369 research outputs found

    The role of gender in students’ ratings of teaching quality in computer science and environmental engineering

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    Students’ ratings of teaching quality on course units in computer science and environmental engineering at a large Swedish university were obtained using the Course Experience Questionnaire; 8,888 sets of ratings were obtained from men and 4,280 sets were obtained from women over ten academic years. There were differences in the ratings given by students taking the two programs; in particular, teachers tended to receive higher ratings in subjects that were less typical for their gender than in subjects that were more typical for their gender. There were differences in the ratings given to male and female teachers, differences in the ratings given by male and female students, and interactions between these two effects. There was no systematic trend for students to give different ratings to teachers of the same gender as themselves compared with teachers of the other gender. Nevertheless, without exception even the statistically significant effects were small in magnitude and unlikely to be of theoretical or practical importance. It is concluded that the causes of differences in the career progression of male and female teachers in engineering education need to be sought elsewhere.   

    Biogeographic patterns of avian malaria parasites in the Lesser Antilles: Prevalence, diversity, and community composition

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    We investigated determinants of local and regional species richness and community composition of avian malaria parasites (Haemoproteus and Plasmodium) in the Lesser Antilles. Chapter 1 addresses the local parasite richness and community structure, or lack thereof, on Barbados. We found only two parasite lineages on this island, one of which was recovered from only 2 birds, which stands in stark contrast to the much higher diversity on other islands. In addition, we investigated what factors may explain the absence of avian malaria in southeastern Barbados, and found this area to be drier, warmer, and supporting less vegetation. Chapter 2 addresses parasite diversity, primarily beta diversity, in the Lesser Antilles. In this chapter, we investigated the role of host history and compound communities in structuring local ensembles. We found that host genetic distance does not correlate with ensemble dissimilarity but that more phylogeographically structured host species exhibit more unique parasite ensembles compared to the compound community than do hosts that are not phylogeographically structured, suggesting that host history does influence parasite ensembles

    Community organization of avian malaria parasites in lowland Amazonia: Prevalence, diversity, and specialization in a local assemblage

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    I characterized a lowland Amazonian assemblage of haemosporidian (“malaria”) parasites (Haemoproteus and Plasmodium) of understory birds by analyzing variation in prevalence (proportion of infected host individuals) among years and host species, documenting diversity of haemosporidian evolutionary lineages, and quantifying host specialization. Using standard molecular methods to screen for haemosporidia in 2488 individual birds from 104 species in the Tiputini Biodiversity Station, Ecuador, I found 21.7% to be infected. Prevalence ranged significantly among years and host species. Forty-five putative evolutionary lineages of haemosporidia were identified, by sequencing part of the cytochrome b (cyt b) gene. Based on a comparative analysis, among host species variation in haemosporidian prevalence related positively to level of sexual dimorphism and negatively to foraging height. I assigned 385 parasite individuals to cyt b lineages. These exhibited a wide range of abundance (one to 91 individuals) and host specialization (one to 23 host species). I quantified host specificity by incorporating both phylogenetic relationships (based on genetic data) and frequency distribution among hosts. Based on null model comparisons, six haemosporidian lineages were more specialized than expected by chance. The hosts of these six haemosporidian lineages were on average more abundant than hosts of generalist lineages, but average body size and survival rate did not differ between hosts of specialists and hosts of generalists. Host specificity was also phylogenetically conserved among haemosporidia. Consequently, I performed a comparative regression analysis, controlling for the effect of parasite phylogeny, and found no relationships between host specificity and host abundance, body size, or survival rate. Finally, I applied network analysis in combination with null models to test whether the level of reciprocal specialization (where one parasite lineage associates with only one bird species, which harbors no other parasite lineages) is greater in this tropical assemblage than it is in an equivalent temperate assemblage. Assuming coevolution proceeds towards reciprocal specialization, it should be greater in the tropics, where coevolution has historically been hypothesized to be more important in species diversification. I found no evidence for this hypothesis; instead, reciprocal specialization was greater in the temperate site

