22 research outputs found

    Characteristics and importance of the genus Prototheca in human and veterinary medicine

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    Prototheca spp. are strange algae, assigned to the genus Prototheca, family Chlorelaceae. They are ubiquitous in nature, living predominantly in aqueous locales containing decomposing plant material. Prototheca spp. were isolated from skin scarificates, sputum and feces of humans in absence of infection as well as in a variety of domestic and some wild animals. Prototheca spp. are unicellular organisms, oval or spheric in shape. They differ from bacteria and fungi in size, shape and reproductive characteristics. Of the five known species of the genus, only P. wickerhamii and P. zopfii are considered pathogenic, and they are the only known plant causative agents of human and animal infections. Over the past 25 years medical references reported more than 100 cases of human protothecoses, mostly induced by P. wickerhamii and rarely by P. zopfii. A half of the reports on human protothecoses relates to localized cutaneous infections and oleocranon bursitis. The rarest and most severe form of the infection is disseminated or systemic protothecosis, described in patients with durable course of primary disease or immune disfunction. In veterinary medicine, Prototheca zopfii and rarely also P. wickerhamii are reported as causative agents of cutaneous protothecosis in dogs and cats, systemic protothecosis in dogs and mastitis in dairy cows. Protothecal infections are diagnosed by histopathology examination or, more exactly, by isolation of the agent, although the organism cannot be distinguished from the yeasts by its cultural characteristics. Final diagnosis is made by the carbon-hydrate assimilation test. Protothecal infections are easily missed in routine practice. Pharmacological protocol for therapy of this rare infection has not been developed yet either in human or in veterinary medicine. Several antifungal agents are applied for treatment; however, the effects are variable. Where possible, surgical excision is treatment of choice. Prognosis is promising in patients with localized infection, and healing is often achieved. Prognosis is less predictable, mostly bad, in patients with other diseases and in immunocompromized patients. Sensitivity of Prototheca spp. in vitro does not necessarily correlate with its efficacy in vivo

    Corynebacterium renale cystitis kod krave - prikaz slučaja

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    Corynebacterium renale is a common inhabitant of the vulva, vagina and prepuce of apparently normal cattle, but also an opportunistic pathogen and the cause of cystitis and purulent pyelonephritis in cows. In this paper, we show the isolation of C. renale from the urine of cows with clinical cystitis, colonial, microscopic and biochemical characteristics of the isolates, relevant data on virulence factors, clinical manifestations of disease and basic principles of therapy.Corynebacterium renale je uobičajeni deo mikrobiota sluzokože vulve, vagine i prepucijuma klinički zdravih goveda, ali i oportunistički patogen i uzročnik cystitisa i purulentnog pyelonephritisa krava. U ovom radu prikazujemo izolaciju C. renale iz urina krave sa kliničkim cistitisom, osnovne kulturelne, mikroskopske i biohemijske karakteristike izolata, relevantne podatke o faktorima virulencije uzročnika, kliničkim manifestacijama bolesti i osnovnim principima terapije.

    Arcanobacterium pyogenes: Virulence factors, importance in mastitis etiology and therapeutic (im)possibilities

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    Arcanobacterium pyogenes is an opportunistic pathogen, a causative agent of suppurative infections of organs and tissues in economically important livestock species. Most frequently this bacteria is isolated from inflamed lung lesions in pigs and cattle, in samples of uterine mucus of cows with endometritis and milk from cows with clinical mastitis. A. pyogenes possesses a number of virulence factors: cholesterol-dependent cytolysin (pyolysin), two neuraminidases, several proteases, extracellular matrix-binding proteins, DNases, fimbriae. The virulence factors are well studied in laboratory conditions, but the role of these factors in the pathogenesis of A. pyogenes infections remains to be elucidated. Lately, the ability of A. pyogenes to form biofilm in vivo has also been implicated as a virulence factor and a possible cause of therapeutic failure. Despite the fact that A. pyogenes milk isolates in cows with mastitis in vitro are very sensitive to β-lactam drugs and tetracycline, experience has shown that therapy is usually ineffective, prognosis is poor and the affected quarter is lost for milk production

    Prvi izveštaj o rasprostranjenosti i kliničkoj slici infekcije mačaka sa Bartonella henselae na području Novog Sada

