18 research outputs found

    Peculiarities of Intersystemic Correlation Relationships of M-Response and F-Wave Characteristics in the Forearms Symmetric Muscles Which Participate in the Implementation of Multiple Coordinated Bimanual Movements

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    The organization of combined voluntary goal directed movements of hands has remained a serious scientific problem with a pronounced applicable nature.  Insufficiency of a procedural framework and clear quantitative and qualitative criteria causes gaps and difficulties in professional selection, the effectiveness diagnosis of work-out session in sports and rehabilitation within remedial treatment.  The aim of the investigation is to study the adjustment and co-adjustment of the effector apparatus elements, which are the basis of bimanual coordination, in the groups of male and female trial subjects. In the following study, based on informed consent in accordance with the ethics committee requirements, 75 subjects (39 men and 36 women) at the age of 18-20 took part. F-wave and M-response parameters registration was carried out by means of NMA-4-01 “NEUROMIAN” neuromyoanalyzer (Taganrog, Russia) according to the standard method. It has been established that the nerve centers responsible for the work of homonymous muscles in the right and left forearms, innervating synergists and antagonists, are to a certain extent in the initial adjustment and co-adjustment according to the level of activity, which determines not only the moment of the excitement onset, but also the speed of its irradiation.  The revealed manifestations of adjustment and co-adjustment have pronounced sex differences.  Proceeding from the fact that female trial subjects have a lower level of bimanual movements if compared with men, it can be assumed that the revealed features of correlational relationships determine, to a certain extent, coordination abilities of men and women

    Peculiarities of Intersystemic Correlation Relationships of M-Response and F-Wave Characteristics in the Forearms Symmetric Muscles Which Participate in the Implementation of Multiple Coordinated Bimanual Movements

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    The organization of combined voluntary goal directed movements of hands has remained a serious scientific problem with a pronounced applicable nature.  Insufficiency of a procedural framework and clear quantitative and qualitative criteria causes gaps and difficulties in professional selection, the effectiveness diagnosis of work-out session in sports and rehabilitation within remedial treatment.  The aim of the investigation is to study the adjustment and co-adjustment of the effector apparatus elements, which are the basis of bimanual coordination, in the groups of male and female trial subjects. In the following study, based on informed consent in accordance with the ethics committee requirements, 75 subjects (39 men and 36 women) at the age of 18-20 took part. F-wave and M-response parameters registration was carried out by means of NMA-4-01 “NEUROMIAN” neuromyoanalyzer (Taganrog, Russia) according to the standard method. It has been established that the nerve centers responsible for the work of homonymous muscles in the right and left forearms, innervating synergists and antagonists, are to a certain extent in the initial adjustment and co-adjustment according to the level of activity, which determines not only the moment of the excitement onset, but also the speed of its irradiation.  The revealed manifestations of adjustment and co-adjustment have pronounced sex differences.  Proceeding from the fact that female trial subjects have a lower level of bimanual movements if compared with men, it can be assumed that the revealed features of correlational relationships determine, to a certain extent, coordination abilities of men and women

    Peculiarities of Intersystemic Correlation Relationships of M-Response and F-Wave Characteristics in the Forearms Symmetric Muscles Which Participate in the Implementation of Multiple Coordinated Bimanual Movements

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    The organization of combined voluntary goal directed movements of hands has remained a serious scientific problem with a pronounced applicable nature.  Insufficiency of a procedural framework and clear quantitative and qualitative criteria causes gaps and difficulties in professional selection, the effectiveness diagnosis of work-out session in sports and rehabilitation within remedial treatment.  The aim of the investigation is to study the adjustment and co-adjustment of the effector apparatus elements, which are the basis of bimanual coordination, in the groups of male and female trial subjects. In the following study, based on informed consent in accordance with the ethics committee requirements, 75 subjects (39 men and 36 women) at the age of 18-20 took part. F-wave and M-response parameters registration was carried out by means of NMA-4-01 “NEUROMIAN” neuromyoanalyzer (Taganrog, Russia) according to the standard method. It has been established that the nerve centers responsible for the work of homonymous muscles in the right and left forearms, innervating synergists and antagonists, are to a certain extent in the initial adjustment and co-adjustment according to the level of activity, which determines not only the moment of the excitement onset, but also the speed of its irradiation.  The revealed manifestations of adjustment and co-adjustment have pronounced sex differences.  Proceeding from the fact that female trial subjects have a lower level of bimanual movements if compared with men, it can be assumed that the revealed features of correlational relationships determine, to a certain extent, coordination abilities of men and women

    Inhibitors of chloride corrosion of reinforcement steel in concrete based on derivatives of salts of carboxylic acids and dimethylaminopropylamine

