9 research outputs found

    Desarrollo de habilidades creativas de los estudiantes en instituciones de educación superior

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    main purpose of vocational training in higher education is training of a competitive highly qualified graduate. The requirements for his professional and creative level of development increase with increasing role of creative abilities in professional activities implementation. The purpose of the article is to describe experience of students’ creative abilities development. The authors identified the stages of students’ creative abilities development: organizational and preparatory; activity-evaluation; designing, during which students develop original projects, develop creative abilities and readiness for creative activity. The article describes the experience of project training in the branch of Tyumen industrial University in Surgut. The stages of project preparation "Drilling rig, combined with installation of a rod depth pump (hereinafter –RSP) are analyzed in detail. The paper also provides examples of project tasks performed by students in the study of pedagogical courses. Criteria for evaluating creative abilities were developed. In order to achieve high results, students plan their own individual activities and team activities in detail, make non-standard decisions during the project, show flexibility in resolving conflicts and originality of ideas. Modern high school, acting in terms of competence approach, using project activities, contributes to developing an independent and creative personality of future professional.El objetivo principal de la formación profesional en la educación superior es la formación de un graduado competitivo altamente calificado. Los requisitos para su nivel de desarrollo profesional y creativo aumentan con el papel cada vez mayor de las habilidades creativas en la implementación de actividades profesionales. El propósito del artículo es describir la experiencia del desarrollo de habilidades creativas de los estudiantes. Los autores identificaron las etapas del desarrollo de las habilidades creativas de los estudiantes: organizacionales y preparatorias; evaluación de actividad; diseño, durante el cual los estudiantes desarrollan proyectos originales, desarrollan habilidades creativas y preparación para la actividad creativa. El artículo describe la experiencia de capacitación en proyectos en la rama de la Universidad industrial de Tyumen en Surgut. Las etapas de preparación del proyecto "Plataforma de perforación, combinadas con la instalación de una bomba de profundidad de varilla (en adelante, RSP) se analizan en detalle. El documento también proporciona ejemplos de tareas de proyectos realizadas por estudiantes en el estudio de cursos pedagógicos. Criterios para evaluar habilidades creativas se desarrollaron. Con el fin de lograr altos resultados, los estudiantes planean sus propias actividades individuales y actividades de equipo en detalle, toman decisiones no estándar durante el proyecto, muestran flexibilidad para resolver conflictos y originalidad de ideas. Preparatoria moderna, actuando en términos de competencia El enfoque, utilizando actividades de proyecto, contribuye al desarrollo de una personalidad independiente y creativa del futuro profesional

    Capacitación interna para empleados de empresas de servicios que utilizan tecnología de la información

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    The article reveals the structure of the content of in-house training and retraining of employees, reflects the principles on which training is based and the functions that are performed by in-house professional training. Throughout the world and in Russia in particular, the subject of increased attention is the introduction of information technology. Therefore, the authors consider the in-house training of employees of the service company using the designated technologies. The agency Registration Agency, a limited liability company, was considered in the article. In 2018, among its employees, a survey was conducted that revealed the desire of employees to improve their skills through electronic courses provided by Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University. It was attended by 30 respondents. After the meeting, employees were asked to undergo training on the organization of personal effectiveness. The training was conducted successfully and, based on the data obtained, we concluded that there is a need for further closer cooperation between organizations, therefore, we presented a plan of interaction between Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after Kozma Minin and the Registration Agency limited liability company, the result of which in the future should be the achievement of benefits for both parties, that is, an increase in the intensification of the organization’s activities "and The effectiveness of the training of future graduates of the “Service” field of study.El artículo revela la estructura del contenido de la capacitación interna y el reciclaje de los empleados, refleja los principios en los que se basa la capacitación y las funciones que realiza la capacitación profesional interna. En todo el mundo y en Rusia en particular, el tema de mayor atención es la introducción de la tecnología de la información. Por lo tanto, los autores consideran la capacitación interna de los empleados de la empresa de servicios utilizando las tecnologías designadas. La agencia, la Agencia de Registro, una compañía de responsabilidad limitada, fue considerada en el artículo. En 2018, entre sus empleados, se realizó una encuesta que reveló el deseo de los empleados de mejorar sus habilidades a través de cursos electrónicos proporcionados por la Universidad Pedagógica Estatal de Nizhny Novgorod. Asistieron 30 encuestados. Después de la reunión, se pidió a los empleados que recibieran capacitación sobre la organización de la efectividad personal. La capacitación se realizó con éxito y, en base a los datos obtenidos, concluimos que existe la necesidad de una cooperación más estrecha entre las organizaciones, por lo tanto, presentamos un plan de interacción entre la Universidad Pedagógica del Estado de Nizhny Novgorod, cuyo nombre es Kozma Minin y la Agencia de Registro limitada empresa de responsabilidad, cuyo resultado en el futuro debería ser el logro de beneficios para ambas partes, es decir, un aumento en la intensificación de las actividades de la organización "y la efectividad de la capacitación de futuros graduados del campo de estudio" Servicio"

