface chemistry of metal oxides under real catalysis conditions and bridges the pressure gap for model systems prepared and characterized under UHV conditions. Results on the dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene to styrene over epitaxial potassium-iron oxide films are presented and correlated to thermal desorption measurements on the same films under UHV conditions

    Phase Measurement of Resonant Two-Photon Ionization in Helium

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    We study resonant two-color two-photon ionization of Helium via the 1s3p 1P1 state. The first color is the 15th harmonic of a tunable titanium sapphire laser, while the second color is the fundamental laser radiation. Our method uses phase-locked high-order harmonics to determine the {\it phase} of the two-photon process by interferometry. The measurement of the two-photon ionization phase variation as a function of detuning from the resonance and intensity of the dressing field allows us to determine the intensity dependence of the transition energy.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, under consideratio

    Probing single-photon ionization on the attosecond time scale

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    We study photoionization of argon atoms excited by attosecond pulses using an interferometric measurement technique. We measure the difference in time delays between electrons emitted from the 3s23s^2 and from the 3p63p^6 shell, at different excitation energies ranging from 32 to 42 eV. The determination of single photoemission time delays requires to take into account the measurement process, involving the interaction with a probing infrared field. This contribution can be estimated using an universal formula and is found to account for a substantial fraction of the measured delay.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, under consideratio

    Discontinuous symplectic capacities

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    We show that the spherical capacity is discontinuous on a smooth family of ellipsoidal shells. Moreover, we prove that the shell capacity is discontinuous on a family of open sets with smooth connected boundaries.Comment: We include generalizations to higher dimensions due to the unknown referee and Janko Latschev. We add examples of open sets with connected boundary on which the shell capacity is not continuous. 3rd and 4th version: minor changes, to appear in J. Fixed Point Theory App

    Ovipositional preference, fidelity, and fitness of \u3ci\u3eDrosophila suzukii\u3c/i\u3e in a co-occurring crop and non-crop host system

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    Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura) is a devastating pest of soft-skinned fruits including blackberries and raspberries. Management of this pest is focused on preventing infestation in crops, but non-crop hosts may play an important role in enabling D. suzukii to persist in the absence of cultivated hosts. Drosophila suzukii may also infest fruits of both crop and non-crop hosts concurrently. Our goals were to determine whether (1) D. suzukii prefers to oviposit in cultivated blackberry, Rubus L. subgenus rubus Watson, or American pokeweed, Phytolacca americana, a non-crop host commonly found along field edges, (2) D. suzukii prefers to oviposit into the same host from which it emerged, and (3) performance differs between D. suzukii progeny that develop in blackberries or pokeweed berries. Although the pest was able to infest both hosts at the same rate, we found that D. suzukii females emerging from pokeweed preferred to oviposit into blackberries, while females emerging from blackberry had no preference. Progeny that developed in blackberries were more fit than progeny that developed in pokeweed berries based on several measures. In field locations, cultivated blackberries and pokeweed berries only overlapped in availability for a short period of time, and infestation rates were variable between blackberries and pokeweed berries collected during that period. Nonetheless, these results suggest that noncrop hosts may facilitate the invasion of D. suzukii and perpetuate infestation of cultivated hosts under certain circumstances

    Macroscopic effects in attosecond pulse generation

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    We examine how the generation and propagation of high-order harmonics in a partly ionized gas medium affect their strength and synchronization. The temporal properties of the resulting attosecond pulses generated in long gas targets can be significantly influenced by macroscopic effects, in particular by the intensity in the medium and the degree of ionization. Under some conditions, the use of gas targets longer than the absorption length can lead to the generation of self-compressed attosecond pulses. We show this effect experimentally, using long argon-filled gas cells as generating medium.Comment: 5 pages 4 figure

    Active flow control by means of synthetic jets on a highly loaded compressor cascade

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.This article presents the potential of active flow control to increase the aerodynamic performance of highly loaded turbomachinery compressor blades. Experimental investigations on a large-scale compressor cascade equipped with 30 synthetic jet actuators mounted to the sidewalls and the blades themselves have been carried out. Results for a variation of the inflow angle, the jet amplitude, and the actuation frequency are presented. The wake measurements show total pressure loss reductions of nearly 10 per cent for the synthetic jet actuation. An efficiency calculation reveals that the energy saved by actuation is nearly twice the energy consumption of the synthetic jets

    Experimental and numerical results of active flow control on a highly loaded stator cascade

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.This article presents experimental and numerical results for a compressor cascade with active flow control. Steady and pulsed blowing has been used to control the secondary flow and separation characteristics of a highly loaded controlled diffusion airfoil. Investigations were performed at the design incidence for blowing ratios from approximately 0.7 to 3.0 (jet-to-inlet velocity) and a Reynolds number of 840 000 (based on axial chord and inlet velocity). Detailed flow field data were collected using a five-hole pressure probe, pressure taps on the blade surfaces, and time-resolved Particle Image Velocimetry. Unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes simulations were performed for a wide range of flow control parameters. The experimental and numerical results are used to understand the interaction between the jet and the passage flow. The benefit of the flow control on the cascade performance is weighted against the costs of the actuation by introducing an efficiency which takes the presence of the jets into account.DFG, SFB 557, Beeinflussung komplexer turbulenter Scherströmunge

    LMGP: Lifted Multicut Meets Geometry Projections for Multi-Camera Multi-Object Tracking

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    Multi-Camera Multi-Object Tracking is currently drawing attention in the computer vision field due to its superior performance in real-world applications such as video surveillance in crowded scenes or in wide spaces. In this work, we propose a mathematically elegant multi-camera multiple object tracking approach based on a spatial-temporal lifted multicut formulation. Our model utilizes state-of-the-art tracklets produced by single-camera trackers as proposals. As these tracklets may contain ID-Switch errors, we refine them through a novel pre-clustering obtained from 3D geometry projections. As a result, we derive a better tracking graph without ID switches and more precise affinity costs for the data association phase. Tracklets are then matched to multi-camera trajectories by solving a global lifted multicut formulation that incorporates short and long-range temporal interactions on tracklets located in the same camera as well as inter-camera ones. Experimental results on the WildTrack dataset yield near-perfect performance, outperforming state-of-the-art trackers on Campus while being on par on the PETS-09 dataset.Comment: Official version for CVPR 202

    Making Higher Order {MOT} Scalable: {A}n Efficient Approximate Solver for Lifted Disjoint Paths

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