153 research outputs found

    Conceptual Model for Developing Creativity in Batik Industry

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    The purpose of this research is to develop a conceptual model of creativity in batik industry. This model was developed by conducting a study from previous research that discuss important factors for the development of creativity. This conceptual model was built based on four variable, namely creative person, intrinsic motivation, job skills training, and creative organizational climate. Creative person will stimulate the creativity development in batik industry. A creative person are more able to improve their creativity if they have intrinsic motivation, given some training that related with the job skills they needed, and supported by organization that have positive climate (climate in organization that respects creativity, provide opportunities, time, facilities, infrastructure and incentives to employees to think about, designing, researching and developing new products that better and more innovative). For the further research, this study can be continued by testing the model empirically through distributing the questionnaire to some participant of SMEs and processing data from the results of questionnaire distribution using the data processing software like SPSS, LISRELL, etc

    Conceptual Model to Enhance Creativity of the Batik Industry

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    Creative industry are defined as industry derived from the use utilization of creativity, skills and individual talents of individual to create wealth and generate employment by producing and exploiting individual creativity. Creative industry’s contribution to National GDP is equal to 7.8% at 2002-2008. Batik industry is one of the creative industry are included in the crafts sector. The purpose of this research is to develop a conceptual model to enhance creativity batik industry. This conceptual model was built based on four aspect, namely Press, Person, Process, and Product (4P). Press or creative organizational climate will stimulate the development of creative human resources (person) and creative process (process). The interaction between the creative process (process) with the creative human resources will produce a creative product(product). Creative products is the real object that can represent creativity


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    Abstrak Tantangan industri pada era global adalah menjaga aliran barang, aliran informasi, serta aliran keuangan dari supplier sampai pelanggan berjalan dengan lancar. Terdapat risiko yang mungkin timbul dari setiap aktivitas tersebut. PT. Masscom Graphy Semarang (Masscom) merupakan perusahaan percetakan yang memiliki 2 divisi, yaitu divisi cetak Koran dan divisi cetak Umum. Pada divisi cetak umum terdapat keterlambatan dalam pemenuhan bahan baku sehingga menyebabkan aktivitas di perusahaan terhambat. Diperlukan manajemen risiko rantai pasok agar ketiga aliran dapat berjalan lancar. Berdasarkan pendekatan model Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR), terdapat 44 aktivitas dalam proses bisnis divisi cetak umum. Secara berurutan pada proses plan, source, make, deliver, dan return terdapat 11, 9, 13, 4, dan 2 aktivitas. Identifikasi risiko dilakukan berdasarkan aktivitas pada model SCOR. Penilaian risiko menggunakan Metode Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA). Penilaian risiko menilai severity (S), occurrence (O), Detection(D) kemudian menghitung nilai Risk Priority Number (RPN). Nilai RPN tertinggi adalah 180 terdapat pada proses deliver dan terendah 8 yaitu pada proses make. Agen risiko yang menyebabkan sebagian besar kejadian risiko di Masscom adalah kesalahan manusia, revisi order dari pelanggan. Strategi mitigasi risiko yang diusulkan adalah pengelolaan Sumber Daya Manusia, meningkatkan hubungan dengan supplier, meningkatkan hubungan dengan pelanggan, dan pengelolaan asset perusahaan. Abstract In the era of globalization industrial challenges is to maintain the flow of goods, information flow, and financial flow from supplier to customers as well as. There is a risk that may arise from any activity. PT. Masscom Graphy Semarang (Masscom) is a printing company who have 2 divisions, namely Divisi Cetak Koran and Divisi Cetak Umum. In Divisi Cetak Umum there are delay in fulfillment raw materials that make company activity hampered . Supply Chain Risk Management is required in order to make these three flows are going well. Based on Supply Chain Operations Reference(SCOR) Model approach, there were 44 business activity process in Divisi Cetak Umum. Sequentially on a plan, source, make, deliver, and return there were 11, 9, 1, 4, and 2 activities. Risk identification is carried out based on activity at SCOR Model. Risk assessment using Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) method. Risk assessment assessing severity (S), occurrence(O), detection(D) and then calculating the Risk priority Number (RPN). The value of the highest RPN is 180 in process of deliver and the lowest in process of make. Risk agent that cause most of risk in Masscom is human error, revision of orders from customers. The proposed risk mitigation strategy is manage the human resources, improve relationships with suppliers, improve relationships with customers, and manage the asset of the company


