40 research outputs found

    Smoking cessation among daily smokers, aged 45-69 years: a longitudinal study in Malmö, Sweden.

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate differences in snuff consumption, socio-demographic and psychosocial characteristics between baseline daily smokers who had remained daily smokers, become intermittent smokers or stopped smoking at the 1-year follow-up. DESIGN, SETTING, PARTICIPANTS AND MEASUREMENTS: A population of 12 507 individuals aged 45-69 years, interviewed at baseline in 1992-94 and at a 1-year follow-up, was investigated in this longitudinal study. The three groups of baseline daily smokers were compared to the total population according to socio-demographic, psychosocial and snuff consumption characteristics. A multivariate logistic regression model was used to assess differences in psychosocial conditions, adjusting for age, sex, country of origin, marital status, education and snuff consumption. FINDINGS: Eighty-six per cent of all baseline daily smokers remained daily smokers, 6.5% had become intermittent smokers and 7.3% had stopped smoking at the 1-year follow-up. The daily smokers who remained daily smokers were more likely to be born in other countries than Sweden, not married, have a lower educational level and poorer psychosocial conditions than the total population, while the socio-demographic characteristics and psychosocial resources of those daily smokers who had become intermittent smokers or had stopped smoking were much more similar to the general population, with the exception of a higher snuff consumption, especially for intermittent smokers. CONCLUSIONS: Daily smokers who remained daily smokers at the 1-year follow-up had poorer psychosocial assets, especially social participation, than baseline daily smokers who had become intermittent smokers or had stopped smoking, and the general population. The results suggest that low levels of social participation are a potent barrier against smoking cessation. Snuff consumption may explain a part of the increase in smoking cessation among men as opposed to women in Sweden

    The transition of reported pain in different body regions – a one-year follow-up study

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    BACKGROUND: The course of pain at a specific region such as the lower back has previously been shown as well as for generalized pain. However we have not found any report on the course of pain from various different specific regions. The aim of this investigation was to study the one-year transition of reported pain in different body locations. METHODS: From a general population 14555 men and women, 46–68 years, responded to an extensive health questionnaire including the standardized Nordic questionnaire. The population represented 27% of the total population within the age group in Malmö, Sweden. At the one year follow-up 12607 responded to the questionnaire, yielding a response rate of 87%. The one year prevalence of long-lasting pain and the pattern of pain reporting from different regions were studied for men and women. RESULTS: The one-year prevalence of long-lasting neck pain was 14% (95% CI 13–15) among men and 25% (95% CI 24–26) among women at baseline and 15% (95% CI 14–16) for the men and 23% (95% CI 22–24) for the women at follow-up. Of those reporting neck pain "all the time" at baseline, 48% of the men and 54% of the women also reported neck pain "all the time" at the one-year follow-up. At the follow-up neck pain was reported as present "often" by 43% of the men and 47% of the women who reported neck pain "often" at baseline. Similar transition pattern were found for neck, shoulders, elbow/wrist/hand and lower back symptoms, as well as consistent prevalence rates. CONCLUSION: The one-year transition pattern of reported pain was similar in different body regions and among men and women. Furthermore the prevalence rates of long-lasting pain in the population were consistent at baseline and the follow-up. The findings of similar transition patterns support the interpretation of long-lasting pain as a generalized phenomenon rather than attributed to specific exposure. This may have implications for future pain research

    Synergistic interaction effect between job control and social support at work on general psychological distress

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    Purpose Little is known about the interaction between job control and social support at work on common mental disorders. To examine whether there is a synergistic interaction effect between job control and social support at work on general psychological distress and whether it differs by the level of job demands. Methods About 1,940 male and female workers from the Malmo Shoulder and Neck Study were chosen for this cross-sectional study. Job control, social support at work, and job demands were measured by the Swedish version of the Job Content Questionnaire, and general psychological distress was assessed by the General Health Questionnaire. Results A significant excessive risk increase for general psychological distress was observed when workers had both low job control and low social support at work in both men and women. The synergistic effect was stronger in women, when job demands were low (Rothman's synergy index was 2.16 vs. 1.51 when job demands were high). However, in male workers, while a strong synergistic effect between job control and social support at work was found when job demands were low (synergy index was 9.25), there was an antagonistic effect when job demands were high (synergy index was 0.52). Conclusions There was a synergistic interaction effect between job control and social support at work on general psychological distress, but the synergistic effect or its effect size differed by the level of job demands and gender. An atomic, additive approach to the risk assessment of the psychosocial work characteristics on common mental disorders could be misleading or lead to a risk underestimation

    Malmökommissionen- reflektioner av kommissionens ordförande.

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    Sedan decennier har de stora socialt relaterade skillnaderna i hÀlsa varit kÀnda i Malmö. Inspirerade av WHO-rapporten Closing the gap i a generation tillsatte politikerna Är 2010 en kommission av 14 forskare och praktiker som tillsammans med mÄnga andra experter tog fram 32 vetenskapliga underlag som tydligt visade hur hÀlsoskillnaderna sÄg ut just nu i relation till de sociala bestÀmningsfaktorerna. Avgörande för möjligheterna att minska hÀlsoskillnaderna formulerades i 74 förslag till strukturellt inriktade ÄtgÀrder. Baserat pÄ dessa förslag beslutade Malmös politiker i mars 2014 att genomföra 69 ÄtgÀrder. Det vi lÀrt av det arbete kommissionen genomfört Àr följande: (1) GrÀv dÀr du stÄr. Gedigna kunskaper om det aktuella hÀlsolÀget och de sociala determinanterna Àr avgörande för att kunna ge vÀl underbyggda rekommendationer; (2) Insatser krÀvs pÄ lokal, regional och nationell nivÄ; (3) En kommission skall bestÄ av forskare och praktiker; (4) Epidemiologisk kompetens Àr av största betydelse för arbetet; (5) Metoder för att redovisa de ekonomiska konsekvenserna av föreslagna ÄtgÀrder Àr viktiga för politiker och samhÀlle; (6) Skapa en fast funktion för det fortsatta arbetet. UtvÀrdera, fyll pÄ med ny kunskap, revidera, motivera fortsatt arbete

    Sveriges första Marmot-kommission i Malmö

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    I Malmö pĂ„gĂ„r nu ett arbete med inspiration bland annat frĂ„n ”Marmotrapporterna” med att utarbeta strategier för att minska skillnader i hĂ€lsa i Malmö. Arbetet leds av kommissionen för ett socialt hĂ„llbart Malmö