29 research outputs found


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    Families have an important role in fulfilling enough nutrition in children. Hence, family quality life greatly affects in fulfilling nutritional status. The aimed of this study was to analyze the relationship of family quality of life and nutritional status among under five children. A cross-sectional study was conducted among 248 family using consecutive sampling. A self-administered questionnaire was used to measure sociodemographic of family and their children, while the Family Quality of Life Questionnaire was used to analyze the quality of family life and Anthropometric calculations based on BB/U, TB/U and BB/TB with the interpretation of z-score used to analyze nutritional status among under five children. The relationship between the quality of family life and the nutritional status among under five children was analyzed by Kruskal Wallis. This study showed children with nutrition based on BB/U 303 children, based on TB/U 226 children, and based on BB/TB 344 children. There were a significantly relationship between FQOL and nutritional status of children (p-value < 0,05). The study concludeed, FQOL relationship with the nutritional status of children. Therefore, the improve the quality of family life in order to improve the nutritional status of children who are more normal to prevent disruption in the growth and development of children

    Hubungan Pemberian MP-ASI Dini dengan Status Gizi Bayi Umur 0-6 Bulan di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Rowotengah Kabupaten Jember

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    Nutrition is influenced by some factors, such as giving complementary breastfeeding. Complementary breastfeeding is food or drink contains of nutrition which is given to baby or 6-24 month ages kid for completing the nutrition need besides breastfeeding. The phenomenon in society shows that complementary breastfeeding is given to baby who is under 6 months years old. It is called by the early complementary breastfeeding. The purpose of this observation is to analyze the correlation between giving early complementary breastfeeding and level baby nutrition 0-6 month in work area of Rowotengah community health center in Jember. The design of this observation uses analytic observational. The taking of sample uses non probability sampling technique with simple random sampling. The population of this observation is 0-6 month babies who are listed in Rowotengah community health center in jember which are 496 babies. The determining of the sample uses purposive sampling technique, which are 50 respondents. The processing of the data uses Chi Square test with the credibility is 95% (α=0, 05). The result of the statistic test shows the probability number which is 0,008 (p< 0, 05), so there is correlation between giving early complementary breastfeeding and level baby nutrition 0-6 month in work area of Rowotengah community health center in Jember. Keywords: early complementary breastfeeding, nutritio

    Survey Of Flood Disaster Preparedness Among School-age Children At Kemiri Village, Panti District, Jember

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    School-age children as one of population play an important role in flood natural disaster preparedness. The occurrence of flood natural disaster in Kemiri village of Panti gave both material and immaterial impacts. Flood natural disaster preparedness that can be carried out independently by the community can help empower the community independently or jointly reduce its impact.  This research was a descriptive explorative research that aimed to determine the ability of school-age children about preparing themselves in the preparedness of natural flood disasters. The sample was taken by simple random sampling with 75 school age children participated in this study. Data were collected by using flood disaster preparedness questionnaire and analyzed with univariate analysis in percentage form. The results obtained that school-age children were still lacking in the 7 indicators of preparedness toward natural flash flood disaster. It was shown from each indicator that majority of children still do not have the ability toward flood natural disaster preparedness. School-age children as part of a community need to get a disaster preparedness skill that will help them take an active role in the communinity including at home and school

    Pengaruh Terapi Bermain SCL (Snake, Cards, and Ladders) terhadap Keterampilan Mencuci Tangan Siswa Kelas I dan II di SDN Pakusari II Kabupaten Jember (The Effect of SCL (Snake, Cards, and Ladders) Games Therapy to Hand Washing Skill of First and Second G

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    Hand washing behaviour in school-age children showed the lowest quality. Prevention effort to improve hand washing skill with SCL (Snake, Cards, and Ladders) games therapy. This study aimed to analyze the effect of SCL (Snake, Cards, and Ladders) games therapy to hand washing skill of first and second grade students in Elementary School of Pakusari II Jember District. The study used pre-experimental with pretest-posttest group design. Sampling technique used simple random sampling with 44 respondents. Data analysis used Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. Hand washing skill of respondents after games therapy showed 70,4% had good hand washing skill and 29,6% had sufficient hand washing skill. The result showed point p value = 0.000. There was an effect of SCL (Snake, Cards, and Ladders) games therapy to hand washing skills of first and second grade students in Elementary School of Pakusari II Jember District. Recommendation for the school to supply hand washing facility like soap, tissue paper, and hand sanitizer to improve hand washing skill of students in Elementary School of Pakusari II Jember District.   Keywords: hand washing, school-aged children, skill, SCL (Snake, Cards, and Ladders), games therapy

    Hubungan Tingkat Kebugaran Jasmani dengan Status Kognitif pada Lansia di Desa Dukuh Dempok, Wuluhan, Jember

