128 research outputs found

    Classification of software components based on clustering

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    This thesis demonstrates how in different phases of the software life cycle, software components that have similar software metrics can be grouped into homogeneous clusters. We use multi-variate analysis techniques to group similar software components. The results were applied on several real case studies from NASA and open source software. We obtained process and product related metrics during the requirements specification, product related metrics at the architectural level and code metrics from operational stage for several case studies. We implemented clustering analysis using these metrics and validated the results. This analysis makes it possible to rank the clusters and assign similar development and validation tasks for all the components in a cluster, as the components in a cluster have similar metrics and hence tend to behave alike

    Characterization of Arabidopsis thaliana mutants lacking a jumonji domain containing histone demethylase and a set domain containing histone methyl transferase

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    Condensation of chromatin and alteration of chemical groups in the proteins around which the DNA is wrapped play major role in regulation of transcription. Histones are basic proteins rich in arginine and lysine residues which form the nucleosomal core. Histone modifications like acetylation, methylation, phosphorylation, etc. have broadened the horizon for researchers to study epigenetics more in detail. Histone methyl transferases and histone demethyl transferases are enzymes which add or remove methyl groups on histone lysine and arginine residues respectively. In this study a jumonji domain containing putative histone demethyltransferase has been shown to be responsible in controlling flowering phenotype in Arabidopsis thaliana. The knocked out mutants for this gene (JMJ14) showed an early flowering phenotype along with elevated levels of FT transcript (Flowering locus T, gene responsible for controlling the flowering time in Arabidopsis thaliana). We show that methylation was altered on H3K36 in the FT ene in the mutants using ChIP (chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments). The possible role of SDG8 gene, a histone methyl transferase in ABA signaling was also studied during the research. A SET domain containing Sdg8 (group 8 methyltransferase) mutant was found to be responsible for ABA signaled altered root growth in Arabidopsis thaliana. The cell number and cell size in roots decreased in both meristematic and elongation zones leading to decrease in root size in sdg8 mutants and number of root hairs increased when treated with Abscisic acid, a plant hormone. In this part of study, as part of an interaction between epigenetics and gene regulation, it was observed that a putative histone demethylase gene, JMJ14 was responsible for regulating the flowering time by controlling the expression of FT and SDG8 played a role in altered root growth in response to ABA in Arabidopsis thaliana. Further studies on these genes could lead to generation of commercial crops with phenotypes that would increase the plant productivity and be beneficial agronomically

    Characterization of Arabidopsis thaliana mutants lacking a jumonji domain containing histone demethylase and a set domain containing histone methyl transferase

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    Condensation of chromatin and alteration of chemical groups in the proteins around which the DNA is wrapped play major role in regulation of transcription. Histones are basic proteins rich in arginine and lysine residues which form the nucleosomal core. Histone modifications like acetylation, methylation, phosphorylation, etc. have broadened the horizon for researchers to study epigenetics more in detail. Histone methyl transferases and histone demethyl transferases are enzymes which add or remove methyl groups on histone lysine and arginine residues respectively. In this study a jumonji domain containing putative histone demethyltransferase has been shown to be responsible in controlling flowering phenotype in Arabidopsis thaliana. The knocked out mutants for this gene (JMJ14) showed an early flowering phenotype along with elevated levels of FT transcript (Flowering locus T, gene responsible for controlling the flowering time in Arabidopsis thaliana). We show that methylation was altered on H3K36 in the FT ene in the mutants using ChIP (chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments). The possible role of SDG8 gene, a histone methyl transferase in ABA signaling was also studied during the research. A SET domain containing Sdg8 (group 8 methyltransferase) mutant was found to be responsible for ABA signaled altered root growth in Arabidopsis thaliana. The cell number and cell size in roots decreased in both meristematic and elongation zones leading to decrease in root size in sdg8 mutants and number of root hairs increased when treated with Abscisic acid, a plant hormone. In this part of study, as part of an interaction between epigenetics and gene regulation, it was observed that a putative histone demethylase gene, JMJ14 was responsible for regulating the flowering time by controlling the expression of FT and SDG8 played a role in altered root growth in response to ABA in Arabidopsis thaliana. Further studies on these genes could lead to generation of commercial crops with phenotypes that would increase the plant productivity and be beneficial agronomically

    Heterogeneous Dynamic Spectrum Access in Cognitive Radio enabled Vehicular Networks Using Network Softwarization

