304 research outputs found

    Diagnos och behandling av Giardia duodenalis i en naturligt infekterad hundkoloni

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    Giardia duodenalis Àr en flagellat som koloniserar frÀmre tunntarmen och det Àr en vanlig parasit hos hundar över hela vÀrlden. Symptombilden vid giardiainfektion varierar dÄ patogenesen för giardiasis Àr multifaktoriell och beror pÄ faktorer hos bÄde vÀrddjuret och parasiten. G. duodenalis kan anses som en opportunistisk parasit som ge upphov till kronisk intermittent diarré vid exempelvis stress och nedsatt immunförsvar. Idag finns inga godkÀnda preparat för behandling av Giardia spp. hos hund. LÀkemedelsverket rekommenderar dock behandling med fenbendazol (50 mg q24h) i trefem dagar eller metronidazol (25 mg/kg q12h) i fem-sju dagar. Studiens syfte var att diagnostisera och behandla G. duodenalis i en naturligt infekterad hundkoloni med olika behandlingsprotokoll samt att följa behandlingsresultatet under och/eller efter avslutad behandling. Studien omfattade 28 vuxna beaglehundar som Àgs av Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet (SLU, Ultuna, Uppsala), av vilka nÄgra uppvisade kronisk intermittent diarré. NÀr feces frÄn samtliga hundarna analyserades visade 18/28 (64 %) förekomst av giardiacystor med zinksulfatflotation och immunofluorescens. Inga andra parasiter detekterades. Vidtagna ÄtgÀrder omfattade farmakologisk behandling, miljösanering och utökade hygienrutiner. I första behandlingsomgÄngen behandlades hundarna med fenbendazol (50 mg/kg q24h) i tio dagar. I samband med saneringen av hundrummen och rastgÄrdarna,mitt under behandlingsperioden, schamponerades ocksÄ hundarna. Resultatet följdes upp genom daglig provtagning av nio utvalda hundar under behandlingen och under de efterföljande elva dagarna. Under de tre sista dagarna av behandlingen var samtliga hundar fria frÄn G. duodenalis, men redan första dagen efter avslutad behandling pÄvisades Äter cystor i feces frÄn tre hundar. Efter nio dagar pÄvisades cystor hos 8/9 hundar och behandlingen bedömdes misslyckad. Det finns flera anledningar som kan förklara ofullstÀndig effekt av en lÀkemedelsbehandling, bland annat exempel en minskad kÀnslighet eller resistens hos parasiten. Vid andra behandlingen administrerades en kombination av fenbendazol (50 mg/kg q24h) och metronidazol (15 mg/kg q12h) i tio dagar. Liknande hygienÄtgÀrder som tidigare vidtogs, men vid andra behandlingsomgÄngen togs endast avföringsprover efter avslutad behandling. Samtliga nio utvalda hundar var negativa bÄde tvÄ-fyra och sju dagar efter avslutad behandling vilket tolkades som ett lyckat behandlingsresultat. Fyra och elva veckor efter avslutad behandling upptÀcktes dock Äterigen giardiacystor hos 5/26 hundar (19 %). Ett fÄtal hundar hade troligtvis Äterinfekterades med cystor frÄn miljön. Vid studiens slut var förekomsten av giardiapositiva hundar betydligt lÀgre Àn vid studiens start och hundarna var dessutom kliniskt bÀttre. Ytterligare behandling var dÀrför inte aktuellt. Denna studie visar hur svÄrt det kan vara att bli fri frÄn G. duodenalis. frÄn en hundkoloni, bland annat pÄ grund av att det Àr svÄrt att fullstÀndigt avlÀgsna parasiten frÄn miljön. Behandling med fenbendazol i kombination metronidazol visades ge ett bÀttre behandlingsresultat Àn vid enbart fenbendazol. Resultaten i denna studie tyder pÄ att behandlingstiden kan behöva förlÀngas frÄn tre-fem dagar som idag rekommenderas till sju-tio dagar, framför allt vid behandling av en grupp hundar. Kombinationsbehandling kan vara ett alternativ vid svÄrbehandlade infektioner eller vid behandling av en grupp hundar, men bör inte anvÀndas till enskilda individer som rutin pÄ grund av risk för resistensutveckling. Symptomfria hundar ska inte behandlas rutinmÀssigt eftersom G. duodenalis kan betraktas som en opportunistisk parasit. Sammanfattningsvis Àr det svÄrt att eliminera G. duodenalis frÄn en hundkoloni trots behandling med fenbendazol och metronidazol inklusive intensivt