44 research outputs found

    Modification of neuropathic pain sensation through microglial ATP receptors

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    Neuropathic pain that typically develops when peripheral nerves are damaged through surgery, bone compression in cancer, diabetes, or infection is a major factor causing impaired quality of life in millions of people worldwide. Recently, there has been a rapidly growing body of evidence indicating that spinal glia play a critical role in the pathogenesis of neuropathic pain. Accumulating findings also indicate that nucleotides play an important role in neuron-glia communication through P2 purinoceptors. Damaged neurons release or leak nucleotides including ATP and UTP to stimulate microglia through P2 purinoceptors expressing on microglia. It was shown in an animal model of neuropathic pain that microglial P2X4 and P2X7 receptors are crucial in pain signaling after peripheral nerve lesion. In this review, we describe the modification of neuropathic pain sensation through microglial P2X4 and P2X7, with the possibility of P2Y6 and P2Y12 involvement

    Glycine Inhibitory Dysfunction Turns Touch into Pain through PKCgamma Interneurons

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    Dynamic mechanical allodynia is a widespread and intractable symptom of neuropathic pain for which there is a lack of effective therapy. During tactile allodynia, activation of the sensory fibers which normally detect touch elicits pain. Here we provide a new behavioral investigation into the dynamic component of tactile allodynia that developed in rats after segmental removal of glycine inhibition. Using in vivo electrophysiological recordings, we show that in this condition innocuous mechanical stimuli could activate superficial dorsal horn nociceptive specific neurons. These neurons do not normally respond to touch. We anatomically show that the activation was mediated through a local circuit involving neurons expressing the gamma isoform of protein kinase C (PKCγ). Selective inhibition of PKCγ as well as selective blockade of glutamate NMDA receptors in the superficial dorsal horn prevented both activation of the circuit and allodynia. Thus, our data demonstrates that a normally inactive circuit in the dorsal horn can be recruited to convert touch into pain. It also provides evidence that glycine inhibitory dysfunction gates tactile input to nociceptive specific neurons through PKCγ-dependent activation of a local, excitatory, NMDA receptor-dependent, circuit. As a consequence of these findings, we suggest that pharmacological inhibition of PKCγ might provide a new tool for alleviating allodynia in the clinical setting

    Translational Systems Biology of Inflammation

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    Inflammation is a complex, multi-scale biologic response to stress that is also required for repair and regeneration after injury. Despite the repository of detailed data about the cellular and molecular processes involved in inflammation, including some understanding of its pathophysiology, little progress has been made in treating the severe inflammatory syndrome of sepsis. To address the gap between basic science knowledge and therapy for sepsis, a community of biologists and physicians is using systems biology approaches in hopes of yielding basic insights into the biology of inflammation. “Systems biology” is a discipline that combines experimental discovery with mathematical modeling to aid in the understanding of the dynamic global organization and function of a biologic system (cell to organ to organism). We propose the term translational systems biology for the application of similar tools and engineering principles to biologic systems with the primary goal of optimizing clinical practice. We describe the efforts to use translational systems biology to develop an integrated framework to gain insight into the problem of acute inflammation. Progress in understanding inflammation using translational systems biology tools highlights the promise of this multidisciplinary field. Future advances in understanding complex medical problems are highly dependent on methodological advances and integration of the computational systems biology community with biologists and clinicians

    'The Fittest on Earth': Performance and Image Enhancing Drugs Use Within UK CrossFit Communities

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    While there are different harms that are related to sport/exercise (hooliganism, gambling, drug use, violence, etc.), in this chapter we are particularly interested in exploring the ‘subjective harms’ and ‘embedded harms’ associated with the exercise regime known as CrossFit, with specific attention to the use of performance and image enhancing drugs (PIEDs) and dietary supplements within this milieu. Drawing on the deviant leisure perspective, the chapter explores the possible ways in which CrossFitters may ‘self-harm’ in their conformity to social norms and values and specifically the cultural injunction to either perform or be aesthetically appealing and, more importantly, how these harms may be mitigated, meditated or exacerbated by a CrossFit leisure identity. The main purpose of this chapter is to (1) empirically investigate the reported prevalence of supplements and PIEDs in CrossFit within the UK, (2) examine the relationship between CrossFit and (un)healthy behaviours and practices more generally and (3) situate our findings within the broader theoretical lens of deviant leisure