7 research outputs found

    The Trend of Tick-Tock Video as a New Tool for Motivating the Educational Activities of Students of Kyiv University of Culture: Analytical and Prognostic Aspect

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    The present study has been conducted to evaluate the use of TikTok as a new tool for motivating the educational activities in Kyiv University of Culture, Ukraine. Methods: This study uses a qualitative approach, so that researchers can get more detailed information about everything related to the use of the TikTok application in educational activities. Further, a self-designed structured questionnaire contained five questions with 5 options was delivered to consented participants. Scientific novelty: This is a first study from Kyiv University of Culture, Ukarine that makes history by establishing a TikTok Department to inspire young people to be creative, ambitious, and promising. Practical significance: This study concluds that TikTok application can be used as a medium for or motivating the educational activities because it has many advantages and is successful in assisting students and teachers in teaching and learning activities in the 21st century

    Effect of Compaction Pressure on the Enzymatic Activity of Pancreatin in Directly Compressible Formulations

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    Tableting of biomolecules is a challenging formulation phase due to their sensitivity to various process parameters, such as compression pressure, process dynamics, or the temperature generated. In the present study, pancreatin was employed as a model enzyme mixture, which was formulated in tablet form utilizing the synergistic effects of brittle and plastic excipients (dibasic calcium phosphate and microcrystalline cellulose, respectively). The effect of varying compaction pressure and lubricant concentration on the generated temperature and enzymatic activity was evaluated. The tablets were analyzed for pancreatin content and the activity of two enzymes (protease and amylase) using pharmacopoeial tests. This study indicated that the formulations proposed here allow tableting over a wide range of compaction pressures without adversely affecting pancreatin content and its enzymatic activity

    Впровадження алгоритму коригувальних та профілактичних заходів у процесі адаптивного фізичного виховання учнів з особливими потребами

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    Purpose. The research has developed and substantiated the algorithm for implementation of corrective and preventive measures in the process of adaptive physical education of pupils with special needs (visually impaired children with postural disorders). Materials and methods. Twenty-eight ten-year-old visually impaired children with postural impairments (scoliotic posture or round back) participated in the experiment. Theoretical analysis, synthesis and generalization of scientific literature, Internet resources, pedagogical experiment, visual posture screening (Bibyk, Kashuba, Nosova, 2012), photography, testing, methods of mathematical statistics.  Results. The developed algorithm of corrective and preventive measures corresponds to the aim, objectives, conditions, principles, forms, didactics, control measurements, and criteria of effectiveness. During the implementation of the algorithm for corrective and preventive measures in the process of adaptive physical education of visually impaired children with postural disorders in the experimental group, there was a statistically significant (p < 0.05) improvement of the indicators of the posture bio-geometric profile and physical characteristics: strength endurance at significance level p < 0.05 and vertical body strength at significance level p < 0.05 and p < 0.01.  Conclusions. The results of the researches have confirmed the effectiveness of the developed algorithm for corrective and preventive measures, namely: improvement of the posture bio-geometric profile and increase in the level of physical qualities of visually impaired children with postural disorders. Quantitative changes at the level of p <0.05 and p <0.01 of the studied indicators, harmonious development of the individuals, and successful social adaptation in communication with healthy peers prove the effectiveness of the algorithm. At the end of the transformation experiment, based on the assessment of the posture bio-geometric profile, it was determined that ten-year-old visually impaired children with a scoliotic posture or round back improved their indicators from below-average to above-average level; strength endurance indicators from basic to intermediate and sufficient level of motor readiness; static equilibrium indicators from basic and low to medium and above-average level.Целью исследования является научное обоснование алгоритма внедрения корректирующих и профилактических мероприятий в процессе адаптивного физического воспитания детей. Материалы и методы. В эксперименте участвовали 28 десятилетних детей с недостатками зрения и нарушениями осанки. Были использованы следующие методы: теоретический анализ, педагогический эксперимент, визуальный скрининг осанки, фотография, тестирование, методы математической статистики. Результаты. При внедрении алгоритма корректирующих и профилактических мероприятий в процессе адаптивного физического воспитания детей с недостатками зрения по постуральными нарушениями в экспериментальной группе наблюдалось статистически значимое (p < 0,05) улучшение показателей биогеометричнои осанки и физических характеристик. Выводы. Результаты исследований подтвердили эффективность разработанного алгоритма корректирующих и профилактических мероприятий, а именно: улучшение биогеометричного профиля осанки и повышения уровня физических качеств детей с недостатками зрения по постуральными нарушениями. В конце эксперимента с трансформацией на основе оценки биогеометричного профиля осанки было определено, что десятилетние дети с недостатками зрения со сколиотической осанкой или круглой спиной улучшали свои показатели от ниже среднего до выше среднего уровня; показатели выносливости на прочность от базового к промежуточному и достаточного уровня двигательной готовности; статические показатели равновесия от базового и низкого до среднего и выше среднего уровня.Метою дослідження є наукове обґрунтування алгоритму впровадження коригувальних та профілактичних заходів у процесі адаптивного фізичного виховання дітей. Матеріали та методи. В експерименті брали участь 28 десятирічних дітей із вадами зору і порушеннями постави. Були використані такі методи: теоретичний аналіз, педагогічний експеримент, візуальний скринінг постави, фотографія, тестування, методи математичної статистики. Результати. Під час впровадження алгоритму коригувальних та профілактичних заходів у процесі адаптивного фізичного виховання дітей із вадами зору з постуральними порушеннями в експериментальній групі спостерігалось статистично значуще (p < 0,05) поліпшення показників біогеометричної постави та фізичних характеристик. Висновки. Результати досліджень підтвердили ефективність розробленого алгоритму коригувальних та профілактичних заходів, а саме: поліпшення біогеометричного профілю постави та підвищення рівня фізичних якостей дітей із вадами зору з постуральними порушеннями. Наприкінці експерименту з трансформацією на основі оцінки біогеометричного профілю постави було визначено, що десятирічні діти з вадами зору зі сколіотичною поставою або круглою спиною покращували свої показники від нижче середнього до вище середнього рівня; показники витривалості на міцність від базового до проміжного та достатнього рівня рухової готовності; статичні показники рівноваги від базового та низького до середнього та вище середнього рівня