saneringsarbete. Orsaken kan bero pÄ en bristande effekt av lÀkemedel, Äterinfektion eller bÄda tvÄ.Giardia duodenalis are flagellate protozoans that colonizes the upper small intestine and a common parasite among dogs around the world. Since the mechanisms for the pathogenesis for giardiasis is multifactorial, depending on both the host and parasite, the symptoms can vary a lot. Chronic intermittent diarrhea is a common clinical sign. However, a great amount of dogs are asymptomatic as well. There is no medical treatment on dogs for G. duodenalis, but fenbendazole (50 mg q24h) for three-five days and metronidazole (25 mg/kg q12h) for five-seven days are recommended by the Swedish Medical Products Agency. The purpose of this study was to diagnose parasite occurrence, treat and monitor the efficacy of two treatments against G. duodenalis in a naturally infected dog colony. The occurrence of parasite was monitored under and after the first treatment but only after the second treatment. 28 adult dogs (beagles) owned by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU, Ultuna, Uppsala) were included in the study. Some of the dogs in the colony were suffering from chronic intermittent diarrhea and all of the dogs were therefore screened for G. duodenalis and other gastrointestinal parasites at the beginning of the study. 18/28 (64%) of the dogs showed occurrence of G. duodenalis with zinc sulfate flotation technique and immunofluorescence, but no other parasite was found. The trials included medical treatment and extensive hygiene measures. At the first treatment all dogs were treated with fenbendazole (50 mg/kg q24h) for ten days and in the middle of the treatment all rooms and outdoor areas were cleaned and the dogs were shampooed. Nine dogs were sampled daily throughout the treatment and during the following eleven days. During the last three days of treatment no cysts were detected, however the first day after treatment cysts were found in three of the dogs. Nine days after treatment 8/9 tested positive and treatment was therefore considered unsuccessful. There are many possible reasons why there is a lack of efficacy of a treatment, such as variability in drug susceptibility, resistance or immunosuppression etcetera. All the dogs were treated with a combination of fenbendazole (50 mg/kg q 24h) and metronidazole (15 mg/kg q12h) for ten days at the second trial and similar hygiene measures were performed as before. The same nine dogs were tested twice shortly after the treatment and the result showed a successful treatment since no cysts were detected. However, both four and eleven weeks after the treatment cysts were detected in feces from 5/26 dogs (19%). Since the dogs initially were free from the parasite, they probably were re-infected from the environment. The prevalence was significantly lower after the second treatment than in the beginning of the study. All dogs were also clinically better at the end of the study and therefore no further treatment was started. This study shows how challenging it is to eliminate G. duodenalis in a dog colony, especially from the environment. A combination of fenbendazole and metronidazole was shown to give a better result than fenbendazole alone. The results in this study indicates that some infections need longer treatment to eliminate G. duodenalis than three to five days as recommended. A longer treatment (e.g. seven to ten days) may be an option for treating dogs that are housed in groups. A combined treatment with metronidazol can be used in case of a lack of efficacy of fenbendazol. Asymptomatic dogs should not be treated because of the potential risk for resistance selection and moreover since G. duodenalis can be considered as an opportunist microorganism. In summary, even though a colony of dogs are treated with fenbendazol and metronidazol together with excessive hygiene measures, it is hard to completely eliminate G. duodenalis because of risk for re-infection and possibly due to lack of efficacy of drug

