252 research outputs found

    Evenwichtige aanpak nodig bij preventie varkensziekten

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    Om een optimale diergezondheid te kunnen realiseren, is het belangrijk dat een varken zo min mogelijk gevolgen ondervindt van dierziekten. De varkenshouder staat voor de uitdaging om een aanpak te kiezen die een robuuste gezondheid op het bedrijf mogelijk maakt. Dit kan helpen bij het reduceren van het gebruik van antibiotica. Maar welke aanpak is dat? WUR-onderzoek geeft enkele aanknopingspunten

    Dual tasking under compromised visual and somatosensory input in elderly fallers and non-fallers

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    Background: Performance of additional tasks disturbs postural control in elderly. It is unknown, however, how postural control is affected in elderly fallers and non-fallers in a reduced sensory situation. Objective: To compare differences between single and dual tasking in three test conditions; (1) no-vision, (2) under reduced somatosensory information and (3) with a combination of both conditions. Design: An observational cohort study with participants assigned to a 12-month pretest fall assessment and a postural balance assessment. Methods: Fifteen independently living elderly participated (77.5 ± 7.0 [63-87] years). Falls were pre-assessed with a 1- year monthy “fall calendar”. Postural control was analyzed by means of a force platform. Participants were standing quiet (first task) while counting backwards (second task). A 2-factor (group x condition) ANOVA was performed at p<.05. Differences of postural (DTCp) and cognitive dual task costs (DTCc) between test conditions were analyzed (one-way ANOVA). Results: The analysis showed significant group (fallers/non-fallers) and condition effects. Post hoc analyses indicated that the postural control variables were significantly different during the concurrent reduced vision and somatosensory information. Dual task costs showed a significant difference between normal (N) and the combined condition (NV+RP) in non-fallers. Conclusion: The combination of reduced visual and somatosensory information causes a larger disturbance of postural stability compared with the reduction of visual or somatosensory information alone. Non-fallers seem to have no threats to the postural control stability in this combined reduced sensory situation. They reduce their postural control, which leaves them enough resources to compensate for the reduced sensory information

    Comparison of an excision and a sponge sampling method for measuring salmonella contamination of pig carcasses

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    The aim of this study was to determine if an excision sampling method and a sponge sampling method give comparable results when trying to isolate salmonella from pig carcasses. During ten sampling days in one abattoir in total 312 carcasses were sampled; each carcass was sampled with both sampling methods to get paired observations. The number of salmonella positive excision samples (31 of 312) was significantly higher (P=0.00013) than the number of salmonella positive sponge samples (9 of 312). Sensitivity of the sponge method compared to the excision method was 6.5% and the comparability of both tests was low (kappa value was 0.08). As it seems that salmonella contamination levels of fresh pork are highly underestimated with the actually used sampling methods, the authors recommend that EU-authorities prescribe a destructive salmonella test for monitoring pig carcasses after slaughter in all EU-countries or a swab/sponge method with a comparable sensitivity

    Pilot experiment with the aim to reduce salmonella prevalence in pork by logistic slaughter of pigs

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    A pilot experiment was carried out with the aim to evaluate the possibilities and results of logistic slaughter of pigs (separate slaughter of salmonella-free and salmonella-infected pig herds) under usual circumstances in a Dutch slaughterhouse. During the experiment salmonella-free herds were delivered and slaughtered on Tuesday mornings. Herds delivered on Thursday mornings served as a control group. No significant difference could be found in the number of salmonella-positive carcasses on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This was mainly caused by contamination of carcasses by contaminated slaughter equipment; 80% of all salmonella strains on carcasses were equal to strains isolated from slaughter equipment. If these salmonella strains were not included in the results, logistic slaughter did result in a significantly lower prevalence of salmonella on carcasses on Tuesdays. It was concluded that separate slaughter of salmonella free pig herds can result in a lower salmonella prevalence on carcasses, but only if slaughter hygiene and especially cleaning and disinfection before and during processing will be improved

    COMPTEL gamma ray and neutron measurements of solar flares

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    COMPTEL on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory has measured the flux of x‐rays and neutrons from several solar flares. These data have also been used to image the Sun in both forms of radiation. Unusually intense flares occurred during June 1991 yielding data sets that offer some new insight into of how energetic protons and electrons are accelerated and behave in the solar environment. We summarize here some of the essential features in the solar flare data as obtained by COMPTEL during June 1991

