193 research outputs found


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    Kehadiran PDII Cabang Cibinong di lingkungan Biotek LIPI, dalam rangkalebih meningkatkan layanan inforrnasi dan dokumentasi, khususnya dalam bidang ilmu hayati (biologi, bioteknologi, perairan darat/limnologi dan sejenisnya), guna menunjang penelitian dan pengembangan lembaga penelitian di lingkungan LIPI Cibinong, yang sudah berjalan sejak 14 Oktober 1996 yang lalu. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut, PDIImengupayakan agar koleksi-koleksi yang tersedia di Cibinong dan yang ada di Jakarta, dapat didayagunakan semaksimal mungkin oleh para pemakai/peneliti di lingkungan Cibinong khususnya dan masyarakat di sekitarnya. Dalam rangka menarik minat para peneliti untuk berkunjung ke perpustakaan diperlukan koleksi yang beragam dan terbaru. Dalam peri ode 1997/1998 ini, PDII Jakarta melanggan kurang lebih 1.000 judul majalah luar negeri dalam berbagai bidang, yang diharapkan dapatdimanfaatkan semaksimal mungkin oleh para pemakai informasi sesuai dengan bidang ilmunya masing-masing. Agar majalah-majalah tersebut dapat tersebar dan dimanfaatkan informasinya, maka kami berusaha memmJam beberapa majalah dalam empat belas bulan terakhirm1 yang disesuaikan dengan minat pemakai/peneliti di lingkungan Puslitbang LIPI Cibinong

    Peningkatan layanan perpustakaan dengan media SMS gateway: studi kasus Perpustakaan Kebun Raya Bogor

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    Pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi perlu dilakukan untuk meningkatkan layanan perpustakaan ke pemustaka, dalam tulisan ini Perpustakaan Kebun Raya Bogor melakukan layanan SMS sebagai media komunikasi untuk meningkatkan layanan perpustakaan. Layanan SMS dilakukan karena ruang perpustakaan pindah dan memiliki jarak yang cukup jauh sekitar 2 km dengan kantor utama, sebagai pusat segala aktifitas termasuk peneliti sebagai pengguna aktif perpustakaan.  Hal ini menyebabkan akses ke perpustakaan jauh sehingga berdampak pada jumlah kunjungan para peneliti menurun, terlambat dalam penyampaian informasi-informasi baru, dan tingkat disiplin pengembalian buku ke perpustakaan menjadi kurang baik. Tujuan dari layanan ini untuk mengetahui respon peneliti  terhadap layanan SMS  Gateway. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan melakukan uji coba prototip.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan respon positif dari peneliti dengan permintaan beberapa artikel yang dibutuhkan untuk dicarikan literaturnya oleh perpustakaan

    Communicative Language Teaching Paradigm

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    The paradigm shift has occurred since more than 40 years. This shift covers almost all fields of science. As a tradition of revolutionary thinking, a paradigm shift also occurred in education, particularly in language education. This article contains a review of the process of paradigm shift in a communicative language teaching, namely the shift from positivism to post positivism. This discussion includes eight aspects of change, among others, Learner Autonomy, the essence a Social Learning, Curriculum Integration, Focus on Meaning, Diversity, Thinking Skills, Alternative Measurement, and Teachers as Co-LearnersIn fact the eighth aspects of paradigm were not fully implemented thoroughly in public education, particularly in the field of second language. Educators and other stakeholders have been trying to understand and implement the change by way of partial, rather than a holistic manner. The main purpose of this paper is to show that this change is important to improve the quality of learning a second language


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    This case study was carried out in the English Education Department of State University of Malang. The aim of the study was to identify and describe the vocabulary in the reading text and to seek if the text is useful for reading skill development. A descriptive qualitative design was applied to obtain the data. For this purpose, some available computer programs were used to find the description of vocabulary in the texts. It was found that the 20 texts containing 7,945 words are dominated by low frequency words which account for 16.97% of the words in the texts. The high frequency words occurring in the texts were dominated by function words. In the case of word levels, it was found that the texts have very limited number of words from GSL (General Service List of English Words) (West, 1953). The proportion of the first 1,000 words of GSL only accounts for 44.6%. The data also show that the texts contain too large proportion of words which are not in the three levels (the first 2,000 and UWL). These words account for 26.44% of the running words in the texts. It is believed that the constraints are due to the selection of the texts which are made of a series of short-unrelated texts. This kind of text is subject to the accumulation of low frequency words especially those of content words and limited of words from GSL. It could also defeat the development of students reading skills and vocabulary enrichment

    Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris sebagai Muatan Lokal pada Sekolah Dasar di Propinsi Lampung