    Dog ownersÂŽdetection of signs of pain in dogs based on videomaterial

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    HundĂ€gare söker ofta veterinĂ€rvĂ„rd nĂ€r deras hund har smĂ€rta, vid dessa möten Ă€r det av vikt att djurhĂ€lsopersonal har kunskapen att utföra en god smĂ€rtbedömning och besluta om lĂ€mplig smĂ€rtlindring. LikvĂ€l har hundĂ€gares förmĂ„ga att identifiera tecken pĂ„ smĂ€rta en stor roll i att minska hundars lidande och öka deras vĂ€lfĂ€rd. Vid tidig detektering av smĂ€rta i en hemmiljö kan vĂ„rd uppsökas tidigare och troligtvis leda till en bĂ€ttre prognos av sjukdomstillstĂ„ndet med tidigare insatt behandling. Det Ă€r Ă€ven visat att somliga hundar döljer sin smĂ€rta i en klinisk miljö, dĂ€rav Ă€r det viktigt att kunna anvĂ€nda sig av hundĂ€gares smĂ€rtbedömning frĂ„n hemmiljön. Även vid lĂ€kemedelsbehandling av hund hemma Ă€r hundĂ€garens smĂ€rtbedömning ett viktigt verktyg, detta för att djurhĂ€lsopersonal ska kunna utvĂ€rdera lĂ€kemedel eller dos. Det Ă€r alltsĂ„ av stor betydelse att utbilda hundĂ€gare i vilka tecken pĂ„ smĂ€rta som ska uppmĂ€rksammas i ett tidigt stadie för att förbĂ€ttra vĂ€lbefinnandet för hundar i Sverige. Detta arbete Ă€r en kandidatuppsats inom djuromvĂ„rdnad med syfte att undersöka hur vĂ€l svenska hundĂ€gare identifierar tecken pĂ„ smĂ€rta hos hundar baserat pĂ„ inspelat videomaterial samt undersöka vilka tecken pĂ„ smĂ€rta som krĂ€ver mer utbildning. Arbetet bestĂ„r av en litteraturöversikt och insamlat filmmaterial pĂ„ hundar som anvĂ€nts i en enkĂ€tundersökning. Filmmaterialet bestod av hundar i stillastĂ„ende, i skritt och i trav frĂ„n olika vinklar som antingen uppvisade tecken pĂ„ ortopedisk smĂ€rta eller var smĂ€rtfria. EnkĂ€tundersökningen riktade sig endast till tidigare eller nuvarande hundĂ€gare dĂ€r respondenterna först fick svara pĂ„ generella frĂ„gor om sin erfarenhet av hundar och smĂ€rta hos hundar för att sedan fĂ„ se fyra videor pĂ„ hundar och svara pĂ„ tillhörande frĂ„gor. 243 respondenter besvarade enkĂ€ten varav 103 slutförde den, de slutförda enkĂ€terna Ă€r de som legat till grund för resultatet till detta arbete. Resultatet visade att de vanligaste tecknen pĂ„ ortopedisk smĂ€rta som svenska hundĂ€gare identifierade pĂ„ videorna var: förĂ€ndringar i aktivitet, hĂ€lta, rörelseavvikelser, Ă€ndringar i kroppssprĂ„k, beteendeförĂ€ndringar och ansiktsuttryck som tyder pĂ„ smĂ€rta. Respondenternas gradering av smĂ€rtan hos de olika hundarna stĂ€mde till viss del överens med graderingen frĂ„n expertgruppen bestĂ„ende av veterinĂ€rer. Dock tyder Ă€ven resultatet pĂ„ att respondenterna tolkade normalt beteende eller rörelsemönster som smĂ€rta, och Ă€ven att hundar med mycket pĂ€ls var svĂ„rare att smĂ€rtbedöma. EnkĂ€tsvaren visade att de tecken som krĂ€ver mer utbildning för att hundĂ€gare ska lyckas identifiera dem Ă€r mindre uppenbara tecken pĂ„ smĂ€rta sĂ„som: förĂ€ndrat kroppssprĂ„k och kroppshĂ„llning. För att dra en slutsats om svenska hundĂ€gares förmĂ„ga att utföra en smĂ€rtbedömning hos hundar krĂ€vs fler studier som undersöker detta.Dog owners often seek veterinary care when their dog is in pain, when this happens it is important that animal health care personnel have the ability to perform a good pain assessment and decide on appropriate analgesia. Nevertheless the ability of dog ownersÂŽ recognition of pain plays a major role in reducing dogs suffering and increasing their welfare. Early detection of pain in a home environment can lead to care being sought up earlier and a better prognosis of the affliction with early onset treatment. It is also shown that some dogs hide their pain in a clinical environment, therefore it is of great importance to use the dog ownersÂŽ pain assessment in a home environment. Also when treating a dog with medication at home, the dog owner's pain assessment is an important tool, so that animal health personnel can evaluate the medication or dose. It is therefore of great importance to educate dog owners in pain recognition to improve the well-being of dogs in Sweden. This study is a bachelor thesis in veterinary nursing with the aim of investigating how well Swedish dog owners identify signs of pain in dogs based on recorded video material and examine which signs of pain require more education. This study has been carried out through a literature review and collection of film material on dogs which was then used in a survey. The footage consisted of dogs standing still, walking and trotting from different angles that either showed signs of orthopedic pain or were pain-free. The survey was only aimed at former or current dog owners, where the respondents had to answer general questions about their experience with dogs and pain in dogs and then got to see four videos on dogs and answer the associated questions. 243 respondents answered the survey, of which 103 completed the survey, the completed surveys are the ones that have been used to create a result for this study. The results showed that the most common signs of orthopedic pain that Swedish dog owners identified in the videos were: changes in activity, lameness, movement abnormalities, changes in body language, behavioral changes and facial expressions indicating pain. The respondents' grading of the pain in the different dogs agrees to some extent with the grading from the expert group consisting of veterinarians. However, the results also indicate that the respondents interpret normal behavior or movement patterns as pain, also that dogs with a lot of fur were more difficult to assess. The survey shows that the signs that need more education for dog owners’ to successfully identify are the less obvious signs of pain such as: changes in body language and posture. To draw a conclusion about Swedish dog owners’ ability to perform a pain assessment in dogs, more studies are required in this field