    The change of eventing over time with focus on participation, safety and injuries

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    The change of eventing over time with focus on participation, safety and injuries Eventing is equestrians’ version of a triathlon were the cross country phase is the most challenging of the three and can result in serious injuries. Every year there are a few reported deaths due to eventing despite equestrian federations major focus on safety. The configuration of the phases included in eventing has changed over the years, but there is still a lack of knowledge as to how the historic participation has changed and what injuries are most prevalent in the sport. The aim of this study is to increase knowledge regarding the historic change of eventing with focus on participation, safety and the prevalence of injuries. Achieving this by answering the following questions; How has the participation in eventing changed in relation to the change of the sports configuration? How is the progress of safety perceived in eventing, and how has the safety’s progress affected the prevalence of injuries? What challenges is the future development of eventing facing? The questions were answered by gathering information from a number of scientifically reviewed articles, and through four qualitative interviews with people who have long experience of eventing. Women’s and children’s participation have increased over time. There were no experienced differences between how women and men were treated in eventing. Regarding the development of eventing safety, the study shows that Sweden is leading nation. Much in the eventing has become safer, above all; obstacle construction; cross country design; protective equipment. The participants in the study assessed that the same type of injuries occur today as when they started with eventing. There is a concern regarding the future of eventing due to riders leaving the sport after ending their careers without contributing back to the sport. The study concludes that the participation in eventing has changed over time, from originally male soldiers in their thirties were the only participants to now the majority of participants being females and children. There has not been maintained any visible gender systems in eventing due to men and women participate on the same terms. Safety has developed over time through clearer guidelines of course construction, deformable fences and more modern safety equipment. Injuries and deaths of eventing equipage still occurs but further studies is needed to determine to what extent the development of safety has reduced the prevalence of injuries or not. There is a concern for the future of eventing due to experienced riders leaving the sport completely, which leads to that the exchange of knowledge is lost and that the non-profit dedication fades.Olyckor och dödsfall kan