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    Cognitive impairment is a health problem that causes a large economic burden for elderly families and the community. Cognitive decline is a serious threat to the independence and quality of life of the elderly. The aim of this research was to analysis the relationship the level of fitness and the cognitive function status of the elderly. This research design was observational analytic research with Cross Sectional approach. There were 76 respondents which obtained by used Simple Random Sampling technique. Data collection used 6-MWT (6-Minutes Walking Test) and MMSE (Mini Mental Status Exam). Data analysis using statistical correlation spearman test with a significance level of 0.05. Ethical approval were obtained with serial number 321 / UN25.8 / KEPK / DL / 2019. The results showed that the elderly had a good fitness levels about 52.3% and had a normal cognitive status function of 87.1%. The statistical test result showed that the p value is 0.001; r = 0.474, which means there is a significant relationship between the level of physical fitness and the status of cognitive function. Factors that influence the cognitive function status of the elderly by maintaining physical fitness that can increase serum BDNF concentration. Improving physical fitness can be done by exercising like walking with a frequency of more than 4 times a week, with a duration of 20-30 minutes/day


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    Abstract Background: Girl’s adolescent who live in Islamic boarding schools need behavioral maintenance facilities regarding reproductive health.  Girl’s adolescent development during reproductive growth will be associated with the acceptance of self-esteem. Objective: The study purpose was to understand about the relationship of self-esteem and adolescent reproductive health maintenance behaviors of students in Darussholah Boarding Schools Jember. Method: This study used cross-sectional with 281 adolescent aged 12-18 with convenience sampling. Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale (RSES) was used to measure self-esteem, and reproductive health care questionnaire was to measure reproductive health maintenance behaviors. Chi-square was performed to analyze the objective of study. Results: The results showed that among 281 adolescents were identify have a low self esteem (85%) and (74%) of less maintenance reproductive health behaviors. There is a significant relationship between the self-esteem and adolescent reproductive health maintenance behaviors among girl’s adolescent in Darussholah Boarding Schools Jember (χ2 = 96.34; p-value = 0.001). Girl’s adolescent with low self-esteem are more likely 35.414 time to have less reproductive health care (OR = 35.414; 95% CI = 90,145-13,913). Conclusion: Acceptance of proportional self-esteem should be improved to maintenance. Therefore, facilities in Islamic boarding schools need to be provided to realize a clean and healthy should the maintenance of reproductive. Keywords: Self esteem, maintainance of reproductive behavior, female adolscent, boarding schools Abstrak Latar belakang: Remaja putri yang tinggal di pondok pesantren selama proses hygiene perseorangan memerlukan fasilitas pemeliharaan perilaku kesehatan reproduksinya. Perkembangan remaja selama tumbuh kembang kesehatan reproduksi akan berkaitan dengan penerimaan harga dirinya. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara harga diri dengan perilaku pemeliharaan kesehatan reproduksi remaja santri putri di Pondok Pesantren Darussholah Jember. Metode: Desain penelitian cross-sectional dilakukan pada 281 remaja berusia 12-18 tahun dengan convenience sampling. Kuesioner digunakan untuk mengukur karakteristik remaja. Kuisioner Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale (RSES) digunakan untuk mengukur harga diri, dan kuesioner pemeliharaan kesehatan reproduksi digunakan untuk mengukur perilaku pemeliharaan kesehatan reproduksi.  Hasil: Hasil menunjukkan bahwa remaja memiliki harga diri rendah (85%) dan perilaku pemeliharaan kesehatan reproduksi yang kurang (74%). Ada hubungan yang signifikan antara harga diri dengan perilaku pemeliharaan kesehatan reproduksi remaja santri putri di Pondok Pesantren Darussholah Jember (χ2= 96,34; p-value= 0,001). Remaja santri putri dengan harga diri rendah berpeluang 35,414 kali memiliki pemeliharaan kesehatan reproduksi kurang (OR= 35,414; 95% CI= 13,913-90,145). Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan antara peran keluarga dengan pengetahuan dan SADARI pada remaja putri di Kecamatan Jelbuk. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan peningkatan pendidikan dan promosi kesehatan pada keluarga supaya dapat menjalankan peran keluarga dengan lebih baik dan menjadi sumber informasi tentang SADARI bagi remaja putri.   Kata kunci: harga diri, pemeliharaan kesehatan reproduksi, remaja putri, pondok pesantre


