2,023 research outputs found

    An interacting quark-diquark model of baryons

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    A simple quark-diquark model of baryons with direct and exchange interactions is constructed. Spectrum and form factors are calculated and compared with experimental data. Advantages and disadvantages of the model are discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 3 eps-figures, accepted by Phys.Rev. C Rapid Communication

    European air quality maps 2005 including uncertainty analysis

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    The objective of this report is (a) the updating and refinement of European air quality maps based on annual statistics of the 2005 observational data reported by EEA Member countries in 2006, and (b) the further improvement of the interpolation methodologies. The paper presents the results achieved and an uncertainty analysis of the interpolated maps and builds upon earlier reports from Horalék et al. (2005; 2007)

    Influence of future air pollution mitigation strategies on total aerosol radiative forcing

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    We apply different aerosol and aerosol precursor emission scenarios reflecting possible future control strategies for air pollution in the ECHAM5-HAM model, and simulate the resulting effect on the Earth's radiation budget. We use two opposing future mitigation strategies for the year 2030: one in which emission reduction legislation decided in countries throughout the world are effectively implemented (current legislation; CLE 2030) and one in which all technical options for emission reductions are being implemented independent of their cost (maximum feasible reduction; MFR 2030). We consider the direct, semi-direct and indirect radiative effects of aerosols. The total anthropogenic aerosol radiative forcing defined as the difference in the top-of-the-atmosphere radiation between 2000 and pre-industrial times amounts to -2.00 W/m2. In the future this negative global annual mean aerosol radiative forcing will only slightly change (+0.02 W/m2) under the "current legislation" scenario. Regionally, the effects are much larger: e.g. over Eastern Europe radiative forcing would increase by +1.50 W/m2 because of successful aerosol reduction policies, whereas over South Asia it would decrease by -1.10 W/m2 because of further growth of emissions. A "maximum feasible reduction" of aerosols and their precursors would lead to an increase of the global annual mean aerosol radiative forcing by +1.13 W/m2. Hence, in the latter case, the present day negative anthropogenic aerosol forcing could be more than halved by 2030 because of aerosol reduction policies and climate change thereafter will be to a larger extent be controlled by greenhouse gas emissions. We combined these two opposing future mitigation strategies for a number of experiments focusing on different sectors and regions. In addition, we performed sensitivity studies to estimate the importance of future changes in oxidant concentrations and the importance of the aerosol microphysical coupling within the range of expected future changes. For changes in oxidant concentrations caused by future air pollution mitigation, we do not find a significant effect for the global annual mean radiative aerosol forcing. In the extreme case of only abating SO2 or carbonaceous emissions to a maximum feasible extent, we find deviations from additivity for the radiative forcing over anthropogenic source regions up to 10% compared to an experiment abating both at the same time

    Effective range expansion in various scenarios of EFT(\notpi)

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    Using rigorous solutions, we compare the ERE parameters obtained in three different scenarios of EFT(\notpi) in nonperturbative regime. A scenario with unconventional power counting (like KSW) is shown to be disfavored by the PSA data, while the one with elaborate prescription of renormalization but keeping conventional power counting intact seems more promising.Comment: 6 pages, 3 tables, no figure, revtex4-1, minor revisions, to appear in EP

    \pi N scattering in relativistic baryon chiral perturbation theory revisited

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    We have analyzed pion-nucleon scattering using the manifestly relativistic covariant framework of Infrared Regularization up to {\cal O}(q^3) in the chiral expansion, where q is a generic small momentum. We describe the low-energy phase shifts with a similar quality as previously achieved with Heavy Baryon Chiral Perturbation Theory, \sqrt{s}\lesssim1.14 GeV. New values are provided for the {\cal O}(q^2) and {\cal O}(q^3) low-energy constants, which are compared with previous determinations. This is also the case for the scattering lengths and volumes. Finally, we have unitarized the previous amplitudes and as a result the energy range where data are reproduced increases significantly.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figures, 5 table

    SU(3) Decomposition of Two-Body B Decay Amplitudes

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    We present the complete flavor SU(3) decomposition of decay amplitudes for decays of the triplet (B^+_u, B^0_d, B^0_s) of B mesons nonleptonically into two pseudoscalar mesons. This analysis holds for arbitrarily broken SU(3) and can be used to generate amplitude relations when physical arguments permit one to neglect or relate any of the reduced amplitudes.Comment: 31 pages, revtex, no figure

    A tale of two sit-bones: The cyclist’s ischial hygroma (Perineal nodular induration)

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    The ischial hygroma, also known as a perineal nodular induration, is a relatively rare and mostly cycling-specific injury that is often incorrectly diagnosed and managed. Here two cases with divergent managements are described to highlight the spectrum of treatment available to manage this condition. The presentation, assessment and management of two cases of perineal nodular induration are discussed.The management options, namely surgical excision vs conservative management, with saddle pressure mapping highlight that there is no single optimal method and that a multidisciplinary approach should be applied to treat these injuries successfully. Perineal nodular induration should be investigated appropriately to exclude less benign causes of perineal masses. Conservative management and surgical excision can both be successful. Clinicians should be familiar with the assessment and management of this relatively rare but debilitating condition in competitive cyclists.Keywords: cycling, perineal injur

    Southern Ocean Seasonal Restratification Delayed by Submesoscale Wind–Front Interactions

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    Ocean stratification and the vertical extent of the mixed layer influence the rate at which the ocean and atmosphere exchange properties. This process has direct impacts for anthropogenic heat and carbon uptake in the Southern Ocean. Submesoscale instabilities that evolve over space (1–10 km) and time (from hours to days) scales directly influence mixed layer variability and are ubiquitous in the Southern Ocean. Mixed layer eddies contribute to mixed layer restratification, while down-front winds, enhanced by strong synoptic storms, can erode stratification by a cross-frontal Ekman buoyancy flux. This study investigates the role of these submesoscale processes on the subseasonal and interannual variability of the mixed layer stratification using four years of high-resolution glider data in the Southern Ocean. An increase of stratification from winter to summer occurs due to a seasonal warming of the mixed layer. However, we observe transient decreases in stratification lasting from days to weeks, which can arrest the seasonal restratification by up to two months after surface heat flux becomes positive. This leads to interannual differences in the timing of seasonal restratification by up to 36 days. Parameterizing the Ekman buoyancy flux in a one-dimensional mixed layer model reduces the magnitude of stratification compared to when the model is run using heat and freshwater fluxes alone. Importantly, the reduced stratification occurs during the spring restratification period, thereby holding important implications for mixed layer dynamics in climate models as well as physical–biological coupling in the Southern Ocean
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