förekomma under fĂ€lttĂ€vlanstĂ€vlingar och nĂ€r det rapporteras om fĂ€lttĂ€vlan i media Ă€r det oftast just de livshotande olyckorna som fĂ„r mest uppmĂ€rksamhet. Trots förekomsten av dödsfall i sporten möter sĂ€kerhetsarbetet visst motstĂ„nd dĂ„ vissa aktiva i fĂ€lttĂ€vlan menar att prestigen i sporten sĂ€nks pĂ„ grund av att svĂ„righetsgraden skulle sĂ€nkas om hindren blev sĂ€krare. FrĂ„n början var fĂ€lttĂ€vlan ett test inom det militĂ€ra dĂ€r hĂ€starnas lĂ€mplighet att tjĂ€nstgöra i militĂ€ren prövades. Den allra första fĂ€lttĂ€vlanstĂ€vlingen arrangerades Ă„r 1902 i Frankrike. Det var endast aktiva militĂ€rer som tillĂ€ts tĂ€vla pĂ„ kavalleriets egna hĂ€star och fĂ€lttĂ€vlan innehöll dĂ„ Ă€ven ett distansmoment och ett steeplechase-moment utöver dressyr, terrĂ€ng och banhoppning. Under 1960-1970-talet pĂ„börjades avvecklingen av hĂ€stanvĂ€ndningen inom armen och Ă„r 1968 var det sista Ă„ret som armens ridskola pĂ„ Strömsholm var aktiv. Under 1970-talet förĂ€ndrades stallbackskulturen och gick frĂ„n att vara en dominerad av mĂ€n till att allt fler kvinnor spenderade mer tid i stallet. FĂ€lttĂ€vlan Ă€r ridsportens version av triathlon dĂ€r terrĂ€ngmomentet Ă€r det mest fysiskt krĂ€vande momentet för ekipaget och kan innebĂ€ra stora risker. Trots ett aktivt sĂ€kerhetsarbete frĂ„n arrangörer och ridsportförbund förekommer det Ă€ndĂ„ ett antal dödsfall varje, bĂ„de hĂ€star och ryttare. FĂ€lttĂ€vlans utformning och ingĂ„ende moment har förĂ€ndrats och utvecklats över tid, dock saknas det kunskap gĂ€llande den historiska förĂ€ndringen av deltagandet i fĂ€lttĂ€vlan och vilka skador som förekommer i sporten. Det saknas Ă€ven kunskap angĂ„ende vilka faktorer som ökar risken för skador samt hur prevalensen av skador kan reduceras och förebyggas. Syftet med denna studie var att öka kunskapen om hur fĂ€lttĂ€vlans utformning har förĂ€ndrats över tid gĂ€llande deltagande, sĂ€kerhetsarbete, samt prevalensen av skador. Detta genom att besvara frĂ„gestĂ€llningarna; Hur har deltagandet i fĂ€lttĂ€vlan pĂ„verkats av förĂ€ndringar i sportens utformning? Hur upplevs sĂ€kerhetsarbetet i fĂ€lttĂ€vlan ha utvecklats över tid, samt hur har utvecklingen av sĂ€kerhetsarbetet pĂ„verkat förekomsten av skador? Vilka utmaningar möter den fortsatta utvecklingen av fĂ€lttĂ€vlan? FrĂ„gestĂ€llningarna besvarades genom att samla information frĂ„n ett antal vetenskapligt granskade artiklar, samt genom att utföra fyra stycken kvalitativa intervjuer med personer som har lĂ„ngvarig erfarenhet av fĂ€lttĂ€vlan. Urval sker genom att intervjupersonerna ska ha anknytning till fĂ€lttĂ€vlan och dĂ€r intervjupersonen ska ha minst 30 Ă„rs erfarenhet av sporten. Intervjuerna Ă€r semistrukturerade. Intervjuer analyserades med hjĂ€lp av manifest innehĂ„llsanalys. TvĂ„ av intervjuerna genomfördes via personligt möte med respondenten och tvĂ„ av intervjuerna genomfördes via telefonsamtal. Det hĂ€r arbetet