33 research outputs found

    Rapid Prototyping of Third-Order Sigma-Delta A/D Converters

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    Prototyping of third-order sigma-delta analog to digital converters (ƩΔADCs) has been presented in the paper. The method is based on implementation of field programmable analog arrays (FPAA) to configure and reconfigure proposed circuits. Three third-order ƩΔ ADC structures have been considered. The circuit characteristics have been measured and then the structure of the converters have been reconfigured to satisfy input specifications

    Assessment of the impact of DIAM interspinal dynamic stabilization on pain in the lumbar spine - the role of physiotherapy

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    Pain in the LS segment occurs in both young and old people. Stabilization training is gaining more and more supporters in returning to proper functioning. Central stabilization is the ability to maintain the correct body posture during static and dynamic movements. The DIAM system of dynamic interspinal stabilization of the spine is a minimally invasive procedure which, by inserting a silicone implant between the spinous processes, relieves the intervertebral joints, the intervertebral disc and reduces the pressure on the nerve structures. Continuation after the procedure is systematic physiotherapy. The aim of the study was to assess the impact of the implant and individually adjusted stabilization training of the lumbar-pelvic-hip complex in patients after dynamic interspinal stabilization with the DIAM method. The study was conducted on a group of 56 people who underwent a minimally invasive procedure and qualified from the 10th day after the operation. The stabilization training was selected individually for each patient, including the current state of health. The training was conducted once a week for four weeks. The conducted stabilization training of the lumbar-pelvic-hip complex turned out to be an effective method in recovery. There was a significant decrease in pain in the lower part of the spine among the examined patients. There was an improvement in physical activity and activities of daily living based on the Ronald-Morris scale. A decrease in the number of points was noted in all subjects. Fast, post-surgical rehabilitation therapy after using dynamic stabilization - DIAM, turned out to be a helpful method in faster recovery. It is reasonable to introduce early rehabilitation according to the scheme established by us after the DIAM dynamic stabilization procedure, as the period of return to work is reduced

    Assessment of the impact of DIAM interspinal dynamic stabilization on pain in the lumbar spine - the role of physiotherapy

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    Pain in the LS segment occurs in both young and old people. Stabilization training is gaining more and more supporters in returning to proper functioning. Central stabilization is the ability to maintain the correct body posture during static and dynamic movements. The DIAM system of dynamic interspinal stabilization of the spine is a minimally invasive procedure which, by inserting a silicone implant between the spinous processes, relieves the intervertebral joints, the intervertebral disc and reduces the pressure on the nerve structures. Continuation after the procedure is systematic physiotherapy. The aim of the study was to assess the impact of the implant and individually adjusted stabilization training of the lumbar-pelvic-hip complex in patients after dynamic interspinal stabilization with the DIAM method. The study was conducted on a group of 56 people who underwent a minimally invasive procedure and qualified from the 10th day after the operation. The stabilization training was selected individually for each patient, including the current state of health. The training was conducted once a week for four weeks. The conducted stabilization training of the lumbar-pelvic-hip complex turned out to be an effective method in recovery. There was a significant decrease in pain in the lower part of the spine among the examined patients. There was an improvement in physical activity and activities of daily living based on the Ronald-Morris scale. A decrease in the number of points was noted in all subjects. Fast, post-surgical rehabilitation therapy after using dynamic stabilization - DIAM, turned out to be a helpful method in faster recovery. It is reasonable to introduce early rehabilitation according to the scheme established by us after the DIAM dynamic stabilization procedure, as the period of return to work is reduced

    Assessment of the knowledge of people training amateur strength sports about the squat and its variations and the benefits from this fact

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    EntryThe squat pattern is present in the life of every human being from his earliest years. In sports, the squat is one of the most popular exercises, used in almost every discipline in countless variations by both professionals and amateurs. Due to its biomechanics and the degree of involvement of the nervous system and the musculoskeletal system, its use is an essential training link in any plan aimed at developing muscle mass, strength and endurance. The squat pattern is also used in medicine, rehabilitation and improving people suffering from all kinds of injuries and dysfunctions of the locomotor system. Material and methodsThe study used the diagnostic survey method, with the use of a proprietary questionnaire consisting of 37 questions. The study was conducted among a group of 250 men aged 20-50 practicing amateur strength sports. ConclusionsThe current state of knowledge about the squat technique (high bar, low bar, front squat) among men practicing strength sports as amateurs is at an insufficient level. Respondents did not show sufficient knowledge about the impact of squats on the human body

