48 research outputs found

    Metaphor as a device for understanding cognitive concepts

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    The paper addresses metaphor as a cognitive-semantic device which is able to reveal intuitive mechanisms of the thinking process, thus filling the gaps in the sphere of logically objective human knowledge and opening the possibility to describe abstract concepts of the human mind in terms. This paper substantiates the principal possibility of conceptual modeling of the metaphorization process and describes its baseline algorithm, identifies complex metaphors and establishes the cognitive-semantic features of their functioning. The main conclusion of the reasoning confirms the hypothesis that different image schemes have different strength of heuristic potential, which determines the fullness of metaphorical descriptions of concepts

    Idiomatic equivalents in terms of metaphoric transfer

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    The article presents a hermeneutic approach to idiomatic equivalents in terms of metaphoric transfer. Metaphor is viewed by the authors in its broad sense that can be applied to any use of words in an indirect meaning. Hence, an idiom is understood as a verbalized metaphor that reflects both the universal and specific features of a given language. Idiomatic equivalence that traditionally refers to the linguistic properties of the idiom is presented in the article as hermeneutic equivalence based on the thinking activity approach. Within the framework of such approach the idiomatic equivalence highlights the transfer from one culture to another way of thinking and thinking activity organization


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    The article analyzes current food security issues across the Russian Arctic, which were considered at the International Arctic Forum «ARCTIC: Territory of Dialogue» on March 29–30, 2017 and at the International Scientific and Practical Conference «Technologies of Social, Economic and Logistic Processes of the Arctic zone of Russia: History and Modernity» held at the Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University on March 30–31, 2017.Particular attention is drawn to the practical provision of certain areas with basic agricultural products. Measures are proposed for the active involvement of the population of Arctic territories and indigenous peoples of the Far North in self-sufficiency of food with the use of products of traditional nature management of indigenous peoples. The complex approach to supplying the population of the northern territories of the Siberian Arctic with balanced food in accordance with the directions of food security in the world elaborated by the UN in the Millennium Declaration is substantiated.В статье анализируются актуальные в современных условиях вопросы обеспечения продовольственной безопасности арктических регионов России, которые рассматривались на Международном Арктическом форуме 29–30 марта 2017 г. «АРКТИКА – территория диалога» и на Международной научно-практической конференции «Технологии развития социальных, экономических и логистических процессов Арктической зоны России: история и современность» в Красноярске 30–31 марта 2017 года, проходившей в Красноярском государственном аграрном университете.Особое внимание обращается на реальное обеспечение отдельных районов основными продуктами сельского хозяйства. Предлагаются меры по активному вовлечению населения арктических территорий и коренных малочисленных народов Крайнего Севера в самообеспечение продовольствием с использованием продукции традиционного природопользования коренных малочисленных народов.Обосновывается комплексный подход к обеспечению населения северных территорий сибирской Арктики сбалансированным продовольствием в соответствии с направлениями продовольственной безопасности в мире, разработанными ООН в Декларации Тысячелетия

    Comparative research into the landscape vocabulary in the mongolian languages from the perspective of language contacts

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    The article looks at language contacts between the Kalmyk language and the language of Oirats living in Mongolia in the sphere of lexis. The lexical layer analyzed in the article is landscape vocabulary. For comparison, materials from the old-written Mongolian, Khalkha-Mongolian, and Buryat languages were used. The presence of similar words testifies the existence of the so-called general Mongolian layer and once one people separated in time and space

    Co‐occurrence of free‐living amoeba and legionella in drinking water supply systems