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    Cat Scratch Disease (CSD) is an infective disease of animals and humans caused with Bartonella henselae. Prevalence of infection varies between 0 and 68% depending on different population of cats and geographical region. Naturally infected cats are often clinically healthy and are inapparent germ carriers. In this investigation 40 cats from the area of Novi Sad were analyzed. After the epidemiological questionnaire was made, all cats were clinically investigated. To determine the presence of specific antibodies of class G on Bartonella henselae the method of indirect immunofluorescence was used. For the first time in Serbia, in the area of Novi Sad municipality the infection caused by Bartonella henselae in the population of cats was detected. Prevalence of specific antibodies of class IgG on Bartonella henselae antigen in the population of cats was 57%. The most common clinical manifestations in seropositive cats were gingivitis and lymphoadenopathy.Bolest mačijeg ogreba (BMO) je infektivno oboljenje životinja i ljudi izazvano sa Bartonella henselae. Prevalencija infekcije varira u zavisnosti od populacije mačaka i geografskog regiona i kreće se od 0 do 68%. Prirodno inficirane mačke su često klinički zdrave, inaparentne kliconoše. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 40 mačaka sa područja Novog Sada. Nakon uzimanja epidemiološke ankete, sve mačke su klinički pregledane. Za utvrđivanje prisustva specifičnih antitela klase G na antigene Bartonella henselae korišćen je test indirektne imunofluorescencije. Na geografskom području grada Novog Sada i okoline, po prvi put je u Republici Srbiji, utvrđeno prisustvo infekcije izazvane uzročnikom Bartonella henselae u populaciji mačaka. Prevalencija specifičnih antitela klase IgG na antigen Bartonella henselae u populaciji mačaka iznosila je 57%. Najčešće kliničke manifestacije kod seropozitivnih mačaka bile su gingivitis i limfadenopatija

    Epidemiological significance of Salmonella enterica serovar Montevideo and the potential role of feed for their entry into the food chain

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    Animal feed is the first link in the food chain and one of the possible source of Salmonella for food producing animals and consequently, humans consuming products of animal origin. The assessment of the importance and role of Salmonella organisms commonly detected in animal feed in epidemic outbreaks of salmonellosis is highly intricate. This is mainly due to the fact that isolates are rarely identified (typed) to the serovar level, thus, the relevant data on both animal feed and food of animal origin are lacking. In the framework of the 2-year project granted by the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, all Salmonella isolates originating from animal feed were typed to the serovar level in the National Reference Laboratory for Salmonella. Eighteen different serovars have been identified, whereas 15% of all isolates included serovar Montevideo. Frequent isolation of S. ser. Montevideo from animal feed originating from feed mills in our epizootic area (South Bačka and Srem district), encouraged our attempt to summarize and present the available data on the importance of Montevideo serovar in the outbreaks of clinical salmonellosis in humans and to review the reports on individual epidemiological studies aimed at detecting infection sources and establishing relevant facts on emerging antimicrobial resistance of Salmonella. Moreover, this article emphasizes the need and importance of an extensive Salmonella monitoring program at national level, which would encompass all links of the food chain including animal feed and feed processing plants as well.Hrana za životinje je prva karika u lancu ishrane i jedan od mogućih izvora Salmonella za životinje, a posredno i ljude koji konzumiraju proizvode životinjskog porekla. Značaj i ulogu salmonela koje se ustanovljavaju u hrani za životinje u pojavi epidemija salmoneloza veoma je teško proceniti, jer se izolati retko tipiziraju do serotipa i pravi podaci nedostaju i za hranu za životinje i za namirnice animalnog porekla. U okviru realizacije projekta finansiranog od strane Ministarstva za nauku i tehnološki razvoj Republike Srbije, tokom dve godine su svi izolati Salmonella spp. iz hrane za životinje potvrđeni i tipizirani do serotipa u Nacionalnoj referentnoj laboratoriji za Salmonella. Identifikovano je 18 različitih serotipova, a 15% svih izolata odnosio se na Salmonella ser. Montevideo. Zbog učestale izolacije Salmonella ser. Montevideo iz hrane za životinje poreklom iz fabrika stočne hrane na našem epizootiološkom području (Južnobački i Sremski okrug), u ovom radu iznosimo dostupne podatke o značaju ovog serotipa u pojavi kliničkih salmoneloza kod ljudi, prikaze pojedinačnih epidemioloških istraživanja u cilju utvrđivanja izvora infekcije i relevantne činjenice o rastućoj antimikrobnoj rezistenciji Salmonella. Takođe, u radu ističemo potrebu za jedinstvenim monitoringom nad salmonelama na nacionalnom nivou, koji će uključiti sve karike u lancu ishrane, počevši od hrane za životinje i objekata za njihovu proizvodnju

    Seroprevalencija infekcije izazvane uzročnikom Anaplasma phagocytophilum kod pasa u Autonomnoj Pokrajini Vojvodini, Srbija.