    Postprandial lipid responses to an alpha-linolenic acid-rich oil, olive oil and butter in women: A randomized crossover trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Postprandial lipaemia varies with gender and the composition of dietary fat due to the partitioning of fatty acids between beta-oxidation and incorporation into triacylglycerols (TAGs). Increasing evidence highlights the importance of postprandial measurements to evaluate atherogenic risk. Postprandial effects of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) in women are poorly characterized. We therefore studied the postprandial lipid response of women to an ALA-rich oil in comparison with olive oil and butter, and characterized the fatty acid composition of total lipids, TAGs, and non-esterified fatty acids (NEFAs) in plasma.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A randomized crossover design (n = 19) was used to compare the postprandial effects of 3 meals containing 35 g fat. Blood samples were collected at regular intervals for 7 h. Statistical analysis was carried out with ANOVA (significant difference = P < 0.05).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>No significant difference was seen in incremental area under the curve (iAUC) plasma-TAG between the meals. ALA and oleic acid levels were significantly increased in plasma after ALA-rich oil and olive oil meals, respectively. Palmitic acid was significantly increased in plasma-TAG after the butter meal. The ratios of 18:2 n-6 to18:3 n-3 in plasma-TAGs, three and seven hours after the ALA-rich oil meal, were 1.5 and 2.4, respectively. The corresponding values after the olive oil meal were: 13.8 and 16.9; and after the butter meal: 9.0 and 11.6.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The postprandial p-TAG and NEFA response in healthy pre-menopausal women was not significantly different after the intake of an ALA-rich oil, olive oil and butter. The ALA-rich oil significantly affected different plasma lipid fractions and improved the ratio of n-6 to n-3 fatty acids several hours postprandially.</p

