18 research outputs found

    The differentiated assessment of damage to economy of subjects of the Siberian Federal District from road and transport accident rate

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    The results of assessment of damage from the road accident rate in subjects of the Siberian Federal District (SFD) of the Russian Federation are presented in the article. The thesis about spatial differentiation of the Gross Regional Product (GRP) losses in different regions of the country because of people's death and injuries in the road accidents (RA) and due to formations of property and ecological damage was chosen as a working hypothesis. The calculations, carried out for 12 subjects of the SFD, confirmed this idea. The range of calculated values of economic damage from road accident rate (in % of GRP) was from 1.3 (Tomsk region) to 12.6 (Republic of Tyva) in 2015. In article the attempt to explain the received result by heterogeneous development of economics in various Russian regions is made. The consequence of it is a heterogeneous quality of people's life and quite various perception of life value by inhabitants of different regions that influences their life safety level. © 2018 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved

    Determination of generations X, Y, Z user preferences in the Russian mobile application market

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    In the work, the authors reveal the user preferences of the mobile application market. The study is based on the Strauss–Howe generational theory. The mobile application market appears to be dynamic and fast-growing in an environment of exponential growth in consumer demand and a highly competitive environment. In the article, the authors classify and identify categories and subcategories of mobile applications based on their functional and value purpose. This classification formed the basis for determining the dependence based on the analysis of contingency matrices between the preference of the application for its purpose and the age category of the user, which made it possible to identify the relationship between generations of users and their choice of certain types of applications. The text provides a justification for the choice of certain applications on a daily basis by generations X, Y, Z. The relevance of the study lies in the fact that the authors examine a market, the rapid growth of which is conditioned by the global socio-economic situation. The information obtained during the analysis of user preferences of the Russian mobile application market can be used by specialists in determining the target audience of a digital product and developing marketing strategies

    The Ncoa7 locus regulates V-ATPase formation and function, neurodevelopment and behaviour

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    Members of the Tre2/Bub2/Cdc16 (TBC), lysin motif (LysM), domain catalytic (TLDc) protein family are associated with multiple neurodevelopmental disorders, although their exact roles in disease remain unclear. For example, nuclear receptor coactivator 7 (NCOA7) has been associated with autism, although almost nothing is known regarding the mode-of-action of this TLDc protein in the nervous system. Here we investigated the molecular function of NCOA7 in neurons and generated a novel mouse model to determine the consequences of deleting this locus in vivo. We show that NCOA7 interacts with the cytoplasmic domain of the vacuolar (V)-ATPase in the brain and demonstrate that this protein is required for normal assembly and activity of this critical proton pump. Neurons lacking Ncoa7 exhibit altered development alongside defective lysosomal formation and function; accordingly, Ncoa7 deletion animals exhibited abnormal neuronal patterning defects and a reduced expression of lysosomal markers. Furthermore, behavioural assessment revealed anxiety and social defects in mice lacking Ncoa7. In summary, we demonstrate that NCOA7 is an important V-ATPase regulatory protein in the brain, modulating lysosomal function, neuronal connectivity and behaviour; thus our study reveals a molecular mechanism controlling endolysosomal homeostasis that is essential for neurodevelopment

    Mineral composition of repair raspberry (<i>Rubus idaeus</i> L.) fruits

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    In recent years, raspberry breeding has shifted its emphasis from agronomic performance to characteristics related to the sensory qualities of the fruit and its potential health benefits. The therapeutic and preventive properties of raspberries are related to their biochemical composition. In this regard, the purpose of the work was to determine the content of macro- and micronutrients in fruits of different cultivars of repair raspberry using modern high-tech analytical methods and the selection of genetic sources of the analyzed elements for further breeding. The objects of the research were 17 cultivars of repair raspberry of different ecological and geographical origin from the genetic plant bioresource collection of FSBSO ARHCBAN. It was found that the ash residue of berries contains 12 major elements, which form the following descending series: K&gt;P&gt;Mg≥Mo&gt;Ca&gt;S≥Ni&gt;Zn&gt;Mn&gt;Se&gt;Fe≥Co. The largest proportion of ash residue in raspberry fruits is K. Depending on the cultivar, its quantity averaged from 12.81 wt % (Samorodok and Karamelka) to 22.37 wt % (Atlant). The minimum K content was observed in the ash of the Carolina cultivar (5.62 wt %), while in berries of this cultivar Mg (2.91), Ca (2.62) and Zn (0.14 wt %) accumulated above average. Among the group of early maturing cultivars, the cultivar Yubileinaya Kulikova stands out with a high content of Mo (4.63), Ca (2.19), Fe (0.25) and Co (0.21 wt %). The cultivar Pingvin is characterized by a high content of K (22.65) and Se (0.31 wt %). The medium maturity cultivar Samorodok is characterized by a higher content of P (4.08), S (0.47), Ni (0.51) and Zn (0.26 wt %). Among the late maturing cultivars, the cultivar Poranna Rosa stands out with the preferential accumulation of nine elements: Mg (2.98), P (4.42), S (0.36), K (20.34), Ca (1.71), Mn (0.14), Co (0.13), Se (0.21) and Mo (3.08 wt %). Correlation relationships between the elements have been established. Samples with the highest accumulation of macro- and microelements in berries represent genetic sources for further selection of raspberry for improvement of the mineral composition of fruits

