17 research outputs found

    Å komme til seg selv – i bevegelse, sansning og forstĂ„else

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    I dette essayet fortolkes Trygve BraatÞys tanker om nervÞse og psykosomatiske lidelser i lys av LÞgstrups sansefilosofi. BraatÞy beskrev muskulÊre belastninger som vevd sammen med fÞlelsesmessige belastninger, og bevissthet som kroppslig forankret. I hans tenkning er muskulÊre konflikter et sÊrtrekk ved slike lidelser, og forbundet med regulering av overveldende inntrykk som binder personen i mÞte med verden. LÞgstrup la ut menneskers universelt gitte grunnvilkÄr, og mente at den menneskelige tilvÊrelse er sammenvevd med eller felt inn i omgivelsene i pust og ernÊring, men ogsÄ i sansningen. Og sansningen er mer enn nevrofysiologiske prosesser, den er vÄr klangbunn, stemt av inntrykk. Som fenomen rommer sansningen bÄde den som sanser og det som sanses. Med LÞgstrups sansefilosofi som tolkningsperspektiv i mÞte med BraatÞys tenkning drÞftes bevissthet som kroppslig forankret, med distinksjon mellom bevissthet i sansning og bevissthet i forstÄelse. I denne fortolkningen fremheves kroppslig forankret bevissthet bÄde som klangbunn stemt av livets erfaringer, og samtidig som tilstedevÊrelse her og nÄ, i varierende grad av Äpenhet

    «Bruk intuisjonen og fantasien» – ein analyse av kropps- og kunnskapssynet i Aadel BĂŒlow- Hansen si fagutĂžving og norsk psykomotorisk fysioterapi

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    Source at https://fysioterapeuten.no/. Bakgrunn: Norsk psykomotorisk fysioterapi (NPMF) har blitt kritisert for manglande vitskapeleg dokumentasjon. Kritikken kan sjĂ„ast pĂ„ bakgrunn av det evidensbaserte kunnskapsparadigmet. Grunnleggjar av fagtradisjonen, Aadel BĂŒlow-Hansen, oppmoda til bruk av intuisjon og fantasi, som kan synast kvasivitskapeleg i det rĂ„dande kunnskapsparadigmet. FĂžremĂ„let med denne studien er Ă„ belysa og drĂžfta det implisitte kropps- og kunnskapssynet i tradisjonen gjennom Ă„ sjĂ„ nĂŠrare pĂ„ hennar praksis og fagmiljĂžet si vidarefĂžring av den. Metode: Kvalitativ tilnĂŠrming med opne intervju av tre ulike nestorar som kommenterer eit og same filmopptak av BĂŒlow-Hansen i klinisk pasientarbeid. Funn: Artikkelen presenterer funna i to tema: 1. Sansing og bevegelse i kommunikasjon og samhandling. 2. Klinisk kompetanse og resonnering. Informantane peika pĂ„ eit tredimensjonalt syn pĂ„ kroppen som biologi, erfarande og relasjonell, samt ein kunnskap som er kroppsleg og sanseleg fundamentert. Konklusjon: NPMF er tufta pĂ„ eit kropps- og kunnskapssyn, der den kroppslege, sanselege kunnskapen er integrert med teoretisk og teknisk kunnskap. SĂ„leis let ikkje denne kunnskapen underordna seg kriteria for det som blir sett pĂ„ som den beste kunnskapen i EBP-systemet. Heller representerer tradisjonen ei kompleks kunnskapsog kroppsforstĂ„ing, og speilar kompleksiteten og det sĂŠreigne ved lidingane kvar enkelt pasient treng hjelp med

