15 research outputs found


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    IMPLEMENTASI PENUGASAN DIGITAL UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HIGH ORDER THINKING SKILLS (HOTs) PADA  KEMAMPUAN SISWA MENENGAH ATAS  DALAM KONSEP HUKUM NEWTON AbstractThe research was conducted in SMAN 7 South Tangerang in the even semester of academic year 2017/2018 with the aim to know the improvement of HOTs of senior high school students after using digital assignment. The research method used is quasi experiment with design of non-equivalent control group. The numbers of respondents in this research are 80 students. Instruments used in the form of a high order thinking ability, instrument that has been tested for its validity and reliability. The numbers of questions in use as many as 23 questions. Conclusion: Digital assignments can improve students' HOTs. All classes that use digital assignments have a higher order of HOTs than a print-based (conventional) class. Use of the Digital assignment method can be: teacher's main consideration in training and improving students' HOTs; and tools for teacher correcting student assignment results; Digital assignment can be applied to the students to deepen the material or concept, to train the national exam questions in digital form.AbstrakPenelitian ini dilakukan di SMAN 7 Tangerang Selatan pada semester genap tahun akademik 2017/2018 dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan High Order Thinking Skills (HOTs) siswa SMA setelah menggunakan tugas digital. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasi eksperimen dengan desain kelompok kontrol tidak setara. Jumlah responden dalam penelitian ini adalah 80 siswa. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa kemampuan HOTs, instrumen yang telah diuji validitas dan reliabilitasnya. Jumlah pertanyaan yang digunakan sebanyak 23 pertanyaan. Kesimpulan: Tugas digital dapat meningkatkan HOTs siswa. Semua kelas yang menggunakan tugas digital memiliki urutan HOTs lebih tinggi daripada kelas berbasis cetak (konvensional). Penggunaan metode penugasan Digital dapat berupa: pertimbangan utama guru dalam melatih dan meningkatkan HOTs siswa; dan alat untuk mengoreksi hasil tugas siswa; Tugas digital dapat diterapkan pada siswa untuk memperdalam materi atau konsep, untuk melatih soal-soal ujian nasional dalam bentuk digital.

    Penerapan Konsep Green Building Pada Public Property Sebagai Upaya Menghadapi Climate Change

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    ABSTRACT The concept of Green building is one of our efforts to maintain environmental and natural conditions so that they are not damaged and are in good condition. The building sector in Indonesia has a considerable contribution, especially in energy consumption, water consumption, land use, and several other problems that have the potential to have an impact on the environment, for this reason, it is necessary to apply a green building concept. Moreover, currently Indonesia is intensively improving infrastructure for the construction of public buildings. So it is hoped that the application of the green building concept to public property can be an effort to face climate change. This paper discusses the application of the concept of building to public property as an effort to face climate change. The study took a sample at the Jakarta International Stadium where with a literature review based on case studies with descriptive methods.   Keywords : Green building, Public property, Climate change, Jakarta International Stadium   ABSTRAK   Konsep Green building merupakan  sebagai salah satu upaya kita untuk menjaga kondisi lingkungan dan alam supaya tidak rusak dan berada di dalam kondisi yang baik. Sektor bangunan di indonesia memiliki kontribusi yang cukup besar terutama dalam konsumsi energi, konsumsi air, pemakaian lahan, dan beberapa masalah lainnya yang memiliki potensi  berdampak terhadap lingkungan, untuk itulah perlunya menerapkan suatu konsep bangunan hijau (green building). Terlebih saat ini Indonesia sedang gencar meningkatkan infrastruktur pembangunan bangunan umum. Sehingga harapannya penerapan konsep green building pada public property ini dapat menjadi upaya menghadapi climate change. Tulisan ini membahas tentang penerapan konsep building pada public property sebagai upaya menghadapi climate change. Penelitian mengambil sampel pada Jakarta International Stadium dimana dengan kajian literatur berdasarkan studi kasus dengan metode deskriptif. Kata Kunci : Green building, Public property, Climate change, Jakarta International Stadiu