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    Bahasa Inggris diajarkan di beberapa sekolah dasar di seluruh Indonesia termasuk di Propinsi Lampung. Kebijakan ini dilaksanakan sesuai dengan amanat yang terkandung dalam Kurikulum Sekolah Dasar 1994. Kurikulum ini mencantumkan pelajaran muatan lokal yang sesuai dengan keadaan dan kebutuhan lingkungan dan yang bersifat kedaerahan. Setiap sekolah dapat menentukan kebijakan untuk menyelenggarakan beberapa mata pelajaran termasuk diantaranya mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggeris. Kurikulum 2013 sebaliknya tidak menganjurkan bahasa Inggris diberikan di SD. Pelaksanaan diserahkan ke masing-masing sekolah didaerah, sebagai ekstra kurikuler. Tulisan ini menganalsis keberadaan dan pelaksanaan mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggeris sebagai muatan lokal di Propinsi Lampung berdasarkan hasil sirvey dari beberapa guru dan pengambil kebijakan tentang muatan lokal. Diantaranya membahas apakah Bahasa Inggeris layak atau tidak layak diajarkan di Sekolah Dasar di Propinsi Lampung. Beberapa argumentasi dan teori dipaparkan untuk mendukung kedua argumentasi itu. Makalah ini merekomendasikan bahwa Bahasa Inggeris dapat diajarkan di Sekolah Dasar di Propinsi Lampung apabila beberapa persyaratan teoritis dan praktis dapat dipenuhi

    The Use of Schemata in Reading Comprehension: a Case of Learners' Reading Problems

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    The Use of Schemata in Reading Comprehension: A Case of Learners' Reading Problems. Schemata have an important role in the process of reading. It is almost impossible for a person to read without utilizing schemata. This study aimed to find learners' reading problem in terms of using sche­mata. A group of second year students of English Department of State University of Malang were in­volved in this study. As a case study, an interview, observation, and test were used to collect the data. The study reveals that the main reading problems were lack of background knowledge, over-reliance on background knowledge, and lack of background knowledge activation. In the process of reading, learn­ers' background knowledge should be activated. Without optimal activation, the process of reading does not reach satisfactory results. It is also suggested that learners should not be over confident in get­ting the meaning from the text. Over-reliance on background knowledge might lead to misinterpretation

    The use of peer feedback via Instagram in Blended learning to improve students' Recount text writing

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    Writing is one of language skills which is considered as a complicated skill to be mastered because it requires variety of abilities such as generating ideas, determining purposes, developing arguments, organizing and managing the text effectively, and revising draft. Due to that matter, this research proposed instagram as one of the effective tools used in blended learning to improve student’s writing. The aims of this study are to investigate whether there is any difference in student’s writing achievement after the students are taught by using Peer feedback via instagram , to find out which aspect of writing that improves the most after being taught by using Peer feedback via instagram and to find out what aspect of writing that students correct the most. This research used the one-group pretest-posttest design that involved 30 students of X IPS 4 class at MAN 1 Bandar Lampung in the 2019/2020 academic year. The writing tests were also used as the instruments to collect the data. The data obtained were analyzed by using paired sample t-test in which the significance level was determined by sign 0.05. With regard to the data analysis, the use of instagram can improve the Student’s writing achievement in all aspects of writing: content, organization, vocabulary, language use and mechanics. It is also found that content was the aspect of writing which improved the most. However, the aspect that the students corrected the most was language use.Keywords: writing, recount text, peer feedback via instagram, blended learning.doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.23960/UJET.v11.i1.20229

    Communicative Language Teaching Paradigm

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    The paradigm shift has occurred since more than 40 years. This shift covers almost all fields of science. As a tradition of revolutionary thinking, a paradigm shift also occurred in education, particularly in language education. This article contains a review of the process of paradigm shift in a communicative language teaching, namely the shift from positivism to post positivism. This discussion includes eight aspects of change, among others, Learner Autonomy, the essence a Social Learning, Curriculum Integration, Focus on Meaning, Diversity, Thinking Skills, Alternative Measurement, and Teachers as Co-LearnersIn fact the eighth aspects of paradigm were not fully implemented thoroughly in public education, particularly in the field of second language. Educators and other stakeholders have been trying to understand and implement the change by way of partial, rather than a holistic manner. The main purpose of this paper is to show that this change is important to improve the quality of learning a second language

    The Implementation of Interactive Comprehensible Written Input-Output Instruction in Teaching Writing of English

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    The long term goal of this research is to prove the effect of input and output means in the theory of Second Language Acquisition. The input-output means has been proven to be able to influence the process of second language acquisition (Izumi et al., 1999). A comprehensible approach called Interactive Input-Output Instruction Written designed and developed to maximize input obtained through reading materials that were then used to produce meaningful paper or essay. Assuming that there was a problem with the ability of students to use the language, especially in terms of ability to write, which is important for every students of English, type of learning in a group can be used to benefit the students to get input from the reading process to influence their writing skills. In groups, the students were given a writing assignment that must be completed. This writing task brings a bias problem solved by recourse through the reading process. Therefore, the reading was done with a purpose and contribution of each member in the group is very helpful in completing the task of writing. The study involved 36 students who attend Mathematics English courses in the first semester of academic year 2016/2017. The students were given the opportunity to process narrative and anecdotal text, made text reconstruction, paragraph predicting continued, wrote prediction, give and receive feedback and make revisions. The results show there significant difference between students’ ability to write comprehensible Written before implementation Interactive Input-Output Instruction and after implementation comprehensible Written Interactive Input-Output Instruction. Of the five aspects of writing, the students obtained an increase in value in terms of content and organization. The predictive ability of students is quite high as evidenced by the nine groups that made predictions, five groups could do exactly
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