409 research outputs found

    Nutritional Quality of Available Forages for Small Stock during a Drought in an Arid Pastoral Landscape in South Africa

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    This study aimed to assess the nutritional quality of the available forage species during a drought in an arid pastoral system in South Africa. Forage biomass was collected during the wet and dry seasons whilst following livestock herds consisting of boer goats, swakara sheep and mixed breed sheep, in both the summer and winter rainfall regions of the pastoral system. Mineral nutrient content in the plant species revealed that the forages utilized by the livestock generally contained adequate concentrations of Mg, Ca, Na, and K to meet the dietary requirements of the small stock in both the winter and summer rainfall areas. Zinc concentrations in more than half of the forages sampled in the summer rainfall area, during both wet and dry seasons, however, were below the required concentrations for small stock. When considering all plant species utilised, the diets were generally adequate in all mineral nutrients. However, none of the forage species contained sufficiently high concentrations of protein to meet the minimum requirements for small stock. These findings therefore show that pastoralists have to deal with chronic low levels of protein during droughts, and their inability to purchase supplementary feed, or to cultivate fodder crops, or temporary emigrate out of the system puts their livelihoods at high risk to climate change

    FXYD2 and Na,K-ATPase Expression in Isolated Human Proximal Tubular Cells: Disturbed Upregulation on Renal Hypomagnesemia?

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    Autosomal dominant renal hypomagnesemia (OMIM 154020), associated with hypocalciuria, has been linked to a 121G to A mutation in the FXYD2 gene. To gain insight into the molecular mechanisms linking this mutation to the clinical phenotype, we studied isolated proximal tubular cells from urine of a patient and a healthy subject. Cells were immortalized and used to assess the effects of hypertonicity-induced overexpression of FXYD2 on amount, activity and apparent affinities for Na+, K+ and ATP of Na,K-ATPase. Both cell lines expressed mRNA for FXYD2a and FXYD2b, and patient cells contained both the wild-type and mutated codons. FXYD2 protein expression was lower in patient cells and could be increased in both cell lines upon culturing in hyperosmotic medium but to a lesser extent in patient cells. Similarly, hyperosmotic culturing increased Na,K-ATPase protein expression and ATP hydrolyzing activity but, again, to a lesser extent in patient cells. Apparent affinities of Na,K-ATPase for Na+, K+ and ATP did not differ between patient and control cells or after hyperosmotic induction. We conclude that human proximal tubular cells respond to a hyperosmotic challenge with an increase in FXYD2 and Na,K-ATPase protein expression, though to a smaller absolute extent in patient cells

    Estimating the burden of cervical disease among HIV-infected women accessing screening services in South Africa: A model-based analysis

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    Background. Cervical cancer remains the second most common cancer among women worldwide, with much of the global burden occurring in low- and middle-income countries. HIV-infected women are at increased risk of human papillomavirus infection, preinvasive cervical disease and invasive cervical cancer (ICC). Funded through the United States President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and working in collaboration with the South African (SA) Department of Health, our team supports cervical screening integrated within public sector HIV clinics in SA.Objectives. To estimate the burden of cervical disease among HIV-infected women accessing screening services supported through our programme.Methods. We constructed conditional probability models to estimate the burden of grade 1 and grades 2/3 cervical intraepithelial lesions (CIN1 and CIN2/3) and ICC among two cohorts: one consisting of 3 190 HIV-infected women for whom only cytology results were available for analysis, and another consisting of 75 358 HIV-infected women for whom neither cytology nor histology results were available. Parameter estimates for the models were derived from routinely collected programmatic data and published clinical trials.Results. Between January 2009 and November 2015, 75 358 HIV-infected women underwent Pap smear screening in public sector clinics supported by our cervical cancer prevention programme. Based on modelling analysis, we estimate that 46 123 cases of CIN1 (range 45 500 - 49 608), 13 598 cases of CIN2/3 (range 12 749 - 14 828), and 104 cases of ICC (range 61 - 186) occurred in this population.Conclusions. Our findings highlight the magnitude of cervical disease among HIV-infected women in SA.