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    THE EFFECT OF SCIENCE ADAPTIVE ASSESSMENT TOOL BASED ON KOLB LEARNING STYLE ON HIGH-LEVEL THINKING SKILLSAbstractThis study aimed to determine the effect of the Science Adaptive Assessment Tool (SAA Tool) based on the KOLB learning style on student's high order thinking skills (HOTS). This study used a quantitative quasi-experiment method with a post-test only design. The subjects in this study were 79 students of 8th grade at SMP Al- Zahra Indonesia Tangerang Selatan in the 2018/2019 school year who studied the material of Living organisms and Simple Machine. The results showed that there was a significant difference between the student's higher-order thinking skills who used Biology and Physics's SAA Tool compared with the control class. Biology's SAA Tool influences the results of higher-order thinking skills towards four learning styles. They affect of diverger, assimilator, converger, and accommodator. The Physics's SAA Tool influences the results of higher-order thinking skills on two learning styles of diverger and accommodator. The results of this study indicate the potential application of the SAA Tool as an answer to the problems of digital assessment to measure higher-order thinking skills as one of the dominant thinking skills of the 21st-century skills. Keywords: Science Adaptive Assessment Tool (SAA Tool); Integrated Science; High Order Thinking Skill (HOTS)AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Science Adaptive Assessment Tool (SAA Tool) berbasis gaya belajar KOLB terhadap  keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi peserta didik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode kuantitatif kuasi eksperimen dengan desain post test only. Subyek penelitian ini adalah 79 peserta didik kelas 8 SMP Al-Zahra Indonesia Tangerang Selatan tahun pelajaran 2019/2020 yang mempelajari materi Sistem Gerak Makhluk Hidup dan Pesawat Sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara hasil keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi peserta didik yang menggunakan SAA Tool IPA Biologi maupun IPA Fisika dibandingkan kelas kontrol. SAA Tool IPA Biologi mempengaruhi hasil keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi terhadap 4 gaya belajar diverger, asimilator, konverger, dan akomodator. Sementara SAA Tool IPA Fisika mempengaruhi hasil keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi terhadap 2 gaya belajar diverger dan akomodator. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan potensi aplikasi SAA Tool sebagai jawaban problematika asesmen digital untuk mengukur keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi sebagai salah satu skill berpikir dominan keterampilan abad 21.Kata Kunci: Science Adaptive Assessment Tool (SAA Tool); IPA Terpadu; Keterampilan Berpikir Tingkat Tinggi (HOTS)


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    The study is a descriptive study aims to investigate student’s misconceptions in basic concepts of natural science through CRI (Certainly of Response Index), clinical interview and concept map. The basic concepts of natural science consist of concepts of Biology including cell concept and cell division, cellular respiration, photosynthesis, and heredity; concepts of Chemistry including atomic structure and periodic system of elements, stoichiometry, thermochemistry, and chemical kinetics; concepts of Physics including fluid, waves, electricity, and mechanics. Subjects of the study were 131 students majoring in Natural Science Education, class of 2010. Data were obtained by using achievement test and interview guidelines. The results show that both student misconceptions on Biology and Chemistry were categorized as low (26%), while Physic was categorized as moderate (32%). On Biology, the highest misconception for Heredity concept was second Mendel’s Law (87%). On Chemistry, the highest misconception for Atomic Structure and Periodic System concept was electron configuration and elements stability concept (87%). On Physics, the highest misconception for Electricity concept was the function of electronic components. It suggested designing science instruction by constructivism approach that detects the student’s preconceptions and designs the instruction from the preconceptions. The main principle in correcting student’s misconception is gives the students learning experiences that show a conflict of the concept with natural events. Thus, hopefully, this conflict of experiences with the previous concept can cause a correction in conception


