1,128 research outputs found


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    Penelitian Tindakan Kelas ini dilatarbelakangi oleh permasalahan dalam pembelajaran sosiologi.siswa tidak aktif dalam belajar. Siswa banyak yang tidak berani menanyakan materi yang belum dimengerti.keterlibatan siswa dalam diskusi untuk pemecahan masalah kurang. Hal ini disebabkan guru banyak menggunakan metode ceramah sedangkan metode diskusi sangat kurang, siswa mengalami kesulitan untuk memahami materi,  aktivitas siswa dalam belajar kurang hasil belajar siswa rendah, disamping faktor metode ,model pembelajaran yang belum bervariasai juga penggunaan media masih kurang. Dalam ulangan harian sosiologi khususnya materi perubahan sosial dan dampaknya dalam masyarakat nilai rata-rata siswa rendah banyak yang tidak mencapai KKM (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal ) siswa yang tuntas hanya 42%. KKM mata pelajaran sosiologi dikelas XII IPS SMA Negeri 5 Kota Jambi adalah 68. dari 42 % siswa yang belum tuntas adalah siswa yang aktivitas belajarnya kurang.  Guru telah berusaha memanfaatkan media yang ada namun belum berhasil meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar siswa. Penelitian ini berupaya untuk meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar sosiologi melalui penerapan model pembelajaran Problem Based Instruction. Dengan melihat proses dan keterlaksanaannya. Penelitian ini  bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana keterlaksanaan tindakan dan proses hasilnya.


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    The focus of the study of the Internalization of Islamic Education Values ​​in the Living Quran Approach at the Era Society 5.0 Islamic Boarding School regarding various events in Islamic Education related to the existence of the Islamic Boarding School Al-Qur'an, attempts to capture the process of internalizing Islamic Education Values ​​at the Era Society 5.0 Islamic Boarding School and society towards the Al-Qur'an 'an, which is not limited to the meaning of the text, but more emphasis on aspects of its application and grounding in everyday life. The application of the Qur'anic texts later became an institutionalized tradition in the daily life of the community and Islamic boarding schools in Era Society 5.0. This study uses a qualitative-naturalistic method by collecting data from both literature research and field research. Field data collection through (1) observation, (2) in-depth interviews, and (3) documentation. The data that has been collected is then followed by the stages of description, reduction, selection, discussion, analysis and conclusion. The results of the first research are the pesantren strategy (1) study of the Koran Interpreneurship, study of the ideal household al-Quran, study of husnul khotimah preparing for death, study of youth and student consultations. The two implementations are (1) direct community practice with the students' real work program (PKNS), (2) implementation of Ramadan activities and also Islamic holidays at mosques or prayer rooms in the target villages of the pondok (3) Educate the students to play an active role in in preaching in the community (4) Develop life skills that have been taught in Islamic boarding schools. (5) Provide new experiences to students about the challenges of living in the future society. (6) Establishing friendship between Islamic boarding schools and the community, (7) As an information center and source of socio-religious studies (8) Technology and information become a pattern in Islamic boarding schools' activities with the communit

    Pengaruh Harga, Citra Merek, Dan Kualitas Produk Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Pada Smartphone Xiaomi (Studi Kasus Konsumen Xiaomi Di Kota Tangerang)