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    Abstract Background: Deaf adolescent during their development needs special attention particularly parents, to prevent risk for sexual behavior. Risk for sexual behavior among deaf adolescent related to the role of parents can be facilitated by families on how families communicate issues regarding reproductive health of deaf adolescents. Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between the family communication patterns and risky sexual behavior in Disabled Children School, Patrang regency of Jember district Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 53 deaf adolescent aged 11-20 with convenience sampling. A questionnaire was used to identify the sociodemography of participants while the data family communication patterns of was obtained by using the Family Communication Patterns Questionnaire and Adolescents Reproductive Health (ARH) Questionnaire to measure risky sexual behavior. Spearman test was performed to analyze the objective of the study. Results: There is a correlation between family communication patterns and risky sexual behavior in Disabled Children School, Patrang regency of Jember district (r = -0,301; p-value= 0,029). Conclussion: Family communication patterns received by deaf adolescents determine their sexual behavior. Deaf adolescents with dysfunctional family communication patterns tend to show risky sexual behavior. Keywords: family communication pattern, risk for sexual behavior, deaf adolescents Abstrak Latar belakang: Remaja tunarungu selama tumbuh kembangnya membutuhkan perhatian khusus terutama orang tua, untuk mencegah perilaku seksual berisiko. Perilaku seksual berisiko di kalangan remaja tunarungu berkaitan dengan peran orang tua dan dapat difasilitasi oleh keluarga terkait bagaimana keluarga mengkomunikasikan masalah kesehatan reproduksi remaja tunarungu. Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan antara pola komunikasi keluarga dengan perilaku seksual berisiko pada remaja tunarungu di Sekolah Luar Biasa Kecamatan Patrang Kabupaten Jember. Metode: Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah cross-sectional dilakukan pada 53 remaja tunarungu berusia 11-20 tahun dengan convenience sampling. Instrumen menggunakan kuesioner Pola Komunikasi Keluarga dan Kuesioner Adolescents Reproductive Health (ARH) untuk mengukur perilaku seksual berisiko. Hasil: Ada hubungan antara pola komunikasi keluarga dengan perilaku seksual berisiko pada remaja tunarungu di Sekolah Luar Biasa Kecamatan Patrang Kabupaten Jember (r = -0,301; p-value= 0,029). Kesimpulan: Pola komunikasi keluarga yang diterima oleh remaja tunarungu menentukan perilaku seksualnya. Remaja tunarungu dengan pola komunikasi keluarga disfungsional cenderung menunjukan perilaku seksual yang berisiko.   Kata kunci: pola komunikasi keluarga, perilaku seksual berisiko, remaja tunarung

    Perbedaan Motivasi Siswa Usia 6-12 tahun dalam Upaya Pencegahan Tuberkulosis Paru di Daerah Prevalensi Tinggi dan Prevalensi Rendah di Kabupaten Jember (The Difference Levels of Motivation in 6-12 years-old Students Regarding Pulmonary Tuberculosis Prev

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    Pulmonary tuberculosis control is one of important aspect to decrease mortality in children. One of factors that influence health behaviors to prevent tuberculosis is motivation. This research aimed to analyze the difference levels of motivation in 6-12 year-old students regarding pulmonary tuberculosis preventions between high and low prevalence area at Jember. This research used comparative analytical study with cross sectional design. The subjects of this study were students aged 6-12 years old in elementary schools that located in high and low prevalence area. Samples were obtained by probability sampling technique with multistage random sampling revealed 129 students in high prevalence area and 107 students in low prevalence area. The data were gained by using questionnaire and analyzed by Mann Whitney with CI=95% and α=0,05. The results showed that in both areas more than half students had high motivation; 71 respondents (55%) in high prevalence area, and 71 respondents (66.4%) in low prevalence area. Furthermore, the result showed that there were difference levels of motivation in students aged 6-12 year-old regarding pulmonary tuberculosis preventions between high and low prevalence area at Jember (p value=0,000). Overall, every health care setting should give health education to improve public motivation in preventing pulmonary tuberculosis.   Keywords: tuberculosis prevention, motivation, high prevalence, low prevalence &nbsp

    HubunganTeknik Menyusui dengan Risiko Terjadinya Mastitis pada Ibu Menyusui di Desa Kemuning Kecamatan Arjasa Kabupaten Jember (The Correlation between Breastfeeding Techniques and Risk of Mastitis at Kemuning Village of Arjasa Distrincts Jember Regency)

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    The risk of mastitis is one of the problems that occurred during the breastfeeding process whichaffect the success of breast-milk. One of the factors that can increase the risk of mastitis isbreastfeeding techniques. The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship betweenbreastfeeding techniques and risk of mastitis in Kemuning village Arjasa districts, Jember. Thisresearch used an analytic survey design with cross sectional method. The subjects of this studywere breastfeeding’s mother who have infants age 0-6 months in Kemuning village. The samplingtechnique was a total sampling consist of 57 respondents. The instrument used observation sheet ofbreastfeeding techniques and questionnaires of mastitis risk. Result showed 36 respondents(63,2%) have feeding techniques in enough categories and 26 respondents (45,6%) have middlerisk of mastitis. The analysis based on statistical chi square by using CI=95% showed p value =0,005 (p value<α=0,05). It means that there was correlation between breastfeeding techniques andthe risk of mastitis. A better breastfeeding techniques will decrease the risk of mastitis. Healthworked need to improve the implementation of programs to provide information to mothers aboutbreastfeeding technique and the risk of mastitis.Keywords: Breastfeeding techniques, the risk of mastiti