    Peripartumperiodens pÄverkan pÄ mjölkkors fertilitet

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    Årligen slĂ„s 100 000 mjölkkor ut i Sverige och nedsatt fruktsamhet Ă€r en av de viktigaste orsakerna. Kors fertilitet Ă€r multifaktoriellt betingad och pĂ„verkas dĂ€rför lĂ€tt av förĂ€ndringar i nutrition, hĂ€lsa och stress med mera. Peripartumperioden Ă€r en tid dĂ„ mjölkkorna ofta drabbas av sina vanligaste hĂ€lsoproblem sĂ„som mastit, metrit och leverlipidos, vilket senare har en effekt Ă€ven pĂ„ fertiliteten. Det Ă€r dĂ€rför intressant att undersöka hur peripartumperioden, med avseende pĂ„ rubbning av metabola och reproduktiva processer, pĂ„verkar mjölkkors fertilitet. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie Ă€r att begrunda om det Ă€r fysiologiskt rimligt med Ă€ggstocksaktivitet snabbt efter kalvning med en samtidig hög mjölkproduktion, samt om det finns förebyggande Ă„tgĂ€rder för att sĂ€kra en god fertilitet. Kring kalvningen drabbas mjölkkor oftast av immunosuppression till följd av fysiologisk och oxidativ stress, minskat foderintag, hypokalcemi samt allvarlig negativ energibalans (NEB). FörĂ€ndringarna sker som en konsekvens av ökade fysiologiska krav vid drĂ€ktighet, kolostogenes och laktogenes. Under peripartumperioden drabbas kor ofta av NEB pĂ„ grund av för lĂ„gt intag av torrsubstans som följs av en massiv lipidmobilisering vilket ger en ökad mĂ€ngd icke-esterifierade fettsyror (NEFA). En ökad NEFA-plasmakoncentration kommer att predisponera för ketos och leverlipidos som pĂ„verkar fertiliteten genom att förlĂ€nga anöstrus under postpartumperioden. Vid höga NEFA-koncentrationer sĂ€nks aptiten och neutrofilernas funktion försĂ€mras vilket innebĂ€r att immunstatusen försĂ€mras. Fertiliteten pĂ„verkas av NEB dĂ„ det hĂ€mmar frisĂ€ttningen av östrogen och progesteron samt minskar antalet LH-receptorer och predisponerar för sjukdomar sĂ„som kvarbliven efterbörd (KE), metrit och mastit. Metrit ses ofta hos kor som drabbats av allvarlig KE och vid detta patologiska tillstĂ„nd Ă€r könsorganen en ogynnsam miljö för Ă€gg och embryo vilket konsekvent leder till tidig fosterdöd och utebliven drĂ€ktighet. Sedan avelsarbete för mjölkkor började har fokus varit hög Ă„rlig mjölkproduktion vilket har gett en försĂ€mrad fertilitet, men i Sverige har vi haft bredare avelsmĂ„l lĂ€nge, i avsikt att ge hĂ„llbara kor. Det Ă€r ett positivt förhĂ„llande mellan hög mjölkavkastning och bĂ„de mastit och allvarlig NEB; det innebĂ€r att en hög mjölkavkastning försĂ€mrar fertiliteten eftersom NEB ger negativa endokrina förĂ€ndringar och mastit har visats fördröja första ovulationen postpartum. För att förbĂ€ttra fertiliteten Ă€r sĂ„vĂ€l nutrition och en bra djurhĂ„llning som lĂ„ngsiktiga avelsmĂ„l viktiga. Genom utfodring som tĂ€cker energi- och nĂ€ringsbehovet under hela drĂ€ktigheten och laktationen undviks NEB och dĂ€rmed de immunosupprimerande effekterna. En lugn miljö sĂ€nker stressen och ökar foderintaget. För lĂ„ngsiktiga effekter pĂ„ fertiliteten Ă€r det viktigt att avla för balans mellan produktionsmĂ„len och egenskaper sĂ„som fertilitet och hĂ€lsa. För att fĂ„ ekonomisk vinst av att hĂ„lla mjölkkor krĂ€vs idag en effektiv produktion med höga krav pĂ„ djuren. FrĂ„gan Ă€r om det Ă€r rimligt att förvĂ€nta sig god fertilitet, korta kalvningsintervall, god hĂ€lsa och samtidigt en hög mjölkproduktion. Fler studier bör undersöka huruvida mjölkkors hĂ€lsa och fertilitet potentiellt kan förbĂ€ttras genom förlĂ€ngda kalvningsintervall och sĂ€nkta produktionskrav, samt inkludera ekonomiska perspektiv.Annually, 100 000 dairy cows are culled in Sweden and impaired fertility is one of the most important reasons. Successful fertility of cows is multifactorial and it is therefore easily influenced by changes in nutrition, health and stress, etcetera. The peripartum period is a critical time for dairy cows and they are often affected by health problems such as mastitis, metritis and hepatic lipidosis, which later on may have an effect on fertility. It is therefore interesting to examine how the peripartum period affects the fertility of dairy cows, focusing on disturbance of metabolic and reproductive processes. The aim of this study is to examine if it is physiologically feasible for the cow to resume ovarian activity quickly after calving and at the same time have a high milk production, and if there are preventive measures that can be undertaken to secure good fertility. Dairy cows often suffer from immunosuppression the days around calving due to physiological and oxidative stress, reduced feed intake, hypocalcemia and severe negative energy balance (NEB). The changes are consequences of the increased physiological demands at gestation, colostogenesis and lactogenesis. Due to reduced dry matter intake, cows often suffer from NEB during the peripartum period, which leads to a massive lipid mobilization and consequently an increased amount of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA). Increased NEFA plasma concentration will predispose for hepatic lipidosis and ketosis which extends the postpartum anoestrus. High NEFA concentrations reduces the appetite which increases NEB and it impairs neutrophil function and therefore lower the immune status. NEB affects the fertility because it inhibits the release of estrogen and progesterone as well as reduces LH-receptor levels and also predisposes to diseases such as retained placenta (RP), metritis and mastitis. Metritis is often seen in cows affected by severe RP and with that pathological condition, the reproductive tract will be a hostile environment for the egg and embryo which leads to early fetal death and pregnancy loss. Since dairy cow breeding started, high yearly milk yield has been in focus but impaired fertility has been a consequence. However, the breeding goals in Sweden have been broader for a long time, aiming at sustainable dairy production. There is a positive relationship between high milk yield and both mastitis and severe NEB. The impaired fertility in cows with high milk yield, is therefore often caused by NEB which cause endocrine changes and mastitis which has been shown to delay the first ovulation postpartum. Nutrition, good management and long-term breeding goals are important to improve fertility. The feed must cover the energy and nutritional demands throughout gestation and lactation to avoid NEB and the immunosuppressive effects. A good environment reduces stress and increases feed intake. To enhance the fertility on long term, it is important to breed for both production and other traits such as fertility and health. An efficient production with high demands on the animals is required for a profitable business. The question is whether it is reasonable to expect good fertility, short calving intervals, good health and at the same time a high milk production. More studies need to examine whether the fertility and health of dairy cows could be enhanced by prolonged calving intervals and decreased production requirements, considering economic profitability as well

