46 research outputs found

    Innovative Human Resource Practices in Indian Banks: A Study from HR Manager’s Perspective

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    Banking sector is one of the vital financial pillars of Indian economy is one of the indispensable money related mainstays of Indian economy. The progression approach has influenced the intensity of banks because of the worldwide weights coming about into mix of Human Resource The board with business approaches. The review by Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and Indian Bank's Affiliation (IBA) report that the Indian keeping money industry will confront two up and coming difficulties that is an monetarily feasible answer for monetary consideration and HR structure in next multi decade. While the main test requests bizarre advancement and experimentation, the second undermines to injure the capacity of the biggest fragment of the saving money industry from having the capacity to advance and remain aggressive. The special complexities of people in general division make traditional HR arrangements ineffectual. The activities like "Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana" by the Honorable Prime Minister of India, banks commitment in the budgetary incorporation has helped up, however the representative's desires from the business have additionally emerged. This requires a need to advance the prior HR practices of the banks with the goal that the representative profitability can be improved. This paper intends to give an understanding to such advancements, identified with Human Resource Management with the assistance of a essential investigation dependent on the perspectives of HR chiefs of six diverse Indian banks both from open and private segment. These creative HRM rehearses have been recorded under seven distinct heads of HRM to be specific enlistment and determination, preparing and advancement, execution the executives, pay the executives, profession improvement, worker inspiration and representative security. A couple of the prior examinations have likewise been eluded for the last ends. The dimension of usage of these advancements may not be tasteful, yet the usage has been begun and the positive outcomes in the profitability will make these banks feel how essential these are for their development. It has been discovered that intermingling of practices of new and imaginative HR regions will profit the banks to wind up progressively aggressive

    Contemporary Issues and Challenges in the Indian Education System

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    Education is the root of each nation. A nation won't have the capability to make due in the alert world, if its guidance framework isn't fit for contributing for its enhancement. Indian training framework is broadly criticized in multi-measurements for its inability to make required employability in its understudies as per the business prerequisites and its failure to add to comprehensive development in the country all in all. This paper deeds to feature the issues and give a few answers for purpose them. The study utilizes optional information from different accessible sources. The analyst presumes that the issues in the present training framework that are overwhelming the development of this nation can be handled successfully if helpful and submitted moves are made by the Government to determine them

    Gastrointestinal stromal tumor causing ileo-ileal intussusception in an adult patient a rare presentation with review of literature

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    Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) are mesenchymal tumors occurring anywhere along the gastrointestinal tract and are believed to originate from the interstitial cells of Cajal. They commonly arise in the stomach or small intestine. The usual growth pattern is exophytic invading adjacent organs or perforation into the peritoneal cavity which may result in bleeding or obstructive symptoms. Intussusception and obstruction is a very uncommon presentation of these lesions because of their tendency to grow in an extraluminal fashion. We report an unusual case of 59 yrs old man presenting with acute small bowel obstruction, which on exploration was found to be due to ileo-ileal intussusception and the lead point of intussusception was a tumor, which was histologically diagnosed as GIS

    Kid's shows' Effect in Changing Children Mental Response and Behavior

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    Children resembles a white paper. Which you can draw on it, his identity and conduct. A children is tolerating any external impact and data influencing his character later on. Since any conduct or activity the tyke sees may influence his identity. TV is the thing that draws in the kids most and shapes their conduct. Normally a large portion of the demonstrates that youngsters' watch is kid's shows. Toons are one of the everyday propensity for our youngsters, however cartoon impacts the tyke emphatically and contrarily both. So to realize that how a toon influences youngsters, analysts pick this point for research.   Elements that figure chilldrens' state of mind are found for the most part in the earth where they grow up. These incorporate every day occasions, essential encounters and pinnacle emotions. Toons are one of the every day propensities for our youngsters; thinks about have demonstrated that a normal kid with an office of a TV and a satellite association at his home watches over 18,000 hours of TV from kindergarten to secondary school graduation. How does this experience influence our kids minds? Does it have positive or negative impacts? What kinds of substance are conveyed to our children in a cartoonish appear? Are for the most part indicates trustable, or will guardians give careful consideration to the TV appears? How does our children’s mind assimilate and investigation data in any case? These inquiries and others will be replied through this overview test look into [1] [2]

