13 research outputs found


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    Zaman Peralihan adalah kumpulan tulisan Soe Hok Gie (aktivis mahasiswa Indonesia angkatan 1966) tentang kondisi Indonesia di era peralihan kekuasaan Soekarno ke Soeharto yang disunting oleh Stanley dan Aris Santoso dan diberi pengantar oleh Dr. Kuntowijoyo

    Analisis pengaruh e-WOM, e-trust dan e-service quality Islamic terhadap keputusan pembelian Shopee : studi kasus warga Kota Semarang

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh E-WOM, E-Trust dan E-Service Quality Islamic Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Shopee. Sumber data penelitian ini merupakan data primer yang berasal dari sampel yaitu warga kota Semarang yang pernah minimal 1 kali pembelian di Shopee dengan jumlah sampel 100 responden dari berbagai wilayah yang ada di Semarang dengan metode penyebaran kuosioner. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa: (1) Secara parsial variabel E-WOM berpengaruh signifikan dan positif terhadap Keputusan Pembelian. (2) Secara parsial variabel E-TRUST berpengaruh signifikan dan positif terhadap Keputusan Pembelian. (3) Secara parsial variabel E-Service Quality Islamic berpengaruh signifikan dan positif terhadap Keputusan Pembelian. (4) Secara Simultan variabel E-WOM, E-TRUST dan E-Service Quality Islamic berpengaruh signifikan dan positif terhadap Keputusan Pembelian


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    Obtaining a quality education is the foundation to creating sustainable development. Education can help locals to develop innovative solutions for the world’s problems. Schools then have a very important role to play in achieving quality education. In addition to improving quality in the academic field, developing quality school human resources is also very important task to do. Schools need to support the human recources or children’s development by creating child-friendly schools. In the preparation phase of creating the child-friendly schools, there are several im parts that need to be considered and carried out, such as open discussion or constultation with the children as student in order to identify children’s needs and accommodate children’s aspiration. The focus group discussion and interviews with representative students from Salatiga founds there are needs and problems that need to be addresses on preparing the child-friendly schools: 1) on school policy: schools need partipations of all stake holders in developing school policy of violence against student, and specific detail of that upcoming policy, clearer and safer violence reporting mechansism for children; 2) on learning activities: unbalance treatments and discrimination towards students (based on social status, religion, and race or ethnicity), lack of educators’ capacity on understanding the diversity of character and students’ potential, treatments from educator that decreasing students’ condidence, teachers behavior that contains offensive SARA (ethnicity, religion, race, and social class), and violence cases both physically and verbally in schools activities; 3) on educators component; lack of understanding of child rights and child-friendly schools, lack of implementation of child rights and child-friendly schools; 4) on facilities and infrastructure: evacuation routes for natural disasters and fires, clean toilet facilities and changing rooms that can protect students from sexual crimes attempts; 5) on students participations and; 6) stakeholders participations: lack of stakeholders and students involment on preparing child-friendly school in Salatiga


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    The Development village as tourist destination requires local community participation. However, sometimes community involvement is neglected by many people. This study aims to analyze the participation of local communities in the development of Kemetul Village as tourist destination. Kemetul Village is located in Semarang Regency, Central Java. This research is conducted by using in-depth interview and observation to the public, managers, and other parties involved. The analytical method used is a qualitative method. The research found that community participation in the development of Kemetul Tourism village can be seen from their involvement in these stages: the preparation stage, the program planning stage, the operational stage, the development stage, the monitoring stage and the community evaluation program. The community participation also faces some challenges such as lack of understanding concept of a tourism village, people assumption about lack of benefit from a tourism village, some local people do not care about tourist village development, the difficulty of arranging an appropriate time for the community to involve in activities or programs, and lack of initiatives from the manager and local government on involving the people of Kemetul Village


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    Indonesia has been establishing tourism as the leading industry sector because it's 22,4% growth in 2019. The establishment of the tourism sector as the leading industry sector must be supported by good development and management. To achieve development goals, local communities must involve in the tourism sector. This research is conducted to find out the involvement of Batu Cermin Village's community on developing and managing tourist destinations. The data collection techniques used in this study are interviews and observations. From this research found that the participation of local communities in Batu Cermin Village can be categorized into five types of participation: idea contribution, work participation, expertise participation, material participation, and fund contribution. Participation of local communities in Batu Cemin is important because the accurate information is only owned by local people, besides that community trust is needed for the successful implementation of policies. There is also some supporting factor and obstacle of community involvement in Batu Cerim. The supporting factor is managerial of the which been moved to Village-Owned Enterprise (BUMDes). The obstacles to the involvement of the local community in Batu Cermin Village are the lack of knowledge about tourism issues, lack of the awareness of destination ownership, and lack of ability to see the economic opportunities