    “Finding oneself after critical illness”: voices from the remission society

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    Under embargo until: 2021-10-07The number of people who survive critical illness is increasing. In parallel, a growing body of literature reveals a broad range of side-effects following intensive care treatment. Today, more attention is needed to improve the quality of survival. Based on nine individual stories of illness experiences given by participants in two focus groups and one individual interview, this paper elaborates how former critically ill patients craft and recraft their personal stories throughout their illness trajectory. The analysis was conducted from a phenomenological perspective and led to the meaning structure; a quest to find oneself after critical illness. In this structure, illness represented a breakdown of the participants’ lives, forcing them to develop a new understanding of themselves. Despite acute illness, they felt safe in hospital. Coming home, however, meant a constant balancing between health and illness, and being either in or out of control. To gain a deeper understanding of the participants’ narratives of survival, the meaning structure was developed from a phenomenological life world perspective, Heidegger’s concept of homelikeness and Arthur Frank’s typologies of illness narratives. In conclusion listening to and acknowledging the patients’ lived experiences of critical illness may support the patient efforts to establish the newly defined self and hence be vital for recovery. Phenomenology is one approach facilitating care tailored to the patients’ lived experience of critical illness and its aftermaths.acceptedVersio

    Critical physiotherapy: a ten-year retrospective

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    Critical physiotherapy has been a rapidly expanding field over the last decade and could now justifiably be called a professional sub-discipline. In this paper we define three different but somewhat interconnected critical positions that have emerged over the last decade that share a critique of physiotherapy’s historical approach to health and illness, while also diverging in the possibilities for new forms of practice and thinking. These three positions broadly align with three distinctive philosophies: approaches that emphasize lived experience, social theory, and a range of philosophies increasingly referred to as the “posts”. In this paper we discuss the origins of these approaches, exploring the ways they critique contemporary physiotherapy thinking and practice. We offer an overview of the key principles of each approach and, for each in turn, suggest readings from key authors. We conclude each section by discussing the limits of these various approaches, but also indicate ways in which they might inform future thinking and practice. We end the paper by arguing that the various approaches that now fall under the rubric of critical physiotherapy represent some of the most exciting and opportune ways we might (re)think the future for the physiotherapy profession and the physical therapies more generally.Peer reviewe

    Reproductive Performance, Udder Health, and Antibiotic Resistance in Mastitis Bacteria isolated from Norwegian Red cows in Conventional and Organic Farming

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The objectives of this study were to investigate whether there were differences between Norwegian Red cows in conventional and organic farming with respect to reproductive performance, udder health, and antibiotic resistance in udder pathogens.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Twenty-five conventional and 24 organic herds from south-east and middle Norway participated in the study. Herds were matched such that geographical location, herd size, and barn types were similar across the cohorts. All organic herds were certified as organic between 1997 and 2003. All herds were members of the Norwegian Dairy Herd Recording System. The herds were visited once during the study. The relationship between the outcomes and explanatory variables were assessed using mixed linear models.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There were less > 2nd parity cows in conventional farming. The conventional cows had higher milk yields and received more concentrates than organic cows. Although after adjustment for milk yield and parity, somatic cell count was lower in organic cows than conventional cows. There was a higher proportion of quarters that were dried off at the herd visit in organic herds. No differences in the interval to first AI, interval to last AI or calving interval was revealed between organic and conventional cows. There was no difference between conventional and organic cows in quarter samples positive for mastitis bacteria from the herd visit. Milk yield and parity were associated with the likelihood of at least one quarter positive for mastitis bacteria. There was few <it>S. aureus </it>isolates resistance to penicillin in both management systems. Penicillin resistance against Coagulase negative staphylococci isolated from subclinically infected quarters was 48.5% in conventional herds and 46.5% in organic herds.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>There were no large differences between reproductive performance and udder health between conventional and organic farming for Norwegian Red cows.</p

    Norwegian Psychomotor Physiotherapy and Embodied Narrative Identity. A theory generating study