    Role of Startups on Indian Economy

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    India needs 10 million jobs a year and global data shows that it is startups, not large enterprises that create net new jobs in any country. Startups are the centers of innovation and are a great way to enhance employment creation in the economy. The concept of Start –up India campaign was started on 15th August 2015. Startups involve dealing with new technology which generally lies at the highest end of value addition chain. India is a home to almost 3100 startups starting per year standing just behind the US, UK, and Israel according to the NASSCOM report of 2015. If the growth continues in the same pace then it is expected that Indian tech startups will generate almost 2.5 lakh jobs in the next five years. India is also said to enjoy demographic dividend and it is anticipated that by 2020 India will be a home to 112 million working population falling in the age bracket of 20-24 years as compared to that of 94 million workers of China. This demographic dividend will definitely boost the startup culture in the country. The Prime Minister’s Startup India campaign is a great initiative to boost entrepreneurship in India. This initiative will play a very important role in further facilitating startups and providing a new dimension to entrepreneurship in the country

    An Analysis of Strategy of Internet Marketing in Indian Scenario

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    The use of internet has a direct effect on country’s economy. A study from Indian Council for Research and International Economic Relations (ICRIER) reveals that on an average 10% increase in internet subscriber results in 1.08% of increase in output. Thus, the increasing internet penetration has a huge impact on country’s GDP. Internet is overcoming the constraints like lack of alternative infrastructure, lack of proper roads and lack of information fairly efficiently and quickly. Internet has brought more transparency into the system which is giving everybody equal opportunity. Internet users are able to compare prices, search hard-to-find items or information, communicate and learn in new, improved ways. Governments can serve citizens much more quickly and cost effectively through e-governance. It has changed the way business is conducted in today’s world. This article will focus on Internet marketing and the strategies used to make the efforts successful. The Internet poses both opportunities and threats to the field of marketing. When developing a strategic marketing plan, organizations will need to determine if and when internet marketing will be utilized. The success of the Internet as a medium for marketing depends upon how well the system outperforms alternative systems. This article will also explore how an organization can establish a customer base with the site-centric and symbiotic marketing approaches

    A Study on Investors Perception towards Mutual Fund Investments (With Special Reference to Alwar City)

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    This examination on Investors acknowledgment towards and late improvement and headway of Mutual Fund premiums in Alwar city goes under the board an area of organization publicizing. In the wide thought of organization publicizing it exclusively centers around the exhibiting of cash related organization specifically basic resources. Well ordered Indian budgetary market is getting the chance to be engaged and the supply of various fiscal instruments ought to be in parity to the premium perspectives of the monetary authorities. The prime drive of any hypothesis is to get most extraordinary returned with a base danger and normal resources allow to the budgetary masters. The examination gives an information into the sorts of risks which exist in a mutual save plan. The data was assembled from shared save budgetary authorities similarly as non basic store examiners of this industry. The investigation bases on the association between theory decision and factors like liquidity, cash related care, and demography. It was found commonly safe resources and liquidity of store plot are having influence on the budgetary authority's acumen for placing assets into the mutual save. With the more broad thought of the distinctive components of organization publicizing, thing care, mark tendencies, and money related authority's satisfaction are the specific regions of the examination. The other displaying limits like thing progression publicize division, channels of exhibiting, thing life cycle, scale headway procedures and their impact of Marketing are completely disposed of from the audit of this examination. So likewise the availability of substitute aftereffect of normal hold units and their impact on this organization thing it also rejected in the examination. In reality, even in the normal store monetary authorities lead also the researcher concentrate only the urban theorists and their anxiety for this examination work. The rustic speculator's perspectives are totally barred from the investigation

    Sacrum metastasis in carcinoma gall bladder: an unusual presentation

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    Disseminated blood-borne metastases from carcinoma of the gall bladder are uncommon and usually occur late. The most common site of extra-abdominal metastasis is lung followed by brain. Skeletal metastases in carcinoma gall bladder are very rare. To date there have only been a few case reports of bone metastasis in carcinoma gall bladder at the time of presentation. Authors here present a rare case of carcinoma gall bladder that progressed to isolated sacrum metastasis.

    Investigation on Ethnomedicinal Plants of District Firozabad

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    A survey in Firozabad District has been done for documented ethnomedicinal plants. About 71 plants have reported in this manuscript which is used for various diseases. This manuscript is very useful for those who work with herbal plants