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    In our study, we synthesised derivatives of salts of carboxylic acids and dimethylaminopropylamine: 3-(dimethylamino)propyl-1-ammonium acetate, 3-(dimethylamino)propyl-1-ammonium hexanoate, 3-(dimethylamino)propyl-1-ammonium octanoate, and 3-(dimethylamino)propyl-1-ammonium terephthalate. The structures of the molecules of the obtained substances were confirmed using physical methods: Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, NMR spectroscopy, and HPLC. Electrochemical methods (voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy) and quantum chemical modeling were used to assess the inhibitory effect of the synthesised substances with regard to 35GS reinforcement steel. Experiments were conducted in a water extract from a mortar simulating concrete pore solution in the presence of chlorides inducing pitting corrosion. 3-(dimethylamino)propyl-1-ammonium terephthalate is expected to have the highest degree of protection (up to 71%) at a concentration of 2.0 g·dm–3. The highest degree of protection for the derivatives with alkyl radicals is 41–46% in a range of concentrations from 0.5 to 2.0 g·dm-3. The results of potentiodynamic measurements and quantum chemical modeling were close. Average level of degree of protection can be explained by a high concentration of chlorides in the model solution (1.00 mol·dm–3). The effectiveness of the obtained substances is to be further studied using fine-grained concrete. This will help to assess the impact of the additives on the capillary pore structure (permeability) of concrete and the concentration of chloride

    Study of total antioxidant capacity of red raspberry (Rubus idaeous L.) shoots

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    BACKGROUND: Today, cardiovascular, oncological, and neurodegenerative diseases are the main causes of death in the world, according to official World Health Organization (WHO) statistics. Antioxidants are used to treat and prevent these diseases. In order to develop optimal technology for obtaining drugs based on plant extracts with antioxidant action, it is necessary to determine the total antioxidant capacity of raspberry shoots. OBJECTIVES: The study aimed to determine the total antioxidant capacity of red raspberry shoots, study the content of biologically active substances (BAS), and the antioxidant activity of red raspberry shoot extracts obtained during subsequent exhaustive extraction. METHODS: The number of phenolic compounds, catechins, flavonoids, and hydroxycinnamic acids was determined by a spectrophotometric analysis method, whereas organic acids were determined by the alkalimetric method in red raspberry shoot extracts; the antioxidant activity of obtained extracts was evaluated by potentiometric method. RESULTS:  The total antioxidant capacity of red raspberry shoots was 164.12 mmol-equiv./m dry weight, the sum of the total content of phenolic compounds was 24.40 mg gallic acid (GA)/mL, catechins – 21.36 mg epigallocatechin-3-O-gallate (EGCG)/mL, flavonoids – 0.77 mg rutin (R)/mL, hydroxycinnamic acids derivatives – 2.56 mg chlorogenic acid (ChA)/mL and organic acids – 1.88 mg citric acid (CA)/mL in red raspberry shoot extracts obtained during subsequent exhaustive extraction. The analysis showed that there is a very high positive correlation between antioxidant activity and total phenolic compounds, catechin, flavonoid, hydroxycinnamic acids derivatives, and organic acids content in red raspberry shoot extracts. CONCLUSIONS: Total red raspberry shoots' antioxidant capacity has been determined. The study results can be used to develop optimal technology for obtaining drugs based on the extract of red raspberry shoots, which has an antioxidant effect

    Peculiarities of Intersystemic Correlation Relationships of M-Response and F-Wave Characteristics in the Forearms Symmetric Muscles Which Participate in the Implementation of Multiple Coordinated Bimanual Movements