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    Dynamic spectrum access (DSA) in cognitive radio networks (CRNs) is regarded as an emerging technology to solve the spectrum scarcity problem created by static spectrum allocation. In DSA, unlicensed users access idle channels opportunistically, without creating any harmful interference to licensed users. This method will also help to incorporate billions of wireless devices for different applications such as Internet-of-Things, cyber-physical systems, smart grids, etc. Vehicular networks for intelligent transportation cyber-physical systems is emerging concept to improve transportation security and reliability. IEEE 802.11p standard comprising of 7 channels is dedicated for vehicular communications. These channels could be highly congested and may not be able to provide reliable communications in urban areas. Thus, vehicular networks are expected to utilize heterogeneous wireless channels for reliable communications. In this thesis, real-time opportunistic spectrum access in cloud based cognitive radio network (ROAR) architecture is used for energy efficiency and dynamic spectrum access in vehicular networks where geolocation of vehicles is used to find idle channels. Furthermore, a three step mechanism to detect geolocation falsification attacks is presented. Performance is evaluated using simulation results

    Frequency, risk factors and materno-foetal outcomes among cases of Placenta previa at a tertiary care hospital: a two year study

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    Background: Placenta previa refers to the presence of placental tissue that extends over the internal cervical os.  Placenta previa is linked to maternal hypovolemia, anaemia, and long hospital stay and with prematurity, low birth weight, low APGAR score in newborn. So it is very important to identify the condition at an early date to warn the condition thereby reducing the maternal and foetal morbidity and mortality. The present study was aimed to estimate the prevalence of PP, its associated predisposing risk factors and maternal morbidity, mortality and the perinatal outcome.Methods: A prospective observational study for two years was conducted at a tertiary care hospital. Pregnant mothers with >28 weeks of age with H/o ante partum haemorrhage were screened for placenta previa, confirmed by ultra sonography and included in the study. Clinical history, obstetric examination was done and followed up till the delivery. Maternal and foetal outcomes were recorded. Data analyzed by using SPSS version 20.Results: 1.4% incidence of PP was noted, mean age of group was 29.17±1.6 years. Age group of 21-30 years, multiparity Gravida 2-4, previous history of caesarean section and less number of ante natal checkups were significant risk factors and LSCS was most common outcome. Prematurity, low birth weight and APGAR <7 score for 1 minute was common foetal outcomes.Conclusions: Our study strongly suggests foetal surveillance programmes in cases of placenta previa. Measures should be made to bring awareness about PP, in urban slums and to increase medical checkups regularly. Making USG mandatory during every ANC and referral of cases of PP to tertiary care centres would definitely reduce the chances of morbidity and mortality

    Hysterosalpingogram in evaluation of primary and secondary infertility: a two year study at a tertiary care hospital of South India

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    Background: Infertility globally is a raising threat and problem associated with significant social and psychological problem. Infertility currently affects about 10 to 14 percent of the Indian population, with higher rates in urban areas where one out of six couples is impacted. Patency of the tubes, structure of uterus and cervix can be visualized by hysterosalpingogram which is a simple safer inexpensive investigation of choice in cases of infertility. Objective of this study was to study the role of hysterosalpingography (HSG) in cases of primary and secondary infertility and to observe the structural abnormalities of cervix, uterus and fallopian tubes.Methods: A two year prospective study was conducted on cases of primary and secondary infertility attending the OPD of infertility clinic. HSG was performed on the subjects included in study and findings were noted. Analysis was done by Microsoft excel spread sheet.Results: A total of 286 cases with 11.19% of primary infertility and 88.81% of secondary infertility evaluated by HSG. Mean age of the study group was 35.16±2.8 years. 74.83% had abnormal findings, with 20.28% having normal uterine cavity with uterine filling defect being the common abnormality. Two congenital anomalies of uterus were noted. Tubal occlusion was seen in 8.39% right and 9.09% left cases. Hydrosalpinx was observed in 7.69% of right and 9.79% of left cases.Conclusions: To conclude, women presenting with infertility should be evaluated for tubal pathology. The tubal pathologies like occlusion or hydrosalpinx may be due to infections or post surgical sequelae. HSG remains one of the diagnostic backbone in infertility even availability of new modalities

