27 research outputs found

    Garapan Tari “Akegh Cahayegh”: Representasi Budaya Ritual Pengobatan Tolak Bala Suku Talang Mamak, Desa Gedabu

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    The Creation of "Akegh Cahayegh" Dance: The Culture Representation of Medicinal Ritual on Calamity Reversal of Talang Mamak Tribe, Gedabu Village. The Talang Mamak tribe is a group of people included in the KAT category (Remote Indigenous Community), which is another name for the Tribe of Anak Dalam. The Talang Mamak tribe belongs to the Proto Melayu group. The Talang Mamak tribe's life inspires this source of work in the neighborhood where the workmen live. The craftsmen were very interested in the Mahligai treatment (Tolak Bala), which was located in the inland tribal area of Talang Mamak, Gedabu village in Rakit Kulim sub-district—inspired to work on this culture to survive in today's life. The craftsmen certainly feel proud when this culture is preserved and displayed with new cultivation (innovation) without leaving the medicinal ritual's distinctive features. This work was worked on with the results of the interpretation and imagination of the writer. The values contained in this work are the values of loyalty, obedience, and togetherness. The implicit message conveyed is that the development and change of time is not a barrier for the inland tribe of Talang Mamak, Gedabu village to carry out rituals and preserves ceremony, namely the treatment of Mahligai Tolak Bala as a ritual of cleaning the village.Keywords: preserving culture; obeying; togethernes

    Experience with SNP-based NIPT in a general population cohort in the Bronx, NY

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    NIPT uptake in the general population has been rapidly increasing despite relatively low incidences of fetal aneuploidy in this cohort. This is further complicated by the inclusion of microdeletion syndromes, which have even lower positive predictive values (PPVs). This retrospective pilot study examines the performance and impact on patient decision making of a SNP-based NIPT in a general population cohort. A chart review was conducted of NIPT results from January 1, 2014 to August 24, 2015 at Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx, NY. NIPT results were obtained for 3,747 samples. 1.33% of reports were high risk. One third of all high risk reports indicated a high risk for 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. 37.5% of women with high risk for 22q11.2DS elected diagnostic testing. None of the 5 whose diagnostic testing results were available were found to have an affected pregnancy. The total number of no call samples was 282 (7.53%). Cases in which the initial draw failed with low fetal fraction as a contributing factor had a redraw success rate of 28.75%. Differences in population characteristics can significantly impact the clinical utility of NIPT. The addition of conditions such as 22q11.2DS to NIPT panels will increase genetic counseling burden and complicate patient decision making. Overall, patients need to be aware that NIPT does not replace diagnostic testing, that PPVs differ significantly for microdeletion syndromes, and that redraw success is variable


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    Directorate of Students Development is a department responsible forstudent activities in University of Surabaya. This research discusses the design of Quality Management System which is accordance to the requirements of ISO9001:2015 at Directorate of Students Development. The research started withidentifying gaps, determining improvement opportunities, implementing alternative solutions and evaluating the quality management system. The methodsused for this research are observation, interview, and document collection. The result of gap analysis between organization's existing condition compared to ISO 9001:2015 resulting in 52% conformity, 36% partial, and 12% nonconformity.Based on these assessments, there are some improvement opportunities that can be done such as identifying organization's stakeholders, creating quality objectives based on strategies, analyzing risks and the process of transfer knowledge. The evaluation of quality management system can be done by reviewing the system with the concept of seven principles of Quality Management System


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    Directorate of Students Development is a department responsible forstudent activities in University of Surabaya. This research discusses the design of Quality Management System which is accordance to the requirements of ISO9001:2015 at Directorate of Students Development. The research started withidentifying gaps, determining improvement opportunities, implementing alternative solutions and evaluating the quality management system. The methodsused for this research are observation, interview, and document collection. The result of gap analysis between organization's existing condition compared to ISO 9001:2015 resulting in 52% conformity, 36% partial, and 12% nonconformity.Based on these assessments, there are some improvement opportunities that can be done such as identifying organization's stakeholders, creating quality objectives based on strategies, analyzing risks and the process of transfer knowledge. The evaluation of quality management system can be done by reviewing the system with the concept of seven principles of Quality Management System


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    Directorate of Students Development is a department responsible forstudent activities in University of Surabaya. This research discusses the design of Quality Management System which is accordance to the requirements of ISO9001:2015 at Directorate of Students Development. The research started withidentifying gaps, determining improvement opportunities, implementing alternative solutions and evaluating the quality management system. The methodsused for this research are observation, interview, and document collection. The result of gap analysis between organization's existing condition compared to ISO 9001:2015 resulting in 52% conformity, 36% partial, and 12% nonconformity.Based on these assessments, there are some improvement opportunities that can be done such as identifying organization's stakeholders, creating quality objectives based on strategies, analyzing risks and the process of transfer knowledge. The evaluation of quality management system can be done by reviewing the system with the concept of seven principles of Quality Management System

    Tari Kreasi Siger Bubandung Hasil Kreativitas Dan Inovasi Mahasiswa Stkip-Mpl Pada Mata Kuliah Seni Tari