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    Abstract This study aims to develop and produce a three-tier test digital instrument to identify misconceptions in the concept of fluid statics. This research is categorized as research development. Stages of development used is stages according to Van den Akker, consisting of (1) preliminary study, (2) prototyping stage, (3) summative evaluation, and (4) systematic reflection and documentation. The study was conducted at four high schools in South Jakarta. This development research produce 17 items of three-tier test instrument digital on Google Form in concept of fluid statics, misconception analysis, and usage instructions. Three-tier test developed is effective because have content validity (CVI = 0,9), contruct validity (r = 0,6), and item validity (r> 0.4). Based on the research stage, the digital test instrument has practical and ready to be implemented. Acceptance of teachers and students of the three-tier digital instrument test gives  positive response, acceptability of 100% for teachers and 66.7% for students. Keywords: three-tier test; misconception; fluid statics; digital instrument; research development Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan dan menghasilkan instrumen digital three-tier test untuk mengidentifikasi miskonsepsi pada konsep fluida statis. Penelitian ini dikategorikan sebagai penelitian pengembangan. Tahapan pengembangan yang digunakan adalah tahapan menurut Van den Akker, yang terdiri dari (1) penelitian pendahuluan, (2) tahap prototipe, (3) evaluasi sumatif, dan (4) refleksi sistematik serta dokumentasi. Penelitian dilakukan di 4 SMA Negeri di Jakarta Selatan. Penelitian pengembangan ini menghasilkan instrumen three-tier test menggunakan Google Form sebanyak 17 butir soal pada konsep fluida statis, analisator miskonsepsi dan petunjuk pengguaan. Instrumen yang dikembangkan efektif karena memenuhi validitas konten (CVI = 0,9), validitas konstruksi (r = 0,6), dan validitas butir soal (r > 0,4). Berdasarkan tahapan penelitian, instrumen tes digital sudah praktis dan siap diimplementasikan. Penerimaan guru dan siswa terhadap instrumen digital three-tier test memberikan respon yang positif, dengan penerimaan 100% untuk guru dan 66,7% untuk siswa dari responden yang diwawancarai. Kata Kunci: three-tier test; miskonsepsi; fluida statis; instrumen digital; penelitian pengembangan  Permalink/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15408/es.v8i2.5192

    Study on the development and implementation of an interdisciplinary solar panel project to enhance students' interest in STEM

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    This study aimed to develop and implement a STEM education program on solar energy. This study follow Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate (ADDIE) model. The study was conducted by analysing, designing, and developing a STEM education program consisting of a program guide and a solar panel STEM KIT. The program was implemented in schools involving 83 high school students. The program was implemented in two formats, namely STEM after school and regular learning. Students completed the STEM interest instrument after participating in the STEM education program. The results showed that the program was declared valid for use. In addition, the program implementation results showed no significant difference between students' technology, engineering, mathematics, and STEM career interests in STEM after school and regular STEM classes.  This may be due to several things such as similar content and activities, similar engagement, and similar mentorship. This study implies that the STEM education program can increase students' interest in STEM after-school and regular learning activities

    Eichornia crassipes as handicraft materials and energy sources: A Contextual learning approach during the Covid-19 pandemic

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    The existence of Eichornia crassipes plants is often regarded as a weed that can damage the aquatic environment. However, at this time, Eichornia crassipes can be made into handicraft materials and briquettes. This paper wants to reveal the physical concepts that exist in the process of making handicrafts and briquettes made from Eichornia crassipes. This research is a field study using observation, interviews and reinforced with literature studies. The results showed several physical concepts that can be revealed in making handicrafts and briquettes made from Eichornia crassipes, such as temperature, heat radiation, mechanical advantage. The process of making handicrafts and briquettes from Eichornia crassipes can be used as a source of contextual physics learning during the covid-19 pandemic


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    Abstract: This research aims to determine the effect of learning media based on Augmented Reality to learning outcome of students 10th grade on the concept particle dynamics. This research was done in 10th grade science class: 2 and 4 in SMA 67 Jakarta. The research was done in October-November 2013. The research method is a quasi experimental with a noneqiuvalent control group design and the sampling technique is purposive. Instruments of the research are test (multiple choices) and non test(questionnaire). Data were analyzed quantitatively using the t test, questionare analyzed qualitatively. The conclution : there is the influence of augmented reality-based instructional media on learning outcome of students grade 10th on the concept particle dynamics. Average learning outcome experiment group is higher than control group. The experimental group superior on cognitive level (C1-C4). Carrying capacity of the media Augmented Reality on the learning process had teacher done is excellent category (83.24 %). DOI: 10.15408/tjems.v1i1.1111</p


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    Abstract: This research aims to determine the effect of learning media based on Augmented Reality to learning outcome of students 10th grade on the concept particle dynamics. This research was done in 10th grade science class: 2 and 4 in SMA 67 Jakarta. The research was done in October-November 2013. The research method is a quasi experimental with a noneqiuvalent control group design and the sampling technique is purposive. Instruments of the research are test (multiple choices) and non test(questionnaire). Data were analyzed quantitatively using the t test, questionare analyzed qualitatively. The conclution : there is the influence of augmented reality-based instructional media on learning outcome of students grade 10th on the concept particle dynamics. Average learning outcome experiment group is higher than control group. The experimental group superior on cognitive level (C1-C4). Carrying capacity of the media Augmented Reality on the learning process had teacher done is excellent category (83.24 %). DOI: 10.15408/tjems.v1i1.111