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    Funding Information: Funding: This study was funded by National Research Programme No. 7, Agricultural Resources for Sustainable Production of Qualitative and Healthy Foods in Latvia project No. 5 “Resistance of microorganisms and other biological and chemical risks: research procedure development and application in the food chain.” Publisher Copyright: © 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Background and Objectives: Legionella is one of the most important water-related pathogens. Inside the water supply systems and the biofilms, Legionella interact with other bacteria and free-living amoeba (FLA). Several amoebas may serve as hosts for bacteria in aquatic systems. This study aimed to investigate the co-occurrence of Legionella spp. and FLA in drinking water supply systems. Materials and Methods: A total of 268 water samples were collected from apartment buildings, hotels, and public buildings. Detection of Legionella spp. was performed in accordance with ISO 11731:2017 standard. Three different polymerase chain reaction (PCR) protocols were used to identify FLA. Results: Occurrence of Legionella varied from an average of 12.5% in cold water samples with the most frequent occurrence observed in hot water, in areas receiving untreated groundwater, where 54.0% of the samples were Legionella positive. The occurrence of FLA was significantly higher. On average, 77.2% of samples contained at least one genus of FLA and, depending on the type of sample, the occurrence of FLA could reach 95%. In the samples collected during the study, Legionella was always isolated along with FLA, no samples containing Legionella in the absence of FLA were observed. Conclusions: The data obtained in our study can help to focus on the extensive distribution, close interaction, and long-term persistence of Legionella and FLA. Lack of Legionella risk management plans and control procedures may promote further spread of Legionella in water supply systems. In addition, the high incidence of Legionella-related FLA suggests that traditional monitoring methods may not be sufficient for Legionella control.Peer reviewe

    Audiovisual content analysis in the translation process

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    The article presents a comprehensive approach to the process of audiovisual translation that includes application of multimodal analysis of semiotic codes present in audiovisual productions. The article dwells on how the proposed approach can be applied to analyzing audiovisual productions for different types of audiovisual translation. Due to its multimodal nature, an audiovisual production is understood by the authors as an audiovisual text that combines image, sound and verbal means, that is, different modes conveying meaning. The means of conveying meaning in an audiovisual production include the visual non-verbal elements, visual verbal elements as well as audio non-verbal and verbal elements. The priority of these means of meaning transfer and their interaction in meaning generation differ significantly depending on the genre of audiovisual productions and the specifics of the process of its creation

    Immunogenetic markers definition in latvian patients with lyme borreliosis and lyme neuroborreliosis

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    Funding Information: This work was supported by the European Social Fund (ESF) project ?Support for doctoral study program and scientific degree receiving in Riga Stradi?? University, agreement No. 2009/0147/1DP/ Publisher Copyright: © 2016 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Copyright: Copyright 2017 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved.The aim of this study was to determine the human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DRB1 alleles in two groups of patients in Latvia: patients with Lyme borreliosis and patients with Lyme neuroborreliosis. The study included 216 patients with Lyme borreliosis, 29 patients with Lyme neuroborreliosis and 282 control persons. All surveyed persons were residents of Latvia. The HLA-DR genotyping was performed by polymerase chain reaction-sequence specific primer (PCR-SSP). The predisposition to the Lyme borreliosis is associated with the HLA-DRB1*07, -DRB1*17(03), -DRB1*04, -DRB1*15(02) alleles. The allele -DRB1*11(05), -DRB1*14(06) and -DRB1*13(06) were significantly more frequent in controls. In-group with Lyme neuroborreliosis differences were found for the -DRB1*07 and -DRB1*04 alleles, but only HLA-DRB1*07 allele was statistically significant after Bonferroni correction and associated with Lyme neuroborreliosis in Latvian patients.Peer reviewe

    Modern view on the issues of diagnosis and verification of axillary lymph nodes involvement in early breast cancer