    Topological system method of formation of transformer transformation coefficients

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    A systematic approach to determining the control range of the on-load tap-changer of transformers from the standpoint of the synthesis of the voltage mode is proposed. Transformations of the equation of nodal voltages, formalized on the basis of the topology of a complex electrical network, with respect to the transformation ratios of transformers are given

    Capacitación interna para empleados de empresas de servicios que utilizan tecnología de la información

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    The article reveals the structure of the content of in-house training and retraining of employees, reflects the principles on which training is based and the functions that are performed by in-house professional training. Throughout the world and in Russia in particular, the subject of increased attention is the introduction of information technology. Therefore, the authors consider the in-house training of employees of the service company using the designated technologies. The agency Registration Agency, a limited liability company, was considered in the article. In 2018, among its employees, a survey was conducted that revealed the desire of employees to improve their skills through electronic courses provided by Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University. It was attended by 30 respondents. After the meeting, employees were asked to undergo training on the organization of personal effectiveness. The training was conducted successfully and, based on the data obtained, we concluded that there is a need for further closer cooperation between organizations, therefore, we presented a plan of interaction between Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after Kozma Minin and the Registration Agency limited liability company, the result of which in the future should be the achievement of benefits for both parties, that is, an increase in the intensification of the organization’s activities "and The effectiveness of the training of future graduates of the “Service” field of study.El artículo revela la estructura del contenido de la capacitación interna y el reciclaje de los empleados, refleja los principios en los que se basa la capacitación y las funciones que realiza la capacitación profesional interna. En todo el mundo y en Rusia en particular, el tema de mayor atención es la introducción de la tecnología de la información. Por lo tanto, los autores consideran la capacitación interna de los empleados de la empresa de servicios utilizando las tecnologías designadas. La agencia, la Agencia de Registro, una compañía de responsabilidad limitada, fue considerada en el artículo. En 2018, entre sus empleados, se realizó una encuesta que reveló el deseo de los empleados de mejorar sus habilidades a través de cursos electrónicos proporcionados por la Universidad Pedagógica Estatal de Nizhny Novgorod. Asistieron 30 encuestados. Después de la reunión, se pidió a los empleados que recibieran capacitación sobre la organización de la efectividad personal. La capacitación se realizó con éxito y, en base a los datos obtenidos, concluimos que existe la necesidad de una cooperación más estrecha entre las organizaciones, por lo tanto, presentamos un plan de interacción entre la Universidad Pedagógica del Estado de Nizhny Novgorod, cuyo nombre es Kozma Minin y la Agencia de Registro limitada empresa de responsabilidad, cuyo resultado en el futuro debería ser el logro de beneficios para ambas partes, es decir, un aumento en la intensificación de las actividades de la organización "y la efectividad de la capacitación de futuros graduados del campo de estudio" Servicio"