följer Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitets riktlinjer för hantering av personuppgifter samt VetenskapsrĂ„dets forskningsetiska principer. Studien visar att kvinnor och barns deltagande i fĂ€lttĂ€vlan har ökat över tid efter att armĂ©n avhĂ€stades, men att mĂ€nnen fortsatte dominera i landslagssammanhang under mĂ„nga Ă„r. Det upplevdes inte vara nĂ„gon skillnad i hur kvinnliga eller manliga ryttare bemöttes. Studiens resultat gĂ€llande sĂ€kerhetsarbetets utveckling visar att Sverige Ă€r ledande med sĂ€kerhetsarbetet inom fĂ€lttĂ€vlan. Mycket i fĂ€lttĂ€vlan har blivit sĂ€krare, framför allt; hinders konstruktion; terrĂ€ngbanans utformning; skyddsutrustning. Det finns tydligare riktlinjer för banbygge idag, som Ă€r förankrat i empirisk kunskap samt forskning. Riktlinjerna har bidragit till mer standardiserade banor dĂ€r klasserna motsvarar en lĂ€mplig nivĂ„ i relation till svĂ„righetsgraden. Det finns fortfarande utövare som anser att fĂ€lttĂ€vlan ska vara farligt, vilket kan vara en hindrande faktor för det fortsatta sĂ€kerhetsarbetet i sporten. Skyddsutrustningen idag hĂ„ller bĂ€ttre kvalitet Ă€n den skyddsutrustning som fanns tillgĂ€nglig under 60- till 80-talet. Resultat gĂ€llande framtida utmaningar för fĂ€ltĂ€vlans utveckling visade att det Ă€r begrĂ€nsat med tĂ€vlingar i Sverige, vilket har gjort att elitryttare bosĂ€tter sig utomlands. Förr fanns det nĂ„gon form av fĂ€lttĂ€vlansförnuft genom att de bĂ€sta ryttarna var bosatta i Sverige och deltog mer pĂ„ svenska tĂ€vlingar. Elitryttarna kunde dela med sig av sin kunskap och orutinerade ryttare kunde nĂ€rmare se vilken utrustning och tekniker som de bĂ€sta svenska ryttarna hade. Flera av respondenterna uttryckte oro över fĂ€lttĂ€vlans framtid pĂ„ grund av att det krĂ€vs ett oerhört ideellt engagemang för att fĂ„ tĂ€vlingar att gĂ„ runt. FĂ€lttĂ€vlansryttare lĂ€mnar sporten idag nĂ€r de avslutat sina karriĂ€rer inom fĂ€lttĂ€vlan, istĂ€llet för att bli mer aktiva som exempelvis trĂ€nare, banbyggare eller som teknisk delegat. Studiens slutsats Ă€r att deltagande i fĂ€lttĂ€vlan har förĂ€ndrats över tid genom, frĂ„n att manliga militĂ€rer i trettioĂ„rsĂ„ldern varit de enda deltagare till att större delen av deltagarna Ă€r kvinnor och barn. Det har inte upprĂ€tthĂ„llits nĂ„gra tydliga genussystem inom fĂ€lttĂ€vlan dĂ„ mĂ€n och kvinnor deltar pĂ„ samma villkor. SĂ€kerhetsarbetet har utvecklats över tid genom tydligare riktlinjer för banbyggnad, utlösningsbara hinder och modernare skyddsutrustning. Skador och dödsfall hos fĂ€lttĂ€vlansekipage förekommer fortfarande men det krĂ€vs vidare studier för att faststĂ€lla i vilken utstrĂ€ckning sĂ€kerhetsarbetet har reducerat prevalensen av skador eller inte. Det finns en oro för fĂ€lttĂ€vlans framtid gĂ€llande nĂ€r erfarna ryttare lĂ€mnar sporten helt, vilket gör att kunskapsutbytet mellan generationer uteblir och att det ideella engagemanget avtar

