3 research outputs found

    BAL on Pneumocystis carinii Pneumonia

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    Laser excitation of the 1s-hyperfine transition in muonic hydrogen

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    The CREMA collaboration is pursuing a measurement of the ground-state hyperfine splitting (HFS) in muonic hydrogen (μ\mup) with 1 ppm accuracy by means of pulsed laser spectroscopy to determine the two-photon-exchange contribution with 2×10−42\times10^{-4} relative accuracy. In the proposed experiment, the μ\mup atom undergoes a laser excitation from the singlet hyperfine state to the triplet hyperfine state, {then} is quenched back to the singlet state by an inelastic collision with a H2_2 molecule. The resulting increase of kinetic energy after the collisional deexcitation is used as a signature of a successful laser transition between hyperfine states. In this paper, we calculate the combined probability that a μ\mup atom initially in the singlet hyperfine state undergoes a laser excitation to the triplet state followed by a collisional-induced deexcitation back to the singlet state. This combined probability has been computed using the optical Bloch equations including the inelastic and elastic collisions. Omitting the decoherence effects caused by {the laser bandwidth and }collisions would overestimate the transition probability by more than a factor of two in the experimental conditions. Moreover, we also account for Doppler effects and provide the matrix element, the saturation fluence, the elastic and inelastic collision rates for the singlet and triplet states, and the resonance linewidth. This calculation thus quantifies one of the key unknowns of the HFS experiment, leading to a precise definition of the requirements for the laser system and to an optimization of the hydrogen gas target where μ\mup is formed and the laser spectroscopy will occur.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure

    Diffusion of muonic hydrogen in hydrogen gas and the measurement of the 1ss hyperfine splitting of muonic hydrogen

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    The CREMA collaboration is pursuing a measurement of the ground-state hyperfine splitting (HFS) in muonic hydrogen (μ\mup) with 1 ppm accuracy by means of pulsed laser spectroscopy. In the proposed experiment, the μ\mup atom is excited by a laser pulse from the singlet to the triplet hyperfine sub-levels, and is quenched back to the singlet state by an inelastic collision with a H2_2 molecule. The resulting increase of kinetic energy after this cycle modifies the μ\mup atom diffusion in the hydrogen gas and the arrival time of the μ\mup atoms at the target walls. This laser-induced modification of the arrival times is used to expose the atomic transition. In this paper we present the simulation of the μ\mup diffusion in the H2_2 gas which is at the core of the experimental scheme. These simulations have been implemented with the Geant4 framework by introducing various low-energy processes including the motion of the H2_2 molecules, i.e. the effects related with the hydrogen target temperature. The simulations have been used to optimize the hydrogen target parameters (pressure, temperatures and thickness) and to estimate signal and background rates. These rates allow to estimate the maximum time needed to find the resonance and the statistical accuracy of the spectroscopy experiment