258 research outputs found
A voice-centered relational analysis of the career development narratives of six Black African professionals in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.Career Psychology and career education is not a new concept in the South African context, it is evident dating back as far as 1943. Literature shows that career guidance was first introduced in White schools and later into the Black African schools, with various political and legislative constraints which resulted from the apartheid governance. Centuries later, the country is still faced with the challenge of addressing the inequalities which resulted from the apartheid governance and the education structures of the time, one of the main inequalities which are relevant for this study is access to career education and career guidance that informs career decisions.
Career psychology is traditionally informed by western career theories, these career theories do not adequately account for contextual factors which influence one’s career development. As a result of this critique, there rose the call for indigenous career theories relevant to a multicultural context. This study was undertaken as an attempt to explore the contextual factors which influenced the career development of six Black Africans in KwaZulu-Natal. It further aimed to explore whether these contextual factors were enablers or constraints on the career development of the six South African Black professionals.
This qualitative study was informed by the theories of social constructionism and social constructivism. Career narratives were collected and transcripts were analysed using the voice-centered relational method, which provided a structure of four readings as a guideline for analysis. The findings of this study provided an explorative view of the contextual factors which influenced career development. Through the four readings, two overarching themes emerged mainly a career narrative beyond the self and Complex career narratives . Within these overarching themes lies various contextual factors such as family expectations, cultural dynamics, historical and political structures, lack of career guidance, unplanned happenstance, financial limitations and religion. The study also further supported the call for indigenous career theories that address challenges faced in the South African context. The study concluded by providing recommendations for research, theory and practice. In addition, the study encouraged researchers to further explore the concept of social justice in understanding career development in South Africa
Kerusakan ekosistem terumbu karang dan mangrove, terjadinya konflik
pemanfaatan potensi ruang kawasan pesisir serta penyimpangan pola pemanfaatan
ruang pesisir di Kabupaten Lombok Barat merupakan tanggung jawab dari
pemerintah daerah pada khususnya sebagai pembuat kebijakan publik. Tujuan dari
penelitian ini adalah mengkaji implementasi kebijakan mengenai pengelolaan
wilayah pesisir terpadu di Kabupaten Lombok Barat, khususnya pada Rencana
Strategis Pengelolaan Wilayah Pesisir dan Pulau-pulau kecil (RSWP3K), serta
mengkaji hambatan-hambatan yang dijumpai dalam implementasi kebijakan
tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan model studi kasus dengan metode penelitian
deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif melalui wawancara mendalam terhadap
para pihak yang berkepentingan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa RSWP3K
belum sepenuhnya dijadikan sebagai acuan bagi RPJMD, namun program/kegiatan
terkait telah dilaksanakan, hal tersebut terjadi karena keserupaan sasaran RPJPD
dengan RSWP3K selain itu juga karena tugas pokok dan fungsi terkait dari masing-
masing dinas/instansi. Hambatan-hambatan yang dijumpai dalam implementasi
kebijakan tersebut antara lain kepentingan kelompok sasaran yang belum cukup
terakomodir, letak RSWP3K yang dianggap kurang tepat, sumberdaya finansial dan
SDM yang.masih kurang, komunikasi yang lemah, penempatan pegawai/pejabat
pada posisi yang kurang tepat dan kesadaran masyarakat yang masih rendah.
Kata Kunci: kebijakan publik, pengelolaan pesisir terpad
Successful scale up of an intensified perfusion process to clinical and commercial scales
An intensified perfusion process for production of a therapeutic monoclonal antibody was developed and scaled to 100 L clinical and 500 L commercial scales. The baseline process was developed in 10 L benchtop bioreactors with stainless steel alternating tangential flow (ATF) cell retention systems. The process consisted of a 12 day growth phase followed by a 48 day harvest phase. Cell densities of \u3e120 Mvc/mL were sustained with high culture viability. Productivities of \u3e3 g/L·d were maintained throughout the harvest phase. The process was successfully scaled up to a 100 L single use bioreactor with dual ATF6 filters for clinical manufacturing. To verify that the process would perform similarly at commercial manufacturing scale, a proof of concept run was conducted in a 500 L single use bioreactor with dual ATF10 filters. Biomass concentration, culture viability, and productivity were comparable across scales. A full 60 day campaign in a 500 L bioreactor would generate over 70 kg of product in the clarified harvest. These studies demonstrate that intensified perfusion processes developed in benchtop bioreactors can be successfully reproduced at scales relevant for manufacturing
Emoluments attachment orders : in light of the widespread fraudulent and undesirable practices in emoluments attachment orders should this debt collection mechanism continue to exist?.
Master of Law in Business law. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Howard College 2015.With an estimated percentage of 12.2 percent of South Africa‟s public sector with Emoluments Attachment Orders (EAOs) against their salaries, it is evident that this debt collection mechanism is popular in South Africa.1This dissertation analyses EAOs in comparison to other debt collection mechanisms that are currently employed in South Africa with the aim of reforming an effective debt collection mechanism that will adequately strike a balance between the rights of a creditor as well as those of a debtor in so far as access to and the granting of credit is concerned.