    Validation of Serum Based Biomarkers for Preeclampsia

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    INTRODUCTION: Preeclampsia is one of the most important complications of pregnancy and is the leading cause of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality in the world. Hypertensive disorder of pregnancy and their complications, a major cause of maternal mortality, still complicate approximately 0.34- 11.5% of pregnancies. Preeclampsia is a multi-system disorder of pregnancy, which is characterized by new onset hypertension (systolic and diastolic blood pressure of ≥ 140 and 90 mm Hg, respectively, on two occasions, at least 6 hours apart) and proteinuria (protein excretion of ≥ 300 mg in a 24 h urine collection, or a dipstick of ≥ 2+), that develop after 20 weeks of gestation in previously normotensive women. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: 1. To study the clinical presentations and determinants of pre eclampsia among clinically diagnosed preeclampsia in a tertiary care hospital. 2. To compare and validate serum based biomarkers (Placental Induced Growth Factor (PIGF) & Pentraxin-3 (PTX3) values in normal pregnancy and preeclampsia. 3. To correlate the levels of these biomarkers with the pregnancy outcomes. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a prospective study carried out in a teritiary health centre of 70 patients which were divided into 2 groups- Group A (35 confirmed cases of preeclampsia) and Group B (35 normal pregnant women). The study was approved by Institutional Ethics Committee. The plasma samples will be analyzed for various biomarkers (PlGF, and PTX3) using ELISA kits developed by R&D systems (www.rndsystems.com). The assay will be performed according to manufacturer’s instruction. The experiments will be carried out in duplicates. OBSERVATIONS AND RESULTS: The age distribution in Group A is 27.77 ±4 and in Group B is 25± 4. Which are almost identical. The samples are matched with p= 0.494. The mean gestational age diagnosed PIH is 29.74± . Primigravida women in Group A constitute 62.9% Gestational age at which most of the Group A women presented is between 33 – 40 weeks, which constitutes 65.7%. In groupA women presented with mild preeclampsia is 31.4% and with severe preeclampsia is 68.6%. Outcome in Group A, Intra Uterine deaths were 2.9%, still birth were 17.1% , Intra Uterine Growth Retardation are 22.9%, children with weight > 1.5kg are 57.2%. Urine albumin with 3+ is seen in 51.4% in Group A is 51.4%. Liver Function test are raised in 62.9% in Group A. Platelet count with <10000 is 31.4% in Group A. Mean value of Lactate dehydrogenase is 308±153.21 in Group A and 145.08±17.98. Pentraxin value in Group A women 20.85± 6.12 and in Group B women is 10.83±3.42 which is statistically significant. PIGF value in Group A women is 28.02±17.01 and in Group B is 570.61±81.53 which is statistically significant. DISCUSSION: The aim of this study was first to define whether pregnancy itself, a condition associated with relevant involvement of inflammatory molecules at the implantation site, is associated with changes in maternal circulating PTX3 levels and PIGF compared with the non pregnant condition. Women with preeclampsia have a significantly higher (6 to 10-fold) median serum/plasma PTX3 concentration than women with uncomplicated pregnancies. The findings of our study confirm the association between PE(PreEclampsia) and increased maternal plasma concentration of PTX3 which shows PTX3 level is very much high in preeclamptic women with an average value of 20.8524194 ng/ml and where as for women who are controls the PTX3 is 11.8336307 ng/ml. In Group A the highest value of PTX3 is 103.3ng/ml and the lowest value is 0.113087961ng/ml, where as in Group B the highest value obtained is 68ng/ml and the lowest is 0.0156ng/ml, average PTX3 levels in mild PE is 12.87ng/ml, in severe PE is 24.50ng/ml which shows PTX3 is further more increased in severe PE cases than mild PE, which is statistically significant (p=<0.001). Placental Induced Growth Factor measured for both Groups showed that the PIGF in Group B is 570.805 pg/ml, where as PIGF measured in Group A is 33.2692pg/ml, highest value of PIGF in Group A is 410pg/ml and lowest is 4.815041215pg/ml, where as the highest value in Group B is 1486pg/ml and the lowest is 65.578048pg/ml, so average PIGF values in mild PE is 95.64pg/ml, severe PE is 58.84pg/ml and in Group B is 570.805pg/ml which shows that PIGF is very much decreased in preeclamptic patient which is statistically significant (p=0.8 in severe preeclampsia, IUGR is associated with increased risk of perinatal mortality and morbidity and both short-term and long-term maternal complications. CONCLUSIONS: Despite there exists many different potential markers for preeclampsia, the reliability of these markers in predicting preeclampsia has been inconsistent between different studies. The result of this study suggests a role whether causal or consequential of PTX3 in pregnancy complications. The elevated maternal plasma levels of PTX3 in preeclamptic versus normal pregnancies might be a marker of altered endothelial function, typical of preeclampsia. PIGF is more specific than Pentraxin 3, according we like to conclude that maternal serum placental induced growth factor is useful in screening the high-risk group of preeclampsia before the clinical appearance of maternal disease (hypertension, proteinuria, and edema). As the new developed PIGF ELISA is authorized for routine diagnostic testing, it may offer new possibilities in the prediction of preeclampsia in clinical routine. So, serum biomarkers such as PIGF and pentraxin3 can be routinely used for the prediction of the preeclampsia