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    The aim of this thesis is to explore and develop the theoretical underpinning of Norwegian Psychomotor Physiotherapy (NPMP). In the first part (Paper I, II & III), the theoretical grounds for this physiotherapy treatment approach are analysed from their historical origin. The theoretical assumptions derived from this were used to analyse patients’ experiences in the second part (Paper IV & V). Thus, theoretical assumptions were illustrated and challenged from a clinical perspective raising new questions, which demanded further theoretical extensions. The theoretical part is based on hermeneutic text analysis using the methods of investigation of sources. Texts written by the Norwegian psychiatrist Trygve Braatþy, a primary source for the theoretical assumptions in NPMP, were analysed in the light of Lþgstrup’s philosophy of sensation. In Paper I the functional meanings of muscular actions emerge as ambiguous in interdependent tension between posture and movement. NPMP emerges as a treatment involved with the existential challenge of withholding and expressing oneself. Paper II explores how muscular tension, sensation, awareness and understanding interact. Paper III elaborates on the embodied foundation of expressing oneself in everyday language. The first clinical study, a case study, explored the experience of one patient’s 10 yearlong treatment processes. Analysis of enacted narratives emerging during these clinical situations revealed the significance of a narrative perspective. They pinpointed the meaning of time, in relation to muscular tension, posture, movement, sensation and understanding, as aspects of narrative identity. The narrative perspective was further expanded in the second clinical study, which was based on focus group interviews, exploring how patients make meaning of their experience with NPMP. When explored in relation to narrative genre, NPMP emerged as a journey of transformation where time and trust are foundational. Embodied changes are associated with narrative identity and finding one’s own voice, as well as the urge to speak out and reflect on significant experiences of the past. It is a process, which seems to challenge peoples experience and concepts of control. This thesis opens up a theoretical underpinning, where the comprehensive perspective in NPMP is seen as an embodied treatment affecting the tension between the spontaneous, interwoven presence of life and, the distancing function of the individual person’s existential struggle to become him or herself. Muscular, postural and respiratory transformations, the essential issues in NPMP, emerge as processes which involve patients’ narrative identity on an embodied sensuous level. The notion of control is challenged in these processes where trust emerges as essential, and each patient’s cycle of treatment will be of different lengths. Embodied transformation of muscular and sensuous traces of past experiences may evoke reminiscences, which demand to be expressed and, open speech requires attentive listening. NPMP is understood in the light of an existential journey of transformation, with a potential vitalising capacity

    SprĂ„k – uttrykk for inntrykk

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    I dette essayet undersÞkes BraatÞys1 tanker om sprÄk i lys av LÞgstrups2 sansefilosofiske perspektiv pÄ sprÄket. LÞgstrup arbeidet med distinksjoner, som er Ä sette en forskjell, dvs. Ä beskrive det forskjellige i det tilsynelatende like. BraatÞy forsÞkte i teori og praksis Ä overkomme fordommer som skiller ad det som hÞrer sammen, som kropp og psyke, og Ä klargjÞre dobbeltheter i sprÄket som har sammenvevde betydninger, men som likevel mÄ holdes fra hverandre. PÄ hvert sitt vis pÄpekte begge begrensninger ved et definerende entydig sprÄk og muligheter i det dagligdagse sprÄkets nyanserikdom. I den kroppslig baserte behandlingen BraatÞy beskrev fÄr sprÄket sÊrlig betydning som tydning av inntrykk, sanselig forankret og rikt pÄ et mangfold av betydninger

    BerÞring som terapeutisk «dans» - En kvalitativ studie av pasienters erfaring med psykomotorisk fysioterapi