    In-house Training for Service Company Employees Using Information Technology

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    The article reveals the structure of the content of in-house training and retraining of employees, reflects the principles on which training is based and the functions that are performed by in-house professional training. Throughout the world and in Russia in particular, the subject of increased attention is the introduction of information technology. Therefore, the authors consider the in-house training of employees of the service company using the designated technologies. The agency Registration Agency, a limited liability company, was considered in the article. In 2018, among its employees, a survey was conducted that revealed the desire of employees to improve their skills through electronic courses provided by Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University. It was attended by 30 respondents. After the meeting, employees were asked to undergo training on the organization of personal effectiveness. The training was conducted successfully and, based on the data obtained, we concluded that there is a need for further closer cooperation between organizations, therefore, we presented a plan of interaction between Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after Kozma Minin and the Registration Agency limited liability company, the result of which in the future should be the achievement of benefits for both parties, that is, an increase in the intensification of the organization's activities "and The effectiveness of the training of future graduates of the “Service” field of study

    Effect of deletion of the lpxM gene on virulence and vaccine potential of Yersinia pestis in mice

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    Yersinia pestis undergoes an obligate flea-rodent-flea enzootic life cycle. The rapidly fatal properties of Y. pestis are responsible for the organism's sustained survival in natural plague foci. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) plays several roles in Y. pestis pathogenesis, prominent among them being resistance to host immune effectors and induction of a septic-shock state during the terminal phases of infection. LPS is acylated with 4-6 fatty acids, the number varying with growth temperature and affecting the molecule's toxic properties. Y. pestis mutants were constructed with a deletion insertion in the lpxM gene in both virulent and attenuated strains, preventing the organisms from synthesizing the most toxic hexa-acylated lipid A molecule when grown at 25 6C. The virulence and/or protective potency of pathogenic and attenuated Y. pestis DlpxM mutants were then examined in a mouse model. The DlpxM mutation in a virulent strain led to no change in the LD 50 value compared to that of the parental strain, while the DlpxM mutation in attenuated strains led to a modest 2.5-16-fold reduction in virulence. LPS preparations containing fully hexa-acylated lipid A were ten times more toxic in actinomycin D-treated mice then preparations lacking this lipid A isoform, although this was not significant (P.0.05). The DlpxM mutation in vaccine strain EV caused a significant increase in its protective potency. These studies suggest there is little impact from lipid A modifications on the virulence of Y. pestis strains but there are potential improvements in the protective properties in attenuated vaccine strains. INTRODUCTION Yersinia pestis survives within an enzootic cycle involving infection of susceptible rodent populations and transmission via flea vectors The triggering event of septic shock caused by Gramnegative bacteria is most likely the release of lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Lipid A, the toxic portion of the LPS molecule, causes the release of numerous host proinflammatory cytokines, and activates the complement cascade and the coagulation cascade. Recent studies suggest that Toll-like receptors, inflammatory cytokines, eicosanoids, free radicals, macrophage migration inhibitory factor, signal protein kinases and transcription factors all play an important part in the pathobiology of Gram-negativemediated septic shock lpxM (alternatively msbB or waaN) Recently it was shown that although LPSs from DlpxM mutants had decreased endotoxic activity, they were still as potent adjuvants of the immune response as hexa-acylated molecules from the parent strains In this study, we investigated the effects of variations in the lipid A structure on the endotoxic activity of the LPS and on the pathogenicity of Y. pestis strains that differ in their initial virulence potential. To perform these investigations, we created DlpxM mutants in wild-type strain 231 as well as in attenuated strains, including the Russian vaccine strain, EV, line NIIEG. We also investigated the effect of a DlpxM mutation on the vaccine properties of strain EV. This mutation resulted in an inability to synthesize the hexa-acyl lipid A (LA hexa ) structure found in the parental strains when organisms are grown at 25 u C. Overall, we found a tenfold increase in the LD 50 of the LPS from the DlpxM mutant, but this was not significant at P . 