543 research outputs found

    Revisiting the 'LSND anomaly' II: critique of the data analysis

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    This paper, together with a preceding paper, questions the so-called 'LSND anomaly': a 3.8 sigma excess of antielectronneutrino interactions over standard backgrounds, observed by the LSND Collaboration in a beam dump experiment with 800 MeV protons. That excess has been interpreted as evidence for the antimuonneutrino to antielectronneutrino oscillation in the \Deltam2 range from 0.2 eV2 to 2 eV2. Such a \Deltam2 range is incompatible with the widely accepted model of oscillations between three light neutrino species and would require the existence of at least one light 'sterile' neutrino. In a preceding paper, it was concluded that the estimates of standard backgrounds must be significantly increased. In this paper, the LSND Collaboration's estimate of the number of antielectronneutrino interactions followed by neutron capture, and of its error, is questioned. The overall conclusion is that the significance of the 'LSND anomaly' is not larger than 2.3 sigma.Comment: 30 pages, 16 figures, 6 table

    Reply to 'Corrections to the HARP-CDP Analysis of the LSND Neutrino Oscillation Backgrounds'

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    The alleged mistakes in recent papers that reanalyze the backgrounds to the 'LSND anomaly' do not exist. We maintain our conclusion that the significance of the 'LSND anomaly' is not 3.8 sigma but not larger than 2.3 sigma.Comment: 3 page

    Cross-sections of large-angle hadron production in proton- and pion-nucleus interactions VII: tin nuclei and beam momenta from \pm3 GeV/c to \pm15 GeV/c

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    We report on double-differential inclusive cross-sections of the production of secondary protons, charged pions, and deuterons, in the interactions with a 5% nuclear interaction length thick stationary tin target, of proton and pion beams with momentum from \pm3 GeV/c to \pm15 GeV/c. Results are given for secondary particles with production angles between 20 and 125 degrees. Cross-sections on tin nuclei are compared with cross-sections on beryllium, carbon, copper, tantalum and lead nuclei.Comment: 68 pages, 13 figure

    Nootropic and anticonvulsant properties of the dry extract from Serratula Centauroides roots

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    The studies were carried out on white Wistar rats. The dry extract from Serratula centauroides L. was introduced to the animals at the doses of 50,100, and 150 mg/kg for 7 days prior to the testing. The nootropic effect of S. centauroides was estimated by using the test "conditioned passive avoidance reflex". In the groups of animals treated with the S. centauroides extract the number of animals with retained reflex was more than in the control group and the latent period of input into the dark bay of the device was longer than in the animals of the control group. The anticonvulsive activity of the S. centauroides extract was tested on the model of thiosemicarbazide-induced convulsions (30 mg/kg). It has been shown that the S. centauroides extract at the doses of 50-150 mg/kg prolongs the latent period of convulsion onset by 33% and increases the lifespan of the animals by 31-47% on the background of thiosemicarbazide-induced convulsions

    The HARP Time Projection Chamber: Characteristics and Physics Performance

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    The HARP spectrometer that took data at the CERN Proton Synchrotron in 2001 and 2002 had as large-angle detector system a Time Projection Chamber (TPC) surrounded by Resistive Plate Chambers. The design of the TPC, experience with its operation, and its good physics performance are described. The successful recovery from track distortions arising from inhomogeneities of the electric and magnetic fields in the TPC volume is discussed

    The HARP Resistive Plate Chambers: Characteristics and Physics Performance

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    The HARP Resistive Plate Chamber (RPC) system was designed for time-of-flight measurement in the large-angle acceptance region of the HARP spectrometer. It comprised 46 four-gap glass RPCs covering an area of _8m2. The design of the RPCs, their operation, intrinsic properties, and system performance are described. The intrinsic time resolution of the RPCs is better than 130 ps leading to a system time resolution of _175 ps

    Third Addendum to the HARP WhiteBook

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    In this 'Third Addendum to the HARP WhiteBook', we present a detailed rebuttal to the 27 arguments against our TPC calibration work that were put forward by the 'HARP Collaboration' in their "Comments on 'The Harp Time Projection Chamber: characteristics and physics performance' by V. Ammosov et al.", and show 26 of them to be wrong, or inappropriate, or without substance