    A Rational Approach to Predicting Immediate Release Formulation Behavior in Multiple Gastric Motility Patterns: A Combination of a Biorelevant Apparatus, Design of Experiments, and Machine Learning

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    Gastric mechanical stress often impacts drug dissolution from solid oral dosage forms, but in vitro experiments cannot recreate the substantial variability of gastric motility in a reasonable time. This study, for the first time, combines a novel dissolution apparatus with the design of experiments (DoE) and machine learning (ML) to overcome this obstacle. The workflow involves the testing of soft gelatin capsules in a set of fasted-state biorelevant dissolution experiments created with DoE. The dissolution results are used by an ML algorithm to build the classification model of the capsule’s opening in response to intragastric stress (IS) within the physiological space of timing and magnitude. Next, a random forest algorithm is used to model the further drug dissolution. The predictive power of the two ML models is verified with independent dissolution tests, and they outperform a polynomial-based DoE model. Moreover, the developed tool reasonably simulates over 50 dissolution profiles under varying IS conditions. Hence, we prove that our method can be utilized for the simulation of dissolution profiles related to the multiplicity of individual gastric motility patterns. In perspective, the developed workflow can improve virtual bioequivalence trials and the patient-centric development of immediate-release oral dosage forms

    The Use of Calcium Phosphate-Based Starter Pellets for the Preparation of Sprinkle IR MUPS Formulation of Rosuvastatin Calcium

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    Sprinkle formulations represent an interesting concept of medicinal products aimed at the steadily growing population of patients suffering from swallowing difficulties (dysphagia). In the present work, immediate-release sprinkle MUPS (multiple-unit pellet system) containing rosuvastatin calcium as a model drug substance was successfully developed. The formulation was prepared by drug layering technique using novel calcium phosphate-based starting pellets (PharSQ® Spheres CM) of three different particle sizes. The study showed that the developed multiparticulates were characterized by uniform distribution of coating layers thickness, as well as fast dissolution rate (more than 85% of rosuvastatin calcium dissolved within 30 min, as required by the relevant USP/NF monograph). Rosuvastatin calcium, like other statins, has a bitter, unpleasant taste. Investigations conducted with an electronic tongue suggested that the developed formulation achieved the desired taste-masking efficiency. The effect was found to be particle size-dependent, improving as the size of the multiparticulates increased

    Analysis of Outcomes in Ischemic vs Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation A Report From the GARFIELD-AF Registry

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    IMPORTANCE Congestive heart failure (CHF) is commonly associated with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (AF), and their combination may affect treatment strategies and outcomes