291 research outputs found

    Voorstudie kansen en risico's van on-farm verwerken van kadavers (focus op varkens)

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    Pre-study on aspects of on-farm carcass destruction that need further elaboration in future research. Focus on pig farms

    Toxoplasma prevalence in Dutch slaughter pigs in the period 2012-2014

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    Toxoplasma gondii has frequently been named as one of the most important foodborne pathogens, in terms of its impact on human health. EFSA advised to include serological testing of pigs on T. gondii infections and audits of pig farms on risk factors for T. gondii infection (EFSA, 2011). In order to generate knowledge about the epidemiology and prevalence of T. gondii infections in pig herds we studied the long term seroprevalence on farms, persistence of infection and variation in results between and within farms. Sera which were routinely taken in Dutch pig slaughterhouses in the Netherlands for the serological monitoring of Mycobacterium avium infections in pigs (Hiller 2013) were also tested for anti T. gondii antibodies. Results of 120,666 sera, collected from January 2012 until August 2014, showed an average of 2% serological prevalence in pigs. Pigs from organic farms had a prevalence of 3,6%. Farm prevalence was much higher, ranging from approximately 30% for conventional farms to 90% for organic farms. Pigs delivered to the slaughterhouse during winter months had a higher prevalence than pigs delivered during summer months.It could be concluded that serological monitoring can be very useful in detecting farms infected with T. gondii. A test cut off of 20PP was the most appropriate

    Evenwichtige aanpak nodig bij preventie varkensziekten

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    Om een optimale diergezondheid te kunnen realiseren, is het belangrijk dat een varken zo min mogelijk gevolgen ondervindt van dierziekten. De varkenshouder staat voor de uitdaging om een aanpak te kiezen die een robuuste gezondheid op het bedrijf mogelijk maakt. Dit kan helpen bij het reduceren van het gebruik van antibiotica. Maar welke aanpak is dat? WUR-onderzoek geeft enkele aanknopingspunten

    Comparison of an excision and a sponge sampling method for measuring salmonella contamination of pig carcasses

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    The aim of this study was to determine if an excision sampling method and a sponge sampling method give comparable results when trying to isolate salmonella from pig carcasses. During ten sampling days in one abattoir in total 312 carcasses were sampled; each carcass was sampled with both sampling methods to get paired observations. The number of salmonella positive excision samples (31 of 312) was significantly higher (P=0.00013) than the number of salmonella positive sponge samples (9 of 312). Sensitivity of the sponge method compared to the excision method was 6.5% and the comparability of both tests was low (kappa value was 0.08). As it seems that salmonella contamination levels of fresh pork are highly underestimated with the actually used sampling methods, the authors recommend that EU-authorities prescribe a destructive salmonella test for monitoring pig carcasses after slaughter in all EU-countries or a swab/sponge method with a comparable sensitivity

    Rapid risk assessment tool (RRAT) to prioritize emerging and re-emerging livestock diseases for risk management

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    Increasing globalization and international trade contribute to rapid expansion of animal and human diseases. Hence, preparedness is warranted to prevent outbreaks of emerging and re-emerging diseases or detect outbreaks in an early stage. We developed a rapid risk assessment tool (RRAT) to inform risk managers on the incursion risk of multiple livestock diseases, about the main sources for incursion and the change of risk over time. RRAT was built as a relational database to link data on disease outbreaks worldwide, on introduction routes and on disease-specific parameters. The tool was parameterized to assess the incursion risk of 10 livestock diseases for the Netherlands by three introduction routes: legal trade in live animals, legal trade of animal products, and animal products illegally carried by air travelers. RRAT calculates a semi-quantitative risk score for the incursion risk of each disease, the results of which allow for prioritization. Results based on the years 2016-2018 indicated that the legal introduction routes had the highest incursion risk for bovine tuberculosis, whereas the illegal route posed the highest risk for classical swine fever. The overall incursion risk via the illegal route was lower than via the legal routes. The incursion risk of African swine fever increased over the period considered, whereas the risk of equine infectious anemia decreased. The variation in the incursion risk over time illustrates the need to update the risk estimates on a regular basis. RRAT has been designed such that the risk assessment can be automatically updated when new data becomes available. For diseases with high-risk scores, model results can be analyzed in more detail to see which countries and trade flows contribute most to the risk, the results of which can be used to design risk-based surveillance. RRAT thus provides a multitude of information to evaluate the incursion risk of livestock diseases at different levels of detail. To give risk managers access to all results of RRAT, an online visualization tool was built.</p

    Pilot experiment with the aim to reduce salmonella prevalence in pork by logistic slaughter of pigs

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    A pilot experiment was carried out with the aim to evaluate the possibilities and results of logistic slaughter of pigs (separate slaughter of salmonella-free and salmonella-infected pig herds) under usual circumstances in a Dutch slaughterhouse. During the experiment salmonella-free herds were delivered and slaughtered on Tuesday mornings. Herds delivered on Thursday mornings served as a control group. No significant difference could be found in the number of salmonella-positive carcasses on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This was mainly caused by contamination of carcasses by contaminated slaughter equipment; 80% of all salmonella strains on carcasses were equal to strains isolated from slaughter equipment. If these salmonella strains were not included in the results, logistic slaughter did result in a significantly lower prevalence of salmonella on carcasses on Tuesdays. It was concluded that separate slaughter of salmonella free pig herds can result in a lower salmonella prevalence on carcasses, but only if slaughter hygiene and especially cleaning and disinfection before and during processing will be improved

    COMPTEL gamma ray and neutron measurements of solar flares

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    COMPTEL on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory has measured the flux of x‐rays and neutrons from several solar flares. These data have also been used to image the Sun in both forms of radiation. Unusually intense flares occurred during June 1991 yielding data sets that offer some new insight into of how energetic protons and electrons are accelerated and behave in the solar environment. We summarize here some of the essential features in the solar flare data as obtained by COMPTEL during June 1991

    Neutron and gamma‐ray measurements of the solar flare of 1991 June 9

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    The COMPTEL Imaging Compton Telescope on‐board the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory measured significant neutron and γ‐ray fluxes from the solar flare of 9 June 1991. The γ‐ray flux had an integrated intensity (≳1 MeV) of ∼30 cm−2, extending in time from 0136 UT to 0143 UT, while the time of energetic neutron emission extended approximately 10 minutes longer, indicating either extended proton acceleration to high energies or trapping and precipitation of energetic protons. The production of neutrons without accompanying γ‐rays in the proper proportion indicates a significant hardening of the precipitating proton spectrum through either the trapping or extended acceleration process

    Observations of the 1991 June 11 solar flare with COMPTEL

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    The COMPTEL instrument onboard of the Compton Gamma‐Ray Observatory (CGRO) is sensitive to γ‐rays in the energy range from 0.75 to 30 MeV and to neutrons in the energy range from 10 to 100 MeV. During the period of unexpectedly high solar activity in June 1991, several flares from active region 6659 were observed by COMPTEL. For the flare on June 11, we have analyzed the COMPTEL telescope data, finding strong 2.223 MeV line emission, that declines with a time constant of 11.8 minutes during the satellite orbit in which the flare occurs. It remains visible for at least 4 hours. We obtained preliminary values for the 2.2 MeV and 4–7 MeV fluences. Neutrons with energies above 20 MeV have been detected and their arrival time at the Earth is consistent with the γ‐ray emission during the impulsive phase