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    Saat ini penerapan TQM di PT Telkom Divre IV Jateng dan DIY masih memiliki sedikit kendala, antara lain masih adanya karyawan yang belum memahami apa yang dimaksud dengan TQM dan karyawan yang merasakan TQM hanya sebagai beban tambahan bagi mereka. Kondisi ini sangat disayangkan karena sejumlah literatur menyatakan bahwa kesuksesan implementasi penerapan TQM membawa dampak yang baik bagi peningkatan kualitas dan peningkatan komitmen dari para karyawan yang pada akhirnya dapat memicu karyawan untuk meningkatkan kinerjanya. Disisi lain, salah satu faktor penting untuk keberhasilan penerapan TQM adalah kepemimpinan. Dengan demikan, berdasarkan kondisi saat ini yang dihadapi oleh PT Telkom Divre IV Jateng dan DIY dan literatur yang menyebutkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara kepemimpinan transformasional, pelaksanaan TQM, komitmen organisasi, dan kinerja karyawan, maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis: (i) dampak dari kepemimpinan transformasional terhadap TQM dan komitmen dari karyawan PT Telkom Divre IV Jateng dan DIY; (ii) dampak dari pelaksanaan TQM terhadap komitmen dari karyawan PT Telkom Divre IV Jateng dan DIY; serta (iii) dampak dari komitmen organisasi terhadap kinerja karyawan.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Structural Equation Modelling dengan PLS menggunakan software SmartPLS 2.0. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 82 orang yang merupakan karyawan dari PT Telkom Divre IV Jateng dan DIY. Penelitian ini berhasil membuktikan bahwa kepemimpinan transformasional akan mningkatkan penerapan TQM dan komitmen para karyawan, dan peningkatan komitmen karyawan akan berdampak pada tingginya kinerja yang dihasilkannya. Namun demikian, penelitian ini gagal untuk membuktikan bahwa penerapan TQM berpengaruh pada peningkatan komitmen karyawan. Abstract Currently, the application of TQM in PT Telkom Regional Division IV Central Java and Yogyakarta still has a few obstacles, such as the persistence of employees who do not understand what is meant by TQM and employees who feel TQM only as an additional burden for them. This condition needs to be improved because some literature states that successful implementation of TQM implementation had an impact on improving quality and increasing the commitment of the employees which can ultimately lead to improved performance of employees. On the other hand, one important factor for successful implementation of TQM is leadership. Based on current conditions faced by PT Telkom Regional Division IV Central Java and Yogyakarta and the literature that says that there is a relationship between transformational leadership, the implementation of TQM, organizational commitment, and employee performance, this research aims to identify and analyze: (i) the impact of leadership transformational towards TQM and commitment of the employees of PT Telkom Regional Division IV Central Java and Yogyakarta, (ii) the impact of the implementation of TQM to the commitment of the employees of PT Telkom Regional Division IV Central Java and Yogyakarta, and (iii) the impact of organizational commitment to employee performance. The method used in this research is Structural Equation Modeling with PLS using the software SmartPLS 2.0. The number of samples in this study were 82 people who are employees of PT Telkom Regional Division IV Central Java and Yogyakarta. The results showed that transformational leadership will enhance the implementation of TQM and commitment of our employees, and ultimately, improved employee commitment will have an impact on high performance. However, this study failed to prove that the application of TQM effect on increasing employee commitmen
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