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    The involvement of axillary lymph nodes is one of the most important prognostic factors, significantly affecting the treatment strategy for early breast cancer (BC). The risk of axillary lymph node metastases depends directly on a number of factors (age of women, size of tumor, presence of lymphovascular invasion and biological characteristics of cancer). The evaluation of regional lymph node status in patients with early BC includes the clinical examination of regional zones and the ultrasound study (US), using these methods can help to study lymph nodes shape, borders, margins and structure. The sensitivity of ultrasound in the evaluation of regional lymph nodes status directly depends on the biological subtype of the tumor; the minimum level of ultrasound sensitivity in the evaluation of lymph nodes status is detected for luminal HER2-negative cancer (less than 40%), and maximum sensitivity is detected for triple negative and HER2-positive subtypes (6871%). Clinical examination and modern ultrasound are the most accessible methods for the evaluation of regional lymph nodes status, but the possibility to misjudge metastatic process can be detected in 1/4 of patients. Verification of the diagnosis in the preoperative phase (fine-needle aspiration biopsy/core-needle biopsy under ultrasound guidance) allows minimize the number of errors for the regional staging. The sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) is the gold standard of regional treatment in patients with early stage BC, nowadays. The randomized trials (NSABP B-32, ACOSOG q0011) show the safety of recession of performing regional lymph node dissection in favor of SLNB not only in case of clinically negative lymph nodes, but also in patients with metastases in 2 sentinel lymph nodes, upon condition that organ-conservative treatment and subsequent radiation therapy will be used. High-quality regional staging, the choice of the therapeutic algorithm in accordance with the biological characteristics of carcinoma, the application of the most effective modern drug regimes, the optimal radiation therapy allow not only minimize the extent of surgery, but also achieve high long-term survival results, provide excellent functional results and high quality of life in patients with the involvement of axillary lymph nodes

    Taphonomic phenomenon of ancient hair from Glacial Beringia:perspectives for palaeoecological reconstructions

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    An accumulation of mammoth hair, discovered in the Bol'shaya Chukochya River valley (northeast Yakutia, Russia), was found to contain remains of terrestrial and aquatic organisms, including plants, insects, crustaceans, birds and mammals. Radiocarbon dating indicated that this post-mortem taphocoenosis represented multiple time periods. The mammoth hair was dated to older than 45 ka BP, the plants were dated to 12 750 +/- 50 a BP (which corresponds to a shift in the environmental conditions and landscapes during the formation of thermokarst in northeastern Russia) and the bird feathers were dated to 4115 +/- 40 a BP. A scenario of the formation of this fossil assemblage is proposed, covering the MIS 3-1 time range. The hair also yielded various Arctic branchiopod crustaceans, which inhabit shallow temporary water bodies and therefore are important for reconstruction of palaeoenvironments. The cladoceran subgenus Daphnia (Ctenodaphnia), currently absent from the Asian part of Beringia, is reported from this region for the first time. The study demonstrates that the discovered permafrostpreserved hair is a unique repository of Ice Age organisms.</p

    Фенольные соединения этанольных извлечений Lemna minor L., Lemna trisulca L. и Lemna polyrrhiza L. Schleid. и их иммуномодулирующая активность