    Kidnappning: analyserat utifrÄn fyra kategorier

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    Uppsatsens syfte Ă€r att studera kidnappning ur flera aspekter, sĂ„ som medias pĂ„verkan pĂ„ samhĂ€llet och rĂ€tten nĂ€r en kidnappning sker, varför inblandade parter, sĂ„ som offer, agerat som de gjort, hur domstolarna dömt i de olika fallen och om dessa domar visar upp ett avskrĂ€ckande exempel, samt om typen av offer kan spela in. FrĂ„gestĂ€llningarna ”PĂ„verkar typen av kidnappningsoffer, sett med Christies ideala offerteori, den mediala uppmĂ€rksamheten kring kidnappningsfall?”, ”UppstĂ„r moralpanik i samhĂ€llet gĂ€llande ett mindre vanligt brott som kidnappning med okĂ€nd kidnappare?” samt ”Vad har domstolen gett för bestraffning och kan domstolens bestraffning ses i sammanhang med den mediala uppmĂ€rksamhet som uppstĂ„tt kring kidnappningsfallen?” besvarades genom att undersöka fyra olika kategorier av kidnappning, med ett djupare analyserat fall i varje kategori, samt tvĂ„ andra fall i varje som stöd. Kidnappningskategorierna Ă€r ekonomiskt motiverade fall, barnkidnappning, kvinnokidnappning och politiskt motiverade fall. Fallen Ă€r tagna frĂ„n olika lĂ€nder, bland annat Sverige och USA. För att analysera dessa fall anvĂ€ndes teorier sĂ„ som moralpanik, Christies teori om det idealiska offret, avskrĂ€ckningsteorin och rational choice. Som metod anvĂ€ndes fallstudie och textanalys, med stöd av sjĂ€lvbiografier, dokumentĂ€rer, artiklar och böcker. Detta har sedan analyserats kvantitativt. Slutsatsen för uppsatsen blev som sĂ„dan att idealiska offer kan skapa större medlidande i samhĂ€llet. Detta i sin tur kan skapa en oro i form av moralpanik som sĂ€tter press pĂ„ rĂ€tten. RĂ€tten tenderar att försöka stoppa denna oro med hjĂ€lp av avskrĂ€ckande fall, och dĂ€rmed visa pĂ„ att en gĂ€rning sĂ„ som kidnappning inte Ă€r accepterad

    Geographic variation in Sundew (Drosera ) leaf colour: plant-plant interactions counteract expected effects of abiotic factors