    Social Innovation in a Digital Context.

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    This book summarizes the project work of the very first batch of participants of Lund University’s international Social Innovation in a Digital Context programme, financed by the Swedish Institute. The programme targets human rights activists in a position from which they can initiate projects of change in their home countries in the area of social innovation. During the programme all participants initiate a change project using the knowledge and skills obtained during the programme and using digital technology. This book contains reports on projects aimed at creating sociopolitical improvement in Algeria, Gaza, Iraq, Jordan, Syria and Tunisia

    FÄngesklassificering av blandade fÄng vid överlÄtelse av lös egendom i inkomstslaget nÀringsverksamhet - Inkomstskatt

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    Vid generationsskifte Ă€r det vanligt att egendom överlĂ„ts till pris som understiger marknadsvĂ€rdet, vilket kallas blandat fĂ„ng. Enbart ett fĂ„tal frĂ„gor avseende dessa fĂ„ng regleras i inkomstskattelagen och för övriga frĂ„gor behöver fĂ„nget klassificeras som antingen gĂ„va eller köp. Hur denna fĂ„ngesklassificering ska göras har klarlagts i praxis avseende överlĂ„telse av fast egendom men inte avseende lös egendom i inkomstslaget nĂ€ringsverksamhet. Det senare behandlas i uppsatsen. SĂ€rskilt fokus lĂ€ggs vid vilka följder klassificeringen för med sig avseende överlĂ„tarens inkomstbeskattning, förvĂ€rvarens anskaffningsvĂ€rde samt möjligheterna att överta periodiseringsfond, sparat rĂ€ntefördelningsbelopp och expansionsfond. De tre senare benĂ€mns gemensamt i uppsatsen som fonder. Undersökningen har visat att överlĂ„tarens inkomstbeskattning vid överlĂ„telse av lös egendom helt regleras av reglerna om uttagsbeskattning och underprisöverlĂ„telser i 22–23 kap. IL. Inom dessa regler behandlas hela överlĂ„telsen som avyttring och beskattning sker utifrĂ„n skattemĂ€ssigt vĂ€rde, ersĂ€ttningen eller marknadsvĂ€rdet, beroende pĂ„ vilka regler som Ă€r tillĂ€mpliga. FörvĂ€rvarens anskaffningsvĂ€rde motsvarar normalt det belopp som överlĂ„taren beskattas till. Avvikelse sker bland annat vid gĂ„va av inventarier. Att klassificeringen inom 22–23 kap. IL inte gĂ€ller generellt har kunnat konstaterats för överlĂ„telser som omfattas av 23 kap. 10 § IL. Detta har dĂ€remot inte kunnat faststĂ€llas för övriga överlĂ„telser, Ă€ven om det finns flera argument mot en generell tillĂ€mpning. Det Ă€r sĂ„ledes inte klart om klassificeringen inom 22–23 kap. IL pĂ„verkar den generella fĂ„ngesklassificeringen och dĂ€rmed möjligheterna att överta fonder. Det har ocksĂ„ blivit tydligt att fĂ„ngesklassificering inte behöver göras vid överlĂ„telse av enskilda tillgĂ„ngar, dĂ„ fonderna inte fĂ„r överföras vid sĂ„dana överlĂ„telser oavsett hur fĂ„nget klassificeras. FĂ„ngesklassificeringen behövs dĂ€remot vid överlĂ„telse av hel nĂ€ringsverksamhet och verksamhetsgren dĂ„ fonderna kan överföras vid gĂ„va av sĂ„dan egendom. HĂ€r har rĂ€ttslĂ€get visat sig vara oklart. Allt material pekar visserligen pĂ„ att huvudsaklighetsprincipen ska tillĂ€mpas men det har inte fastslagits för överlĂ„telse av lös egendom i inkomstslaget nĂ€ringsverksamhet. RĂ€ttslĂ€get Ă€r sĂ„ledes inte klart betrĂ€ffande nĂ€r fonder fĂ„r överföras vid blandat fĂ„ng bestĂ„ende av lös egendom i inkomstslaget nĂ€ringsverksamhet. FrĂ„gan kan förmodligen lösas genom praxis men lagstiftning Ă€r att föredra.When property is being transferred from one generation to the next, it is common that the payment is lower than the property’s market value. In Swedish law this is referred to as “blandat fĂ„ng”, which loosely translates as “mixed transaction”. These transactions are somewhat regulated in the Swedish Income Tax Act (IL), but from a legal perspective it is often necessary to classify them as either gift or purchase. This classification is determined in practice in regards to the transfer of real estate, but not for movable property when it comes to businesses. It is the latter that is analyzed in the thesis, focusing on what consequences the classification act have for the transferor’s income taxation and the acquirer’s acquisition value. The possibilities for the acquirer to take over funds used for balancing from the transferor are also analyzed. The research has shown that the transferor’s income taxation and the acquirer’s acquisition value, in regards to movable property, is governed by the rules in chapters 22-23 in IL. These rules treat the entirety of the transfer as a sale, no matter what compensation the transferor receives. However, it is not clear if this classification is valid in a general sense or only in this instance. In other words, it is not clear if the classification in chapters 22-23 in IL affect the general transaction classification and thereby affecting the possibilites of taking over funds. It has also become apparent that there is no need for a transaction classification when only a small number of assets are transferred, as funds cannot be transferred in such transactions no matter how it is classified. However, a transaction classification is necessary when an entire business or business branch is transferred, as funds are transferable when these property types are gifted. In this instance the legal position is unclear. All sources considered suggest that the entire transaction should be considered as one unit, but this hasn’t been established in the case of businesses’ movable property. In other words, it is uncertain exactly when funds are transferable for mixed transactions of businesses’ movable property. The issue could potentially be solved via practice, but legislation is preferable