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    The purpose of the study is to determine the composition of the phenolic compounds of ethanol extracts isolated from three species of duckweed: Lemna minor L., Lemna trisulca L. and Lemna polyrrhiza L. (the synonym is Spirodella polyrrhiza Schleid.) and to study its effect on immune system activation.Materials and methods. The objects of the study are: air-dried grass samples of Lemna minor L., Lemna trisuica L. and Lemna polyrrhiza L. collected during their growing season in 2010–2011 in low-flow and stagnant ponds of Kozhevnikovsky and Tomsk districts of Tomsk region. Isolation of polyphenolic complexes (PFC) was carried out by extraction of air-dried raw material with ethyl alcohol. In qualitative and quantitative analysis of the samples studied the method of reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography on an Agilent 1100 Series instrument (USA) was used in isocratic mode. In the experiments, 200 male C57BL / 6 and BALB / C mice aged 8–12 weeks were used to determine immunomodulatory activity. Cell proliferation was assessed by a colorimetric method. The absorption of the obtained solutions was measured with a multi-channel spectrophotometer at the wavelength of 540 nm. The determination of antibody-forming cells in the spleen was performed by local hemolysis. The titer of antibodies in serum was evaluated in the hemagglutination reaction. The local hypersensitivity reaction of immediate type was assessed by the author’s modification.Results. For the first time the study of the qualitative composition and quantitative content of PFC of Lemna minor L. (LM) , Lemna trisulca L. (LT) trisulkas, and Lemna polyrrhiza L. (LP) : (4,7 ± 0,4)%, (3,3 ± 0,3)%, (12,8 ± 0,7)% was carried out. The highest content of phenolic acids (10,76%) and the sum of flavonoids, isoflavonoids and coumarins (14,7%) were found in the LP sample. The content of chlorogenic and 3,5-dihydroxybenzoic acids was 2–9 times higher in LP than in other species of duckweed. In LM and LT with concentrations of 5 μg/ml and LP in the range of 0,5–160 μg/ml did not have a toxic effect on antigen presenting cells. When incubated with LT (20 μg/ml), the proliferation of macrophages was reduced by 1,2 times, and when incubated with LM and LT (80 μg/ml), by 1,2 and 1,8 times, respectively. PFC duckweed (LP) did not have a similar effect. LM and LP had a stimulating effect on the production of nitrites in the concentrations of 5 and 20 μg/ml, increasing it by 1,3–1,6 times. Course introduction of LT and LP led to a significant decrease in the number of antibody-forming cells by 1,5 and 2,3 times and a decrease in the local hypersensitivity reaction by 1,9 and 1,5 times, respectively.Цель исследования. Определение состава фенольных соединений этанольных извлечений, выделенных из трех видов ряски: ряски малой (Lemna minor L.), ряски тройчатой (Lemna trisulca L.) и ряски многокорневой (Lemna polyrrhiza L., синоним Spirodella polyrrhiza L.) Schleid.), и изучение его влияния на активацию системы иммунитета.Материал и методы. Объект исследования: воздушно-сухие образцы травы ряски малой (Lemna minor L.), ряски тройчатой (Lemna trisuica L.) и ряски многокорневой (Lemna polyrrhiza L.), собранные в период их вегетации в 2010–2011 гг. в малопроточных и стоячих водоемах Кожевниковского и Томского районов Томской области. Выделение полифенольных комплексов (ПФК) проводили экстракцией воздушно-сухого сырья спиртом этиловым. При качественном и количественном анализе исследуемых образцов применяли метод обращенно-фазовой высокоэффективной жидкостной хроматографии на приборе Agilent 1100 Series (США) в изократическом режиме. В экспериментах для определения иммуномодулирующей активности использовали 200 самцов мышей линий С57ВL/6 и BALB/C в возрасте 8–12 нед. Пролиферацию клеток оценивали колориметрическим методом. Абсорбцию полученных растворов замеряли при помощи многоканального спектрофотометра при длине волны 540 нм. Определение антителообразующих клеток в селезенке проводили методом локального гемолиза. Титр антител в сыворотке крови оценивали в реакции гемагглютинации. Локальную реакцию гиперчувствительности немедленного типа оценивали по методике в авторской модификации.Результаты. Впервые проведено исследование качественного состава и количественного содержания ПФК ряски малой Lemna minor L. (LM), ряски трисульки Lemna trisulca L. (LT) и ряски многокорневой Lemna polyrrhiza L.(LP): (4,7 ± 0,4)%, (3,3 ± 0,3)%, (12,8 ± 0,7)% соответственно. Наибольшее содержание фенолокислот (10,76%) и суммы флавоноидов, изофлавоноидов и кумаринов (14,7%) обнаружено в образце LP. Содержание хлорогеновой и 3,5-дигидроксибензойной кислот в 2–9 раз больше в LP, чем других видах ряски. LM, LT в концентрации 5 мкг/мл и LP в диапазоне 0,5–160 мкг/мл не оказывают токсического действия на антигенпрезентирующие клетки. При инкубации с LT (20 мкг/мл) пролиферация макрофагов снижается в 1,2 раза, а при инкубации с LM и LT (80 мкг/мл) в 1,2 и 1,8 раза соответственно. ПФК ряски многокорневой (LP) не оказывают подобного эффекта. LM и LP оказывают стимулирующее действие на продукцию нитритов в концентрациях 5 и 20 мкг/мл, усиливая ее в 1,3–1,6 раза. Курсовое введение LT и LP приводит к достоверному снижению числа антителобразующих клеток в 1,5 и 2,3 раза и уменьшению величины локальной реакции гиперчувствительности в 1,9 и 1,5 раза соответственно