    'It just opened my eyes a bit more': student engagement with Instagram to develop understanding of complex concepts

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    How can we make use of image-based social media to develop students’ critical engagement with concepts like equality and diversity? In this paper, I draw on bell hooks’ description of liberatory theorising to discuss findings from a project that involved 60 2nd year BA education students taking and sharing photographs through Instagram as part of their learning on a sociology module underpinned by a critical pedagogy approach. Thematic analysis applied to ten interviews with student participants shows that while the project supported students to connect everyday experiences with abstract concepts, their criticality was hindered by the perception of the task as one of ‘capturing’ unambiguous representations of concepts. The findings highlight that if we are to use popular image-based social media sites as part of a critical pedagogy approach, we need to be prepared to support students in using the visual mode as part of liberatory theorising

    Genetic Diversity in the Collaborative Cross Model Recapitulates Human West Nile Virus Disease Outcomes

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    ABSTRACTWest Nile virus (WNV) is an emerging neuroinvasive flavivirus that now causes significant morbidity and mortality worldwide. The innate and adaptive immune responses to WNV infection have been well studied in C57BL/6J inbred mice, but this model lacks the variations in susceptibility, immunity, and outcome to WNV infection that are observed in humans, thus limiting its usefulness to understand the mechanisms of WNV infection and immunity dynamics. To build a model of WNV infection that captures human infection outcomes, we have used the Collaborative Cross (CC) mouse model. We show that this model, which recapitulates the genetic diversity of the human population, demonstrates diversity in susceptibility and outcomes of WNV infection observed in humans. Using multiple F1 crosses of CC mice, we identified a wide range of susceptibilities to infection, as demonstrated through differences in survival, clinical disease score, viral titer, and innate and adaptive immune responses in both peripheral tissues and the central nervous system. Additionally, we examined the Oas1b alleles in the CC mice and confirmed the previous finding that Oas1b plays a role in susceptibility to WNV; however, even within a given Oas1b allele status, we identified a wide range of strain-specific WNV-associated phenotypes. These results confirmed that the CC model is effective for identifying a repertoire of host genes involved in WNV resistance and susceptibility. The CC effectively models a wide range of WNV clinical, virologic, and immune phenotypes, thus overcoming the limitations of the traditional C57BL/6J model, allowing genetic and mechanistic studies of WNV infection and immunity in differently susceptible populations.IMPORTANCEMouse models of West Nile virus infection have revealed important details regarding the innate and adaptive immune responses to this emerging viral infection. However, traditional mouse models lack the genetic diversity present in human populations and therefore limit our ability to study various disease outcomes and immunologic mechanisms subsequent to West Nile virus infection. In this study, we used the Collaborative Cross mouse model to more effectively model the wide range of clinical, virologic, and immune phenotypes present upon West Nile virus infection in humans

    Xpert human papillomavirus test is a promising cervical cancer screening test for HIV-seropositive women

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    This study investigated the performance of Cepheid Xpert human papillomavirus (HPV) assay in South African human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected women and compared its performance with that of hybrid capture-2 (hc2). Methods: Stored cervical specimens from HIV-infected women that had previously been tested using hc2 were tested using Xpert. Results: The overall HR-HPV prevalence was found to be 62.0% (720/1161) by Xpert and 61.2% (711/1161) by hc2. 13.6% (158/1161) were HPV16 positive, 18.8% (218/1161) were HPV18/45, 37.3% (434/1161) were HPV31/33/35/52/58, 12.7% (147/1161) were HPV51/59 and 23.3% (270/1161) were HPV39/68/56/66. Overall agreement with hc2 was 90%; Cohen's kappa was 0.78 (95% CI 0.74-0.82) indicating substantial agreement. Detection of HPV16, HPV18/45, and HPV31/33/35/52/58 were independently associated with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN)-2+ (P<0.0001 for each); while HPV51/59 and HPV39/68/56/66 were not. Women infected with HPV16, HPV18/45 or HPV31/33/35/52/58 were found to have significantly higher amounts of HPV DNA detected for those with CIN2+ compared to those without CIN2+, P<0.0001 for each. Xpert and hc2 were similarly sensitive (88.3% and 91.5%, respectively) and specific (48.4% and 51.0%) for CIN2+ and CIN3 (sensitivity: 95.8% and 97.9%; specificity: 41.4% and 42.8%). Conclusions: Xpert is a promising screening test in HIV-infected women that performs similarly to hc2