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    Hasil pengolahan data menggunakan SPSS 25 diperoleh persamaan linear Y  3.854 + 0.506 + 0.186 + 0.181 yang artinya pada saat variabel (Harga), (Citra Merek), dan (Kualitas Produk) terjadi peningkatan atas penurunan sebesar 1 poin, maka variabel Y (Keputusan Pembelian) akan mengalami peningkatan atau penurunan sebesar 0,506, 0,186, dan 0,181. Berdasarkan hasil uji hipotesis didapat nilai Fhitung (120.854) > Ftabel (2,68) dan signifikansi 0,00 < 0,05. Pada tabel distribusi ttabel adalah 1,97897, thitung untuk harga sebesar 7.018 >1,97897, thitung untuk Citra merek sebesar 2.651 > 1,97897, dan thitung untuk kualitas produk sebesar 2.089 > 1,97897. Dengan demikian dari ketiga variabel yaitu harga,citra merek dan kualitas produk,mempunyai pengaruh positif serta berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian konsumen            pada smartphone xiaomi di kota Tangerang. Hasil pengolahan data menggunakan SPSS 25 diperoleh persamaan linear Y  3.854 + 0.506 + 0.186 + 0.181 yang artinya pada saat variabel (Harga), (Citra Merek), dan (Kualitas Produk) terjadi peningkatan atas penurunan sebesar 1 poin, maka variabel Y (Keputusan Pembelian) akan mengalami peningkatan atau penurunan sebesar 0,506, 0,186, dan 0,181. Berdasarkan hasil uji hipotesis didapat nilai Fhitung (120.854) > Ftabel (2,68) dan signifikansi 0,00 < 0,05. Pada tabel distribusi ttabel adalah 1,97897, thitung untuk harga sebesar 7.018 >1,97897, thitung untuk Citra merek sebesar 2.651 > 1,97897, dan thitung untuk kualitas produk sebesar 2.089 > 1,97897. Dengan demikian dari ketiga variabel yaitu harga,citra merek dan kualitas produk,mempunyai pengaruh positif serta berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian konsumen pada smartphone xiaomi di kota Tangerang.as

    Roles of Micro and Small Enterprises of Snack and Pastry Productions and Product Innovation on the Increase of People’s Income in Periuk – Tangerang City

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    This research was conducted based on researchers’ will to find out the Roles of Small and Micro Enterprises of Snack and Pastry Productions, and Product Inovation toward the Increase of Economy Income of Periuk People – Tangerang City. There are many factors influencing the increase of economy income of UMKM People. Some of them are the lack of policy program on foster father, which was identified to affect the increase of people’s economy income. There was also a shift on the business pattern, which is from conventional into digital. This was why the number of enterpreneurs of micro and small enterprises grew so rapid and massive that it affected the increase of people’s economy income. The lack information on UMKM programs for the people was identified to affect the increase of people’s economy income. The small number of innovation on snack products produced was suspected to influence the increase of people’s economy income. The independent factors studied were the Roles of Small and Micro Enterprises (X1) and Product Innovation (X2), and the dependent factor was People’s Income (Y). Based on the results of correlation coefficient analysis, it was found out that coefficient correlation for X1 is 0.750 and for X2 was 0,805. This means that the roles of micro and small enterprises and product innovation strongly influenced the people’s income. The positive impact showed that the better the roles of micro and small enterprises and product innovation, the higher the people’s income. To find out how much they influenced, Simple Linear Regression was used as analysis tool. It was found out that the results of Variable (X1) and the value of tcount (8.253) was higher than ttable (1.984) and it rejected Ho. So, the hypothesis is Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted. This showed that there were significant influences between roles of micro and small enterprises and the product innovation with the people’s income. The variable X2 with the value of Tcount 4.862 was higher than Ttable and it belonged to the rejection scope of Ho. So, the hypothesis was Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted. This indicated that there were significant influences between product innovation and people’s income


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    This research was aimed to know the effect of concentration treatment young coconut water on the growth and result of three Varieties Land Water Spinach. This research was conducted from May until June 2021 at Cikupa, Tangerang. This Research used Randomized Completely Block Design (RCBD), consisted two factors. The first factor was concentration of young coconut water with four level, namely: K0 = control without concentration young coconut water, K1 = 225 ml concentration of young coconut water, K2 = 250 ml concentration of young coconut water, and K3 = 275 ml concentration of young coconut water. The second factor was Varieties of land water spinach with three level, namely: V1= Bangkok, V2= Bisi, V3=Bika. Each treatments repeated 3 times. Parameters observed were plant height, number of leaves, fresh weight per plant, and root long. The result showed that, 275 ml concentration of young coconut water gave the best result on the parameter plant height in 7 Day After Planting (DAP): 9,69 cm; 14 DAP (19,99 cm); 21 DAP (33,20 cm); and 28 DAP (47,03). The treatment of three Varieties, Bangkok gave the best result on number of leaves in 7 DAP (2,00 sheets). There were interaction between the treatment of concentration young coconut water and Varieties of land water spinach on the  parameter plant height (28 DAP) and number of leaves (7 DAP). Key Words: Young Coconut Water, Varieties of land water Spinac

    The Relation of Price, Product Quality And Brand Image To Customer Loyalty In Manufacturing Companies

