39 research outputs found

    Toxicogenomic analysis incorporating operon-transcriptional coupling and toxicant concentration-expression response: analysis of MX-treated Salmonella

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Deficiencies in microarray technology cause unwanted variation in the hybridization signal, obscuring the true measurements of intracellular transcript levels. Here we describe a general method that can improve microarray analysis of toxicant-exposed cells that uses the intrinsic power of transcriptional coupling and toxicant concentration-expression response data. To illustrate this approach, we characterized changes in global gene expression induced in <it>Salmonella typhimurium </it>TA100 by 3-chloro-4-(dichloromethyl)-5-hydroxy-2(<it>5H</it>)-furanone (MX), the primary mutagen in chlorinated drinking water. We used the co-expression of genes within an operon and the monotonic increases or decreases in gene expression relative to increasing toxicant concentration to augment our identification of differentially expressed genes beyond Bayesian-t analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Operon analysis increased the number of altered genes by 95% from the list identified by a Bayesian t-test of control to the highest concentration of MX. Monotonic analysis added 46% more genes. A functional analysis of the resulting 448 differentially expressed genes yielded functional changes beyond what would be expected from only the mutagenic properties of MX. In addition to gene-expression changes in DNA-damage response, MX induced changes in expression of genes involved in membrane transport and porphyrin metabolism, among other biological processes. The disruption of porphyrin metabolism might be attributable to the structural similarity of MX, which is a chlorinated furanone, to ligands indigenous to the porphyrin metabolism pathway. Interestingly, our results indicate that the <it>lexA </it>regulon in <it>Salmonella</it>, which partially mediates the response to DNA damage, may contain only 60% of the genes present in this regulon in <it>E. coli</it>. In addition, <it>nanH </it>was found to be highly induced by MX and contains a putative <it>lexA </it>regulatory motif in its regulatory region, suggesting that it may be regulated by <it>lexA</it>.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Operon and monotonic analyses improved the determination of differentially expressed genes beyond that of Bayesian-t analysis, showing that MX alters cellular metabolism involving pathways other than DNA damage. Because co-expression of similarly functioning genes also occurs in eukaryotes, this method has general applicability for improving analysis of toxicogenomic data.</p

    Human uterine leiomyoma-derived fibroblasts stimulate uterine leiomyoma cell proliferation and collagen type I production, and activate RTKs and TGF beta receptor signaling in coculture

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    BACKGROUND: Uterine leiomyomas (fibroids) are benign smooth muscle tumors that often contain an excessive extracellular matrix (ECM). In the present study, we investigated the interactions between human uterine leiomyoma (UtLM) cells and uterine leiomyoma-derived fibroblasts (FB), and their importance in cell growth and ECM protein production using a coculture system. RESULTS: We found enhanced cell proliferation, and elevated levels of ECM collagen type I and insulin-like growth factor-binding protein-3 after coculturing. There was also increased secretion of vascular endothelial growth factor, epidermal growth factor, fibroblast growth factor-2, and platelet derived growth factor A and B in the media of UtLM cells cocultured with FB. Protein arrays revealed increased phosphorylated receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) of the above growth factor ligands, and immunoblots showed elevated levels of the RTK downstream effector, phospho-mitogen activated protein kinase 44/42 in cocultured UtLM cells. There was also increased secretion of transforming growth factor-beta 1 and 3, and immunoprecipitated transforming growth factor-beta receptor I from cocultured UtLM cells showed elevated phosphoserine expression. The downstream effectors phospho-small mothers against decapentaplegic -2 and -3 protein (SMAD) levels were also increased in cocultured UtLM cells. However, none of the above effects were seen in normal myometrial cells cocultured with FB. The soluble factors released by tumor-derived fibroblasts and/or UtLM cells, and activation of the growth factor receptors and their pathways stimulated the proliferation of UtLM cells and enhanced the production of ECM proteins. CONCLUSIONS: These data support the importance of interactions between fibroid tumor cells and ECM fibroblasts in vivo, and the role of growth factors, and ECM proteins in the pathogenesis of uterine fibroids

    Mutagenicity, stable DNA adducts, and abasic sites induced in Salmonella by phenanthro[3,4-b]- and phenanthro[4,3-b]thiophenes, sulfur analogs of benzo[c]phenanthrene