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    Granulocytic anaplasmosis in dogs is a disease that is distributed worldwide, caused by the pathogen Anaplasma phagocytophilum. This disease is transmitted by ticks of the Ixodes genus. So far, no data have been published about the presence and prevalence of dog infections with A. phagocytophilum in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina and the Republic of Serbia proper. The aim of this seroepidemiological research was to determine the seroprevalence of IgG antibodies to the agent A. phagocytophilum in the population of dogs in Vojvodina, Serbia. This seroepidemiological research involved 84 randomly selected dogs from the area of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. Aiming to determine the presence of antibodies of class G to the agent Anaplasma phagocytophilum, we used the indirect immunofluorescence antibody test (IFAT). By applying IFAT, in the area of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Serbia, specifi antibodies of class G to agent A. phagocytophilum were found in the serums of 13/84 dogs, which points to a seroprevalence of 15.5 %. The detection of antibodies to the agent A. phagocytophilum in the dog population in the area of the Autonomous Province Vojvodina is the basis for further epidemiological, clinical and diagnostic research of this infection.Granulocitna anaplazmoza pasa proširena je diljem svijeta, a prouzročena je vrstom Anaplasma phagocytophilum. Prenosi se krpeljima roda Ixodes. Do sada u Autonomnoj Pokrajini Vojvodini i Republici Srbiji nema objavljenih podataka o prisutnosti i raširenosti infekcije pasa uzročnikom A. phagocytophilum. Cilj je ovoga seroepidemiološkog istraživanja da se utvrdi seroprevalencija IgG protutijela za A. phagocytophilum u populaciji pasa u Vojvodini, Srbija. Ovim seroepidemiološkim istraživanjem, obuhvaćena su 84 nasumično izabrana psa s područja Autonomne Pokrajine Vojvodine. U cilju utvrđivanja prisutnosti protutijela razreda IgG za A. phagocytophilum rabljen je test indirektne imunofl uorescencije (IFAT). Primjenom IFATa, na području Autonomne Pokrajine Vojvodine, Srbija, utvrđena su specifična protutijela IgG na uzročnika A. phagocytophilum u serumu 13 pasa, što predstavlja seroprevalenciju od 15,5 %. Dokaz protutijela za A. phagocytophilum u populaciji pasa na području Autonomne Pokrajine Vojvodine osnova je za daljnja epidemiološka, klinička i dijagnostička istraživanja ove infekcije

    Influence of the Sodium Salt of 3α,7α-Dihydroxy-12-Oxo-5β-Cholanate on Antimicrobial Activity of Ampicillin In Vitro

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    Background: Multiple resistances to antibiotics are an emergent problem worldwide. Scientists intensively search for new substances with the antimicrobial potential or the mode to restore the activity of old-generation antibiotics. Ampicillin is the antibiotic with the expanded range of antimicrobial activity, but its use has decreased due to the poor absorption and highly developed resistance. In vivo studies showed that ampicillin has better absorption and bioavailability if combined with bile acid salts. The aim of this study was to examine antimicrobial effects of ampicillin alone and its combination with semisynthetic monoketocholic acid salt (MKH) in vitro.Materials, Methods & Results: In this study, commercial preparation of ampicillin and sodium salt of 3α,7α-dihydroxy-12oxo-5β-cholanate were used. Their effects were evaluated on Escherichia coli (E. coli), Enterococcus faecalis (E. faecalis) and Enterococcus faecium (E. faecium), obtained from urine specimens of dogs with clinically manifested cystitis. The first two investigated strains were ampicillin-sensitive, while E. faecium was resistant to ampicillin. Modified macrodilution method according to Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute Guidelines (M7-A8) was performed. Bacterial suspension equivalent to 0.5 McFarland was prepared in saline, compared to the standard (Biomerieux) ad oculi. The density was checked spectrophotometrically at a wavelength of 625 nm and adjusted if necessary to the desired absorbance from 0.08 to 0.1. The resultant suspension was diluted 1:100 and inoculated in test tubes. Number of bacteria was counted on Petri plates using dilutions from 10-3 to 10-7 in order to obtain valid and countable plates. One hundred microliters of appropriate dilutions were aseptically plated in triplicate onto nutrient agar. Plates were incubated on 37°C for 72 h, under aerobic conditions. The number of colony forming units (CFU) was determined by direct counting. As a valid for enumeration, we took plates with 30 to 300 CFU. Percentage of killed bacteria for ampicillin was from 69.33-95.19% for E. coli, 87.1296.92% for E. faecalis and 7.20-33.30% for E. faecium. Ampicillin applied in the combination with MKH killed 99.99% to 100% of E. coli, 94.59% to 99.91% of E. faecalis and 31.73% to 64.76% of E. faecium. Mean percentage of killed bacteria for ampicillin was 81.93% for E. coli, 91.64% for E. faecalis, and 18.13% for E. faecium, while in combination with MKH percentage was 99.96% for E. coli, 98.23% for E. faecalis and 47.54% for E. faecium.Discussion: Results are presented as pharmacological minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) values. Ampicillin was applied at the concentration higher than the therapeutic one, which could explain high MIC values for E. coli and E. faecalis. The combination of ampicillin with MKH showed the best improvement of antimicrobial effect on E. faecium (Δ = 29.41%), isolate that was resistant to ampicillin when applied alone. In all the investigated isolates, the combinations with MKH were more effective than ampicillin administered alone. It seems that MKH demonstrates a synergistic antimicrobial activity with ampicillin in vitro, which considerably decreases MIC values for all investigated isolates. These results implicate that MKH could restore the previous activity of ampicillin against some bacteria, which could be a significant benefit for clinical practice