    FörÀndring av folkrÀtten vid bekÀmpning av terrorism med militÀra medel

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    The terrorist attack that shocked the world the 11th of September 2001, when two hijacked aircrafts flew into the World Trade Center's twin towers in New York, came to change the world view for many people especially Americans that felt that the world around them where about to collapse. A new time had begun, a more frighten one. A new kind of terrorism where seen in the dawn, a kind that never had been more evil, and there for was passed to be extremely dangerous. The United States followed by the United Kingdom decided quickly to declare war against the terrorism. Unavoidable this decision led to the development of new interpretations of public international law when the US where unwilling to follow the rule of law. The approach that was carried out has turned out to be indeed very brutal and torture of prisoners as one of the examples has been used as a legitimate interrogation method. There exist different kinds of opinions regarding how this development is ought to be understood. Therefore I have chosen to examine how autonomous the public international law is in states enforcement of counter terrorism strategies

    Decoding intervention for L2 students in Sweden: A single-subject design study

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    Many second language (L2) students in Sweden struggle with reading in Swedish. There needs to be more research on how L2 students with weak word decoding skills in Swedish could be individually supported. Therefore, the current study examined the impact of a systematic and intensive word decoding intervention in Swedish among individual L2 students identified as having a risk of reading difficulties in Grade 3. A multiple-baseline single-subject design study was conducted with three L2 students with Arabic or Dari as their first language. They were provided a word decoding intervention with Bravkod. All three students improved their decoding during the intervention phase. They decoded several words in a given time (NAP=0.96-1.00) and decreased their word decoding errors (NAP=0.91-0.98). The results are promising but should be replicated to be considered evidence-based and suitable for L2 students to improve their decoding in Swedish

    Regulation of peripheral inflammation by spinal p38 MAP kinase in rats.

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    BackgroundSomatic afferent input to the spinal cord from a peripheral inflammatory site can modulate the peripheral response. However, the intracellular signaling mechanisms in the spinal cord that regulate this linkage have not been defined. Previous studies suggest spinal cord p38 mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase and cytokines participate in nociceptive behavior. We therefore determined whether these pathways also regulate peripheral inflammation in rat adjuvant arthritis, which is a model of rheumatoid arthritis.Methods and findingsSelective blockade of spinal cord p38 MAP kinase by administering the p38 inhibitor SB203580 via intrathecal (IT) catheters in rats with adjuvant arthritis markedly suppressed paw swelling, inhibited synovial inflammation, and decreased radiographic evidence of joint destruction. The same dose of SB203580 delivered systemically had no effect, indicating that the effect was mediated by local concentrations in the neural compartment. Evaluation of articular gene expression by quantitative real-time PCR showed that spinal p38 inhibition markedly decreased synovial interleukin-1 and -6 and matrix metalloproteinase (MMP3) gene expression. Activation of p38 required tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha) in the nervous system because IT etanercept (a TNF inhibitor) given during adjuvant arthritis blocked spinal p38 phosphorylation and reduced clinical signs of adjuvant arthritis.ConclusionsThese data suggest that peripheral inflammation is sensed by the central nervous system (CNS), which subsequently activates stress-induced kinases in the spinal cord via a TNFalpha-dependent mechanism. Intracellular p38 MAP kinase signaling processes this information and profoundly modulates somatic inflammatory responses. Characterization of this mechanism could have clinical and basic research implications by supporting development of new treatments for arthritis and clarifying how the CNS regulates peripheral immune responses