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    This research uses qualitative research with a dance choreography approach. Qualitative research is used during the process of collecting data using interview methods, field observation methods, and library methods in searching for references. The dance choreography approach is the science of dance composition. A good choreographer will understand what the basic substance is before creating an ideal dance work. Choreography theory consists of four steps that must be mastered by a choreographer, namely exploration, improvisation, composition and evaluation. The result of this research is to create a new dance work, namely the dance creation Siger Bubandung. The Siger Bubandung dance was inspired by the culture that already exists in Lampung Province in the process of welcoming the guest of honor. The choreographer, with his creativity, tried to re-represent the traditional Sigeh Pengunten dance, Muli Lampung dance and Bedana dance which could then be realized in a new innovative packaging for the Siger Bubandung dance

    Perencanaan dan Penerapan Sistem Manajemen Mutu ISO 9001:2015 di Direktorat Pengembangan Kemahasiswaan Universitas Surabaya

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    ISO 9001 merupakan standar yang diakui secara internasional untuk sertifikasi Sistem Manajemen Mutu. Standar ini berisikan persyaratan dan rekomendasi desain sistem mutu untuk menjamin dan memantau kesesuaian mutu produk atau layanan beserta dengan proses yang terjadi didalamnya. ISO 9001 versi 2015 merupakan versi terbaru dari ISO 9001 yang memiliki area fokus baru yaitu pada konteks organisasi, cakupan dan rancangan SMM, pendekatan berbasis risiko, informasi yang terdokumentasikan, pengetahuan organisasi dan pemantauan outsourcing. Direktorat Pengembangan Kemahasiswaan Universitas Surabaya (DPK) merupakan salah satu unit di Universitas Surabaya yang menangani proses administrasi serta pengembangan dan pendampingan mahasiswa selama menempuh masa studi di Universitas Surabaya. Pelayanan yang berkualitas tentu menghasilkan dan membantu DPK menghasilkan lulusan terbaik univeristas. Untuk menghasilkan menjamin layanannya, DPK telah memiliki sertifikasi ISO 9001:2008 sejak tahun 2011. Mengingat masa transisi ISO 9001:2008 menuju ISO 9001:2015 sedang berjalan, maka DPK perlu mempersiapkan perencanaan Sistem Manajemen Mutunya untuk melakukan transisi menuju versi ISO 9001:2015 sehingga DPK tetap dapat menjaminkan dan memantau layanan dalam setiap proses bisnis dan sasaran mutu dapat tercapai, berkualitas dan dapat memenuhi ekspektasi pemangku kepentingan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan gap antara pemenuhan persyaratan ISO versi 2008 dengan versi terbaru 2015 sehingga dapat melakukan perbaikan dan penerapan untuk memenuhi persyaratan Sistem Manajemen Mutu. Penelitian didahului dengan pemeriksaan gap yang diperoleh dari hasil observasi, wawancara dan pengumpulan dokumen terkait mutu. Penelitian dilanjutkan dengan perbaikan terhadap temuan ketidaksesuaian. Berdasarkan hasil analisis gap, ditemukan bahwa 52% persyaratan sudah terpenuhi, 36% sebagian terpenuhi dan 12% belum terpenuhi. Perbaikan dirancang pada bagian persyaratan yang sebagian terpenuhi dan yang belum terpenuhi. Berdasarkan hasil temuan ketidaksesuaian, langkah selanjutnya adalah pembuatan rancangan perbaikan untuk memenuhi persyaratan SMM ISO 9001:2015. Beberapa perbaikan yang dapat dilakukan antara lain analisis stakeholder dan kebutuhannya, dokumentasi proses bisnis DPK, perancangan ulang sasaran mutu berdasarkan konteks organisasi dan stakeholders serta cara pencapaiannya, risk register dan analisis risiko dari setiap proses unit, pembuatan perbaikan dan tindak lanjut terhadap temuan, proses transfer knowledge, peningkatan kesadaran dan perencanaan komunikasi DPK, pembaharuan informasi terdokumentasi versi 2015, pembuatan kriteria layanan DPK, analisis persyaratan, pemilihan, dan evaluasi pemasok, prosedur tinjauan manajemen DPK dan melakukan identifikasi risiko dan peluang dari ketidaksesuaian. Berdasarkan perbaikan yang dirancang tersebut, beberapa perbaikan belum dapat diimplementasikan karena adanya berbagai pertimbangan dari top management. Implementasi perbaikan yang dapat dilakukan antara lain adalah prosedur pengajuan poin kemahasiswaan prosedur dan form evaluasi pemasok, prosedur tindakan perbaikan dan pencegahan serta form catatan ketidaksesuaian

    Personality preferences and temperaments : a study of CPA professionals in Singapore

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    Our research involves the accumulation of data that pertains to the distribution of personality types and preferences of professionals in the public accounting service in Singapore. At the same time, we attempt to gather similar data about the Final Year Accountancy Undergraduates from Nanyang Technological University. Using the Keirsey Temperament Sorter II, we obtain data of the personality types and preferences of CPA professionals and students in Singapore for our analysis