    The occurrence of Trichophytosis among people and cattle on a farm in Vojvodina, Serbia

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    Dermatophytoses are frequent contagious fungal skin diseases that affect the skin of people and animals. Zoophile dermatophytes pose a significant problem for both human and veterinary medicine, and they are especially present among bovines. In this paper we showed a simultaneous occurrence of trichophytosis among professionally exposed people and bovines on a farm in Vojvodina, Serbia. The tested samples (skin scrapings and hair) originating from people and animals, were positive for Trichophyton verrucosum dermatophyte which was determined by applying a direct microscopic examination of the smears, as well as the isolation and identification of the agents

    Deficijencija B12 vitamina kod deteta majke na veganskoj ishrani

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    Vitamin B12 deficiency usually occurs in exclusively breastfed infants whose mothers have pernicious anaemia or are vegetarian. Early treatment of vitamin B12 deficiency in infants can prevent potentially neurologic sequelae. A male child aged 13 months has been hospitalized due to failure to thrive, feeding problems, pallor, weakness and hypotonia. During the pregnancy mother did not eat meat and during lactation she also excluded eggs and milk. The child was exclusively breastfed. Laboratory investigations showed a haemoglobin level of 3.5 g/dL, haematocrit 10%, red blood cell count of 0.99 × 1012/L, white blood cell count of 4.23 × 109 /L and platelet count of 55 × 109 /L. Vitamin B12 level was low. A bone marrow aspiration finding was consistent with megaloblastic anaemia. The magnetic resonance imaging showed brain atrophy. Vitamin B12 in a dose of 10µg per kg was applied intramuscularly daily for 2 weeks, then once weekly. Three days after initiating B12 vitamin therapy there was an improvement in the blood count with the gradual improvement of neurological state. Vitamin B12 deficiency is a treatable cause of pancytopenia and neurological dysfunction in children and should be considered as differential diagnosis in an infant with neurological symptoms.Deficijencija B12 vitamina se obično javlja kod odojčadi koja su na prirodnoj ishrani a čije majke imaju pernicioznu anemiju ili su vegetarijanci. Pravovremeno lečenje deficijencije B12 vitamina kod odojčadi može da prevenira potencijalne neurološke posledice. Malo muško dete uzrasta 13 meseci je hospitalizovano zbog nenapredovanja, problema sa hranjenjem, bledila, slabosti i hipotonije.Tokom trudnoće majka nije jela meso dok je tokom dojenja iz ishrane isključila i jaja i mleko. Dete je isključivo dojeno. U laboratorijskim nalazima nivo hemoglobina je iznosio 3,5 g/dl, hematokrit 10%, broj eritrocita je bio 0.99×1012/L, broj leukocita 4.23×109 /L i broj trombocita 55×109 /L. Nivo B12 vitamina je bio snižen. Nalaz biopsije kostne srži ukazivao je na megaloblastnu anemiju. Na magnetnoj rezonanci endokranijuma viđena je atrofija mozga. Vitamin B12 u dozi od 10 mikrograma/kg primenjen je intramuskularno svakodnevno tokom 2 nedelje, potom jednom nedeljno.Tri dana od započinjanja terapije zabeleženo je poboljšanje hematoloških vrednosti uz postepeno poboljšanje neurološkog statusa. Deficijencija B12 vitamina je uzrok pancitopenije i neurološke disfuncije kod dece koju je moguće lečiti. Kod odojčeta sa neurološkim simptomima ova deficijencija treba da bude razmotrena kao diferencijalna dijagnoza