    Egna varumÀrken inom kött- och charkuteribranschen

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    Many grocery stores have products marked whit there private brands. The information about these brands is poor. We wanted to find out what the stores own brands stand for and what the manager of purchase thinks it stands for. We choose to concentrate on meat and cured meat and limit our study to ICA, Axfood and Coop because they are the three main actors in the Swedish branch of grocery. The supplier has traditionally manufactured products and made there own brands. These products have been distributed and sold to the consumer thru stores. Since 1950 it has been a new situation on the grocery market in the world. The stores have started to produced there own products and started to compete with the suppliers, so called private brands. (Carlsson and Kikas, 2003) The first private brand in Sweden was BlÄvitt, which was the low price brand of KF in 1979. BlÄvitt was the first generation of private brands. Now it is time for the fourth generation of private brands, which means high quality and higher price then before. They are comparable and have strength compete against other similar products. (Wikström, 2003) We wrote a questionnaire, which we used while interviewing store and head offices. The interviewed could choose to answer by telephone, fax or mail. We got answers from all of the stores and head offices except one SPAR store, which did not have time to answer us. Even though the frequency of answers from the interviewed was good is the examination to small to show statistic fact. In our examination it has been shown that booth stores and head offices think that private brands is growing bigger. Their own head offices control the purchase to private brands. It is the price and demands from consumers, which controls the import of meat to the grocery stores. It is some times hard to get enough of Swedish meat in good and even quality. The consumers have big influence in what is bought in to the stores. As local producer we think it is easiest to get the products sold to ICA stores since they have freestanding merchants, who own the stores and decide they purchase. At Axfood and Coop the head office, with a few exceptions, controls the purchase. We believe in a future for Swedish meat if only the meat producer in Sweden learn how to produce what the consumers' wants and enough of it.Nuförtiden finns det mÄnga livsmedelsbutiker som har sina varor mÀrkta med sitt eget mÀrke s.k. EMV (egna mÀrkesvaror). Det Àr dÄligt med information om vad varumÀrkena stÄr för. Vi ville ta reda pÄ vad butikernas egna varumÀrken ursprungligen stÄr för och vad inköpscheferna tror att de stÄr för. Vi valde att inrikta oss pÄ kött- och charkbranschen och begrÀnsade oss till ICA, Axfood och Coop för att de Àr de tre stora huvudaktörerna pÄ den svenska livsmedelsbranschen. Traditionellt sett har det varit leverantörer som tillverkat produkter och dÀrigenom skapat varumÀrken. Dessa varor har sedan distribuerats och sÄlts till konsumenterna genom detaljister. Sedan 1950 har det sakteligen uppkommit en ny situation inom dagligvaruhandeln i vÀrlden, nÀmligen den att detaljisterna börjat producera egna varor och pÄ sÄ vis börjat konkurrera med leverantörerna. Dessa produkter kallas för egna mÀrkesvaror.(Carlsson och Kikas, 2003) I Sverige sÄg de egna mÀrkesvarorna dagens ljus för första gÄngen 1979 i form av KF:s lÄgprisvarumÀrke BlÄvitt som var den första generationens EMV. Nu har vi kommit fram till fjÀrde generationens EMV som hÄller hög kvalitet men samtidigt ett högre pris Àn tidigare. De Àr jÀmförbara och har stor konkurrenskraft gentemot liknande alternativ.(Wikström, 2003) Vi skrev ett frÄgeformulÀr som vi anvÀnde nÀr vi intervjuade butikerna och respektive huvudkontor. De fick vÀlja mellan att svara via telefon, fax eller mail. Vi fick svar frÄn alla butiker och huvudkontor utom frÄn en SPAR-butik som ej hade tid att svara. Trots en god svarsfrekvens frÄn vÄra intervjupersoner sÄ Àr undersökningen av en begrÀnsad omfattning och resultatet pÄvisar en tendens i samhÀllet och uppvisar inte nÄgra statistiskt sÀkerstÀllda fakta. I vÄr undersökning har det framkommit att bÄde butiker och huvudkontor tror att EMV kommer att öka. Inköpen till EMV styrs centralt frÄn respektive huvudkontor. Det Àr bl.a. priset och efterfrÄgan som styr importen av kött till livsmedelshandeln. Det Àr svÄrt att fÄ jÀmn kvalitet i tillrÀckliga mÀngder av svenskt kött vissa perioder. Konsumenterna har stort inflytande nÀr det gÀller vad som köps in till butikerna. Vi tror att man som lokalproducent har lÀttast att sÀlja till nÄgon ICA-butik eftersom det Àr fristÄende köpmÀn som Àger butikerna och dÀrmed bestÀmmer sjÀlva vilka som de köper in ifrÄn. PÄ Axfood och Coop styrs alla inköp centralt, med nÄgra fÄ undantag. Vi tror pÄ en framtid för svenskt kött bara Sveriges köttproducenter lÀr sig att producera det konsumenterna vill ha och i tillrÀckliga mÀngder