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    The purpose of writing this thesis is to determine the extent to which Price (X1), Product Quality (X2) and Brand Image (X3) can affect Customer Loyalty (Y) of human resources. The author conducted research using multiple linear analysis, correlation coefficient analysis, calculating the coefficient of determination, and testing the hypothesis by looking for the t-count value, then comparing t-count with t-table, and testing the hypothesis by finding the f-count, then comparing f-count with f table. The results of the analysis obtained with the following details: From the results of multiple linear analysis obtained the equation Y = 4.361 + 0.403 X1 + 0.516 X2, and from the results of the price coefficient has a positive and very strong correlation to customer loyalty that is equal to 0.689, Product Quality has a positive and very strong correlation to customer loyalty 0.758. From the results of the coefficient of determination (KD) brand image affects customer loyalty by 47.5%, and the remaining 52.5%, influenced by other factors. Based on the results of hypothesis testing, it is obtained that the t-count for the price is 3.309, the t-count for product quality is 4.463, with a t-table of 1.6722 obtained from the t-table distribution for df = 50 – 2 and the level of significance is 0.05. In other words, Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected, because t count > t table. Based on the hypothesis test for model 1, the f arithmetic result is 43,387, for model 2, the f arithmetic result is 31.664, with f table 1.45 with a significant level of 0.000, the number 0.000 < 0.05, thus Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, because f count > f table. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that there is a relationship between product quality and customer loyalty and so on

    The Effect Of Company Size, Liquidity And Profitability On The Capital Structure Of Automotive Companies Listed In Indonesia Stock Exchange (Idx) For The Period 2014 – 2018.

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    This research aims to determine what factors can influence the capital structure of automotive sub-sector companies listed on the Indonesian stock exchange for the period 2015 - 2018. These factors include company size, liquidity and profitability. The methodology used in this research is quantitative associative with secondary data sources that come from financial reports that have been published by companies and the IDX. The data analysis technique in this study used a panel data regression model with E-Views software. The results of this study indicate that firm size has no effect on capital structure, which can be seen from this value t statistic 0.492999 0.05. Liquidity has an effect on the Capital Structure which can be seen from the t-table value of -7.788281> t-table 2.039 and the probability value of 0.0000 0.05. Simultaneously the variable company size, liquidity and profitability have an effect on the capital structure which can be seen from the value obtained by the F-table value of 2.91, which means that the F-count is 22.32849> Ftable 2.91 and the probability value of F-statistic is 0.00000

    A knowledge based system for valuing variations in civil engineering works: a user centred approach

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    There has been much evidence that valuing variations in construction projects can lead to conflicts and disputes leading to loss of time, efficiency, and productivity. One of the reasons for these conflicts and disputes concerns the subjectivity of the project stakeholders involved in the process. One way to minimise this is to capture and collate the knowledge and perceptions of the different parties involved in order to develop a robust mechanism for valuing variations. Focusing on the development of such a mechanism, the development of a Knowledge Based System (KBS) for valuing variations in civil engineering work is described. Evaluation of the KBS involved demonstration to practitioners in the construction industry to support the contents of the knowledge base and perceived usability and acceptance of the system. Results support the novelty, contents, usability, and acceptance of the system, and also identify further potential developments of the KBS


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    Cilacap Town circumstances which is facing the Java subduction zone in the Indian Ocean, as well as the fracturing Pamanukan-Cilacap cause the potential earthquake that could occur anytime. Therefore, it takes effort earthquake disaster mitigation. One mitigating earthquake in Cilacap Town is to make earthquake microzonation maps. This study has been made microzonation map earthquake in Cilacap Town based on the results of microtremor data processing. Microtremor data is measured on April 29, 2014 until May 3, 2014 by using a single station measurement, and processed by using the HVSR method. The result of data processing in the form of a dominant period value with a range of values between 0.28 s - 3.92 s, VS30 with a range of values between 30.6 m / s - 430.8 m / s, and the PGA with a range of values between 0.00404 g - 0.015139 g. Results of this research is a microzonation map which describing the danger zone of the earthquake in Cilacap Town. Results of this study can be useful in earthquake disaster mitigation efforts, and can be used in the planning and development of Cilacap Town. Key word : Dominant Period, HVSR, Microtremor, Microzonation, PGA, VS3
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