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    Bakgrunn: Til tross for at berÞring er en stor del av fysioterapipraksis, har berÞring som fenomen blitt forholdsmessig lite utforsket i forskningsfeltet. Studien utforsker pasienters opplevelse av berÞring i norsk psykomotorisk fysioterapibehandling (NPMF), og hvilke terapeutiske potensialer som knytter seg til berÞring. Metode: Semistrukturerte intervju danner grunnlaget for temabasert tverrgÄende analyse. Kropps- og kunnskapssynet i NPMF og Benjamins intersubjektive relasjonsteori utgjÞr studiens teoretiske perspektiv. Funn: Funnene viser at berÞring i NPMF oppleves av pasientene som en toveis interaksjon. Relasjonen mellom pasient og terapeut er av stor betydning for hvordan berÞringen oppleves, og berÞringen kan i seg selv ogsÄ bidra til en nÊrere relasjon til terapeuten. BerÞringens terapeutiske potensialer omfatter det Ä lindre symptomer, bedre kontakt med egen kropp, fremme erkjennelse av sammenhenger mellom levd liv, fÞlelsesmessige belastning og kroppslige helseplager, samt Ä bidra til opplevelse av kroppslig forankret eksistens. Konklusjon: BerÞring i NPMF oppleves av pasientene i studien som noe de mottar og samtidig er aktivt sammen med terapeuten om. I lys av Benjamins intersubjektive relasjonsteori fremheves anerkjennende berÞring som utgangspunkt i et berÞringssamspill, der bÄde kroppslige og verbale uttrykksformer gjensidig komplementerer hverandre. Slik blir berÞring kilde til pasientens selvfornemmelse, selvforstÄelse og utvikling. NÞkkelord: Norsk psykomotorisk fysioterapi, berÞring, intersubjektivitet, samhandling og terapeutisk relasjon

    The hamster wheel: a case study on embodied narrative identity and overcoming severe obesity

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    Based in narrative phenomenology, this article describes an example of how lived time, self and bodily engagement with the social world intertwine, and how our sense of self develops. We explore this through the life story of a woman who lost weight through surgery in the 1970 s and has fought against her own body, food and eating ever since. Our narrative analysis of interviews, reflective notes and email correspondence disentangled two storylines illuminating paradoxes within this long-term weight loss process. Thea’s Medical Weight Narrative: From Severely Obese Child to Healthy Adult is her story in context of medicine and obesity treatment and expresses success and control. Thea’s Story: The Narrative of Fighting Weight is the experiential story, including concrete examples and quotes, highlighting bodily struggles and the inescapable ambiguity of being and having one’s body. The two storylines coexist and illuminate paradoxes within the weight loss surgery narrative, connected to meaningful life events and experiences, eating practices and relationships with important others. Surgery was experienced as lifesaving, yet the surgical transformation did not suffice, because it did not influence appetite or, desire for food in the long run. In the medical narrative of transforming the body by repair, a problematic relationship with food did not fit into the plot

    Hvis ikke kropp og psyke - hva da? Holdning og bevegelse i selvutfoldelse og tilbakeholdelse

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    Norwegian psychomotor physiotherapy exists between medicine and psychology, in a culture with long traditions of separating soma and psyche. This separation is a problem for developing know-ledge and performing clinically in psychomotor physiotherapy. Our intention is to elaborate on the theoretical basis for this treatment method, and illuminate how one may bypass this problem. This essay is based on some of the texts written by the psychiatrist BraatĂžy. In our hermeneutic interpretations, we analyse his texts in light of the philosopher LĂžgstrups thoughts on uniting opposites. Then bearing and movement appear as basic phenomenons in human life. We see a dynamic interaction between bearing and movement with several intertwined meanings, in different functions. Physical activity is performed in the dynamics between posture and movement, and emotions are regulated in the dynamics between attitude and affect. At the same time, bearing expresses imprinting by social and cultural norms. As such, norms will take part in shaping individuals spontaneous movements. Bearing and movement are complex phenomenon. As uniting opposites their interaction will support the individual s relation to itself and others. This will tune self expression and withdrawal by and to the surroundings. If the opposites become conflicting, however, the individual may come in conflict with him or herself, causing overload and possibly disease. Our analysis presents psychomotor physiotherapy as a treatment for bearing adaptation, understood as a bodily-existential process