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    Sulfur-containing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (thia-PAHs or thiaarenes) are common constituents of air pollution and cigarette smoke, but only a few have been studied for health effects. We evaluated the mutagenicity in Salmonella TA98, TA100, and TA104 of two sulfur-containing derivatives of benzo[c]phenanthrene, phenanthro[3,4-b]thiophene (P[3,4-b]T), and phenanthro[4,3-b]thiophene (P[4,3-b]T) as well as their dihydrodiol and sulfone derivatives. In addition, we assessed levels of stable DNA adducts (by 32P-postlabeling) as well as abasic sites (by an aldehydic-site assay) produced by six of these compounds in TA100. P[3,4-b]T and its 6,7- and 8,9-diols, P[3,4-b]T sulfone, P[4,3-b]T, and its 8,9-diol were mutagenic in TA100. P[3,4-b]T sulfone, the most potent mutagen, was approximately twice as potent as benzo[a]pyrene in both TA98 and TA100. Benzo-ring dihydrodiols were much more potent than K-region dihydrodiols, which had little or no mutagenic activity in any strain. P[3,4-b]T sulfone produced abasic sites and not stable DNA adducts; the other five compounds examined, B[c]P, B[c]P 3,4-diol, P[3,4-b]T, P[3,4-b]T 8,9-diol, and P[4,3-b]T 8,9-diol, produced only stable DNA adducts. P[3,4-b]T sulfone was the only compound that produced significant levels of frameshift mutagenicity and induced mutations primarily at GC sites. In contrast, B[c]P, its 3,4-diol, and the 8,9 diols of the phenanthrothiophenes induced mutations primarily at AT sites. P[3,4-b]T was not mutagenic in TA104, whereas P[3,4-b]T sulfone was. The two isomeric forms (P[3,4-b]T and P[4,3-b]T) are apparently activated differently, with the latter, but not the former, involving a diol pathway. This study is the first illustrating the potential importance of abasic sites in the mutagenicity of thia-PAHs

    Standardized patient outcomes trial (SPOT) in neurology

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    Background: The neurologic examination is a challenging component of the physical examination for medical students. In response, primarily based on expert consensus, medical schools have supplemented their curricula with standardized patient (SP) sessions that are focused on the neurologic examination. Hypothesis-driven quantitative data are needed to justify the further use of this resource-intensive educational modality, specifically regarding whether using SPs to teach the neurological examination effects a long-term benefit on the application of neurological examination skills. Methods: This study is a cross-sectional analysis of prospectively collected data from medical students at Weill Cornell Medical College. The control group (n=129) received the standard curriculum. The intervention group (n=58) received the standard curriculum and an additional SP session focused on the neurologic examination during the second year of medical school. Student performance on the neurologic examination was assessed in the control and intervention groups via an OSCE administered during the fourth year of medical school. A Neurologic Physical Exam (NPE) score of 0.0 to 6.0 was calculated for each student based on a neurologic examination checklist completed by the SPs during the OSCE. Composite NPE scores in the control and intervention groups were compared with the unpaired t-test. Results: In the fourth year OSCE, composite NPE scores in the intervention group (3.5&#x00B1;1.1) were statistically significantly greater than those in the control group (2.2&#x00B1;1.1) (p&#60;0.0001). Conclusions: SP sessions are an effective tool for teaching the neurologic examination. We determined that a single, structured SP session conducted as an adjunct to our traditional lectures and small groups is associated with a statistically significant improvement in student performance measured 2 years after the session

    Family-based pediatric weight management interventions in US primary care settings targeting children ages 6-12 years old: A systematic review guided by the RE-AIM framework.

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    Obesity is a pandemic that disproportionately affects children from vulnerable populations in the USA. Current treatment approaches in primary care settings in the USA have been reported to be insufficient at managing pediatric obesity, primarily due to implementation challenges for healthcare systems and barriers for families. While the literature has examined the efficacy of pediatric obesity interventions focused on internal validity, it lacks sufficient reporting and analysis of external validity necessary for successful translation to primary care settings. We conducted a systematic review of the primary-care-setting literature from January 2007 to March 2020 on family-based pediatric weight management interventions in both English and/or Spanish for children ages 6-12 years in the USA using the Reach, Efficacy/Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation, Maintenance (RE-AIM) framework. A literature search, using PRISMA guidelines, was conducted in January 2022 using the following electronic databases: Medline Ovid, Embase, and Cochrane Library. 22 270 records were screened, and 376 articles were reviewed in full. 184 studies were included. The most commonly reported dimensions of the RE-AIM framework were Reach (65%), Efficacy/Effectiveness (64%), and Adoption (64%), while Implementation (47%) and Maintenance (42%) were less often reported. The prevalence of reporting RE-AIM construct indicators ranged greatly, from 1% to 100%. This systematic review underscores the need for more focus on external validity to guide the development, implementation, and dissemination of future pediatric obesity interventions based in primary care settings. It also suggests conducting additional research on sustainable financing for pediatric obesity interventions