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    The organization of combined voluntary goal directed movements of hands has remained a serious scientific problem with a pronounced applicable nature.  Insufficiency of a procedural framework and clear quantitative and qualitative criteria causes gaps and difficulties in professional selection, the effectiveness diagnosis of work-out session in sports and rehabilitation within remedial treatment.  The aim of the investigation is to study the adjustment and co-adjustment of the effector apparatus elements, which are the basis of bimanual coordination, in the groups of male and female trial subjects. In the following study, based on informed consent in accordance with the ethics committee requirements, 75 subjects (39 men and 36 women) at the age of 18-20 took part. F-wave and M-response parameters registration was carried out by means of NMA-4-01 “NEUROMIAN” neuromyoanalyzer (Taganrog, Russia) according to the standard method. It has been established that the nerve centers responsible for the work of homonymous muscles in the right and left forearms, innervating synergists and antagonists, are to a certain extent in the initial adjustment and co-adjustment according to the level of activity, which determines not only the moment of the excitement onset, but also the speed of its irradiation.  The revealed manifestations of adjustment and co-adjustment have pronounced sex differences.  Proceeding from the fact that female trial subjects have a lower level of bimanual movements if compared with men, it can be assumed that the revealed features of correlational relationships determine, to a certain extent, coordination abilities of men and women.La organización de movimientos de manos combinados, voluntarios y dirigidos a objetivos, sigue siendo un problema científico grave con una pronunciada naturaleza aplicable. La insuficiencia de un marco procedimental y de unos criterios cuantitativos y cualitativos claros provoca lagunas y dificultades en la selección profesional, el diagnóstico de eficacia de la sesión de entrenamiento en el deporte y la rehabilitación dentro del tratamiento reparador. El objetivo de la investigación es estudiar el ajuste y coajuste de los elementos del aparato efector, que son la base de la coordinación bimanual, en los grupos de sujetos de prueba masculinos y femeninos. En el siguiente estudio, basado en el consentimiento informado de acuerdo con los requisitos del comité de ética, participaron 75 sujetos (39 hombres y 36 mujeres) con edades entre 18 y 20 años. El registro de los parámetros de la onda F y la respuesta M se realizó mediante el neuromioanalizador NMA-4-01 “NEUROMIAN” (Taganrog, Rusia) según el método estándar. Se ha establecido que los centros nerviosos responsables del trabajo de los músculos homónimos de los antebrazos derecho e izquierdo, sinérgicos y antagonistas inervadores, se encuentran en cierta medida en el ajuste y coajuste inicial según el nivel de actividad, lo que determina no sólo el momento del inicio de la excitación, pero también la velocidad de su irradiación. Las manifestaciones reveladas de ajuste y co-ajuste han marcado diferencias sexuales. Partiendo del hecho de que las mujeres de prueba tienen un menor nivel de movimientos bimanuales en comparación con los hombres, se puede suponer que las características reveladas de las relaciones correlacionales determinan, en cierta medida, las capacidades de coordinación de hombres y mujeres

    Evaluation of the inhibitory effect of some derivatives of salts of long-chain carboxylic acids in relation to pitting corrosion of reinforcing steel in concrete

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    Derivatives of salts of long chain carboxylic acids and dimethylaminopropylamine, including those similar in composition to vegetable oils were synthesized. The structure of the molecules of new substances was reliably confirmed using physical methods of IR-Fourier spectroscopy, NMR spectroscopy, and HPLC. The inhibitory effect of the synthesized substances on 35GS grade reinforcing steel was assessed using voltammetry. Experiments were carried out in an aqueous extract from a mortar, simulating the concrete pore solution, in the presence of chlorides as activators of pitting corrosion, as well as in samples of fine-grained concrete with periodic immersion in a chloride solution. It was found that 3-(dimethylamino)propyl-1-ammonium stearate did not exhibit an inhibitory effect. The introduction of salts of fatty acids of coconut and sunflower oils increased the anti-corrosion properties. The degree of protection was 40-44% in aqueous solutions and 30-32% for concrete samples. The time before the onset of corrosion in concrete samples was found to increase by 1.75 times compared to the control composition without additive

    The unexpected influence of aryl substituents in N-aryl-3-oxobutanamides on the behavior of their multicomponent reactions with 5-amino-3-methylisoxazole and salicylaldehyde

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    The switchable three-component reactions of 5-amino-3-methylisoxazole, salicylaldehyde and N-aryl-3-oxobutanamides under different conditions were studied and discussed. The unexpected influence of the aryl substituent in N-aryl-3-oxobutanamides on the behavior of the reaction was discovered. The key influence of ultrasonication and Lewis acid catalysts led to an established protocol to selectively obtain two or three types of heterocyclic scaffolds depending on the substituent in the N-aryl moiety

    Flexible Strain-Sensitive Silicone-CNT Sensor for Human Motion Detection

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    This article describes the manufacturing technology of biocompatible flexible strain-sensitive sensor based on Ecoflex silicone and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT). The sensor demonstrates resistive behavior. Structural, electrical, and mechanical characteristics are compared. It is shown that laser radiation significantly reduces the resistance of the material. Through laser radiation, electrically conductive networks of MWCNT are formed in a silicone matrix. The developed sensor demonstrates highly sensitive characteristics: gauge factor at 100% elongation −4.9, gauge factor at 90° bending −0.9%/deg, stretchability up to 725%, tensile strength 0.7 MPa, modulus of elasticity at 100% 46 kPa, and the temperature coefficient of resistance in the range of 30–40 °C is −2 × 10−3. There is a linear sensor response (with 1 ms response time) with a low hysteresis of ≤3%. An electronic unit for reading and processing sensor signals based on the ATXMEGA8E5-AU microcontroller has been developed. The unit was set to operate the sensor in the range of electrical resistance 5–150 kOhm. The Bluetooth module made it possible to transfer the received data to a personal computer. Currently, in the field of wearable technologies and health monitoring, a vital need is the development of flexible sensors attached to the human body to track various indicators. By integrating the sensor with the joints of the human hand, effective movement sensing has been demonstrated