    Tetrabenzoporphyrin and -mono-, - Cis -di- and tetrabenzotriazaporphyrin derivatives: Electrochemical and spectroscopic implications of meso CH Group replacement with nitrogen

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    Nonperipherally hexyl-substituted metal-free tetrabenzoporphyrin (2H-TBP, 1a) tetrabenzomonoazaporphyrin (2H-TBMAP, 2a), tetrabenzo-cis-diazaporphyrin (2H-TBDAP, 3a), tetrabenzotriazaporphyrin (2H-TBTAP, 4a), and phthalocyanine (2H-Pc, 5a), as well as their copper complexes (1b-5b), were synthesized. As the number of meso nitrogen atoms increases from zero to four, Îmax of the Q-band absorption peak becomes red-shifted by almost 100 nm, and extinction coefficients increased at least threefold. Simultaneously the blue-shifted Soret (UV) band substantially decreased in intensity. These changes were related to the relative electron-density of each macrocycle expressed as the group electronegativity sum of all meso N and CH atom groups, âχR. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy differentiated between the three different types of macrocyclic nitrogen atoms (the Ninner, (NH)inner, and Nmeso) in the metal-free complexes. Binding energies of the Nmeso and Ninner,Cu atoms in copper chelates could not be resolved. Copper insertion lowered especially the cathodic redox potentials, while all four observed redox processes occurred at larger potentials as the number of meso nitrogens increased. Computational chemical methods using density functional theory confirmed 1b to exhibit a Cu(II) reduction prior to ring-based reductions, while for 2b, Cu(II) reduction is the first reductive step only if the nonperipheral substituents are hydrogen. When they are methyl groups, it is the second reduction process; when they are ethyl, propyl, or hexyl, it becomes the third reductive process. Spectro-electrochemical measurements showed redox processes were associated with a substantial change in intensity of at least two main absorbances (the Q and Soret bands) in the UV spectra of these compounds

    Does the Order of Invasive Species Removal Matter? The Case of the Eagle and the Pig

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    Invasive species are recognized as a primary driver of native species endangerment and their removal is often a key component of a conservation strategy. Removing invasive species is not always a straightforward task, however, especially when they interact with other species in complex ways to negatively influence native species. Because unintended consequences may arise if all invasive species cannot be removed simultaneously, the order of their removal is of paramount importance to ecological restoration. In the mid-1990s, three subspecies of the island fox Urocyon littoralis were driven to near extinction on the northern California Channel Islands owing to heightened predation by golden eagles Aquila chrysaetos. Eagles were lured to the islands by an abundant supply of feral pigs Sus scrofa and through the process of apparent competition pigs indirectly facilitated the decline in foxes. As a consequence, both pigs and eagles had to be removed to recover the critically endangered fox. Complete removal of pigs was problematic: removing pigs first could force eagles to concentrate on the remaining foxes, increasing their probability of extinction. Removing eagles first was difficult: eagles are not easily captured and lethal removal was politically distasteful.Using prey remains collected from eagle nests both before and after the eradication of pigs, we show that one pair of eagles that eluded capture did indeed focus more on foxes. These results support the premise that if the threat of eagle predation had not been mitigated prior to pig removal, fox extinction would have been a more likely outcome.If complete eradication of all interacting invasive species is not possible, the order in which they are removed requires careful consideration. If overlooked, unexpected consequences may result that could impede restoration