    Application of peripheral nerve conduits in clinical practice: A literature review

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    Understanding the pathomechanisms behind peripheral nerve damage and learning the course of regeneration seem to be crucial for selecting the appropriate methods of treatment. Autografts are currently the gold standard procedure in nerve reconstruction. However, due to the frequency of complications resulting from autografting and a desire to create a better environment for the regeneration of the damaged nerve, artificial conduits have become an approved alternative treatment method. The aim of this mini-review is to present the nerve scaffolds that have been applied in clinical practice to date, and the potential directions of developments in nerve conduit bioengineering. Articles regarding construction and characterization of nerve conduits were used as the theoretical background. All papers, available in PubMed database since 2000, presenting results of application of artificial nerve conduits in clinical trials were included into this mini-review. Fourteen studies including ≤10 patients and 10 trials conducted on >10 patients were analyzed as well as 24 papers focused on artificial nerve conduits per se. Taking into consideration the experiences of the authors investigating nerve conduits in clinical trials, it is essential to point out the emergence of bioresorbable scaffolds, which in the future may significantly change the treatment of peripheral nerve injuries. Also worth mentioning among the advanced conduits are hybrid conduits, which combine several modifications of a synthetic material to provide the optimal regeneration of a damaged nerve

    Can we use thermal imaging to evaluate the effects of carpal tunnel syndrome surgical decompression?

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    Research is intended to verify if thermal imaging can be used in diagnosing and monitoring the carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). This disease is not easy to diagnose using traditional methods. Also, the difficulties in monitoring carpal tunnel surgery effects necessitate new, noninvasive method, which gives more information. The research group consists of 15 patients with CTS and control group of healthy people. All patients who were examined before surgery were also tested 4 weeks after surgery, to check the effects of treatment. In addition a lot of our patients had or will have open carpel tunnel release surgery. Diagnosis of CTS was performed by thermal imaging in both hands from phalanges to the area of the wrist on the external and palmar side of the palm. Using infrared (IR) camera one can observe high temperature gradient on hand-tested areas and these differences prove the diagnosis. Moreover patients after surgery have better temperature distribution and it was closer to control group. Results prove that surgery is the best, and currently, the only method to treat CTS. Thermal imaging may be helpful in diagnosing CTS

    Comparison of quality and organization of physical activities organized by University Sports Association at selected universities of the Upper Silesia

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    Introduction. Gym exercises have become more and more popular in the recent years. Thus, it is not surprising that this form of physical activity offered by University Sports Association has become a popular choice among the university students. However, to benefit from the workout, the exercises must be performed correctly. Application of excessive loads, number of repetitions, or poor technique can cause injury, which may lead to serious physical damage. Aim. The aims were to check the quality and organization of physical activities ogranized by University Sports Association in chosen universities of the Upper Silesia. The questions asked were:1. Is there a correlation  between different universities and the health control among new students at the gym?2. Does the type of university correlate with the quality of the workout?3. Is there a correlation between the type of university and the duration of the strength training?Materials and Methods. 120 students were examined, among which there were 44 women aged 17 to 24 (x=20,8;SD= 1,8) and 76 man aged 17 to 28 (x=21,8; SD= 1,9). They were university students from the following Upper Silesian universities: ŚUM, AWF, UŚ and UE, who regularly practise gym exercises organized by Academic Sports Association. An original questionnaire was created for the purpose of this study. The questions concerned participation in the gym activities, choice of exercises in context of their health predispositions, presentation of the proper technique of exercises, information about synchronization exercises with breath and quality control of performed exercises without prior request of the students. Statistical analysis was performed by a program Statistica. Results. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) demonstrated a statistically significant relation between the type of university and the health control among new students at the gym (p=0,005). ŚUM is the university where the students are the most often controlled. There is no correlation between the type of university and the quality of the training (p=0,35). The duration of strength training is not correlated with the type of university. Students of AWF Katowice spend the most time at the gym, whereas students from ŚUM Katowice spend the least.Conclusion 1. Frequency of the health control among students starting classes at the gym depends on the type of university.2.  The type of university does not affect the quality of the training.3.  The duration of training does not depend on the type of university

    Students’ attitude towards taking up physical activities apart from university classes

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    The aim of this study was to answer the following questions: What are the reasons that determine the physical activity of students outside of their university? What determines the duration of exercises and during what year the students exercise the most ? 301 students were tested using an original questionnaire. The analysis consisted of descriptive statistics and performed  analysis ANOVA. Analysis showed a significant relationship between sex and physical activity. Men are more likely to exercise. However, there is no relationship between the frequency of physical activity and gender.