    The effect of phospholipid composition of reconstituted HDL on its cholesterol efflux and anti-inflammatory properties

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    goal of this study was to understand how the reconstituted HDL (rHDL) phospholipid (PL) composition affects its cholesterol efflux and anti-inflammatory properties. An ApoA-I mimetic peptide, 5A, was combined with either SM or POPC. Both lipid formulations exhibited similar in vitro cholesterol efflux by ABCA1, but 5A-SM exhibited higher ABCG1- and SR-BI-mediated efflux relative to 5A-POPC (P < 0.05). Injection of both rHDLs in rats resulted in mobilization of plasma cholesterol, although the relative potency was 3-fold higher for the same doses of 5A-SM than for 5A-POPC. Formation of pre HDL was observed following incubation of rHDLs with both human and rat plasma in vitro, with 5A-SM inducing a higher extent of pre formation relative to 5A-POPC. Both rHDLs exhibited anti-inflammatory properties, but 5A-SM showed higher inhibition of TNF-, IL-6, and IL-1 release than did 5A-POPC (P < 0.05). Both 5A-SM and 5A-POPC showed reduction in total plaque area in ApoE(-/-) mice, but only 5A-SM showed a statistically significant reduction over placebo control and baseline (P < 0.01). The type of PL used to reconstitute peptide has significant influence on rHDL's anti-inflammatory and anti-atherosclerosis properties

    Разработка конструкции щелевого сельскохозяйственного распылителя и исследование его выходных параметров

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    It is shown that the use of low-quality sprayers for pesticide application can lead to the yield decrease and negative environmental consequences. The use of worn nozzles is noted to reduce the efficiency of plant treatment, since the deviation from the dosage norm of plant protection products reaches 30-60 percent. It is noted that foreign-made sprayers are most often used in Russia, since there are no domestic analogues providing similar output parameters. (Research purpose) To investigate the output parameters of the developed slotted agricultural sprayer and compare them with the performance of advanced imported analogues. (Materials and methods) A prototype model of the developed sprayer was made of bronze using mechanical treatment. It was examined on a special test bench in comparison with a reference polymer sprayer. Using optical microscopy the flow rate of the working fluid and the spray angle were measured, as well as the dimensions of the sprayer nozzle. (Results and discussion) It was found that, on average, in the prototype sprayer made of bronze, the flow rate of the working fluid is 1.7 times greater and the spray angle is 37.16 degrees less than those of a reference polymer sprayer. The examination of the spray nozzles by an optical microscope revealed some differences in shape and size. (Conclusions) The developed design of the sprayer reveals a need for improvement: the nozzle shape should be modified to ellipsoid; the nozzle size should be reduced.Показали, что применение некачественных распылителей для внесения пестицидов может привести к снижению урожайности и негативным экологическим последствиям. Отметили, что использование изношенных форсунок ухудшает эффективность обработки растений, так как отклонение от нормы расхода средств защиты растений достигает 30-60 процентов. Отметили, что наиболее часто в России применяют распылители иностранного производства, поскольку отечественных аналогов, обеспечивающих схожие выходные параметры, не существует. (Цель исследования) Исследовать выходные параметры разработанного щелевого сельскохозяйственного распылителя и сравнить их с показателями передовых импортных аналогов. (Материалы и методы) Опытный образец разработанного распылителя изготовили из бронзы с применением механической обработки. Исследовали его на специальном стенде в сравнении с эталонным полимерным распылителем. Измерили расход рабочей жидкости и угол распыла, а также размеры сопла, для чего применили оптическую микроскопию. (Результаты и обсуждение) Установили, что в среднем расход рабочий жидкости у опытного образца распылителя, изготовленного из бронзы, в 1,7 раза больше, чем у эталонного полимерного распылителя, а угол распыла меньше на 37,16 градуса. Исследование сопел распылителей с помощью оптического микроскопа позволило выявить различия в форме и размерах. (Выводы) Определили, что разработанная конструкция распылителя нуждается в доработке: форма сопла должна быть скорректирована до эллипсовидной, размеры сопла следует уменьшить