0.05. Inability of the virulent Y. pestis 231 DlpxM mutant to produce a hexa-acylated LPS did not change its ability to cause a lethal infection, while in the attenuated strains there was a modest reduction in virulence. Of note, in the vaccine strain, there was improved protective efficacy and decreased reactogenicity following immunization with the DlpxM mutant. METHODS Bacterial strains, plasmids and primers. The characteristics of the Y. pestis and E. coli strains used in this study are given in 444 Journal of Medical Microbiology 56 the mutant strains contained genes for LPS biogenesis, and did not exert influence on LPS structure when compared with the 'wild-type' in any of the strains Medium and culture conditions. E. coli strains were routinely grown on Luria-Bertani (LB) agar or in LB broth The pMSB3K plasmid was introduced into Y. pestis strains by conjugation using polymyxin for counter-selection, the Km R Ap R exoconjugants were then counter-selected by growing on plates containing 5 % sucrose, and the Km R Ap S colonies in which allelic exchange had occurred were selected and deletion of the chromosomal lpxM gene confirmed by PCR Isolation of LPS and SDS-PAGE. LPSs were extracted from dried cells with phenol/chloroform/light petroleum ether Mass spectrometry. High-resolution electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (ESI FT-ICR) MS was performed in the negative ion mode using an Apex II instrument (Bruker Daltonics) equipped with a 7 T actively shielded magnet and an Apollo electrospray ion source as described previously 21 . Capillary entrance voltage was set to 3.8 kV, and dry gas temperature to 150 uC. The spectra were charge deconvoluted, and mass numbers given refer to the monoisotopic molecular masses. Animals. Outbred Swiss Webster mice weighing approximately 20 g were used in animal experiments that were approved by the ethical committee of the State Research Center for Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. Animals were kept in cages in groups of four to eight, and allowed to feed and drink ad libitum. Median lethal doses (LD 50 ), 50 % immunizing doses (ImD 50 ) and 95 % confidence intervals (CI) were measured according to the method of Kärber Immunization and challenge. Bacterial cultures of either the EV line NIIEG strain or the EVDlpxM mutant were grown for 48 h at 25 uC and administered subcutaneously in a total volume of 0.2 ml 0.9 % NaCl solution (with tenfold dilutions from 10 9 to 10 5 c.f.u.) as a single injection on day 0 (70 mice, divided into 10 groups of 7). Two groups of seven mice were treated only with 0.9 % NaCl solution. At day 21 post-immunization the mice were challenged subcutaneously with 3. RESULTS Isolation and SDS-PAGE characterization of the LPSs Each Y. pestis strain was grown at 25 u C and the corresponding LPS samples were isolated by phenol/chloroform/ light petroleum extraction and fractionated by SDS-PAGE. Examples of LPS migration for two pairs of isogenic strains are shown in Structural studies of the LPSs LPS parent and LPS DlpxM from Y. pestis KM218 and KM260(11) were degraded under mild acid conditions to cleave the linkage between the core and lipid A. The isolated and purified lipid A and core oligosaccharide, as well as the whole LPS samples, were studied by ESI FT-ICR MS. The mass spectrum of the lipid A sample from Y. pestis KM218 LPS parent No significant changes in the core composition and the content of the cationic sugar, 4-amino-4-deoxy-L-arabinose (Ara4N), were observed in LPS parent and LPS DlpxM from both strains studied (data not shown). Therefore, our data confirmed the finding of Rebeil et al. (2006) that Y. pestis DlpxM mutants are unable to incorporate the dodecanoyl group into lipid A and showed that the other LPS biosynthesis pathways are unaffected by the mutation. Toxicity of LPSs in actinomycin D-sensitized mice Several substances Affect of the deletion of lpxM on the lethality of virulent and attenuated Y. pestis strains in a murine system The Y. pestis parental and DlpxM strains were used to assess the contribution to virulence made by having the genetic ability to synthesize a LA hexa . There was no effect on virulence of the Y. pestis wild-type strain 231 due to deletion of lpxM When attenuated strains (i.e. lacking the pCD plasmid or with further mutations) of Y. pestis are injected into mice, the residual virulence can be evaluated with either the use of very high infective doses or immunocompromised animals treated with immunosuppressant