    Ocena czynników mających wpływ na podejmowanie aktywności fizycznej w trakcie studiów = Students’ attitude towards taking up physical activities apart from university classes

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    Duda Mariola, Rżany Michał, Dudło Aleksandra, Dogońska Aleksandra, Suszyński Krzysztof, Górka Dariusz. Ocena czynników mających wpływ na podejmowanie aktywności fizycznej w trakcie studiów = Students’ attitude towards taking up physical activities apart from university classes. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2015;5(11):661-668. eISSN 2391-8306. DOIhttp://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.35716http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/2015%3B5%2811%29%3A661-668http://pbn.nauka.gov.pl/works/684967Formerly Journal of Health Sciences. ISSN 1429-9623 / 2300-665X. Archives 2011–2014http://journal.rsw.edu.pl/index.php/JHS/issue/archive Original Text published © The Author (s) 2015. Duda Mariola, Rżany Michał, Dudło Aleksandra, Dogońska Aleksandra, Suszyński Krzysztof, Górka Dariusz. Ocena czynników mających wpływ na podejmowanie aktywności fizycznej w trakcie studiów. Quality in Sport. 2015;1(2):53-59. eISSN 2450-3118. The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 755 (23.12.2015).755 Journal of Education, Health and Sport (null) 2391-8306 7© The Author (s) 2015;This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland.Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercialuse, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.Received: 15.11.2015. Revised 20.11.2015. Accepted: 30.11.2015. Mariola Duda, Michał Rżany, Aleksandra Dudło, Aleksandra Dogońska,Krzysztof Suszyński, Dariusz GórkaKatedra Fizjoterapii, Zakład Medycyny Sportowej i Fizjologii Wysiłku FizycznegoWydział Nauk o Zdrowiu, Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Katowicach Ocena czynników mających wpływ na podejmowanie aktywności fizycznej w trakcie studiówStudents’ attitude towards taking up physical activities apart from university classes   StreszczenieCelem badania było odpowiedź na pytania: Od jakich czynników zależy podejmowanie aktywności fizycznej przez studentów  poza uczelnia? Od czego zależy długość trwania ćwiczeń i w jakim okresie studiów jest on największy? Zbadano 301 studentów używając autorski kwestionariusz. Analiza polegała na wykonaniu statystyk opisowych oraz analizy wariancji ANOVA. Analiza wykazała zależność istotnie statystyczną pomiędzy płcią a podejmowaniem aktywności fizycznej. Mężczyźni częściej ćwiczą. Brak jest zależności pomiędzy częstością uprawiania sportu a płcią. Słowa kluczowe: student, aktywność fizyczna, studia.   AbstractThe aim of this study was to answer the following questions: What are the reasons that determine the physical activity of students outside of their university? What determines the duration of exercises and during what year the students exercise the most ? 301 students were tested using an original questionnaire. The analysis consisted of descriptive statistics and performed  analysis ANOVA. Analysis showed a significant relationship between sex and physical activity. Men are more likely to exercise. However, there is no relationship between the frequency of physical activity and gender. Key words: student, physical activity, studies

    Assessment of the knowledge of people training amateur strength sports about the squat and its variations and the benefits from this fact

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    Entry The squat pattern is present in the life of every human being from his earliest years. In sports, the squat is one of the most popular exercises, used in almost every discipline in countless variations by both professionals and amateurs. Due to its biomechanics and the degree of involvement of the nervous system and the musculoskeletal system, its use is an essential training link in any plan aimed at developing muscle mass, strength and endurance. The squat pattern is also used in medicine, rehabilitation and improving people suffering from all kinds of injuries and dysfunctions of the locomotor system. Material and methods The study used the diagnostic survey method, with the use of a proprietary questionnaire consisting of 37 questions. The study was conducted among a group of 250 men aged 20-50 practicing amateur strength sports. Conclusions The current state of knowledge about the squat technique (high bar, low bar, front squat) among men practicing strength sports as amateurs is at an insufficient level. Respondents did not show sufficient knowledge about the impact of squats on the human body