27 research outputs found

    Converting NAD83 GPS heights into NAVD88 elevations with LVGEOID, a hybrid geoid height model for the Long Valley volcanic region, California

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    A GPS survey of leveling benchmarks done in Long Valley Caldera in 1999 showed that the application of the National Geodetic Survey (NGS) geoid model GEOID99 to tie GPS heights to historical leveling measurements would significantly underestimate the caldera ground deformation (known from other geodetic measurements). The NGS geoid model was able to correctly reproduce the shape of the deformation, but required a local adjustment to give a realistic estimate of the magnitude of the uplift. In summer 2006, the U.S. Geological Survey conducted a new leveling survey along two major routes crossing the Long Valley region from north to south (Hwy 395) and from east to west (Hwy 203 – Benton Crossing). At the same time, 25 leveling bench marks were occupied with dual frequency GPS receivers to provide a measurement of the ellipsoid heights. Using the heights from these two surveys, we were able to compute a precise geoid height model (LVGEOID) for the Long Valley volcanic region. Our results show that although the LVGEOID and the latest NGS GEOID03 model practically coincide in areas outside the caldera, there is a difference of up to 0.2 m between the two models within the caldera. Accounting for this difference is critical when using the geoid height model to estimate the ground deformation due to magmatic or tectonic activity in the calder

    Geodetic Constraints on the 2014 M 6.0 South Napa Earthquake

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    On 24 August 2014, the M 6.0 South Napa earthquake shook much of the San Francisco Bay area, leading to significant damage in the Napa Valley. The earthquake occurred in the vicinity of the West Napa fault (122.313° W, 38.22° N, 11.3 km), a mapped structure located between the Rodger’s Creek and Green Valley faults, with nearly pure right‐lateral strike‐slip motion (strike 157°, dip 77°, rake –169°; http://comcat.cr.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/nc72282711#summary, last accessed December 2014) (Fig. 1). The West Napa fault previously experienced an M 5 strike‐slip event in 2000 but otherwise exhibited no previous definitive evidence of historic earthquake rupture (Rodgers et al., 2008; Wesling and Hanson, 2008). Evans et al. (2012) found slip rates of ∌9.5  mm/yr along the West Napa fault, with most slip rate models for the Bay area placing higher slip rates and greater earthquake potential on the Rodger’s Creek and Green Valley faults, respectively (e.g., Savage et al., 1999; d’Alessio et al., 2005; Funning et al., 2007)

    Differential Cross Section Measurements for Îłn→π-p Above the First Nucleon Resonance Region

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    The quasifree Îłd→π-p(p) differential cross section has been measured with CLAS at photon beam energies EÎł from 0.445 to 2.510 GeV (corresponding to W from 1.311 to 2.366 GeV) for pion center-of-mass angles cosΞπc.m. from -0.72 to 0.92. A correction for final state interactions has been applied to these data to extract the Îłn→π-p differential cross sections. These cross sections are quoted in 8428 (EÎł,cosΞπc.m.) bins, a factor of nearly 3 increase in the world statistics for this channel in this kinematic range. These new data help to constrain coupled-channel analysis fits used to disentangle the spectrum of N∗ resonances and extract their properties. Selected photon decay amplitudes N∗→γn at the resonance poles are determined for the first time and are reported here. © 2017 American Physical Society

    Co-Seismic Displacements of the 1992 Landers Earthquake Sequence

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    We present co-seismic displacement vectors derived from Global Positioning System (GPS) measurements of 92 stations in southern California. These GPS results are combined with five well-determined GPS displacement vectors from continuously tracking stations of the Permanent GPS Geodetic Array, as well as line-length changes from USGS Geodolite and two-color laser trilateration observations, to determine a self-consistent set of geodetic data for the earthquake. These combined displacements are modeled by an elastic dislocation representation of the primary fault rupture planes. On average, the model residuals are about twice the estimated measurement errors

    Beam-target helicity asymmetry for γ→n→→π−p in the N*resonance region

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    We report the first beam-target double-polarization asymmetries in the Îł ĂŸ nĂ°pÞ → π− ĂŸ pĂ°pÞ reaction spanning the nucleon resonance region from invariant mass W ÂŒ 1500 to 2300 MeV. Circularly polarized photons and longitudinally polarized deuterons in solid hydrogen deuteride (HD) have been used with the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS) at Jefferson Lab. The exclusive final state has been extracted using three very different analyses that show excellent agreement, and these have been used to deduce the E polarization observable for an effective neutron target. These results have been incorporated into new partial wave analyses and have led to significant revisions for several ÎłnN* resonance photocouplings

    Beam-Target Helicity Asymmetry for (gamma)over-right-arrow(n)over-right-arrow -\u3e pi(-)p in the N* Resonance Region

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    We report the first beam-target double-polarization asymmetries in the gamma+n(p)-\u3epi(-)+p(p) reaction spanning the nucleon resonance region from invariant mass W=1500 to 2300 MeV. Circularly polarized photons and longitudinally polarized deuterons in solid hydrogen deuteride (HD) have been used with the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS) at Jefferson Lab. The exclusive final state has been extracted using three very different analyses that show excellent agreement, and these have been used to deduce the E polarization observable for an effective neutron target. These results have been incorporated into new partial wave analyses and have led to significant revisions for several gamma nN* resonance photocouplings

    Beam-Target Helicity Asymmetry for Îł (over-right-arrow) n (over-right-arrow) → π − p in the N* Resonance Region

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    We report the first beam-target double-polarization asymmetries in the Îł ĂŸ nĂ°pÞ → π− ĂŸ pĂ°pÞ reaction spanning the nucleon resonance region from invariant mass W ÂŒ 1500 to 2300 MeV. Circularly polarized photons and longitudinally polarized deuterons in solid hydrogen deuteride (HD) have been used with the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS) at Jefferson Lab. The exclusive final state has been extracted using three very different analyses that show excellent agreement, and these have been used to deduce the E polarization observable for an effective neutron target. These results have been incorporated into new partial wave analyses and have led to significant revisions for several ÎłnN* resonance photocouplings