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    Abstract— Pondok Bekam Abu Hudzaifah is a place in the fields of business services cupping and selling herbal medicines and islamic books .Of the more that it will be offered by the company offered the service for the satisfaction of their customers, both for the result of services provided and also for the inventorying system. The increasing activities in a the company means the more data and reports to be handled, one of which on data processing of the supplies or inventory .The number of data shall be procceed without the proper data processing’s techniques can be a problem, for example it was a data redudances or even lost the datas permanently. By using the Waterfall Method, writer mean to make and to design an inventory information system that can be reducing the system that is added to an inventory of goods in Pondok Bekam Abu Hudzaifah with using programming language Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 and MySQL to more effectively and efficiently.Abstract— Pondok Bekam Abu Hudzaifah is a place in the fields of business services cupping and selling herbal medicines and islamic books .Of the more that it will be offered by the company offered the service for the satisfaction of their customers, both for the result of services provided and also for the inventorying system. The increasing activities in a the company means the more data and reports to be handled, one of which on data processing of the supplies or inventory .The number of data shall be procceed without the proper data processing’s techniques can be a problem, for example it was a data redudances or even lost the datas permanently. By using the Waterfall Method, writer mean to make and to design an inventory information system that can be reducing the system that is added to an inventory of goods in Pondok Bekam Abu Hudzaifah with using programming language Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 and MySQL to more effectively and efficiently. Intisari— Pondok Bekam Abu Hudzaifah merupakan sebuah tempat usaha yang bergerak dibidang Jasa Bekam dan penjualan obat-obatan herbal dan buku-buku Islam. Kelebihan yang ditawarkan perusahaan ini berupa pelayanan terhadap kepuasan customer-customernya baik berupa hasil dari jasa yang disediakan maupun pelayanan persediaan barang. Semakin meningkatnya kegiatan yang ada dalam suatu perusahaan tersebut, maka semakin banyak data dan laporan yang harus ditangani, salah satunya mengenai pengolahan data persediaan barang. Banyaknya data yang harus diolah tanpa teknik pengolahan data yang tepat dapat menjadi masalah, contohnya adalah terjadinya kerangkapan data atau bahkan kehilangan data secara permanen. Dengan menggunakan metode Waterfall, penulis bermaksud membuat dan merancang suatu sistem informasi persediaan barang yang dapat mengatasi kendala yang terdapat pada sistem persediaan barang pada Pondok Bekam Abu Hudzaifah dengan menggunakan bahasa pemprograman Visual Basic 6.0 dan MySQL agar pengelolaan data dan laporan akan menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien

    Motivasi dan persepsi pengunjung terhadap Museum Manusia Purba Sangiran Klaster Krikilan

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    One of Indonesia’s tourist destinations which included in the Heritage Tourism category is Sangiran Early Man Site. As a tourist destination, The Sangiran Early Man Museum, Krikilan Cluster and four other museums, needs a concern to some important elements in the development and management of tourism destination. It comprises tourism destination attributes linked to the tourist motivation and perceptions towards necessities compliance, and tourist satisfaction of the destination. Tourist satisfaction became one of indicators whether the tourism destination can be considered as priority tourism destination. This article provides information on visitors’ motivations and perceptions of Krikilan Cluster, the Sangiran Early Man Museum, based on quantitative research conducted on 533 responden. The descriptive results are expected to give contribution towards museum’s maintenance, management, and development to be a primary tourist destination.Indonesia memiliki berbagai destinasi wisata yang termasuk dalam kategori Heritage Tourism, salah satunya adalah Situs Manusia Purba Sangiran. Pengelola Museum Manusia Purba Sangiran Klaster Krikilan dan empat museum lainnya harus mulai memperhatikan unsur-unsur penting dalam pengembangan dan pengelolaan destinasi pariwisata. Unsur-unsur penting meliputi atribut destinasi wisata yang dikaitkan dengan motivasi dan persepsi wisatawan mengenai seberapa besar kemampuan sebuah destinasi wisata memenuhi kebutuhan serta kepuasan wisatawan. Kepuasan wisatawan kemudian dijadikan sebagai salah satu indikator untuk menilai apakah sebuah destinasi wisata dapat dikategorikan sebagai destinasi unggulan. Artikel ini menyajikan hasil penelitian mengenai motivasi dan persepsi pengunjung atau wisatawan Klaster Krikilan Museum Manusia Purba yang dilakukan pada 533 responden menggunakan angket. Hasil penelitian disajikan secara deskriptif sehingga dapat memberikan kontribusi terhadap pemeliharaan, pengelolaan, dan pengembangan museum sebagai destinasi wisata unggulan