    Клинический случай сочетанной инфекционной патологии (ветряной оспы и геморрагической лихорадки с почечным синдромом) у пациента с распространенным псориазом

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    The article describes in detail the clinical case of a severe course of a combined viral disease (Varicella-Zoster, Hantaan Hemorrhagic Fever), complicated by bilateral interstitial pneumonia, cerebral edema, and disseminated vascular coagulation syndrome, developed in an immunocompromised patient during the treatment period of exacerbation of a background disease (plaque psoriasis, progressive stage) with a cytostatic drug. The role of the main and associated diseases (pathogenetic mechanisms of comorbidity), specificly, hantavirus infection and psoriasis, as co-factors in the formation of an unfavourable course of varicella-zoster in an adult, is discussed. An example of an individual approach to the patient, a comprehensive diagnosis and rational treatment that contributed to a favorable outcome of the disease is given.В статье подробно описан клинический случай тяжелого течения сочетанного вирусного заболевания (ветряная оспа, геморрагическая лихорадка с почечным синдромом), осложненного двусторонней интерстициальной пневмонией, отеком головного мозга, синдромом диссеминированного сосудистого свертывания, развившегося у иммунокомпрометированного пациента в период лечения обострения фонового заболевания (распространенный вульгарный псориаз, прогрессирующая стадия) цитостатическим препаратом. Обсуждается роль основного и сопутствующих заболеваний (патогенетических механизмов коморбидности), а именно хантавирусной инфекции и псориаза, как ко-факторов в формировании неблагоприятного течения ветряной оспы у взрослого. Приведен пример индивидуального подхода к больному, комплексной диагностики и рационального лечения, способствовавших благоприятному исходу заболевания

    Investigating the neuroprotective function of TLDc proteins

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    A recent World Health Organisation Global Burden of Disease study reports a yearly increase in the prevalence of neurodegenerative diseases, with more than 100 million people worldwide expected to be living with dementia by 2050. These disorders represent a range of neurological conditions characterised by selective neuronal cell death; no effective treatments have been developed, with the available therapy only able to reduce the symptoms in some cases. Although etiology of neurodegenerative diseases is not well understood, some common pathological features are shared between them, including protein aggregation and oxidative stress. Identification of the molecular mechanisms underlying these processes would therefore deepen our understanding of the disease pathogenesis and help in the search for new therapeutic targets. Members of a conserved protein family (TLDc) have been shown in recent years to protect neurons from oxidative insults in vitro and in vivo and play a role in oxidative stress response regulation via unknown mechanism. In addition, TLDc mutations are causative in range of neurological disorders, some characterised by neurodegeneration. Therefore, further analysis of this particular protein family may provide new insights into fundamental protective mechanisms that could be harnessed in the future. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the mechanism of action of the TLDc protein oxidation resistance 1 (Oxr1) in oxidative stress protection and in the maintenance of neural tissue homeostasis. Using a combination of in vitro assays and in animal models with disruption or overexpression of Oxr1, I have shown that Oxr1 interacts with the potent antioxidant enzyme peroxiredoxin-2 where it regulates its post-translational modifications and oligomerisation in a brain-region specific manner. I have also for the first time discovered a molecular function of Oxr1 by showing it possesses holdase chaperone activity in vitro, suggesting it acts as a putative chaperone. Next, to understand the cause of neurodegeneration in the Oxr1 knockout mouse, transcriptional profiling was carried out, revealing an induction of presymptomatic neuroinflammatory markers, suggesting Oxr1 is critical for the normal inflammatory response in the brain. I have also produced preliminary data suggesting a role for Oxr1 in autophagy. Finally, computational analysis of transcriptional activity and regulation of TLDc family members suggests high degree of functional conservation between TLDc genes and their involvement in processes throughout the body, proposing novel directions for future studies. Together, my results contribute to our understanding of the functions of TLDc genes in the CNS and the role of Oxr1 in oxidative stress protection and proteostasis.</p

    From «Hospital Mias» to «Hospital Infection»

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    The health of servicemen has always been one of the main factors playing a decisive role in the battle. The level of development of medical knowledge of military doctors plays an enormous role in maintaining the health of the personnel of the troops, together with their proper improvement. Sanitary losses of troops during the wars of the XIX-XX centuries have always been huge and depended mainly on infections, including wound infections, which many times exceeded the number of deaths during battles. Infectious complications of wounds of different genesis remain one of the most difficult problems of surgery in both peaceful and wartime. It should be noted, that Louis Pasteur was the first who spoke about infectious diseases at infectious diseases in 1862, and already in 1865, on the basis of Pasteur's experiments, the English surgeon Joseph Lister suggested using carbolic acid to fight infected wounds. These works laid the foundation of antiseptics, contributing to significant success in surgery. At the present time, new microorganisms have come to replace the classical pathogens of infectious diseases, contributing to the development of infectious complications, an increase in the duration of treatment and lethality

    Phase equilibria in the U-U3Si2-UAl2 system

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