    A study of eosinophil count in nasal and blood smear in allergic respiratory diseases in a rural setup

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    ABSTRACT: Allergic respiratory disorders are fairly common visiting cases in pediatrics outpatient department (OPD). With an appropriate history and detailed examination, diagnosis may not be problematic. Routine investigation may not contribute much to the final diagnosis but may help in ruling out other possibilities. This study was done to evaluate sensitivity and specificity of blood or nasal eosinophilia in subjects suffering from allergic respiratory disorders and also to assess the feasibility of nasal cytogram which is a simple, economical and reliable investigation in allergic respiratory disorders. This is a prospective clinical correlation study of patients attending outpatient department. 100 subjects aged between 2-18 years of either sex were selected for the estimation of eosinophil count in nasal and peripheral smear in allergic respiratory disorders. All allergic respiratory cases based on eosinophillia. The nasal and blood eosinophilia were compared with each other and clinical findings of allergic rhinitis with or without asthma were studied. In this study peak age incidence was seen between 11-18 years and it was more common in males. Rhinorrhoea, pale mucosa and nasal obstruction were common findings in allergic rhinitis with bronchial asthma. Nasal eosinophilia was seen in 52.4% and 64.9% of cases of allergic rhinitis and allergic rhinitis with asthma respectively. Blood eosinophilia was seen in 54% and 56.8% of cases of allergic rhinitis with asthma respectively. Nasal cytogram which is a simple, economical and non- invasive procedure can be used as an alternative to invasive peripheral smear eosinophilia as both are equally efficacious in diagnosing allergic respiratory diseases.KEYWORDS: Eosinophilia; Allergic rhinitis; Bronchial asthmaInternet Journal of Medical Update 2012 January;7(1):40-4

    Incidence and pattern of infections in pregnant women with bad obstetric history

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    Background: Adverse outcomes have been seen in pregnant women who had prior bad obstetric history along with infection with TORCH [toxoplasma, other infections (syphilis, varicella zoster, hepatitis B), rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex]complex and bacterial vaginosis. These infections are known to affect the health of the fetus. Objective was to study incidence and pattern of infections in pregnant women with bad obstetric history.Methods: A total of 190 patients with bad obstetric history fulfilling the methodology criteria were evaluated. Serological and molecular evaluations were carried out for TORCH complex and bacterial vaginosis was detected by both gram stain and gold standard clinical Amsel criteria and outcomes were followed.Results: Out of 190 pregnant women with bad obstetric history, a total of 36 (18.8%) were detected to have infections causing bad obstetric history. Toxoplasma was positive in 7 (20%) of the cases, 3 (51.92%) of them had abortions. Rubella in 12 (32%) of the cases, 7 (60%) cases had sensorineural deafness. Cytomegalovirus in 1 (2%) of the cases, 1 (100%) of the case had microcephaly. Herpes in 8 (22%) cases, 6 (71.1%) cases had abortions. Bacterial vaginosis in 8 (22%) of the cases, 4 (48.6%) cases had preterm delivery. The presence of infections with TORCH complex and bacterial vaginosis was related to adverse pregnancy outcomes.Conclusions: Women with bad obstetric history are prone to infections during pregnancy and have been found out to be associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes. Hence pregnant women should be screened so that early diagnosis and treatment of infections can be done to have better pregnancy outcomes

    Extent of Empowerment of Women Entrepreneurs on Entrepreneurial and Technological Empowerment

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    Empowerment of women entrepreneurs in the context of technology entails building up the abilities and skills of women to gain insight into the issues affecting them and also building up their capacity to voice their concerns. Technological empowerment of women entrepreneurs will open up avenues to further nrichment. By the use of technology women can broaden the scope of their activities. Hence the present paper focused on analyzing the entrepreneurial and technological empowerment of women entrepreneurs. Majority of the women entrepreneurs had medium level of entrepreneurial and low level of technological empowerment
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