4 research outputs found

    Eksplorasi Strategi Bauran Ritel Terhadap Sampoerna Ritel Community Di Kecamatan Ambulu Kabupaten Jember

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    This research was conducted in the retail environment of Mitra SRC Ambulu, Jember Regency. The total population of shop consumers taken from 16 SRC partner stores is 120 people, the population in this study also acts as a sample, this study uses a purposive sample method. Data analysis using SWOT analysis. The purpose of this study was to obtain more information about the awareness, interests, and preferences of the people in Amble District, Jember Regency towards their SRC partners. Through the collection and analysis of information, public awareness emerged in Amble District, Jember Regency about the retail mix of SRC Partners. Provide advice/recommendations on effective retail and retail mix strategies to SRC partner retailers in the Ambulu area, based on an analysis conducted by SRC Ambulu partner retailers, Jember Regency. The test results state that this Strategy Store strength is used to take advantage of all existing opportunities to enable the store to have a competitive advantage (core defense) against similar markets. This strategy is applied to take advantage of existing opportunities by minimizing the weaknesses of SRC Partner retailers. This strategy uses the store's strengths to overcome existing threats. This strategy seeks to minimize existing weaknesses, as well as avoid threats from outside SRC Partner retail.   Keywords: Analysis, Strategy, Mix, Retai

    Konfirmatori Gabungan Pemasaran Jasa terhadap Animo Beli pada Program Studi Teknologi Pembelajaran

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    This study aims to determine the combined effect of service marketing on buying interest in the learning technology study program. The data analysis method in this study uses a quantitative investigation using the SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) model, the sample data uses the census method. The use of samples in this study were 492 respondents. The authors of this article processed the data using AMOSE version 16.0 programming. The results showed that the combined variables of service marketing, namely product, price, place, promotion, people, process, and physical evidence had a significant effect on buying interest in the Master of Learning Technology (MTP) Program. In conclusion, if students' views about products, prices, places, promotions, people, processes, and physical evidence are good, it will build students' decisions to continue their education in the Learning Technology Study Program, Universitas PGRI Argopuro Jember and vice versa. Keywords: Confirmatory, Combined, Marketin


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    Jamur tiram varietas grey oyster yang sedang dikembangkan di IKIP PGRI Jember merupakan salah satu jamur tiram hibrida yang diperoleh dari rekayasa kultur jaringan dengan persilangan secara fusi protoplasma antara jamur tiram putih (Pleurotus ostreatus) dan jamur tiram cokelat (Pleurotus cystidiosus) dan memiliki prospek kedepan yang sangat baik untuk dikembangkan, dapat memberikan banyak manfaat serta memiliki dampak positif baik bagi IKIP sendiri maupun masyarakat luas. Model usaha jamur tiram putih yang dijalankan oleh Unit IbIKK pada tahun pertama masih bertumpu pada persilangan vareietas jamur tiram, produksi baglog serta difersivikssi produk dari jamur tiram, namun untuk tahun kedua dan ketiga akan lebih bervariasi, yaitu produksi jamur varietas baru hasil persilangan secara masal, penjualan baglog, jasa paket kemitraan investasi usaha tani jamur tiram, dan budidaya jamur tiram dengan sistem kemitraan. Usaha ini juga telah menjadi sarana pembelajaran mahasiswa, dan Dosen di wilayah IKIP PGRI Jember. Keywords— Jamur Tiram varietas Grey Oyster, Kewirausahaan, skil


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    Banan peel of Agung Semeru and banana peel of Mas Kirana, is one part of banana fruit containing antimicrobial compounds that contain phytochemical components. The purpose of this research is to know the quality of cream from banana peel extract of Agung Semeru, Mas Kirana and combination of both using 100% concentration (the best concentration, based on previous research results). In the test the cream is done organoleptic test, test homogeneity, spreading test, pH test and absorption test. The results obtained on the organoleptic test seen from the color of brown cream, semi-solid dosage form, and the smell of banana skin cream typical test homogeneity does not occur agglomeration, pH ranges from 5-6 and still safe for the skin, has a cream that meets the requirements of absorption that is more 1 mg / 1 ml. A / M cream scattering test is easy to be applied so that the extract cream of skin extract of Agung Semeru banana skin extract, Mas Kirana and combination fulfill the scatter test