169 research outputs found

    Detection of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) technique

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    During the last decade there has been growing interest in physical-chemical oxidation processes and the behavior of free radicals in living systems. Radicals are known as intermediate species in a variety of biochemical reactions. Numerous techniques, assays and biomarkers have been used to measure reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS and RNS), and to examine oxidative stress. However, many of these assays are not entirely satisfactory or are used inappropriately. The purpose of this chapter is to review current EPR (Electron Paramagnetic Resonance) spectroscopy methods for measuring ROS, RNS, and their secondary products, and to discuss the strengths and limitations of specific methodological approaches

    Pembuatan Program Aplikasi Laporan Perawatan Korektif Laboratorium Pemesinan Polman Babel

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    Politeknik Manufaktur Negeri Bangka Belitung is university that provide education and training in the field of engineering where there are machinery and equipment as a means of learning. The good maintenance of machine and equipment is the most important to support the learning activities. However the bad maintenance will cause disadventages for company benefit. During this time corrective maintenance is handled in a manual that is recorded in books that causes data repairing of machine is not documented well. Based on this improvement and maintenance of existing system development should be pursued in order to improve the administration system of care maintenance. The system design is oriented for creation of database applications that are expected to solve the problem

    Relationship between Aldose reductase and superoxide dismutase inhibition capacities of indole-based analogs of melatonin derivatives

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    Aldose reductase (AR) has been implicated in the etiology of diabetic complications. Under diabetic conditions, the elevated vascular glucose level causes an increased flux through the polyol pathway, which induces functional and morphological changes associated with secondary diabetic complications such as cataract, neuropathy, and nephrop­athy. Oxidative stress, antioxidants, and the polyol pathway have recently been found to be linked in pathological states. A large number of structurally different compounds have been studied as potent in vitro AR inhibitors (ARIs). However, with few exceptions, these compounds did not show clinical benefit, and some even produced serious side effects. In view of the ARI activity of certain indole derivative compounds and antioxidant properties of melatonin, we investigated some indole-based analogs of melatonin derivatives. Antioxidant and ARI activity tests were applied to nine indole derivatives that are substituted at the third and fifth positions. Also, the relationship between ARI and antioxidant enzyme activity is discussed

    Pengembangan Mesin Pengupas Kulit Buah Aren dengan Metode Quality Function Deployment (Qfd)

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    This study aims to determine whether the development of palm fruit peeler machine by using Quality Function Deployment (QFD) can optimize the results of the palm fruit peeling in Balun Ijuk village, Bangka. The method used in the data collection is to survey the place, interview and distribute the questionnaires to the respondents. While the analysis of the data is by using the descriptive methods. The data obtained is analyzed by using the QFD, while the design and the engine development is made based on the analysis and interpretation of the House of Quality (HOQ), which is the result of QFD. Furthermore, to determine whether the tool is made completely in accordance with the demand of the consumer, then the machine is made and the tests to determine the level of need and customer satisfaction. The result of the study shows that the machine is able to peel more and the result of the peeling is that the machine can separate the skin from the seed by using the motor of 1PK electric power. While from the consumen satisfaction, it can be concluded that the price is affordable, the machine is durable and not easily porous, the performance of the tool is fast, it is easy to be operated, it saves more space, and easy to replace the spare parts

    Comparative effect of N-substituted dehydroamino acids and alpha-tocopherol on rat liver lipid peroxidation activities

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    Free radical damage has been associated with a growing number of diseases and conditions, such as autoimmune diseases, neurodegenerative disorders and multiple types of cancer. Some dehydroamino acids and corresponding peptides can function as radical scavengers. In this study the in vitro effects on rat liver lipid peroxidation levels of fourteen N-substituted dehydroamino acid derivatives and alpha-tocopherol were investigated. alpha-Tocopherol is a powerful antioxidant that is beneficial in the treatment of many free radical related diseases. The results indicated that all the compounds showed very good inhibitory effect on the lipid peroxidation compound with alpha-tocopherol at 1 mM concentrations and the inhibition rate was in the range of 70-79 % with the exception of compound 5. At 0.1 mM concentrations compounds 1, 2 and 9 were found more active than alpha-tocopherol. The results confirmed that molecules such as dehydroamino acids which have reactive double bonds can act as a guard in vitro against oxidants.- (undefined

    A Pivotal Role of Nrf2 in Neurodegenerative Disorders: A New Way for Therapeutic Strategies

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    Clinical and preclinical research indicates that neurodegenerative diseases are characterized by excess levels of oxidative stress (OS) biomarkers and by lower levels of antioxidant protection in the brain and peripheral tissues. Dysregulations in the oxidant/antioxidant balance are known to be a major factor in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases and involve mitochondrial dysfunction, protein misfolding, and neuroinflammation, all events that lead to the proteostatic collapse of neuronal cells and their loss. Nuclear factor-E2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) is a short-lived protein that works as a transcription factor and is related to the expression of many cytoprotective genes involved in xenobiotic metabolism and antioxidant responses. A major emerging function of Nrf2 from studies over the past decade is its role in resistance to OS. Nrf2 is a key regulator of OS defense and research supports a protective and defending role of Nrf2 against neurodegenerative conditions. This review describes the influence of Nrf2 on OS and in what way Nrf2 regulates antioxidant defense for neurodegenerative conditions. Furthermore, we evaluate recent research and evidence for a beneficial and potential role of specific Nrf2 activator compounds as therapeutic agents

    Predictions of Separated and Transitional Boundary Layers Under Low-Pressure Turbine Airfoil Conditions Using an Intermittency Transport Equation

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    A new transport equation for the intermittency factor was proposed to predict separated and transitional boundary layers under low-pressure turbine airfoil conditions. The intermittent behavior of the transitional flows is taken into account and incorporated into computations by modifying the eddy viscosity, mu(sub t), with the intermittency factor, gamma. Turbulent quantities are predicted by using Menter's two-equation turbulence model (SST). The intermittency factor is obtained from a transport equation model, which not only can reproduce the experimentally observed streamwise variation of the intermittency in the transition zone, but also can provide a realistic cross-stream variation of the intermittency profile. In this paper, the intermittency model is used to predict a recent separated and transitional boundary layer experiment under low pressure turbine airfoil conditions. The experiment provides detailed measurements of velocity, turbulent kinetic energy and intermittency profiles for a number of Reynolds numbers and freestream turbulent intensity conditions and is suitable for validation purposes. Detailed comparisons of computational results with experimental data are presented and good agreements between the experiments and predictions are obtained

    Predictions of Separated and Transitional Boundary Layers Under Low-Pressure Turbine Airfoil Conditions Using an Intermittency Transport Equation

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    A new transport equation for the intermittency factor was proposed to predict separated and transitional boundary layers under low-pressure turbine airfoil conditions. The intermittent behavior of the transitional flows is taken into account and incorporated into computations by modifying the eddy viscosity, t , with the intermittency factor, y. Turbulent quantities are predicted by using Menter s two-equation turbulence model (SST). The intermittency factor is obtained from a transport equation model, which not only can reproduce the experimentally observed streamwise variation of the intermittency in the transition zone, but also can provide a realistic cross-stream variation of the intermittency profile. In this paper, the intermittency model is used to predict a recent separated and transitional boundary layer experiment under low pressure turbine airfoil conditions. The experiment provides detailed measurements of velocity, turbulent kinetic energy and intermittency profiles for a number of Reynolds numbers and freestream turbulent intensity conditions and is suitable for validation purposes. Detailed comparisons of computational results with experimental data are presented and good agreements between the experiments and predictions are obtained