The first half of this dissertation critically analyses debt collection mechanisms such as warrants of execution, and demonstrates that none of the current mechanisms are as effective as EAOs. The second half of this dissertation will critically analyse EAOs in light of the reported abuses and discrepancies. Significantly, this dissertation critically evaluates the watershed case of The University of Stellenbosch Legal Aid Clinic and Others v The Minister of Justice and Correctional Services and Others and the implications of this judgment on EAOs.2
Moreover, and based on foreign best practice and the rampant abuse in South Africa, this research will suggest that EAOs require far more scrutiny and as a matter of urgency require a limit to be placed on the maximum that may be deducted from a debtor‟s salary. Ultimately, this dissertation demonstrates that given the impact that abolishing EAOs would have on our economy and the debt collection in its entirety, EAOs should remain in existence. However, in so remaining, they must undergo intense reform urgently
Analisis Layanan File Transfer Protocol pada Perbandingan IPv4, IPv6, dan Tunneling 6over4 Berbasis Router menggunakan Interface Ethernet
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) merupakan media yang digunakan untuk proses transfer file menggunakan Internet Protocol (IP). Penggunaan Internet Protocol Versi 4 (IPv4) akan mengalami masalah terkait dengan jumlah IP jika terus digunakan. Maka dari itu dirancang Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) untuk mengatasi keterbatasan jumlah IPv4. Masalah lain cara mengimplementasikan IPv6 agar dapat melewati routing IPv4 dengan menggunakan tunneling 6over4. Penelitian ini membandingkan layanan FTP pada jaringan IPv4, IPv6, dan tunneling 6over4 dengan parameter transfer time, transfer speed, dan checksum. Skenario tunneling 6over4 pada penelitian ini memiliki kualitas yang baik dibandingkan skenario IPv4 dan IPv6 karena memiliki nilai transfer time yang paling kecil, transfer speed yang paling besar, dan hasil checksum tidak mengalami corrupt file sehingga mempercepat proses transfer file.FTP is a media used to tranfer file using IP. The application of IPv4 will cause a problem when the IP is continuously being used. Therefore the IPv6 is designed in order to overcome the limited amount of IPv4. Besides, the other way to implement IPv6 which can pass through routing IPv4 is by using tunneling 6over4 by transfer time, transfer speed, and checksum, parameter. Hence, we can conclude that the FTP service on tunneling 6over4 configuration has an excellent quality compare to the IPv4 and IPv6 configuration as it has the lowest transfer time value, highest transfer speed, and checksum file is not corrupt which make faster the transfer file process
Dissolved oxygen control in intensified perfusion bioreactors at benchtop and pilot scale
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Emotional Intelligence of Undergraduate Engineering Students With and Without Internships
Workplace expectations for engineers have changed in the 21st century due to rapid technology advances, globalization, customer centricity, and team-based design practices, which require engineering graduates to have well-developed emotional intelligence (EI) to perform at high levels in the engineering profession. To fill the gap between engineering employers’ expectations and academic preparation of engineering students, internships in engineering industries have shown many benefits as work-based educational strategies in higher engineering education. However, it is not known whether internships also address needed EI levels in engineering students. The purpose of this basic quantitative study was to determine whether global and domain EI scores of undergraduate engineering students differed based on the participation in an internship in engineering industries. Guided by Petrides’s EI theory and TEIQue-SF questionnaire, a stratified non-probabilistic sample of 206 undergraduate engineering students across U.S. colleges volunteered to provide EI scores in an anonymous online survey. Multivariate analyses of covariance, controlling for age and gender in a posttest-only-with-control-group design, indicated that EI domain scores for sociability and emotionality may be useful to determine levels of EI skills in engineering students in conjunction with internships. Whereas sociability appeared to be slightly higher in students with internships, emotionality did not. The findings of this study may initiate the investigation of the perception, the need, and the challenges of EI development in engineering education and in engineering practice, thereby contributing to positive social change by providing more understanding on how best to educate tomorrow’s holistic engineers
Parents' involvement in sex education programmes in schools
This study was aimed at establishing the extent of parental involvement in their children's
sexuality education. The researcher selected four schools of Xhosa Speaking learners in the
Umtata district of the Eastern Cape. Four teachers, one from each school, were interviewed
together with four Xhosa-Speaking learners and their parents. The method of data collection used
was a semi-structured interview aided by tape recording of the session per interviewees' agreement.
The findings were that Xhosa-Speaking parents are not involved in their children's
sexuality education due to being embarrassed by discussing sexual issues with their children.
Learners seem not to like parental involvement in sex education programmes in schools. Teachers
would like to see parents involved in school programmes and communicate with their children on
sexuality matters at home.Educational StudiesM.Ed. (Specialisation in guidance and counselling
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