817 research outputs found

    Inter-professional collaboration reduces the burden of caring for patients with mental illnesses in primary healthcare. A realist evaluation study

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    Background:The implementation of primary care for mental health is often insufficient, whichleaves its mark on staff. A team-based approach of mental healthcare prevents poor staff mor-ale. A community health centre (CHC), therefore, set up a project promoting interprofessionalcollaboration with a mental health team (MHT).Objectives:This study aimed to understand how an MHT would influence staff morale in a pri-mary care setting, aiming to formulate some recommendations for future projects.Methods:In 2017, interviews and a focus group discussion were conducted among the staff ofa CHC. Using a qualitative approach, we aimed to unravel contextual factors and mechanismsthat determine the effect of an MHT on staff morale.Results:The project relieved the burden of the patient encounters and staff members felt morevaluable to patients. Underlying mechanisms were recognition, altered attitudes towards patientsand role clarity. Facilitating factors were intercultural care mediators and a positive team atmos-phere, whereas inhibiting factors were inefficient time management and communicative issues.Conclusion:Our study elucidated mechanisms and the contextual factors by which an MHT ingeneral practice improves staff morale

    Unconventional van der Waals heterostructures beyond stacking

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    Two-dimensional crystals provide exceptional opportunities for integrating dissimilar materials and forming interfaces where distinct properties and phenomena emerge. To date, research has focused on two basic heterostructure types: vertical van der Waals stacks and laterally joined monolayer crystals with in-plane line interfaces. Much more diverse architectures and interface configurations can be realized in the few-layer and multilayer regime, and if mechanical stacking and single-layer growth are replaced by processes taking advantage of self-organization, conversions between polymorphs, phase separation, strain effects, and shaping into the third dimension. Here, we highlight such opportunities for engineering heterostructures, focusing on group IV chalcogenides, a class of layered semiconductors that lend themselves exceptionally well for exploring novel van der Waals architectures, as well as advanced methods including in situ microscopy during growth and nanometer-scale probes of light-matter interactions. The chosen examples point to fruitful future directions and inspire innovative developments to create unconventional van der Waals heterostructures beyond stacking

    Group Decision Making Under Risk: An Experiment with Student Couples

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    In an experiment, we study risk-taking of cohabitating student couples, finding that couples’ decisions are closer to risk-neutrality than single partners’ decisions. This finding is similar to earlier experiments with randomly assigned groups, corroborating external validity of earlier results.Risk experiment, Student couples, Group decision making


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    A method of forming and processing of graphene is disclosed based on exposure and selective intercalation of the partially graphene-covered metal Substrate with atomic or molecular intercalation species such as oxygen (O) and nitrogen oxide (NO). The process of intercalation lifts the strong metal carbon coupling and restores the characteristic Dirac behav ior of isolated monolayer graphene. The interface of graphene with metals or metal-decorated substrates also provides for controlled chemical reactions based on novel functionality of the confined space between a metal Surface and a graphene sheet


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    Disclosed is monolayer and/or few-layer graphene on metal or metal-coated substrates. Embodiments include graphene mirrors. In an example, a mirror includes a substrate that has a surface exhibiting a curvature operable to focus an incident beam onto a focal plane. A graphene layer conformally adheres to the substrate, and is operable to protect the substrate surface from degradation due to the incident beam and ambient environment


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    (57) ABSTRACT Vapor-liquid-solid growth of nanowires is tailored to achieve complex one-dimensional material geometries using phase diagrams determined for nanoscale materials. Segmented one-dimensional nanowires having constant composition dis play locally variable electronic band structures that are deter mined by the diameter of the nanowires. The unique electrical and optical properties of the segmented nanowires are exploited to form electronic and optoelectronic devices. Using gold-germanium as a model system, in situ transmis sion electron microscopy establishes, for nanometer-sized Au Ge alloy drops at the tips of Ge nanowires (NWs), the parts of the phase diagram that determine their temperature dependent equilibrium composition. The nanoscale phase diagram is then used to determine the exchange of material between the NW and the drop. The phase diagram for the nanoscale drop deviates significantly from that of the bulk alloy


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    In some embodiments of the invention, encapsulated semiconducting nanomaterials are described. In certain embodiments the nanostructures described are semiconducting nanomaterials encapsulated with ordered carbon shells. In some aspects a method for producing encapsulated semiconducting nanomaterials is disclosed. In some embodiments applications of encapsulated semiconducting nanomaterials are described


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    An apparatus capable of dispensing drops of material with volumes on the order of Zeptoliters is described. In some embodiments of the inventive pipette the size of the droplets so dispensed is determined by the size of a hole, or channel, through a carbon shell encapsulating a reservoir that contains material to be dispensed. The channel may be formed by irradiation with an electronbeam or other high-energy beam capable of focusing to a spot size less than about 5 nanom eters. In some embodiments, the dispensed droplet remains attached to the pipette by a small thread of material, an atomic scale meniscus, forming a virtually free-standing droplet. In Some embodiments the droplet may wet the pipette tip and take on attributes of supported drops. Methods for fabricating and using the pipette are also described
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