14 research outputs found


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    Tujuan penelitian menganalisis gambaran proses pembelajaran calon Brahmana dan  proses pembentukan identitas sosial calon Brahmana. Analisis menggunakan Pendekatan Psikologi Pendidikan dan Identitas Sosial. Metode kualitatif  digunakan melalui kajian literature dan interpretasi peristiwa. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan human instrument. Gambaran pendidikan dalam novel Arok Dedes sangat religius, meliputi kegiatan membaca rontal, menghafal paramasastra, berpendapat dan berpikir kritis terhadap realitas masyarakat, sangat menghormati serta bersikap sopan dan santun kepada guru, disiplin dengan kegiatan dan budaya asrama/pemondokan, taat dengan semua aturan asrama/pemondokan. faktor penentu keberhasilan siswa dalam proses pembelajaran meliputi faktor  internal dan eksternal. Proses yang mengubah seseorang menjadi anggota calon Brahmana adalah Penggolongan diri dan Perbandingan Sosial. Terdapat motivasi kuat seseorang menjadi calon brahmana.Kata kunci: pembelajaran, identitas sosia

    Development Of Ethnopedagogy-Based Thematic Learning Modules For Elementary Students In The Independent Learning Curriculum

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    Education in Indonesia plays an important role in building the nation. Educational Efforts to make humans become better individuals. Through this training, teachers can instill the noble values of the Indonesian people in students at the school. Ethnopedagogy, or what is commonly known as education based on regional wisdom, is the use of local areas for education. In addition to learning about local wisdom around them, students can understand the learning conveyed in thematic learning activities with the help of information technology, such as the internet. Thematic learning activities can be referred to as discussion activities. In this thematic learning, more emphasis is placed on learning by doing or the application of the concept of learning by doing, so the teacher must organize and plan learning in such a way that it becomes a meaningful experience for students. This research data collection technique is very important because this method is used as a strategy to collect necessary data. Data collection techniques used in this study were observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. It can be seen that the thematic ethnopedagogy has a good effect on the learning outcomes of fifth grade students who receive more points than the KKM. The application of etopedagogy in thematic learning besides having a good effect on students' thematic learning outcomes, also has a good effect on students' attitudes. Learning is in line with material from several subjects in one topi

    Hasil unplag jurnal Community E

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    Hasil unplag jurnal Lingua F

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    Berdasarkan analisis yang telah dilakukan pada penelitian tentang Wacana Sejarah Indonesia dalam Novel Arok Dedes, telah diperoleh suatu wacana sejarah baru tentang peristiwa sejarah Arok dan Dedes yang berbeda dengan pakem sejarah sebelumnya. Oleh pengarang semua tokoh-tokoh utama dan jalan cerita dalam novel dibuat sesuai dengan kreasi imajinasinya. Tokoh-tokoh utama tersebut membawakan peran yang jauh berbeda seperti yang dikenal pada pakem sejarah sebelumnya. Dalam teks novel Arok Dedes diceritakan bahwa pergantian kekuasaan di Tumapel teIjadi melalui proses kudeta tingkat tinggi yang halus dan rapi, hal ini bisa teIjadi karena kematangan strategi poIitik yang dijalankan Aro


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    Serat Cemporet karya R.Ng. Ronggowarsito adalah karya sastra Jawa macapat. Beberapa bagian teks berkisah tentang kehidupan tokoh dalam memenuhi kebutuhan ekonomnya: pertanian (Raden Jaka Panuhun bertani bersama masyarakat di tlatah Pagelan), Perdagangan (Raden Jaka Sandanggarba, hidup berdagang bersama masyarakat di Jepara), ekonomi pesisir: Raden Jaka Tunggulmetung yang membawahi di Pagebangan memimpin petani garam. Dengan memanfaatkan teori semiologi Roland Barthes dan filosofi macapat penelitian ini berupaya membedah kandungan teks Serat Cemporet kemudian diterapkan dengan peristiwa ekonomi yang terjadi pada masyaralkat lndonesia dalam mencapai kemakmurannya. Kajian di bawah ini mengungkap mitos yang tersimpan dalam teks Serat Cemporet, adalah kandungan nilai sastra, selanjutnya dikaitkan dengan nilai-nilai kehidupan manusia, perilaku perekonomian dalam realitas kehidupan. Kebenaran tentang mitos yang tersirat di dalam teks Serat Cemporet memberi jalan tawaran untuk menuju kemakmuran. Dalam mencapai kemakmuran ekonominya manusia selalu bersinggungan dengan alam. Persinggungan tersebut bisa berdampak positif juga negatif. Alam dibuat oleh Sang Pencipta bagi kemakmuran hidup seluruh makhluk di dunia