    The SERTS-97 Rocket Experiment on Study Activity on the Sun: Flight 36.167-GS on 1997 November 18

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    This paper describes mainly the 1997 version of the Solar EUV Rocket Telescope and Spectrograph (SERTS-97), a scientific experiment that operated on NASA's suborbital rocket flight 36.167-GS. Its function was to study activity on the Sun and to provide a cross calibration for the CDS instrument on the SOHO satellite. The experiment was designed, built, and tested by the Solar Physics Branch of the Laboratory for Astronomy and Solar Physics at the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). Other essential sections of the rocket were built under the management of the Sounding Rockets Program Office. These sections include the electronics, timers, IGN despin, the SPARCS pointing controls, the S-19 flight course correction section, the rocket motors, the telemetry, ORSA, and OGIVE

    Tackling gaps in developing life-changing treatments for dementia.

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    Since the G8 dementia summit in 2013, a number of initiatives have been established with the aim of facilitating the discovery of a disease-modifying treatment for dementia by 2025. This report is a summary of the findings and recommendations of a meeting titled "Tackling gaps in developing life-changing treatments for dementia", hosted by Alzheimer's Research UK in May 2018. The aim of the meeting was to identify, review, and highlight the areas in dementia research that are not currently being addressed by existing initiatives. It reflects the views of leading experts in the field of neurodegeneration research challenged with developing a strategic action plan to address these gaps and make recommendations on how to achieve the G8 dementia summit goals. The plan calls for significant advances in (1) translating newly identified genetic risk factors into a better understanding of the impacted biological processes; (2) enhanced understanding of selective neuronal resilience to inform novel drug targets; (3) facilitating robust and reproducible drug-target validation; (4) appropriate and evidence-based selection of appropriate subjects for proof-of-concept clinical trials; (5) improving approaches to assess drug-target engagement in humans; and (6) innovative approaches in conducting clinical trials if we are able to detect disease 10-15 years earlier than we currently do today

    Social Bonding and Nurture Kinship: Compatibility between Cultural and Biological Approaches

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    Enhanced Mutagenesis of \u3ci\u3eSalmonella\u3c/i\u3e Tester Strains Due to Deletion of Genes Other Than uvrB

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    The standard Salmonella mutagenicity (Ames) tester strains are missing 15–119 genes due to the extended Δ(gal-bio-uvrB) mutations that render the strains excision-repair deficient (ΔuvrB). We constructed strains of Salmonella that are homologous to tester strains TA98 and TA100 except that in place of the uvrB deletion, they contain single-gene defects in either uvrB, moaA, moeA, or both uvrB and moeA. We then tested the following mutagens in these strains: 2-acetylaminofluorene, Glu-P-1, 4-aminobiphenyl, benzo[a]pyrene, MX, 1-nitropyrene, 6-hydroxylaminopurine (HAP), and 2-amino-6-hydroxylaminopurine (AHAP). We confirmed in Salmonella a previous finding in Escherichia coli that the enhanced mutagenicity of the purine analogues HAP and AHAP is not due to the deletion of the uvrB gene but due to the deletion of moeA and/or moaA, which are involved in molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis. The spontaneous mutant frequency and induced mutagenic potency of mutagens due to the extended ΔuvrB mutation are due largely to the deletion of uvrB and to some extent of moeA/moaA at the frameshift hisD3052 allele of TA98 but involve other genes in addition to uvrB and moeA/moaA at the base-substitution hisG46 allele of TA100. The extended ΔuvrB mutation does not prevent the detection of mutagens that would have been detected in a strain containing a single uvrB defect. Because of the deletion of moeA/moaA, the extended uvrB deletion generally enhanced spontaneous and induced mutagenicity, especially at the base-substitution allele. This enhanced sensitivity may underlay the severe health effects in humans who have mutations in molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis genes