10 research outputs found

    Efeitos da escrita na clínica de linguagem

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    This paper aims at discussing some effects of writing as a therapeutic procedure in the so called Language Clinic. It is argued that its inclusion in the clinical scenario promotes changes not only in writing itself, but also in speech because it affects the listeners' listening to language. The specific nature of such an intervention is focused and the discussion carried on in this paper should provide specific and original theoretical support for clinicians and researchers in the field of speech therapy. Segments of clinical sessions will be presented and dealt with.Este artículo se propone discutir los efectos de un trabajo sistemático con la escritura en el atendimiento clínico de niños e adultos que presentan síntomas en el lenguaje. Cuestiones relativas a la naturaleza específica de las acciones que fundamentan la clínica del lenguaje &- y sus desdoblamientos &- están en el foco de la reflexión encaminada. Análisis de segmentos de los atendimientos clínicos movimientam el debate.Este artigo discute os efeitos clínicos da inclusão de uma atividade sistemática com a escrita no tratamento de crianças e de adultos cujas falas/escutas são sintomáticas. Questões relativas à natureza específica de atos que fundamentam a clínica de linguagem e seus desdobramentos teóricos estão no foco da reflexão encaminhada à luz de segmentos de sessões clínicas

    O Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em Gerontologia/PUC-SP: por que Gerontologia Social? = The Program of Post-Graduate Studies in Gerontology/PUC-SP: why Social Gerontology?

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    Este artigo tem como objetivo principal revisitar a história de quase 20 anos de atividade do Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em Gerontologia, da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PEPGG/PUC-SP), bem como, a partir de tal empreendimento, vislumbrar suas perspectivas de futuro. A opção metodológica que fundamenta a reflexão aqui encaminhada é a da Análise Documental. Os resultados da pesquisa realizada indicam que a adoção do tripé Família-Comunidade-Estado como eixo norteador para a realização das atividades do Programa (docência, pesquisa, extensão) tem se constituído um meio eficaz para enfrentar a complexidade em causa no objeto eleito no campo da Gerontologia qual seja: o processo de envelhecimento e a velhice. Entre as conclusões a que se pode chegar com esse estudo, merece destaque o compromisso do Programa com as temáticas pertinentes ao campo da Gerontologia Social, sua Área de Concentração, e os desdobramentos do conhecimento construído para além dos muros da universidad

    Questões sobre a correlação entre estágios de aquisição da linguagem e estados afásicos

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    A queixa de “perda” ou “dificuldades de memória” entre idosos é ponto de discussão na literatura médica, especialmente na definição dos critérios para diagnóstico precoce da demência. Este trabalho problematiza a noção de dificuldades de memória na velhice. A partir da reflexão do filósofo Canguilhem, assume-se que reduzir o envelhecimento a aspectos unicamente biológicos significa assumir uma tendência reducionista. Nesta visada teórica, incluímos os sujeitos – suas queixas – numa discussão que envolve a dicotomia normal x patológico quando está em causa “perda” de memória em idosos. A procura de idosos por atividades que possam auxiliá-los a enfrentar problemas relativos à memória e a oferta de oficinas com tal finalidade tem se constituído como uma tendência atual em serviços (públicos e privados) voltados para a promoção da saúde na terceira idade. Um relato de experiência com “oficinas de linguagem e memória” para idosos é apresentado nesta comunicação, bem como a discussão sobre essa experiência

    The challenges and guidelines in caring patients with Alzheimer's disease in clinical dentistry

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    The occurrence and the development of progressive, symptomatic manifestations of dementia of Alzheimer's type (AD) are questions that researchers in different disciplinary and clinical fields must be concerned. This paper discusses the specifities of how the patients should be treated, both in the diagnostic phase and the treatment itself. The objective of this study was to identify ways of obtaining the cooperation of people with Alzheimer's disease during the odontological treatment; also the involvement of family/caretaker to achieve better results in clinical intervention. During 24 months between February 2004 and February 2006, 51 patients with AD - age group between 60 and 90 years old were examined/followed in the outpatient clinic (Hospital do Servidor P&uacute;blico Municipal de S&atilde;o Paulo) or at home. They were inserted in three distinct odontological treatment plans, according to the early, moderate or late stages of the disease, based on Alzheimer's disease guide from Associa&ccedil;&atilde;o Brasileira de Alzheimer (ABRAz). The results were: Treatment plan I - 39 patients all of them treated in the outpatient clinic with the optional presence of a family member/caretaker and no sedation; Treatment plan II - 8 patients all of them treated in the outpatient clinic with the presence of a family member in all appointments and no need for sedation; Treatment Plan III - 4 patients were assisted at their homes. In two of these cases, there were needs for sedation. The results showed that the effective participation of the caretaker; as well as the commitment to the relationship work with the patient, constitute an essential requirement for therapeutic success in all stages of the disease.</p