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    The social identity of Indonesian feminism is the result of a long process of interaction with universal feminism, but is rooted in the collective culture of the people of the archipelago, which is religious, polite and cultural. The feminist perspective in Sarinah's book is explained in three phases of human evolution, the first phase of women occupying a lower position than men, the second phase women occupy a higher position than men, the third phase women again occupy a lower position than men. The purpose of this study is to analyze the social identity of Indonesian feminism and understand the process of forming social identity of Indonesian feminism according to Sarinah's book. Qualitative methods used through literature review and interpretation of events. Based on the analysis, description and process of social identity formation, Indonesian feminism has four identities. There is a process that influences one's understanding of Indonesian Feminism Social Identity, namely self-classification and social comparison. The two processes work together to explain a particular form of behavior as a woman with a social identity of Indonesian feminism, which is qualitatively different from universal feminism, that identity is socialist religious feminism. That identity is full of love for family, patient and religious, a concept that was initially very social and then became the social identity of Indonesian feminism.Identitas sosial feminisme Indonesia merupakan hasil dari proses panjang interaksi dengan feminisme universal, namun berakar pada budaya kolektif masyarakat nusantara, yang religius, santun, dan kultural. Perspektif  feminisme dalam buku Sarinah dijelaskan dalam tiga fase evolusi kemanusiaan, fase pertama wanita menduduki posisi rendah daripada pria, fase kedua wanita menduduki posisi lebih tinggi daripada pria, fase ketiga wanita kembali menduduki posisi lebih rendah daripada pria. Tujuan penelitian ini menganalisis Identitas sosial  feminisme Indonesia dan memahami proses pembentukan identitas sosial feminisme Indonesia menurut buku Sarinah. Metode kualitatif yang digunakan melalui kajian literature dan interpretasi peristiwa. Berdasarkan analisis, gambaran dan proses pembentukan identitas sosial feminisme Indonesia memiliki empat identitas. Terdapat proses yang memengaruhi pemahaman seseorang terhadap Identitas Sosial Feminisme Indonesia, yakni Penggolongan diri dan Perbandingan Sosial. Kedua proses tersebut bekerja bersama untuk menjelaskan bentuk khusus suatu perilaku sebagai wanita dengan identitas sosial feminisme Indonesia, yang secara kualitatif berbeda dengan feminisme universal, identitas tersebut adalah feminisme religius sosialis. Identitas tersebut yakni penuh cinta kasih terhadap keluarga, sabar dan religius, suatu konsep yang awalnya sangat sosial kemudian menjadi identitas sosial feminisme Indonesia

    The Role of Leadership in Brahmin Education in the novel Arok Dedes

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    One form of appreciation for literary works is the novel Arok Dedes in the aspect of leadership in the education of prospective Brahmins, which can be used as a source of inspiration for images of education in the past. The aim of this research is to analyze the picture of leadership in the education of prospective Brahmins. The main analysis is related to aspects of Educational Psychology and Human Resources Management in the novel. Using qualitative methods and research analysis using Educational Psychology and Human Resources Management approaches. The results of the analysis show that Arok's leadership character, from the start, has received recognition from the Brahmins, including: intelligence, energy, memory, intuition, superior persuasive power and Arok's leadership potential in the future. Regarding the role of leadership character in the education of prospective Brahmins, there are five confessions from various parties regarding Arok's leadership character, including: 1. Acknowledgment from Brahmins 2. Acknowledgment from dorm friends 3. Acknowledgment from his game mates 4. Agreement from Arok's friends regarding motivation for studying in aim to overthrow stump Ametung 5. Dedes' confession. There are two leadership approaches applied by the Arok character, first is the Leader Characteristics Approach, the Arok character is considered a leader who has certain superior characteristics that other characters do not have, can be differentiated based on the superiority of his personal attributes such as intelligence, energy, memory, intuition, and superior persuasive power. Second, the Leader Behavior Approach, this approach compares the behavior of effective leaders which can refer to the Arok character and the behavior of ineffective leaders which refers to the character of nggul Ametung

    Peer review jurnal Community E

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    Peer review jurnal Lingua F

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