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    Aim To identify geographic patterns in leaf colour of roundleaved sundew (Drosera rotundifolia) growing on ombrotrophic (rain fed) bogs across Europe and establish the controls over these patterns. Location North-west Europe. Taxon Angiosperms, Drosera rotundifolia. Methods We measured leaf colour of D. rotundifolia plants growing on 24 ombrotrophic bogs across north-west Europe covering 26.4 degrees of longitude and 21.1 degrees of latitude. We measured the height and cover of co-occurring vascular plant vegetation and the amount of incident light intercepted by the vegetation canopy. We determined the role of abiotic variables in controlling the patterns found. In a separate experimental study, we manipulated plant–plant interactions with D. rotundifolia by removing aboveground vascular plant vegetation and monitoring leaf colour over a single summer. Results Drosera rotundifolia leaf colour varied between bogs. Leaves were redder in northern latitudes and eastern longitudes, and in sites/plots with lower canopy influence, lower nutrient deposition, and a more continental climate. Canopy influence was greater on sites in southern latitudes, eastern longitudes, and with higher nutrient deposition, longer growing seasons and a more maritime climate. Nutrient deposition was higher at more southerly latitudes, eastern sites had a more continental climate, and southern and western sites had warmer and longer growing seasons. In the in situ experiment, leaves became more red when canopy light transmission was increased by removing vegetation, but not when shade net was subsequently added to reduce light transmission. Main Conclusion Geographic variation in Drosera rotundifolia leaf colour is strongly affected by its light environment, mediated by plant–plant interactions, but leaf colour is also affected by other abiotic factors. The relative importance of biotic and abiotic factors in determining geographic patterns in traits, and also species responses to environmental change, might depend on the growth form and competitive ability of a species

    Ambulance clinicians’ attitudes to older patients’ self‐determination when the patient has impaired decision‐making ability: A Delphi study

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    Abstract: Objective: The proportion of older people is increasing and reflects in the demand on ambulance services (AS). Patients can be more vulnerable and increasingly dependent, especially when their decision‐making ability is impaired. Self‐determination in older people has a positive relation to quality of life and can raise ethical conflicts in AS. Hence, the aim of this study was to empirically explore attitudes among Swedish ambulance clinicians (ACs) regarding older patients’ self‐determination in cases where patients have impaired decision‐making ability, and who are in urgent need of care. Materials and methods: An explorative design was adopted. A Delphi technique was used, comprising four rounds, involving a group (N = 31) of prehospital emergency nurses (n = 14), registered nurses (n = 10) and emergency medical technicians (n = 7). Focus group conversations (Round 1) and questionnaires (Rounds 2–4) generated data. Round 1 was analysed using manifest content analysis, which ultimately resulted in the creation of discrete items. Each item was rated with a five‐point Likert scale together with free‐text answers. Consensus (≄70%) was calculated by trichotomising the Likert scale. Results: Round 1 identified 108 items which were divided into four categories: (1) attitudes regarding the patient (n = 35), (2) attitudes regarding the patient relationship (n = 8), (3) attitudes regarding oneself and one's colleagues (n = 45), and (4) attitudes regarding other involved factors (n = 20). In Rounds 2–4, one item was identified in the free text from Round 2, generating a total of 109 items. After four rounds, 72 items (62%) reached consensus. Conclusions: The findings highlight the complexity of ACs’ attitudes towards older patients’ self‐determination. The respect of older patients’ self‐determination is challenged by the patient, other healthcare personnel, significant others and/or colleagues. The study provided a unique opportunity to explore self‐determination and shared decision‐making. AS have to provide continued ethical training, for example to increase the use of simulation‐based training or moral case deliberations in order to strengthen the ACs’ moral abilities within their professional practice. Implications for practice: Ambulance services must develop opportunities to provide continued training within this topic. One option would be to increase the use of simulation‐based training, focusing on ethical aspects of the care. Another option might be to facilitate moral case deliberations to strengthen the ACs’ abilities to manage these issues while being able to share experiences with peers. These types of interventions should illuminate the importance of the topic for the individual AC, which, in turn, may strengthen and develop the caring abilities within an integrated care team.Peer reviewe

    Temperature and concentration dependence of the electrochemical PtHg4 alloy formation for mercury decontamination

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    New and improved methods to remove toxic mercury from contaminated waters and waste streams are highly sought after. Recently, it was shown that electrochemical alloy formation of PtHg4 on a platinum surface with mercury ions from solution can be utilized for decontamination, with several advantages over conventional techniques. Herein, we examine the alloy formation process in more detail by mercury concentration measurements using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry in batch measurements as well as electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance analysis both in batch and in flowing water with initial mercury concentrations ranging from 0.25 to 75000 \ub5g L−1 Hg2+. Results show that mercury is effectively removed from all solutions and the rate of alloy formation is constant over time, as well as for very thick layers of PtHg4. The apparent activation energy for the electrochemical alloy formation was determined to be 0.29 eV, with a reaction order in mercury ion concentration around 0.8. The obtained results give new insights that are vital in the assessment and further development of electrochemical alloy formation as a method for large scale mercury decontamination