    The home care health service: origin, functions and the insertion of odontogeriatrics

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    It is known that in many countries, particularly in Brazil, there is a movement toward the implementation of home care in the provision of health services provided to citizens. The aim of this paper is to question this movement and its effects in promoting the health of the elderly. The focus will be directed to the home care services provided by an interdisciplinary team of a public hospital located in the city of S&atilde;o Paulo. More particularly we will put emphasis on the odontological home care. It is worth saying, initially that the reconfiguration of hospital medical care done through the home service is motivated by a number of factors which are, as we will see ahead related to financial/administrative problems (public policies), subjective and social. To address the specifities that are in play in this mode of medical care provided to the elderly we present at first a historical retrospective, in an attempt to clarify how, why and when the hospital opened to: 1) a medical care proposal done outside the hospital premises, 2) professionals not only of medical background - thus forming the teams. Next we will specifically look at the organization/structure of the Home Care Service of Hospital do Servidor P&uacute;blico Municipal de S&atilde;o Paulo and the odontological care of the elderly, users of this service.</p


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    “Vez e voz na linguagem” é expressão que refere a condição na qual o sujeito falante supõe poder controlar a própria fala. Este texto procura problematizar a inversão imaginária produzida pela presença de sintoma na fala, numa reflexão que coloca em cena o efeito “social” – de marginalização/isolamento – que se produz na escuta do outro e o efeito de “destituição subjetiva” – de perda de vez e voz – que se produz na escuta do próprio falante. Afasias e demências – quadros clínicos que incidem na velhice – são discutidas de um ponto de vista lingüístico e são traçadas diferenças relativas às manifestações sintomáticas e seus efeitos subjetivos. Nessa perspectiva é que se apresentam, de um lado, a “clínica de linguagem” como espaço de tomar a vez e a voz e, de outro lado, o de “centros de convivência” como espaços privilegiados de inclusão social. Palavras-chave: afasia; demência; linguagem

    Sexuality and AIDS in the Third Age

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    This paper aims to send a reflection that involves the relationship between age and sexuality. This theme was motivated by the realization, through epidemiological data, that Brazil assists, currently, an increasing number of new AIDS cases in the This theme was motivated by the realization, through epidemiological data, that Brazil assists, currently, an increasing number of new AIDS cases in the age group older than 60 years. If, on the one hand, this data serves to deconstruct the imagery (stigmatized) that "old does not have sex" on the other, it indicates that we must question the reasons that account for this state of affairs. Therefore, we sought to address "sexuality", "third age" and "HIV / AIDS" as concepts to then explore how their association allows you to read the reality referred to above. Finally, there is a discussion about how, in Brazil, the state and non-governmental organizations are facing the problem of health care for the elderly, more specifically, let see the social protection system available for coping with AIDS in this population segment

    Sexuality and HIV/AIDS in Third Age

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    This paper is specifically targeted at bringing up a reflection involving the articulation between the elderly and sexuality. Such theme has been motivated as from the verification, based on epidemiological data, that Brazil currently is facing an increasing number of new cases of AIDS among the over 60 age group. If, on the one hand, said data serves to cast off beliefs (stigmatized ones) toward the idea that "the elderly do not have sexual intercourses", on the other hand, it shows the need to question the reasons for such state of things. Therefore, attention has been paid to approaching "sexuality", "Third age" and “HIV/AIDS” as concepts and then explore how their association allows reading the reality mentioned above. At the end, there is a discussion about how, in Brazil, the State and nongovernmental organizations have been facing the elderly health problem so as to see, more specifically, the social protection system available to face AIDS in this segment of population