    Neutron and gamma‐ray measurements of the solar flare of 1991 June 9

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    The COMPTEL Imaging Compton Telescope on‐board the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory measured significant neutron and γ‐ray fluxes from the solar flare of 9 June 1991. The γ‐ray flux had an integrated intensity (≳1 MeV) of ∼30 cm−2, extending in time from 0136 UT to 0143 UT, while the time of energetic neutron emission extended approximately 10 minutes longer, indicating either extended proton acceleration to high energies or trapping and precipitation of energetic protons. The production of neutrons without accompanying γ‐rays in the proper proportion indicates a significant hardening of the precipitating proton spectrum through either the trapping or extended acceleration process

    Selection of finishing pig herds with a low Salmonella prevalence for logistic slaughtering

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    The aim of this study was to select 50 herds with a low Salmonella-contamination rate. Per herd 40 blood samples were collected which had to be negative for antibodies against Salmonella. Infection of the pigs at the abattoir was measured by culturing tonsils for Salmonella. The results showed that not enough herds could be selected when the original criteria were applied. Less strict criteria had to be applied. We conclude from this trial that it is possible to select herds with a lower Salmonella-prevalence resulting in a lower introduction of Salmonella into the abattoir. Strict criteria must be applied to select herds with a minimal risk of being Salmonella-positive

    Effect of trunk exercise upon lumbar IVD height and vertebral compliance when performed supine with 1 g at the CoM compared to upright in 1 g

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    Background: Spinal unloading in microgravity is associated with stature increments, back pain, intervertebral disc (IVD) swelling and impaired spinal kinematics. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of lateral stabilization, trunk rotation and isometric abdominal exercise upon lumbar IVD height, and both passive and active vertebral compliance when performed supine on a short-arm human centrifuge (SAHC)-a candidate microgravity countermeasure-with 1 g at the CoM, compared to that generated with equivalent upright exercise in 1 g. Methods: 12 (8 male) healthy subjects (33.8 ± 7 years, 178.4 ± 8.2 cm, 72.1 ± 9.6 kg) gave written informed consent. Subjects performed three sets of upper body trunk exercises either when standing upright (UPRIGHT), or when being spun on the SAHC. Lumbar IVD height and vertebral compliance (active and passive) were evaluated prior to SAHC (PRE SAHC) and following the first SAHC (POST SPIN 1) and second Spin (POST SPIN 2), in addition to before (PRE UPRIGHT), and after upright trunk exercises (POST UPRIGHT). Results: No significant effect upon IVD height (L2-S1) when performed UPRIGHT or on the SAHC was observed. Trunk muscle exercise induced significant (p < 0.05) reduction of active thoracic vertebral compliance when performed on the SAHC, but not UPRIGHT. However, no effect was observed in the cervical, lumbar or across the entire vertebral column. On passive or active vertebral compliance. Conclusion: This study, the first of its kind demonstrates that trunk exercise were feasible and tolerable. Whilst trunk muscle exercise appears to have minor effect upon IVD height, it may be a candidate approach to mitigate-particularly active-vertebral stability on Earth, and in μg via concurrent SAHC. However, significant variability suggests larger studies including optimization of trunk exercise and SAHC prescription with MRI are warranted. Trial registration: North Rhine ethical committee (Number: 6000223393) and registered on 29/09/2020 in the German Clinical Trials Register (DRKS00021750). Keywords: Artificial gravity; Countermeasures; Exercise; IVD; Spine; Stiffnes

    COMPTEL observations of gamma‐ray flares in October 1991

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    The COMPTEL experiment on GRO images 0.75–30 MeV celestial gamma‐radiation that falls within its 1 steradian field of view. During observation 12 (primary target Cen A) in October 1991 the sun had been in the fov and several solar flares associated with the active region 6891 had been observed. Time profile and energy spectra had been produced, using COMPTEL’s primary mode of operation (the telescope mode). Additionally the number of counts received in the D2‐single burst detector (the secondary mode of operation) are given. We summarize the preliminary results on all of these flares

    Observations of the 1991 June 11 solar flare with COMPTEL

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    The COMPTEL instrument onboard of the Compton Gamma‐Ray Observatory (CGRO) is sensitive to γ‐rays in the energy range from 0.75 to 30 MeV and to neutrons in the energy range from 10 to 100 MeV. During the period of unexpectedly high solar activity in June 1991, several flares from active region 6659 were observed by COMPTEL. For the flare on June 11, we have analyzed the COMPTEL telescope data, finding strong 2.223 MeV line emission, that declines with a time constant of 11.8 minutes during the satellite orbit in which the flare occurs. It remains visible for at least 4 hours. We obtained preliminary values for the 2.2 MeV and 4–7 MeV fluences. Neutrons with energies above 20 MeV have been detected and their arrival time at the Earth is consistent with the γ‐ray emission during the impulsive phase